Chapter 18: What are you doing here?

(Leon POV)

Everything’s going quite well ever since. Cry has to see me more often because his little brother, Kingly always makes him call me so he will be able to play football with me during the weekends.

Thanks to Kingly, I am getting closer to Cry. I am making it up to him slowly but surely.

Speaking of Cry, I haven’t seen him for 3 days. I don’t know why. At first, I thought maybe he was just absent because he has a fever or something, but now, it’s been three days. I’m starting to worry. Class has ended and I spotted Dana along the corridor.

“Hey Dana!” I greeted.

“Leon, not now!” She said in a distraught tone. I saw her retrieve some stuff from Cry’s locker which caused me to be more worried and curious of what happened.

She then hurried outside the school building while I decided to follow her sneakily. She made her way towards her car and put Cry’s belongings on the front seat. Suddenly, her phone started ringing.

“Hey, mom!” She said.