Chapter 24: It's not so bad taking a break.

(Leon POV)

Who doesn’t love weekends? Everybody loves weekends because we get to spend time with our family and friends but for me, I love it because I get to spend time with Cry.

I am currently waiting for Cry outside his house. I told him I would pick him up and take him somewhere today. After a while, he finally came out and made his way to the front seat of the car. As soon as he came in, he quickly greeted me with a kiss on the lips before fastening his seatbelt.

“Ready?” I asked.

“Yep.” He said.


I then drove off to our destination while Cry started humming while looking outside the car window. He hasn’t painted anything for quite a while now because I always keep asking him out.



“When was the last time you painted, angel?”

“Um…3 weeks ago, I guess.” He said.

“Oh…I hope I’m not the reason why you haven’t painted anything recently.” I said.