A Monster

The next day, Yun cursed early in the morning since Raine was still unreachable. So instead, he called Tyrone.

"How come her mobile phone was off?!" Yun hissed from another line.

"She's still in mourning. She just sent her two men away and we just came back to her private residence. You can always come here and see her in person instead," Tyrone informed.

Another curse came out of Yun's mouth before he annoyingly ended the call. He was having a breakfast meeting in one of the capital city's best hotels at country D with some of his business associates when he received a report that his men could no longer find an opportunity to accomplish the mission inside the hospital because of the air-tight security.

He excused himself, "Gentlemen, my assistant here will take over to discuss the rest of the meeting. I  have an emergency, unfortunately …"