The Internal Strife

At the secret facility of Marcus's undead army project…

"Well, that takes care of that."

Aspen dusted off his palms as he looked on at the devastation he and Danos wrought at the god-forsaken undead facility. Everything had been utterly destroyed, his unlikely partner having let himself loose and shredding any and everything that crossed his path. Glass and fluid littered the floor, with broken vats and pipes hissing all throughout the area as they walked towards the exit.

"That's it?" Danos scoffed, shaking a bit of fluid off his hand as he walked by Aspen's side. "I expected something more, to be honest."

"The intel we got didn't exactly put in any specifics," Aspen replied. "All we knew was that the abominations in this place had the ability to kill us if we weren't careful."

"Well, we were plenty careful," Danos laughed. "This so-called werewolf poison didn't even manage to stop us!"