My Daughters 

The next morning, both Mara and Raine woke up early even despite both of them being deprived of enough sleep due to spending the night talking about a lot of things. It was worth it, however, so they didn't really mind.

"Good morning, Sister," Mara greeted Raine with a smile. "How about you practice calling me Big Sis today?" Technically, she was indeed the first one to come out from their mother, so she had the right to ask her sister of such.

Instead of replying, Raine simply chuckled and stuck her tongue out at Mara before quickly getting out of bed. "Technically, both of us are still twenty-eight!" she retorted with a laugh. "If you want that to happen, you should change the details on your birth certificate. They predicted your age wrong. Gosh, twenty-five? Is that a joke?!"

Mara frowned as she mumbled, "I look younger than my age. Even Keira thought that I was younger than her." She sighed, "Even now, I look younger than you. I'm like your little sister."