b) The ox and the frog

🐸 Once there lived a knot of frogs

who lived with their parents in a bog

They loved spending their time in the fog

And spent their time sleeping like a log

🐸 Near their bog was a huge pond

Of the pond, the youngest was fond

He believed he shared a special bond

which was as special as a fairy with her wand

🐸 One day, he went to the pond alone

And was so ecstatic that he went over the moon

Suddenly an ox appeared and made him swoon

And with his feet he caused the frog a wound

🐸 The frog felt his death near

And this made him tremble with fear

Soon, the deer, bear

And all his siblings came near

🐸 Then, something occurred which was queer

The Gigantic ox came near

A grey Coat- he seemed to wear

With sharp horns - chased the frog's dears

🐸 Frightened, the sibling ran to their mother

To complain about their kidnapped brother

This made the mother to bother

And thus considered the matter hither

🐸 The mother was shocked about the size

And decided to be wise

She began to puff and rise

To resemble the ox's size

🐸 Her blood vessels were about to burst

And the effects could be the worst

Just then the ox ventured

With the baby frog, it entered

🐸 To the frog, it had been kind

Medical herbs - it had gone to find

To the nurse the frog - it didn't mind

As with compassion, it's heart was lined

🐸 The mother immediately realised her folly

Which might have caused melancholy

They both embraced and became friends

And resolved to be the same hears and years hence!!