f) The Crane And The Fox

🦊 After a long hunting,

A fox came running.

His beauty was extremely stunning,

But he was also cunning.

🦊 As he happily sat humming,

His meal, he was enjoying.

Suddenly, in his throat he felt a crushing,

And to the crane, he went rushing.

🦊 In his throat, a bone was struck,

it didn't come out even when he sucked.

He considered it his bad luck,

When he wasn't able to pluck.

🦊 To the crane, he pleaded

As her help, he needed.

In his attempt he succeeded,

When to his pleadings, she heeded.

🦊 The crane was kind hearted,

And thus by the fox, she was outsmarted.

Since he, as a friend was regarded,

Towards him, she trotted.

🦊 Bending down, she saw,

The bone and tried to draw.

Slowly, the crane and the bone came out,

But suddenly, there was a shout.

🦊 The Fox had thought of a greedy plan,

Which the crane had failed to understand.

Just when she was about to withdraw,

Down snapped the fox's jaw.

🦊 Alas, she had realised it too late,

That she wasn't going to survive at this rate.

Angered, that her compassion had been the bait,

She let the bone out of her beak.

🦊 Now, the fox's throat was blocked,

And he was utterly shocked.

Soon, his breath stopped

and dead, to the ground, both dropped.

🦊 The crane had been too kind

And this had made her blind.

The fox's greed had thrown him into the deepest depths,

And all this had made both embrace death.