
🤩 The most important thing in life is happiness,

Which always enhances our friendliness.

It helps us to reduce our weariness,

And boosts up our kindliness.

🤩 It helps us to alleviate our loneliness,

And also to ostracize our nervousness.

For the work which seem to stretch endless,

It creates awesome results which seem effortless.

🤩 It corrects those who are aimless,

Also those who feel completely worthless.

And also those who think their efforts are fruitless,

Are guided with love boundless.

🤩 It overcomes jealousy which is poisonous,

And makes our life sumptuous.

In values and behavior, it increases our richness,

Thus improving our thankfulness.

🤩 It's mere presence is a godliness

And makes the darkest thoughts powerless.

In our life, it brings brightness,

And is responsible for our cheerfulness.

🤩 It makes our confidence enormous,

And brings out our childishness.

It also prevents us from being ludicrous,

And makes our life fearless.

🤩 So, let us be happy everyday,

And let it be our anchor and fay.

Let us work hard and pave the way,

To achieve our happiness without delay ❤