
Everyday, by the window I sit,

In a room that's dark and gloomy even when the lamp is lit.

Slowly towards the cold glass window I turned,

As in despair and pain my heart burned.

Though there are people around me,

No one seemed to smile or care about me.

While everyone held hands and walked,

Lonely and alone, I felt locked.

Some days, not very long ago,

Comfort and warmth I did know.

But now, from my loved ones when I moved away,

In the cruel world, I lost my way.

To go back to my comfort nest, even now my heart yearns,

But I have to move on, keeping my heart stern.

Gone are the wonderful days that were sweet as honey,

All that is left now is my own company.

Nevertheless, I have to move on with a smile,

And have to hide that I am very fragile.

But, one day I know this period will end,

And away – my despair and loneliness will be sent!!