Chapter 22: Anger (3)

"Sophia! How dare you say I'm like that?! I've never been kissed by..."

Nishery suddenly halt her words as sudden realization struck her.

'I been kissed by him? How can I say that?!'

"You! How dare you slap me?! Are you looking for death?!"

Sophia, who was slapped, would definitely not let go of things easily, intending to slap Nishery too.

But before she slap her, Rozkarl already stopped her.

"Let me go! Why are you so biased?! Although you like her, but still It's not your business that you can butt in!"

"Why are you speaking nonsense?! Don't you hear what she said?! And the teacher was already walking to our room. So go back to your seat already."

"Hmmp... Nishery, you just wait! I'll make sure you regret this!"

"So scary!"

Then the three go back to their seat feeling angry, while Tyron was feeling regrets and remorse.

'it's too late! He already likes her! Look at his eyes! You can tell that he gets hurt by Nishery and he already likes her!

Ah! Why did I didn't make a move already! Why did I become complacent! Why did I believe in his oath! Now, he's gone from me!

But since I can get him, then he can't get Nishery! Nishery's feelings for him?! I can still erase it and replace it with me! Yeah, that's the most important thing I must focus on! I must make Nishery fall for me even more!

Maybe by this, Rozkarl might like me again! About Sophia, let her be! I don't like her from the beginning! Someone like her, no one will want to have! If not for giving her face, I'll never agree with her this coming Sunday!'

The class was over, and the two, Rozkarl and Tyron, who agreed to do shopping, go to the nearby mall.

Tyron thought that Rozkarl might cancel their not literally date, and he get disappointed, but he never expected that Rozkarl still remembers it.

"Rozkarl, do you like Nishery?"

Tyron asked trying to be sure and hoping that he didn't like her, or if he indeed really likes her now, he will still deny it.

The two were strolling in the mall while looking around.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. I promise to not give up on you, but I never expected that I will like Nishery. I don't know why, but I just notice this day that I like her."

Rozkarl, although like Tyron for so long, still can't help but ask, why did he dislike him? Why did he like Nishery whom he had only known for about a month or two?!

Why his feelings for her was stronger than Tyron's? And why did he never feel what he felt in Nishery to Tyron, like the urge of kissing or violating him?!

Tyron becomes overwhelmingly sad by what he heard. Just as he expected.

"But you promised me to never give up! Are you going to break it because of here?!"

"I'm sorry. I also never thought this will happen to me. I really like you, but... but these days, I... I less and less like you and all I want is to be with her? I don't know why I like her, because we're always fighting and hurting each other, but still, I already like her. And I can't lie to myself. I'm sorry, but I'm giving up on you. And that's the reason why I want to go shopping with you today."

"Okay. I also don't like you, but I will say to you, that I also like her!"

Tyron lied since he can't let loose his face in front of Rozkarl. Although he likes him, and now that he already like Nishery, then all he can do is to stop them from liking each other, to make him a little bit relieved.

"I know that. That's also the reason why I chose to give up because it's also tiring to chase someone who never looks at me. But don't worry, I'll not change how I treat you. And if you like Nishery, then like her, I'll not get angry at you, and I'll also don't make my move on her, since who she likes is you and she also treat me as a gay who never likes a girl or a gay slut."

"Then how about you?"

Tyron became hurt when he heard 'it's also tiring to chase someone who never looks at me. I'm stupid! It's really the reason why he suddenly likes her!

Why didn't I show him some hope or confess to him? Why am I such a coward and stupid?! And now, the one I like already left me alone!

"I'm okay. I'm sure that I'll be happy to see both of you end up being together."

"Hahaha, thanks."

Then the two stroll for several hours, talking non-stop, having fun with each other, and buying what they like.

"But I just want to ask, why are you like this towards her?! You also like me, but you've never been this considerate and gentle to me before?! Why?!"

Tyron asked as he can't help but feel annoyed by the kindness and love of Rozkarl for Nishery because it was completely different from him.

"I don't know?! Even if I kill myself just to know why I still don't know why?! But I'm sure that this is what I really feel."

"Then, I'll ask you a favor."

"What is it?"

"Don't make a move on her. And don't give her signs that you like her, and just get away from her."

"O...okay. I also don't intend to let her know what I feel."

Rozkarl said while being hurt, that he never felt before, even when his dad slap him, he never felt this kind of pain.

He bit his lips just to stop himself to cry and continue to talk with Tyron.

The two went back home, one being disappointed and feeling regret, while the other feel hurt and reluctant.

"Rozkarl, go to Mr. Dela Cruz's house and give it to him. Say that it was a thank you gift for the last time."

Rozkarl's dad said the moment he step inside their house.

"Dad, I'm tired. Can't you just let someone deliver it?"

"Why are you complaining?! Just do what I say! I never ask you where did you go or who are you with, and all I just want from you is to give it to Mr. Dela Cruz, so why are you so reluctant?!"

"I'm tired."

"I'll already let you do what you want from now on, yet you'll not do what I tell you?! Stop being lazy and give it to him!"


"One! Don't make me count to three or else I'll make you sleep on the ground!"

"Then I'll just sleep on the ground."


"Why are you being like this! I already not getting angry at you, for being a gay who likes Mr. Han's son and for being a bully, so why are you still like this?! Did you hate me that much?!"

"Then did you love me as your son?"

"Of course! Why would I do all of this if not for you and your mother?!"

"Then, why I can't feel it?! You only know is about being able to make money, so how can you say you love me?"


"I love you and your mother, yet you say I didn't?! Did you know why I'm being like this to you?! Did you know why I always do this to you?! I want you to live happily in the future! I want you to not feel the hardship that poor people experience! I want you to marry a woman so that you can have someone you will take care of and will take care of you! I want you to live your life free of mockery and insult! I just want to make your life better, because I and your mother can't be together with you all the time?! So why are you being ungrateful?!"

Rozkarl goes toward his room, can't help but cry to his heart, because he never thought his father would love him like this. He always thought his father hates him for being gay, but who would expect that he has reasons.

He also notice, because of the enlightenment by his father, that what he said was really the case.

When he got in an accident when he was chasing Tyron, the one who go to the hospital to see him was his father, with a worried look. When he accidentally fell into the water and almost drowned, the one who save him was his father.

When it was his birthday, the one who prepared for his day was his dad. When it was at graduation, the one who attended with him was his dad, while his mom was the one who take the picture.

When he gets into a fight, he will get a sermon and a slap, while his father tries to cure him.

Rozkarl becomes embarrassed to face his dad, and since he's also broken-hearted (which can't be considered as it is) with Nishery, the pain in his heart, just increase as he cries and cries until he falls asleep.

The next day, Nishery text Prince that she can't go since she's not going at all in the first place. She just says all those words because she's annoyed at Rozkarl.

Nishery was still feeling angry at Rozkarl, him agreeing to join the mixer, him saying that he doesn't like her even though she was the one who said it first, him being kind to Mickaella, and him being dumb.