
Prologue: The first Meeting

1881 New Orleans

The full moon shone brightly in my cold cellar. I breathe down to warm my hands when I heard footsteps. They were urgent and in a hurry, I knew it was them. I always knew from the moment I was born they wanted to get rid of me. Now, they have the reason to.

The door opened with a loud sound followed by heavy footsteps. I opened my eyes and looked up. "Get up!" His eyes were fierce and angry.

"I said GET UP! you lazy bastard!" followed by a kick onto my stomach. I groaned in pain.

I mustered all my strength to get up. I stood straight and looked at him. Richard. Richard is my cousin, he had the same red hair as his father. His green eyes were angry and impatient. His nostrils flared up as he slapped me across my face, his hands were big and strong that the moment I got slapped I heard an uncomfortable ringing sound.

"I told you to get up an hour ago and here I found you sleeping like a pig!" He used his knuckles to hit my head.

"So..sorry" I muttered. He took me by arm and dragged me outside the cellar. "Where are we going?" I asked him curiously. "Just shut up!"

As we walked outside the house I saw my uncle talking to a man I don't know. He was old and pale. His dark hair combed perfectly. He wore a long black coat with an emerald pin on his chest. A rose.

The man handed a bag full of golden coins to my uncle. "Pleasure doing business with you sir," My uncle said as the man nodded with agreement.

"I don't want to go" I pleaded Richard but he wasn't listening to me. He shoved me towards the man.

The man eyed me with interest, his eyes trailed down and up stopping to meet my eyes. His eyes were light green and empty.

"He looks very skinny and weak," he said.

"Well, he can be of use... He is a pretty boy after all" My uncle replied.

"Oh well, get him inside the carriage," The man said impatiently.

No no no! I thought. Is this man taking me to a brothel? I don't want to go. I knew that there were noblemen who liked young boys. Hot tears streamed down my face as my cousin, Richard ushered me to the carriage. I want to run away but I can't my body was weak from last week's whipping.

I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them. "Lucky you, you'll get to live in a mansion" Richard whispered as he laughs.

The man climbed up and sat opposite me. "Let's go" he ordered his footman.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling down I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and looked up. The man was looking at me with an expressionless face.

After a long moment, he said to me: "You are too pretty for a boy"

I couldn't answer him I was too focused on crying. "Stop crying, I will not hurt you" He said.

"Are .. are you taking me to a brothel?" I asked. The man's eyes widened and he laughed.

"Why on earth am I going to do that?" He said amusingly.

"My .. my uncle.. said...He wants to sell me there" I choked.

"Well, we're not going there... You will live with me and the mistress"

"Miss.. mistress?"

He smiled and nodded. "My name is Julius, I am the butler of House Monique"

"Mo... Monique?" He nodded.

Julius is a tall man in his forties, his hair is dark and neatly combed. He had a thick mustache and light green eyes. He had a deep French accent revealing that he is a Frenchman. New Orleans is indeed populated mostly by the French.

After three hours of traveling by the carriage, Julius woke me up.

"we're here!" He said as he shook me gently.

I looked out the carriage window and saw a big golden gate. It was so big that I thought it could reach the sky. The gardeners ran and opened the golden gate.

The carriage entered, passing by a line of cypress trees on each side. At the end of the marvelous cypress trees is a marble statue of Eros, where water flows on top of its head and into the marble pond. It was beautiful.

As soon as the carriage stopped, Julius opened the carriage door and climbed down. He turned to me and said " Come down, boy"

I followed him, I climbed down the carriage slowly and looked up to see the most magnificent palace I have ever seen. The mansion had marble steps leading to the main door, the pillars on both sides of the staircase had veins of yellow roses around them. On top of the staircase were two big marble lion status lay waiting. The main door opened and an elderly woman wearing emerald gown walked outside and welcomed Julius back.

"You're back!" Kissing Julius on both cheeks. She turns to me and smiles "So, he's the boy?"

"Yes, he is the boy" Julius lay his cold hand on my shoulder and said "Let's go inside"

Inside the palace is more magnificent. The walls are decorated in yellow and bronze with magnolia flowers drawn on it. The floor is styled in a Grecian manner and the chandelier hung brightly like diamonds.

I turned my head around in awe. I felt like I am inside a golden palace! Everything is in bathed in gold! My eyes followed the line of marvelous marble steps leading to the rooms upstairs.

But my eyes caught a white figure standing on top of the stairs. Our eyes met.

Her ice-cold amber eyes gazed upon me... enough to send shivers down my spine before I know it...I fell in love.