
Chapter 2: The boy with crystal blue eyes

1881 New Orleans


That morning I heard hooves of horses. Even though they are miles away I can hear them. I can even hear Evangeline's heartbeats, my Governess for 10 years.

I sat on my wooden chair patiently waiting for Julius to come to me but then I heard rapid heartbeats and heavy breaths. I stood up and opened the door, I walked slowly towards the staircase. I need to move slowly I reminded myself. I reached the staircase I stop when I saw a skinny little boy beside Julius, he has jet black hair and pale skin. He is amazed by the mansion because his head kept turning around to look at every decoration. He looked up and our eyes met.

He has crystal blue eyes. Those eyes. I know those eyes. Claudius. My heart skipped a beat.

I turned to look at Julius and as soon as our eyes met he nodded. so he's the one.

The boy looked at me with widened eyes, he quickly rubbed them with the back of his hand. I lifted my feet and jumped closer to him. I forgot in a split second that I needed to act more human. I was too hasty with my movements and I ended up in front of him. He jerked back, surprised.

"He's too skinny..." I think his family.. hmm his foster family didn't feed him right. I smiled at him "How old are you?" I asked him

"Twelve.." He looked down on his feet. He must be a shy boy, I didn't expect it from the descendant of the moon. I looked down and saw his bare feet bleeding. His foster family didn't even give him shoes. Poor boy.

"He needs a bath and medicine for his feet" I ordered Julius but my eyes are on him because this time, he is staring back at me with those blue eyes.

"Yes, my lady" Julius replied.

"Boy, what's your name?" I tilted my head to my right.

"They ..They..never gave me..one" He muttered. What do you expect? They fear you.

"Hmm" I tilted my head to my left side and straightened up when an idea struck me. I clasped my hands together and exclaimed " From now on, your name will be Claude" I smiled. I want to sound cheerful but I wasn't amused. He blinked his eyes rapidly and looked down.

The edges of his face lifted up as if he is smiling secretly to himself.

Then I turned my back from him, leaving him to Evangeline.


Julius found me standing by the window with my arms wrapped around my waist. He moved closer, I can hear every step he made.

"His eyes gave him away" I spoke slowly.

"Yes indeed, blue eyes are the insignia of Claudius"

"If he thinks his curse will kill me, he is much mistaken. I will hunt his descendants down!" I almost screamed.

"You will not die Clodette, not as long as I am here" Julius assured me. He placed his cold hands on my shoulder.

"The child of the moon will be born under the full moon he will bear my insignia and he will end your life" Claudius' words kept echoing inside my head.

I walked slowly away from Julius and sat down on a wooden chair beside the window. a hundred years had passed and yet, I can still remember that day. That awful day.

Julius moved in front of me and bend his knee down. He took my hand on his. He looked at me with those green eyes.

"Just tell me what to do... I will do anything for you like I always have for the past 30 years" He spoke gently.

I looked at him closely, his dark hair shone brightly, he had laugh lines around his mouth and wrinkles around his eyes. Age has claimed him, he was once a handsome man. He grew a thick mustache, streaks of grey hair can be seen on his head but he still has the stance and aura of a gentleman.

He was twenty-two when I first met him here in New Orleans.

"He is the only surviving descendant of Claudius" Julius spoke with gentleness "We can kill him and get it over with" he stood up and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I need him to become loyal to me... enough to give his life for me" I spoke harshly.

"He is no use for you, Clodette" Julius touched a lock of hair strands falling down my face.

"No, he will be. Once the council knows I have him. I can go back to Transylvania and meet my father again" I slapped his hand gently away from my face. "His blood is precious" I whispered.

The only surviving descendant of Claudius Aurelius, the moon-eyed warlock.