
Chapter 5: The Letter

1886 New Orleans



Clodette was a vampire, I didn't believe in this kind of thing nor did I know that these creatures existed. You could only read about them in books but the monster in my nightmare became real five years ago.

After that frightful day when I was twelve, Clodette and I became exceptionally close; As long as she didn't reveal those sharp fangs. Every day for the past five years I would always go to her room; listened to her play the harp and we would talk all day even trivial things from the food we ate to the employee's gossips.

I didn't ask her what she was, I already knew and I decided to forget what happened 5 years ago nor did I return to the room in the library. I chose to forget and live my life peacefully.

One warm afternoon, Clodette and I were playing chess when a letter was delivered to us. The white letter carried Anastasia Smith's seal, a big letter A was written on the wax seal.

Anastasia Smith came from an old rich French family in New Orleans, her family was one of the patrons in this city but not as old as the Monique. The Monique Family practically built New Orleans. Madam "Annie" as she was called by her friends, was a small and slender woman in her early twenties, she had black curls all neatly tied up in French style. Anastasia had a mole below the right corner of her lips which became her signature. She was not as pale as Clodette but she was considered as one of the beauties in New Orleans.

Clodette took the knife and cut the seal open to read the letter.

"Mademoiselle Clodette Monique, I am very delighted to invite you to a masked ball that will be held tomorrow evening in honor of my father's birthday, Monsieur Thomas Smith. I hope you could come.

Your friend,

Anastasia Smith. "

Clodette threw the letter on the table and looked at me with both of her hands on her waist.

"Well, do you want to go?" She smiled at me.

Clodette loved festivities, her eyes glimmered as she spoke.

I smiled at her and nodded. She twirled around and took out a few gowns from her bronzed cabinet. Pink, gold and red dresses were lined one by one on her bed as she continued to rummage in the cabinet. She took the red dress and turned at the mirror, I moved behind her to get a better look. I am now two inches taller than her; so Clodette looked up at me.

"What do you think?" she asked me.

"White satin dresses suit you better" I replied.

Clodette shook her head and looked at me. "You've always been fond of my white satin dresses" She gave a little laugh.

She turned to me, her eyes trailed down from my head to toe.

"You grew taller than me, it felt like yesterday you were like a tiny dog!" She sneered.

I scratched my head and took the white satin dress with a blue bodice.

"You'll look beautiful on this" I held it to her.

She snatched it quickly and turned at the mirror. I moved closer to her; A lock of golden hair fell behind her back so I gently tugged it back to her bun however as soon as my hand touched her cold marble skin she jerked away. My hand froze in the air.

"What?" I asked her, confused. Her cheeks were flushed I walked towards her and put my forehead on hers.

"Your face is red but you do not have a fever" I said plainly.

She pushed me gently away. "Leave me and tell Judith to come here".

I walked away scratching my head. 'Clodette and her mood swings' I thought.


The afternoon of 1886, Clodette

As soon as Claude left my room, I turned to the mirror. How could he touch a lady unconsciously like that? I felt a sudden tagging in my heart, my blood rushed to my cheeks making it bright red. I touched my right cheek and smiled.

'he's too innocent' I shook my head at the thought and walked towards my dresser.

The door opened and I didn't look up for I was busy searching for my emerald hairpin.

"Judith, do you know where my emerald hairpin... I can't seem to find it"

"I don't know but I guess Claude knows" his voice had a deep French accent, I looked up and saw Julius standing by the door. I straightened up and waited for him to speak.

"You are spending too much of your time with that boy, my lady" he eyed me, cynically.

"Perhaps" I answered him.

"You were supposed to send a word to the coven that you have him" He walked across the room and sat on the wooden chair by the window.

I turned away from him and picked a pearl necklace; I pulled it around my neck.

"He can be of use for me...besides if the coven knows he is here they might take him for their own" I struggled to pin the pearl necklace when a warm pair of hands touched mine. Julius took the pearl necklace and pinned the two hooks them together, as he did he brushed his thumb gently on my back.

I looked at his reflection on the mirror; He placed his wide hands on my shoulder as he spoke.

"That was the original plan. Give him to the coven and you can go back to Transylvania. Why do you still keep him next to you? It's been five years already!"

"He makes me smile every day, he's my entertainment" I raised my chin a little and turned to face him.

"He reminds me of …" I didn't finish my sentence because mentioning his name tugged a painful nerve in my heart.

"Claudius" Julius finished it for me. "Clodette...how can you love a man who put a curse upon you? Who never loved you. All this time... Do you still love him?"

I didn't answer him, I just looked down. He moved away from me and walked towards the door.

"I will do everything to put you back in the coven, you deserve to the next head. It is your birthright"

Before he stepped outside; I hurriedly asked him:

"How can you still follow me. You could have started your own family and lived your life... Why?" My voice was reduced to a whisper.

He turned to me and his lips curled up.

"That's because I love you"