
Chapter 7: The blue flames

1886 Full moon, Smith's Mansion, Claude:


I was running in the gardens when I heard the sound of broken glass. I followed the sound and saw Clodette laying on the ground, with a masked man hovering around her.

My brows twitched with anger as I yelled "Get away from her" at the man.

The masked man looked up and moved away. As soon as I reached them I threw him a strong punch.

My knuckles landed on his right cheek and he fell down on the ground. While he was groaning in pain two hooded men with black masks appeared. I swung my arm to my right but the hooded man grabbed it lightly. I looked up and I came face to face with his red eyes and...his fangs. Vampires!

He held my arm tightly as I winced in pain, he was too strong! The other hooded man appeared behind me and grabbed me by the shoulders. The masked man stood up "Rodolfo, we only need him, come on!" He shouted at the hooded man, who was holding onto me.

The hooded man named Rodolfo looked down on Clodette. He approached her, my eyes widened in frustration for I couldn't move an inch from the hooded man's grasp. They were too strong for me!

Clodette flashed her fangs at him and tried to stand up. She was weak, but she managed to stand up. She jumped towards him and swung her hands very fast, trying to grab him but he matched her speed with his, she managed to land a scratch on his face. He fell facedown.

Everything was happening very quickly. Clodette ran towards me and kicked the hooded on his legs as soon as he knelt down, Clodette grabbed his shoulder and bit his neck. He groaned in pain!

He threw me to the ground when Clodette let him go and he fell down, weakly. Clodette had to suck his blood. Clodette fell on her knees and reached for me.

I took her arm and placed it around my neck and lifted her up. I started running away, but then Rodolfo kicked me from behind I tumbled down, I shook my head and looked up and saw Clodette laying on the ground, I tried to stand up but the other hooded man came and grabbed me by my collar and threw me five feet off the ground. My back hit the big oak tree and I fell unconscious.



I heard Claude yelled from behind me, as he was approaching he threw his knuckles and hit Julius across his right cheek. Julius fell down groaning in pain, he was protecting me.

He swung his hand and hit the hooded man but he grabbed Claude's arm as if it were a leaf.

'He's strong, he's too strong for Claude. I need to do something, please...move... I am the master of this body... So move!' I shouted internally.

The other hooded man grabbed him from behind. Julius stood up and yelled at them to go.

'You're not taking Claude away! he's mine!'

I summoned all of my strength and I sprung towards the man named Rodolfo and scratched him on his right eye he tumbled down the ground, I quickly leaped towards the other hooded man behind Claude and kicked him by the leg and bit his neck furiously. I could taste this blood and I could see his memories!

Marcus. A name that pops out from this man's memory.

An electrifying pulse covered my body and I grew numb; I let him go and I sunk down on the ground. I felt Claude gently carried me as he ran, I closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, I tumbled down the ground.

I weakly opened my eyes and saw the two hooded men coming towards Claude, I needed to protect him I used the tree next to me for support.

"Stay away from him!" I shouted.

"Madam" Rodolfo spoke, "We were ordered to capture the moon-eyed man if you retaliate we will take action..." The two hooded men walked towards me slowly, their backs crouched ready to spring.

"My master sends us to grant his wish" The other hooded man spoke up.

"Who sent you... Who do you serve?"I wanted to confirm it. Did Marcus planned this with Julius?. I spoke faintly. I desperately looked for Julius. He was standing further behind us.

"Stop!" He came running towards us. " Marcus promised that Clodette will not be harmed in any way"

'Marcus...Marcus Monique, my brother. So he's the one Julius approached'

"You..." I pointed at Julius " traitor!" I shouted at him, I could see his reaction. His eyes said it all! hurt, anger, and sadness.

I turned quickly to Claude, he had his right knee bend on the ground as his hand rubbed the back of his head. I leaped towards him.

"Claude" I whispered. He caught me by his arms and immediately he moved me behind him its as if he was protecting me.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"I ...I.."I grabbed his shirt from behind, I needed to support my legs since they are feeling numb again.

'I'm fighting under the influence of vervain and it's taking a toll on my body

Now, I am no help for him. He ran towards the two men, I tried to hold him but he was too fast for my hands to catch.

"Claude...stop!" I yelled behind him



I heard Clodette yell from behind me but I couldn't stop myself I needed to protect her, they might be here to harm her. I didn't know what happened to her but she looked weak, I have never seen her like this before.

Rodolfo caught my arms as he punched me on my chest with his right hand. I flew from him and hit the bushes.

"Don't kill him" The masked man yelled.

"Ah ... Shit" I muttered, blood flowing down on the corner of my head and I thought the right side of my ribs were broken. My sight became blurry because of the blood. I desperately searched for Clodette when I saw the other hooded man grabbed her by the hair. He pulled her hair downwards so her throat was visible.

"My master sends his regards to his little sister" the man held out a knife to her throat.

"Stop!" The masked man cried out "Marcus promised Clodette will not be harmed" Clodette laughed without amusement.

"You are so naive Julius, Marcus never makes promises"

My eyes widened when I heard his name: 'Julius...our Julius?'

"You..you" I managed to stand up. All of them watching me, but my eyes were focused on Julius, my vision became blurry and my hands trembled with anger

"You betrayed us? How could ...how could you!" I yelled at him.

Blood rushed to my veins and a painful pulse reached my heart, my blood was boiling. My body felt hot like I was burning alive but the funny thing was...it didn't hurt. I moved my right hand and drew a symbol on the air.

I didn't know what came over me, my body just moved on its own like I was being possessed by a ghost. My body remembered what my mind couldn't.

As I drew the symbol, a trace of blue light made it visible to the eye. I muttered some words that I didn't know I knew. As soon as I finished speaking a blue light came out from underneath the hooded men's feet. And I spoke those terrifying words -"adolebitque ea"

Burn them.

The blue light shone brightly and revealed a star-crossed symbol with ancient writings around it. Blue flames came out from underneath them and the two vampires were immediately engulfed by the flames. There was no moment for reaction, the flames were fierce and fast! They screamed, trying to put out the fire. The vampire named Rodolfo was rolling on the ground as the other unnamed vampire moved back and forth trying to put out the flames with his bare hands but the blue flames couldn't be extinguished. It engulfed them until they were dust. Clodette sat there with her eyes wide open.

And I swear I was smiling.