Episode 5 The trial

Freshly cut grass and large sequoia trees surrounded its perimeter. Vines climbed the enormous marble pillars that held the stadium up. The large glass walls surrounded the base making the illusion of it floating as it reflected the blue sky. Stratus clouds touched the stone floors leading up to the entrance with the large words "Thessaly" lining the top of the open gate. Allen had realized at this moment that everything on Terra Prime was much grander than the humble planet of Lydia, possibly than most of the planets of the cosmos.

Allen noticed by the suits regulating his body temperature despite the altitude and the aura field surrounding the area which prevented strong wind. Large rune pillars stood alone surrounding the platform. They seemed like the source of the aura field as they glowed with various colors and hummed with magic.

He walked across the stone floor, clouds parting as he passed, towards the entrance marveling at its sheer size. The triple decker bus that fitted at least half of the attendants seemed like an ant in comparison. He wondered how people were able to watch the games properly.

To answer his question, the holowatches of the contestants activated with a screen popping up in front of the contestants, "Good morning, rookies," the person on the screen stated. "Welcome to Thessaly."

"My name is Shanon Krempt and I will be this year's hostess of the Rookiefest," the crowds around seemed to be ruffled by the announcement. Allen was a little confused about it and waited for an explanation. "Most of you may know me as the wife of the current High Chief, Karl Krempt."

Allen was taken aback that the wife of the figurehead of an entire empire was a hosting the event. He guessed this was not a normal thing in the event as he sees others causing a commotion.

"Today is not only the RookieFest but also the anniversary of the founding of the Kasipeian Cosmic Chiefdom. So, in light of the event, a lot of the founding leaders and figureheads are coming in attendance to celebrate and watch the growth of individuals, such as yourselves. We hope that you bring the promise of a future that we all hold dear for the sake of not just our humble home but towards the vastness of the cosmos."

Allen was then blinded by the light of the sun beaming through the gate entrance and the loud cheers of the crowd that came in attendance. When his eyes adjusted, he saw how huge the interior of Thessaly was like.

Smaller rune pillars surrounded the area putting up a safety barrier for the civilians. Three large holographic screens floated in the center of the stadium and various platforms were spread about, some being prepared for the upcoming event with Gnomes, Dwarves and Orelians walking about instructing the construction and maintenance. Behemoths taking large strides with their backs carrying various equipment and leviathans floating about the area helping with barrier maintenance.

"We will all be watching," she said ending her transmission.

The sun shone brightly from the north beaming down on the stadium at an angle which revealed how huge the inside as expected from the outside. It was still overwhelming to Allen. He seemed so small in comparison to everything around him.

"Wow," he said softly. As he did, he bumped into the person in front of him. "Sorr-"

"Ah, taking in your fill," the deep voice said. "Little one."

It was the half ork he met on the shuttle.

"Great," Allen sighed.

"It seemed circumstances had brought us together again."

"Fate can be a real bitch sometimes," Allen rubbed his nose.

In the front of the group, different escorts guided different groups to their perspective tents. Most of the trials were happening at the same time. Many of the other contestants arrived before they did so they had time to prep.

The escorts were droids that had symbols indicated which trial contestants will be taking where their faces should be. Allen followed his escort in tow with the Half Ork beside him. While he was following his escort, he noticed the plethora of races that came for the trials.

Elves were either adjusting their bows or reading their grimoires. Werebeasts wolfing some more meat they had brought themselves. Humans were stretching on the sidelines together. There were dwarves sharpening their blades, gnomes tinkering with their equipment, pixies flying about even stretching, and orcs doing some pre-work out. Some of them did not look to kindly at the tall figure next to Allen.

"Friends of yours," Allen asked.

"Brutes," the half ork replied. "Their breed doesn't deserve the Hokh'Thall's blessing."

"Hak Dall?"

"Hokh'Thall, who graced us with their presence, protected us from the blighted armies in our darkest hour."

Allen listened attentively. He was always curious about the worlds beyond his knowledge.

"Eight powerful limbs that turns the fabric of space to its whim, causing hurricanes and storms in its wake."

"Hurricanes in space," Allen said in disbelief.

"It's but myths and tales told by younglings, though it inspires us to touch closer to the physical divinity beyond our reach. Though..." the ork paused for a second as he looked towards the leviathans that were almost done setting up the barrier. "It might just be possible in some way."

Allen was surprised that despite his stature, the half ork was well mannered. He guessed that there really were two sides of a coin when it comes to meeting others.

"Not like you'd have the capacity of understanding considering your deities abandoned your kind."

Yeah, there were always two sides of a coin.

"What trial did you take," Allen changed the subject.

"G-Force dash."

Allen stopped in place. "What?"

"Did you not hear me, little one?"

"I heard you but..." It made sense why they had been walking in the same direction but he had to be put in the same bracket as him. It made him worry a little as to what kind of trial takes a half ork like him. He also did not seem like the type to be late so it was his choice, worrying Allen even more.

"I guess since we'll be taking the same trial, I should know your name then," Allen tried to be uplifting.

"You won't last long enough to earn that right." Allen failed but he at least tried to lighten the mood.

"It's only complimentary to give an opponent their name before battle," Allen played with the orkish spirit of war.

The half ork gave a smirk and announced, "Krazong Jameson., Son of Venus and Alzong Jameson."

"My name is Allen Etruem, nice to meet you."

Krazong gave a low grunt and continued walking. Allen was uncertain whether it worked or not.

They took their seats and waited for the rest of the attendants to join in.

A duo of dwarves, a few faerun, a lizardman, and a handful of humans were seated in the tent already. A fishmen came in with an aqua-respirator around their torso. Satyrs were the last to take their seats in the tent.

Most of them were fitted with the mythrillian suits. The dwarves made their own adjustments like bounce steps and grapples. Faerun didn't seem to like the suits and decided to wear their traditional cloth for comfortability. The humans had bought some attachments for their suits.

Allen wanted to know the reason behind their choices. He didn't know what to expect since John withheld the information about the trial. He didn't want to ask his seat buddy because it would add salt to wound considering he came late to the trial, so he sat there considering all options.

To his surprise, Krazong started the conversation to break the silence, "Among these humans, who do you think shows more promise?"

Allen peered around the room looking for a candidate that would suit the half ork's taste of 'promise'.

"None in here," Allen answered.

"Not even yourself," the half ork asked.

"I would not have the right to."

Krazong bellowed, "True."

"Didn't have to agree," Allen said under his breath.

"Then what about those on the outside." He pointed with his chiseled chin.

A large monitored appeared above the stadium with the face of the hostess, Shannon Krempt.

"Salutations fellow attendants and civilians of the Kasipeian Chiefdom." Her soothing voice echoed out, even away from the stadium. She was probably featured on every billboard of the city.

"Welcome to the Annual Initiate Acceptance Ceremony, widely known as...."

"ROOKIEFEST!!!" The crowds cheered loudly, shaking the stadium with their excitement.

The hostess giggled then continued, "As you know, this year is also the Anniversary of the Thousand Year founding of the Kasipeia so I would like to give a welcome to our special guests this morning."

Three figures appeared behind her.

"Papal Head and Esteemed leader of the Hand of the Almighty Order, the Pope."

An old man who seemed like the same age as the Granny Bridget revealed himself behind a seat. He waved his wrinkled hand from side to side slowly and shakily with a large and gentle smile.

"Head of Research and one of the founding fathers of Kasipeia, Gabriel O. Deus."

Like the billboards, Gabriel did not seem like he aged pass 30. He stood with poise and held his head high as he gently waved to the camera. He had a stern look but with a smile that showed his confidence.

"Figurehead of Kasipeia, hero of the era and High Chief, Karl Krempt."

The figure stood larger than the two beside him. His shoulders were broad and his face was scarred. He had a puffy head of hair and a majestic beard to match his chiseled face.

The crowd fell silent.

He peered over the crowds from his place, raising his eyebrow as he traced the stadium. In one swift motion, he raised his fist in the air. "Wecheii Chok!"

The crowd replied in loud cheers as the other two major figureheads raised their fists with him. The Pope laughing at the excitement of youth and Gabriel chuckling at the sheer nonsense this person brings to the table.

His laughter was heard over the glee of the people, like an uplifting gale echoing their excitement.

"Thank you for your strong choice of words," Shannon spoke, making the head of the Galactic Order sit in obedience still with a smile on his face. "We can now continue with the event. As we always do before anything, we shall take a stance in prayer towards the celestials that continue to watch over us."

The races took to their unique poses for prayer. Humans bowing, Oru kind, along with Krozang, holding out their hands, Elves gripping their cloth, and dwarves holding their pendants were some examples.

As tradition, a singer comes from the center to sing a song for all those in attendance and those who could not. This time around they brought a djinn.

She was born with the essence of the wind. Her skin was pale and her eyes of copper. An aura engulfed her surroundings as the mystical air flows around her, making her hover in the middle of the air.

Her voice resounded throughout the stadium in ancient tongue spoken by the celestials. It was uplifting and calm with a sense of enlightenment, reinvigorating the essence within everyone. Her partner, an android, added more to the symphony harmonizing. Circles of light lift up from the ground below and encircled them before they spread out to the crowd. A soft breeze followed the balls of light tickling the audience. It was a song of encouragement that gives everyone who hears motivation and strength. Though minor, it encouraged the people to push through the trials, a beautiful performance with a blessing.

Allen felt his inside warm up and some sort of feeling that enveloped him that he had never felt before. Something inside him welled with inspiration and made him feel refreshed, ready for what is ahead.

"Thank you for your performance, Adam and Eve," the hostess dismissed the two greeting the Djinn with a kiss on her cheek and giving the android a warm hug.

"On your holowatches, you can open the IGG app to watch the trials live. To all the initiates, I wish you the best of luck and the best of your skills. May the stars guide you through the Vastness of the Cosmos."

Her face changed from dignified to excitement, "MAY THE TRIALS BEGIN."

Allen lifted his wrist and flung his finger up on top of the device. The holographic screen had options that were convenient for the user, like a GPS, Compass, FishNet Cellular Services, news and even entertainment. Allen flicked his finger to the side until he found the IGG board and opened the app. Here he can watch individual events that are happening live.

The early trials had already begun. It was the simple kind of trials like pole vaults, axe throws and archery. Humans partake in team sports because a united front was the best strategy for them, like warflag or rally-relays. It was something they recognize.

"Humans tend to do the most basic stuff sometimes," Krazong said in annoyance.

"Yeah, but working together has been the bread and butter of humanity's victory throughout the ages." Allen knows humans cannot excel in anything in comparison to the other races.

"So predictable and boring," Krazong snarked.

Elves holds the most ancient of knowledge and experience. Dwarves had the smarts and gnomes had the creativity. The orks, orcs and orgs hold the high ground in pure strength. You either have to be a half-born or blessed to be able to stand your ground with these odds. Even goblins are physically stronger than an average human despite their sizes. All of them using their unique traits to benefit them.

"But," Allen spoke up again, "sometimes, there are individuals who can exceed expectations."

Monitors popped up in the middle of the stadium. With the hostess voice, the screen announced special highlights from specific trials. One of the highlights showed someone he had recognized.

"Like her," Allen said.

The girl with pink hair was laying down frontward, holding a long-range rifle without a scope.

"Ho interesting choice," Krazong was impressed.

This trial test the skills of accuracy and consistency. Targets pop up each in varying distances in a split-second interval. The one on the screen was nailing all her shots even with those that were 1000 meters away with amazing speed. The points above her was rising slower trying to catch up to her shots. Within the 10 second mark, she nailed over 100 targets. Her trigger finger didn't waver and her eyes were on the mark, focused. Her hair lifted from the force of the gun but she remained planted to the ground. Sparkles of pink floated around her body and moved with every shot.

Her named labeled the bottom of the screen, "Valorie 'the Cupid' Pike."

Krazong whistled, "As expected of an Arch."


"Have you been under a rock? Do you not know the most common knowledge among the cosmos?"

Allen exhaled his anger from his nose, "Then mind educating me?"

"Archs are individuals who are chosen by a celestial being." Krazong began as the highlights rolled through other contestants. "They become literal vessels that host the celestial being within their bodies."

"I didn't know we had it in us."



"There is a price for everything, especially for power." Krazong had a grim look in his face that made Allen's heart sink.

"Not just any price." Krazong looked at Allen with a solemn face. "The thing most precious of you shall be taken away as compensation."

Allen felt a deep guilt for the way he treated her at the ward.

"Do not take pity!" Allen shook in surprise from Krazong's voice. "Individuals who give everything they have should not be shown sadness but respect! It shows that they are putting in effort. Take pride in the way they present themselves despite the fact."

Allen felt humbled at the half ork's words. He did not expect people, especially humans, to actually reach that level of divinity. It won't make them omniscient but it would make them powerful enough to at least even the playing field.

By the end of their conversation, she had taken her place as top of her trial.

She looked disappointed despite the feat, clicking her tongue as she walked away. Her pink underside flowing behind her leaving a trail of pink sparkles. Allen noticed that she was missing something in her performance like she could have done better but he didn't know what. He doesn't really know her so he decided he should not judge any further.

The screen instantly switched to another person before he pondered more about it.

It was her bunk mate. She was stunning with her hair tied up in a ponytail. The wind blew strongly making the streaks of red and black dance together. Her eyes were like gems shining in the sunlight. The blackness of her clothes and suit highlighted the deep red.

"Hoooo," Krazong marveled.

"What's the matter?"

"We are in for a treat. I had not expected her to be attending this year."

"What do you mean? Do you know her?"

"Another ridiculous question."

"I haven't been up to date with anything outside my planet."

"Sheltered cub," he snarked. "Among every generation of Archs, there had always been one who is unquestionably the Ace. John Etruem being an example of the former." Krazong gave this look of expectation from Allen that made Allen feel unsettled.

"And she's this generation's Ace?"

"Intense speed, accuracy and combat prowess. She leaves a trace of red behind her wake. She earned a title even before she had entered the IGG ranks as the Blood Trail, Elaine Embers."



"You're late." The captain was seated on a high platform waiting for John's arrival.

"Sorry," John replied from behind her. "I had some business to attend with. Where's Ronx?"

"He's doing some maintenance, the busy body that he is."

"Well, I say you're late but you arrived just on time." She pointed with her nose, "Elaine's up."

Elaine looked over her akimbo handguns to do some last checks before getting into a starting position.

"And Al?"

"He's still seated down there."

John searched around the tents and finds him standing on the railing, watching in a stupor. "That's some face," John chuckled. "I hope he liked his surprise."

"That's messed up of you," the captain commented joining with a giggle. "Bringing up things he had left behind."

"It's necessary," John said. His expression becoming dour.

"So," the captain perked up in interest, "what makes you think he needs this?"

"To let him grow," he said in a gentle but passionate manner. "It's about to start."

Elaine had been the talk among the people ever since she had been taken under John's care. It was obvious that they would feature her at the beginning of her trail to get a full glimpse of what she had to offer. The whole Rookiefest was an exhibition for raw talent and Elaine showed the most promise among the human candidates.

The trial she took was the Trial of Fire, which was an obstacle run. The twist was that the contestants not only have to deal with maneuvering several hindrances under a timer but hit targets with their issued weapons of choice.

The lights lit up red and the contestants got into positions. Elaine remained still.

The color changed to orange with a loud beep. Contestants perked up and held their breaths, readying their equipment. Elaine still stayed in the same position.

With a loud bang from the audio, the light switched green and the contestants pushed the ground to lift but in one swift motion, Elaine got the head start. She already left the group a couple meters ahead leaving a trail of dust and red streaks behind her.

"All the targets are shared so it doesn't matter which you shoot," the captain spoke up.

Three targets appeared a few meters in front of the first vault. In one leap, Elaine went over the obstacle knocking one of the targets down and as she landed, having both hands free, she knocked the other two simultaneously.

"Oh!" The captain was impressed. "She's going for all of em?"

"Looks like she's in the zone today."

There was a thin bridge on the next run with targets surrounding it. This time the targets rotated the bridge with intense speed.

"This one looks difficult," the captain pointed out.

"She's got this." John had faith in her skills.

Instead of slowing down, Elaine sped up to increase her momentum. She leaped forward in a twirl. In quick succession, she knocked all the targets mid-twirl, flying over the bridge before landing in a roll. She immediately repositioned herself and continued her sprint.

"Impressive," the captain exclaimed. "What have you been teaching her?"

"Nothing other than the basics," John replied. "She learned everything else on her own."

"Still, she didn't have to knock out all the targets," she looked over at the other contestants who were slowing down. "Poor fellas."

"They matched up with the wrong opponent," John said with pride.

The next obstacle was an onslaught of vaults, swinging pendulums and unpredictable bounce pads. Targets scatter about moving in random patterns.

Elaine did not stop. She did not slow down. She kept pushing through hopping over the obstacles and effortlessly dodging the pendulums, using the bounce pads to move about the area, making herself move faster. With celestial accuracy, she knocked every target in the area using her surroundings to move about.

She used trick walls to propel herself towards targets and nimbly crossed over trap doors as if floating in the air. She twirled about doing so only stopping to make her shots as accurate as possible. She never missed a single shot or made a mistake. She made the trial into her field.

"Like a ribbon dancer," the captain said in awe. It was not like any kind of combat that she had seen before. It was almost like she was attuned to everything around her, flowing everything into Elaine's rhythm almost disregarding the laws of physics. "Her combat efficiency is on a whole other level."

"She always had a talent." John with a deep sigh then added, "She and Al have been in two separate lives since they parted, I hope this would help them in some way."

"I wonder," the captain said in amusement, "who is more enter- Imean interesting to watch; the one who has grown..." The captain watched as Elaine was almost about done with her trial. "Or the one who wants to grow." The captain looked over to Allen who was still watching.

"I am sure that together," John's voice could barely be head over the crowd's cheering. "They can do anything."


Allen had no words.

The one he had played with long ago, his childhood friend, took the trial by storm. His image of the innocent young girl was shattered as Elaine gracefully walked out of the trial. With a perfect score above her and the crowds cheering her title, she walked back towards her tent. Her expression still motionless as she breathed softly, like she just finished with a short run. Sweat dripped down her cheek.

She wiped her face and went ahead to her tent without taking a moment to celebrate her success.

For a moment though, their eyes met. It was the first time they had looked at each other since Allen had left. Her eyes remained emotionless staring into Allen's. In Allen's mind, he could feel the deep emotion though but he did not know what. Valorie broke their gaze as she hugged Elaine who did not seem to welcome it.

"That was the end of the first half of the trials," the hostess announced. "We will now be taking our lunch before the final half of the trials."

Nymphs and pixies came out from the ground and sky bringing in lunchboxes to the attendants on the benches. Golems were placed near tents to serve nutrients for the contestants. For convenience, Golems were also imbedded with holy stones to heal the injured alongside the Water Sect.members of the HoA (Hand of the Almighty).

"Was it entertaining?" A familiar voice broke Allen's trance.

"It looked like she was flying," Allen said without looking at his brother still fixated at Elaine's tent. When he gathered his thoughts, he finally looked to his brother who eating octopus meat balls. "Takoyaki," John offered to Allen.

Though reluctant, Allen was still getting hungry. The food on the ride here wasn't enough to fill him. He took a piece and popped it into his mouth. It was hot enough to let him puff out a little to cool down. Once it did, he took a bite and the savory taste melted into his mouth. The meat was chewy. Thinking about the leviathans outside though left a sour taste in the back of his mind.

"Elaine grew up," he finally said after taking another piece with hesitation. "And changed."

Allen remembered Elaine being gentle and quiet. She used to smile a lot more than she does now. He wasn't sure if she does smile at all now.

"Ever since you left, a lot has happened. She's been that way when I brought her in and barely spoke to me." A golem came up to bring some food for the two. John takes a couple plates. "Though she took training diligently enough to become this good. "

Allen still blamed himself for leaving in the first place. It was good that she grew up but at what cost.

John then gave Allen a couple plates. "You'll need this for the upcoming trial. I think you're one of the last ones."

"So, I have a lot more watching to do," Allen opens the plates up. There was an assortment of meat from boar to salmon. Some sides were sweet potatoes, rice and fruits. He chowed down on his food.

John was happy that Allen was eating at least. "I noticed you made a friend," John gestured to the half ork who was scarfing some mammoth meat with no sides. He brought his own drink with him that had a strong smell.

"Not really a friend," Allen smirked.

"Should I bring him some," John looked at his plates solemnly.

"I think he's fine."

"Hey," John suddenly called the half ork, "wanna join us?"

Krazong looks over at the two and turned away continuing his meal.

"Told you."

"It's always good to welcome others."

Allen agreed with John even though it annoyed him. John always welcomed all sorts of people in his travels that Allen read over the media. He didn't want to tell John but he was always watching John's success as the hero of eons. In John's journeys, he was always the highlight of the news outlets especially the Lighting event on Alpha Minos. He had saved trillions of lives and welcomed millions.

"You've both done so much," Allen sighed.

"Hmm?" John didn't hear as he was stuffing his face with wasabi-mayo salmon with furikake flakes.

"Never mind," Allen said. "I guess my trial will be soon enough."

John took a big gulp of his food before talking. "Yeah, you'll beeee," John looked over his holowatch flipping across the schedules, "one of the last events."

"Save the best for last," Allen said sarcastically.

"Yep," John agreed. They both continued to eat their food and talked further into details about training ethics and the like as the crew around them started setting up for the next trials.

The platform in front of Allen's tent was 100 meters long. It looked like it was going to be a short event but the platform began to elevate. Drones hung a couple feet above the construct each 10 meters out. The starting and ending points were lifted higher. The beginning platform had a slope going down the midsection going steeper the further out it went. The last point then broke off and lifted higher than the first with a net connecting the end of the midsection to its beginning.

Allen wondered what kind of 100-meter dash was about to take place in his trial. He dreaded to see what's to come.

Edited and reviewed by

Aces Association and Friends