Episode 8: Filled my life

"These will be your leaders one day who will guide your fellow comrades into the field one day. Please treat the rookies well seniors," this got a chuckle out of the room, most of it was nervous. His hooves heavily echoed in the halls as he walked about the wooden stage, in a beat that followed the tunes.

The satyr wore a grey dress vest, complimenting his whitish yellow fur. His horns were decorated with all sorts of ornaments that hung from one horn to the other. His hooves were even glossed with a shine, with metallic shoes thumping with a low drumline pitch.

"With all of that aside, I am Sunshine and welcome to the Grand Halls, where all the important meets and gatherings happen. In this very room, the first conglomerate of the Kasipeian Chiefdom was formed and the gatherings after that formed the beautiful cosmic groups we see today. The InterGalactic Guild was forged here as well in the hopes that you, adventurers of the infinite, will go out and make your name known as the worlds beyond become known to you as well."

In tune, a quartet lead by Adam and Eve, popular artists of this age, came onto the stage. They sang a soft and pensive tone which carried the wind of promise vibrating through the walls.

"Set your hearts ablaze my friends, your eyes ready to search for wonders, and souls braced for the possibilities!"

Their eyes lit up in excitement.

Tables were then laid out by the walls around the perimeter of the room. Various foods and drinks were brought out by wind nymphs, gremlins and dob-elves, short in stature as they used the winds of the room to lift the platters about.

The luminous lights brightened as the fairies that hung on the chandelier floated about to join the tunes of the duo.


The party was in full swing. Although they did not introduce the guild leaders who remained on the ascended floor, they remained back to watch over the newly recruited. The others paid them no mind as they stuffed their faces and chatted about.

Allen was still curious about the individuals who stood there watching the mass as they gathered with peerless eyes, judging the people that gathered there.

With the limited lighting from the Luminous lights, he could not get a clear view of their faces. Only the lit parts of their bodies were visible, like a wooden arm that seem to be alive, a cloak that was made of some strange semitransparent fiber and some attachments he had never seen before. They must have been custom made for their needs.

It wasn't until he met eyes with one of them. Their eyes shone brightly with a golden hue, with a sharpened pupil that could split the night in two. In their gaze lies a hardened soul which experienced thousands maybe millions of battles that are unbeknownst to the people around them. They peered deeply into Allen's, searching within his very soul, parts that he would like to keep hidden.

"Staring is not a good habit to pick up," the monotone of Elaine's voice broke Allen out of the deadlock, allowing him to breath.

"Sorry," he said in return. "I was just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat 'I heard'," she gave a sense of concern for Allen that he had not picked up on. She knows of Allen's nature to go searching for things he had yet to experience and go at any length to find what he wants.

"Well then, I must have used up my 9 lives already," he said jokingly. It did not faze her though. She remained calm and composed still with no emotions to show. He chuckled slowly to a stop, clearing his throat after.

In silence, they watched as the group of newly recruited adventurers enjoy their night.

They silently muttered to one another gathering foods in their plates and taking their designated seats. Most of them bundled with the same races or close companions they had made on their way here or before.

This felt awkward for Allen. He had known parties for an occasion to mingle and enjoy the food. Though it was understandable why they were so tense. There were the guild leaders looming over them from above and of course they would want to leave a good and well-behaved impression on them if they want them to be accepted as a part of their guild.

Being in an already established guild would help financially and productivity. The money and the equipment they offer were also exclusive so it was hard to come by some good cosmic suits if you want to travel, let alone a ship to travel on.

The loudest Allen could hear was the clattering of plates as people set themselves on the table. He did not like it.

Although it was wise to stay behaved, the atmosphere seemed too suffocating.

At the corner of his eye, he saw a bit of sparks glittering at the shadows of the room. He turned to see who was setting fire to the room as the party starts, finding a good friend working on his device.

"CILI!" He exclaimed, breaking the silence around him. Noticing the glares, he quietly apologized as he made his way towards Cillian. He had not expected him to be here considering the show he put up.

"Allen!" Cillian stopped what he was doing and rushed over to greet his newly acquainted friend.

"You curious fool," Allen grasped his forearm and pulled in for a quick hug, "how are you here?"

"Surprised?" Cillian chuckled. "It seemed the eyes of these old fools weren't so blind to my ingenuity! I wasn't invited to any guild yet but I was offered a position at Genisis Corp."

"That's amazing!"

"Right!? And they let me attend the party, though I'd rather work on me wee bits."

"I can see that," Allen looked towards the still functioning gauntlet. "Added new adjustments to that hand of yours?"

"Aye," he lifted the gauntlet up, "Me work ain't done yet friend, and like I promised you, I am also working on a lil something on the side." Cillian then ruffled through his duffle bag that he had brought with him, pulling out a large chest piece. He polished it with a bit of spit and wiped it down thoroughly before passing it on to Allen.

"What is this?" Allen turned the thing over to see latch attachments on each corner.

"A chest piece my friend, for armor."

"Wh-How did you have the time to make this?"

"Time is not important. Place it on yer chest and see if it suits you," he chuckled. "Get it? SUIT you!"

Allen joined with a chuckle as he placed the piece on his chest. It was a perfect fit, snuggly rugging against his suit. He also felt a little pull from his Mythrillian suit towards the piece, surprising him as he pulled it away quickly.

"Amazing right? I took inspiration from your trial. I made it-"

"Magnetizable to the Mythrillian fabric, how?"

"Well, I made it so that the magnets react to a certain material and with a wee bit of tinkering, I was able to synthesize the chemical properties to match the suit."

"You glorious fool you." Allen was happy for a second but realized that the offer was a bit heavy to accept. "I cannot take this from you. This must be the only one of its kind right now."

"Aaaah but that's only for a moment," Cillian pointed his finger towards the window. "But later it will be accessible to all of the unarmed fools out there and save many lives. You being the first."

Allen pulled Cillian in for a hug, "Thank you."

Allen did not expect to make such a good friend as Cillian. Speaking of, Cillian noticed the stunning lass that was standing behind Allen the whole time.

"And who may this rose in a thorns bush be?"

"This is my childhood friend," Allen pulled away and gestured towards Elaine. "Elaine, this is Cillian, a friend of mine that I just met."

"Much obliged to meet someone as lovely as you," Cillian bowed.

"Thank you," Elaine returned the gesture with a slighter bow, still keeping a straight expression. Her monotoned voice matching her posture.

"How did the two of you end up meeting?" Cillian pondered.

"It's a long story," Elaine replied.

"How long have you two known each other?"

"A long story," Elaine replied again.

"I see," he leaned over to Allen to whisper, "Is your childhood friend a robot?" Cillian's comment earned a straight to the arm.

"Speaking of, I don't know a lot about you other than you fiddling your wee bits."

"Phrasing!" Cillian cleared his throat. "Where do I start?"

"How bout where you hail?"

"Aah, I came from Flamhelm."

"Ooh," Allen exclaimed in surprise, "I've heard about Flamhelm. The people are good with their hands as they are good with their booze."


"Haven't they been working on the liquor industry?"

"Yeah, the regular Flambers do, but my family's line of work is a little.... eccentric I would say."

"How so?"

"I was born in a smithy's forge being one of the traditions."


"I know, a great place for starting a family, right?" Cillian chuckled to himself, "I was raised as such, to forge since I was a wee little lad. It was my passion ever since."

"That's actually pretty amazing," Allen praised.

"It ain't anything special really. Compared to me brothers and sisters, they achieved way more working the foundry and establishing their own places among the guild. One of em is even a part of the Svaltfarran Guild."

"The Svaltfarran?"

"The dwarf guild, I believe he," Cillian pointed at the individual who was seated with a large tub of ale by his side. "is the guild master of that place."

"That's impressive."

"Aye she is, for landing a job among the lords of tinkers themselves." Cillian had a somber tone in his voice that felt relatable to Allen.

"Have you seen the half-ork?" Allen attempted to change the subject.

"Krazong? I actually saw him on my way here but he said that this was not something he seemed 'fit' to attend to."

"Makes sense. You got to speak with him?"

"He doesn't seem like a bad dude, under all that bravado."

"True," Allen chuckled.

"I did hear that Orks do make for some good drinking company."

"Oh, speaking of," Allen swerved. "I heard that Flamber's were known for their shanties at the pub."

"That's but a drinking habit of theirs."

"Do you know of em?"

"By heart I would say, but I never had a lick of ale in me yet."

"Then," Allen called over a fairy to ask for some refreshments. "How bout now?"

"I'm glad you speak my language!"

It didn't take long for Cillian to finish a couple pints of the Pollinacean Honey Mead, which had a sweet taste but a large kick after a few cups.

"Wh*hic*at my dear friend would you like to *hic*ear?"

"How about one for the road ahead?" The drinks got Allen into the mood a little quicker than he thought. The sweetness of the mead really hid the alcohol well.

"Then, let me sing ya a tune about the *hic* lone wanderer."

Through the noise of the silent muttering and clattering plates, you could hear a drunken Flamber's shanty.

"I have roamed throughout the cosmos

I have been to the stars that loomed me

I have gone through where no man goes

But there's only one place for me

To match the tone, Cillian thumped his foot on the wooden boards which rumbled throughout the halls.

Many types of places 'for me

Many types of races to meet

Many types of sights I have seen

But there's only one place for me

In tandem, the fairies above began to swing their tunes his way and the surrounding people began to follow the beat, filling the halls. Cillian stood from where he sat and walked around the room pulling others to him as he drank more of the ale, sharing a couple with the others.

I drank, I sung, I filled my life

With memories to sing of

I've seen it all, I've done it all

But now there's only one for me"

The performer, Eve, joined in the singing, well versed in all the songs of the cosmos. This new but familiar tune resonated within the new and old among them, giving them a sense of longing for places to see and the people to return to. That one place for them to be.

"A lassi's waiting for me

A baby I've been dying to see

The familiar road that's to thee

Now that's the only place for me!"


Everyone joined in the song as they repeat the verses one by one as if they memorized it by the heart. The fairies above swung their strings about as the lights flickered in the halls filling it with the joys and laughter among the people.

The party was now satisfyingly glee for Allen to see. This was what celebrating was all about as the other races began to chat with one another, sharing their drinks and filling their bellies. He was glad he had made a friend like Cillian who brought life with his passions. He had a charisma that pulled people's attention his way.

Among the joy of the crowd, he caught a glimpse of a streak of red, entering the stairway that led up to the porch. Allen hesitated at first but as he was already pleased with the atmosphere here, he had some things to tend to. So, he followed in tow.


Elaine entered the porch that overlooked the city. The stone floor was lined asymmetrically but it was perfectly aligned with the silver edges and cement railing. Much like the front, the porches' walls had the same design where the history of humanity was carved into it. From the first apocalypse to the later days, founding of Kasipeia, The fourth Crusade, the forming of the Church of the Almighty. They were all engraved into the walls like a lesson to be told about Humanity's growth in the vast universe.

The vines of the vegetation below were climbing up on the walls as well as wrapping itself on the railings. Flora grew off from the vines and the wisps wandered about whispering words of encouragement as they had done below.

She gazed into the infinite stars that loomed above her as the song was now in full swing behind her. She wondered what her place was in the cosmos that surrounded Allen. She knew how important he is but not fully.

Allen always had this power to push people to become more than who they think they are but he hid in the shadows doing so. He never liked standing out too much. Even now, he overshadows himself over the people around him. She finds it admirable but unfulfilling somehow.

"Why does the rose remain alone in the moonlight," she heard Allen spoke behind him. It's funny ow he remembered those words when he's under the influence. She was sure that he didn't realize it himself.

"To bask in what is reflected off the sun," she replied.

Allen leaned on the cold railings, wincing as he gripped his stomach. This made Elaine want to reach out to him and tend to it, but she didn't. She held herself back from the impulse and continued watching as the night sky twinkled brightly above them.

"There's so much I want to ask," he said to break the silence.

"Nothing is stopping you," she replied with a straight tone.

"Like," Allen got into a more comfortable position leaning his back on the rail instead, "who trained you?"

"Some old lady," she replied in the same tone. Allen thought she would stop there, but she continued. "She was well skilled in her ways, swift and unwavering to all distractions. Almost untouchable."

"She must be one amazing person."

"She is.... and so many others were..." Recalling her time in Kor'Dur, she had experienced so many things under the tutelage of the Sisters. John had left her there to train for the moment she could become something more than who she was, but nothing changed. She felt like nothing will change. The Mist still clouds her mind.

Though her skin stayed fair, Allen could tell in her eyes that she had been scarred by the experience so he didn't press the matter any further. Instead, he decided to lighten the mood.

"One time, Ol' Man Ossy, the dude who was taking care of me the whole time I was uhm," he cleared his throat to avoid saying he left them. "He took me to the cliffside on the Blue Mountains. It was such a beautiful sight to see, where the horizon blended the sun and the ocean together." He extended his hands towards the both of them, painting a picture as he spoke.

"As I gazed into the setting sun, he then tells me, 'Jump.' Can you believe that?"

The heat of his voice and the warmth of the ale in his stomach expressed itself in the air as condensation settled with the cold. His voice was almost loud enough to be heard by the streets below.

"Anyways, he went ahead and jumped before me, I thought he had died for sure but lo and behold there was a pond at the center of the mountain range, seemingly warm. 'A HOT SPRING,' I thought-"

As Allen explained the story in full, with his hands waving about while he struggled to remain upright. Though, seeing him like this, speaking about his passions and experiences was her favorite thing to see. Her favorite thing about him was that his eyes sparkled with so much life, like a star could be born at any moment in the middle of his tale.

Just being with Allen puts her in a sense of ease that melts all her worries and burdens melt away, like basking in the light of the afternoon sun with the breeze brushing her face softly. In this moment, in this time and space of reality, she was genuinely glad she was able to meet Allen once again.

"Man, that ironhawk was huge too! You shoulda see-"

"Attention all attendees," the host's voice spoke loudly, "please gather at the center of the auditorium to follow up with the next and final event of tonight's festivities."

"Shall we go in and see what's it about?" Allen gestured to the entrance of the stairway.

Elaine nodded and went on ahead of him.


As they enter main hall, the atmosphere returned to being tense. Most of them had already got a little too into the mood. He could see that some were stripped of clothing and plates were all over the floor. The hall was in a mess.

In the front of the hall, 20 figures stood tall as they looked down upon the once rowdy crowd.

Elaine and Allen silently slid into the crowd covertly without getting any attention. Allen bumped into Cillian who was shirtless with a bra on top of his head.

"You got a little something," Allen pointed out.

"Thanks," Cillian replied as he took the bra off and putting it into his back pocket. "Memento." He winked at Allen.

The host then cleared his throat to grab everybody's attention, "I am glad that you have indulged in yourselves tonight." They all chuckled in agreement. "However, we do have an important event to take care of before you go on your merry way."

The 20 figures then stepped up, one of them a frail looking old woman, dawned in blue and white spoke up. "We are 21 of the IGG's Masters. We command our own guild sects across the vastness of the cosmos."

Another, one who was a Minkarian, his body was covered in a golden orange fur as if he was an immortal deity. "We are here to assess the individuals who participated in the trials and in the evens tonight."

The next was a Robotic Insectoid, who, considering the shape of his head and limbs, looked like a cricket. His voice reverbed mechanically as his mouthpiece lit up when he spoke, "You are going to be choosing which guild you will be joining and with the many options we give to you, we hope you choose wisely."

Now it was revealed as to why they came to the End of the Night Festivities for the newly recruited. It was to show what guilds are available and where their place in the universe will be. Considering the mood, it did not seem promising for the new recruits of this generation.

Edited and reviewed by

3 Aces Association