Episode 10: Obstacles to bond

John sat with his mother. It would take a while until they come back and he trusts that Elaine would be able to bring Allen back to them. He just had to keep his mother calm until then so he gently strokes his mother's hand. The other hand was burying her face.

"Don't worry," he said softly. "They'll be back soon."

"It's when they come back that I worry," she replied in a deep sigh. "I don't know how to face him after all I've done."

"You weren't yourself back then," he tried to comfort her.

"No, but I knew who I was to him...." She took a deep breath before a single tear fell through her hand. "I wasn't a mother."

"Don't say that," John didn't want to hear those words again. "You are the only mother we need."

This lets her smile for a bit until the sounds of footsteps approached the entrance. She looked up to see Elaine walk through the curtains with Allen in tow.

At first, they just came into eye contact but Allen quickly averted his own from his mother's. She didn't know what to say or what to do. She looked to John for support. He nodded to her with confidence. With this, she took a deep breath and began to speak, "How bout we have dinner first before anything?"

She walked towards the hallway that led into the diner. "This way please." She felt like a hostess more than a mother but she was at least doing something.

"C'mon," John spoke up, "No need to sit and have our stomach's growling."

John walked into the hallway allowing the other two to follow him. Allen still didn't make eye contact with anyone. He continued to go through the doorway with his eyes straight to the ground.

Zilla sighed softly as he passed and entered as well.

It wasn't a long hallway but the time to get to the dining room felt like forever for the group. The wooden architecture was inspired by western and eastern aesthetics. Wooden sliding doors with ordained frames, curtains with complex patterns, and images of guests who visited decorated the area with a unique but comforting feel. The aroma was even its own as the scent of both nature and civilization blended with one another. It was catered for weary travelers that reaches these parts but it mostly felt like a home.

Zilla never thought she'd get her family back together again, Elaine included. It filled her with joy but at the same time, sorrow.

When her husband disappeared, she was a single mother trying to care for three kids. She didn't know what to do without him and even when she tried, she had difficulties trying to keep up with their needs. Eventually, John left to become the hero of eons. Again, she felt alone.

"Mom," John's voice broke her train of thought. "Is this it?" He pointed to a sliding door at the end of the hallway.

"Yes," she replied softly, "Just enter through there, I have supper ready."

A familiar smell struck their noses. The smell of roasted meat filled the air around the door alongside the scent of the ocean that wafted by the citrus, escalating their senses.

Their stomachs began to grumble loudly.

This made Zilla giggle. She was glad that she still had the ability to touch their stomachs. She opened the door to reveal a large assortment of food from the land, air and sea. Fried fish fillet, roasted pork, beef sashimi, and an extensive variety that made their stomachs yearn.

"It's not much and I wasn't sure if you still liked-"

"This is amazing, mom!" John was already taking his seat on the table. "I was starving."

Zilla couldn't help but smile at John's compulsive nature. It's what makes him so outgoing as a child to do things that no one would dare to try.

"How 'bout you two get seated as well," she gestured to the table at Allen and Elaine. "I'll get the refreshments.

Zilla exits the room through another doorway into the kitchen.

Allen and Elaine took their place at the large table next to each other, across from John, who was already filling his plate.

"It's been a while since I had food like this," John began as he takes another plate to add more. "Last time I ate a cooked meal was on Ztengar. There were loads of vegetation and wildlife there so all I had to do was hunt but I don't know how to cook. I just stuck all the meat and vegies on a stick and cooked it over the fire. Maaaan, I had a stomach ache for days after I realized it wasn't cooked all the way through." John was about to wolf on his food until Zilla slapped his hand and gestured to the fork.

"I told you to read that survivor's manual before venturing off," she scolded him.

"It was so extensive and I was so busy," he tried defending himself.

"There are no excuses to trying to take better care of your wellbeing." Zilla placed the drinks by the three of them and took a place beside John.

Allen and Elaine were about to pick out their food but heard another slap. John rubbed his hand and protested, "What now?"

"Must say grace before dinner."

Allen and Elaine understood this courtesy they had each dinner and placed the forks down. They folded their hands together and closed their eyes. John joined in as Zilla grabbed his and began.

It was a basic prayer of appreciation and guidance from the celestials above. It wasn't much in the vast cosmos to ask for anything but it was good to feel like there was someone there listening to mortals, whose lives are filled with strife and pain.

The room was wide enough to fill a horde of orgs into one space. There were only two walls that separated the dining room from the hallway and kitchen. The adjacent side was open, revealing the wilderness to the east of the inn. The open air filled the room with a chill that didn't bother them with their mythrillian suits and a heater at the corner that accompanied the breeze to feel like it was a summer air under the shade.

There wasn't much for them to talk about as they quietly partake in the dinner before them. John was enjoying his food but he couldn't bear the silence any longer.

"Remember when we went into the wilderness that winter morning?" He began.

Allen kept his head focused on the food.

"We were hunting for limestone boar until we came across a mushcub. Despite its name, it was so huge!"

"I remember you three coming home with a bit of bruises that time, dragging this enormous bear behind you. Do you know how many seconds my heart stopped then?" Zilla chimed in.

"Didn't matter cause you'd go straight to tending our wounds after."

"You were a reckless bunch."

"Enough," Allen spoke up. "Please..."

"What's bothering you Allen," John asked.

"This," he pointed out the group. "This is all pointless!"

"What do you mea-" Zilla wanted to console her son but he refused.

"You think I can forget what happened back then?"

Zilla held her tongue unable to speak up.

"Yes, we went on adventures when we were little but those were escapes from the reality that you, our mother, gave up trying to be a mother."

"I did try..."

"Not enough apparently!"

"We were struggling, catching up with bills and taxes but you told us, 'It was going to be alright.' We were moving from house to house, going from different ends of that godforsaken planet but you told us, 'It was going to be alright!' Dad left and...."

Allen knew he didn't want to go there, but he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"When dad and John left us, you never told us, 'It was going to be alright.' What did you do?"

Zilla didn't have the strength to muster any courage to speak.

"What did you do?" Allen persisted.

"Nothing..." She softly replied.

"You did nothing.... You sat in your chair wallowing in your sorrow, pushing your family away in the process."

"Al," John gently spoke to him. "That's in the pa-"

"John.... No more.... I don't know what you've been trying to pull this entire time, but no more. I cannot go through this any longer."

"Al, please..."

"NO!" Allen shouted back as he stood from his seat. "I... AM NOT..... you."

Elaine grabbed Allen's hand in hopes of calming him but it made him feel worse. Allen wanted to find an escape from the life he lived and at the cost of leaving Elaine behind to tend to his own mother.

Allen walked towards the exit and stood there for a second. "You know what hurt me the most...."

Zilla looked up to her son again about to leave her behind.

"It was that you never asked for any help when you needed it the most."

Zilla wanted to stop him but she knew he wouldn't listen, at least not at the moment. She just watched him as he slowly closed the door behind him.

"Should I go after him this time?" John suggested.

"No," Elaine spoke in. "He won't go far this time."

Zilla was distressed. She blamed herself for not supporting the family enough. She felt that she wasn't strong enough to do anything for them. That she needed the comfort of her son and a lost child to aid her. "I am not a mother."

"Don't say that," John placed his hand on hers once more for comfort. "You are and will always be our mother but you have to remember that you are just as human as the rest of us."

Zilla looked to John with a sorrowful gaze. "Then I feel like the worse human to have ever lived."

John wanted to cry but he held it in and breathed deeply. "I'll take care of the plates. Elaine, mind helping me."

The sounds of the half-eaten plates clattering did not drown the noise of somber that ran through Zilla's head.

However, she looked at the plates set for the three, she noticed. Out of the three, Allen had finished his food before the rest.


"Sir Mitre," a Luster, one of the chosen among the Hands of the Almighty, approached the old man sitting on the helm. He looked frail but firm in his seat. His structure was that of a veteran who had been through many rough nights in a row without rest, almost like he didn't need to. He gazed into the stars that traced the black canvas of space, circling the mega cruiser as it passed through the channel. "We have been searching the region for quite some time, maybe you should-"

"No," the old man slowly spoke. HIs voice carried so much weight that it silenced the luster. Despite being redeemed as one of the most combative individuals, the comet can never disobey the words of the Mitre. "There is something amiss in the cosmos, I feel it."

The Mitre's eyes were almost milk white but had a strange silver glow to them. His powers were a sense that can span to wherever the light can touch. It was unfortunate that he was limited to only see as much because as there was light, there is always a vast darkness.

"We will eventually find the Blighted armies reported in the sector," the Comet said, "You should get some rest sir."

"I will," he said sighing. "After a bit."

"As you say," the Luster left the room to the Mitre, the Pope of the Hands of the Almighty.

He had always been a stubborn man, even at an old age, maybe even more so. Being a rare Cosmic Sense User, he had always kept himself busy wherever he was needed. Now that there was a possible Cosmic threat somewhere out there that he needs to take care of before it was too late.

"Sir Mitre," a voice almost too quiet to hear spoke up from beside him.

"Word from the Sisterhood?"

"Yes," she said in almost a rush. "And it is urgent."

"Please speak," he said calmly.

He did not expect what he had heard through the ruffles of his ears. It made his heart almost drop, almost paving his way to the Celestial gates. This matter was too urgent to leave alone.

By his seat, he pressed on a button opening the intercom to the Lusters Deck. "Prepare," barely wheezing with his words. "We need to return."

"Sir," one of them with a more collected tone than his peers, who were heard scuffling about in the background. "That would take us till a couple hours."

"As fast as possible, please."


"Thank you." He shut intercoms to the Lusters.

The lusters switched to all channels and spoke with a compose but urgent tone. "Attention to all members of the 'Staff'. Prepare for battle. Within the span of 8 hours, we will be returning to Terra Prime. Gather your wits and ready your hearts. We will be hitting the zone hot."

"Stars in the sky," the Mitre spoke solemnly. "Please grant us swift passage and steady hands to take down our greatest foe."

The ship exits from the original channel. It remains in constant rotation as it opened another path that curved around, back to where they came from. Before it entered the next channel, the pope stood from his seat and opened his link to the intercom.

"My lifelines.... my family.... May the stars in the sky. Guide our path through the infinite void!"

Even in the vacuum of space, you could feel the rallying of the crowd, the voices of their chants, crying out in the glory of salvation for those they can reach, echoing in the muteness of the cosmos. They enter the spiraling channel as if space itself was drilling the way through. In an instant, they spiraled through and disappeared. Shimmers of their trail got left behind like little stars among the rest, disappearing quickly as they came.


Allen was out on the balcony tampering with his suit. Through his frustration, he tries to unzip the base in the back of his neck, where the zip should be. He struggles to no avail and the pain of his chest did not contribute anything. In the end, he gave up and just breathed slowly to calm himself.

He lets out a deep sigh before leaning his hips on the wooden rails, gazing into the distance.

"What am I supposed to do," he said to himself.

"Let me get that for you," the brother suggested from behind.

"I'll figure it out somehow," Allen replied.

"Don't have to do everything yourself ya'know."

"You did."

"I wish I didn't have to." John tugged a bit on the collar of his jacket, revealing the main zip to the suit. With his thumb, he slid the contraption downward with ease. It released the pressure around Allen's body, like the tight suit jumped a size around him.

"That was it?"

John chuckled as he took a step back to let his brother take a breath of relief.

"I'm sorry, Al." Allen was taken aback by John's words but he continued to gaze into the vastness of the valleys pass the settlement, where the lights of the capitol can be seen illuminating the horizon.

"I shouldn't have forced everything on you like this," John continued. "I've been doing things in my pace for so long that I disregarded other's wellbeing in the process."

John joined Allen's side and leaned on the railings, bending over just to get his arms on top. Allen remained silent but his eyes began to veer upwards to the night clouds that passed by slowly as time flowed, indifferent to its surroundings.

"I've gone through so much and overcame struggles incomprehensible to the average person that I've lost touch to what makes me.... human."

"And what is that?" Allen finally spoke towards his brother but kept his head straight.

"I don't remember," John said sullenly. "I was hoping you'd answer that for me."


"You were always the collective brain of the group, albeit not the brightest."

Allen let that last bit go.

"You've always found a path through things that we were unable to see. I don't know if it was sheer luck or great perception, but you have a knack for uncovering a new path..." John paused for a second to look towards his brother, still peering towards the horizon where the land and the heavens meet. "And that I envy you for."

Allen was startled. He had never expected John, of all the people, to say that. This made him laugh for a bit.

"You are the Hero of Eons," Allen played on his strong points. "You've done things more than I could ever dream of. You've brought security and hope in the universe, even bringing our family together on your spare time. There should be nothing to be jealous about."

"Yeah," John replied. He didn't have a joyous tone though. It felt like he was holding a lot back about himself than Allen understands. "But there are some things that you cannot do alone."

"I'm not sure you fit that category."

"Scratch what I said then." John waved his hand to erase his statement. "There are some things that you should not do alone."

John placed his hand on his brother's shoulder and looked him in the eye. Allen felt his gaze upon him. Before looking back, he took a deep breath and readied himself for what he was about to say.

"Someday," John began when their eyes meet. The golden-silver glow was fading a bit, showing a glimpse of his original black iris. "I won't be enough to save anyone."

Allen knew that being human comes with the limitations.

"I'll get myself into a situation where I end up at the wrong end of the spectrum, where the odds are overwhelming. Because I am who I am, I won't back down from it. I will stand my ground and keep fighting...." John almost wanted to cry at the moment, feeling the eminency of those words.

"I'll need you there," he said towards Allen tugging him a slight bit closer. "I'll need you there with me."

Allen didn't know how to feel. He didn't understand the gravity of the situation John is in. John could see that Allen wasn't ready for what is to come, but that is alright. In time, he will be. This is what John believes.

"You don't have to understand right now. Now, all I need for you is to grow."

"How?" Allen desperately tried to find the answer in his head, still pondering John's previous words.

"By taking that step." John glanced to the hallway that led back to the dining area.

Allen, first, looked down, thinking to himself. At these moments, John knew Allen will find clarity. Allen may overthink things to an overbearing extent but through thinking, Allen will find a way.

Allen closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He slowly revealed the dark irises that now shone brightly with life and determination.

This allowed John to let Allen go from his gentle grasp, allowing Allen to move forward.

Allen hesitated for a second but evidently walked into the hallway and away from John's sight.

John smiled softly as he watched his brother growing out of his insecurities. Now, it was his turn to gaze into the scenery. Instead of looking towards the horizon, he looked to the stars, where the shadows don't exist on their fiery surfaces. Though some may be long gone, he knows that their light will shine a path for eons to come, as he hopes for his light to shine brightly wherever he touches.

He looked into his essence which makes up his soul, feeling it faintly flicker inside of him. He just needs it to shine a bit more before a new star will be born. An obstacle to bond is the strongest factor to growth.


The dining area was empty. Without the plates and food, the tables have been set back to where they once were. Each of the tables having a place for anyone who came by, whether it was a group or an individual.

Dimmed luminous lanterns floated about, carrying a feeling of security as they passed. Runes of protection and serenity were written inside them, carrying that illumination as they float about with the winds that circulated in the room.

The sounds of crickets and brushing leaves were heard as the winds gently touched Allen's skin, brushing his hair caressing his cheeks. Under the sounds, Allen could hear quiet shuffling.

He followed the noise which led into the Kitchen, finding his mother alone washing the dishes from their feast.

"I sent Elaine to bed," she said as she was cleaning the wok she used, rinsing it thoroughly.

"I'm not here for Elaine," Allen replied to his mother for the first time since they had met.

"Oh," she said grimly, readying herself for another barrage. "Did you need something?"

"No, uhm." Allen struggled to get the words out of his mouth.

"You should get some rest. I'm sure you had a long day."

"I did," Allen chuckled as he felt around the fatigue of his neck and the pain in his chest, but the pain in his chest wasn't from the earlier injury.

"You've done a lot," she said to him. "I was watching..."

Allen looked up on Zilla. The mother who was always there when the family needed it. The mother who tried her best to fulfill her role. The mother who was only human and struggled. Despite it, she still watched over her children.

"Mom," he almost struggled to let the words out. "I'm sorry."

She stopped the motion and kept an ear towards him. "There is nothing to be sorry for. If anything, I-"

"No," he interrupted. "I'm sorry for being a child. I'm sorry for being unable to aid you when you needed it most, especially so, if you don't ask for it." Without him knowing, the words just blurted out. His eyes went from his mother to the ground below. "I'm sorry for abandoning you, leaving you alone to fend off the demons that ate away from you."

He was almost stuttering his words. He felt a lump hit the back of his throat. He pushed through the emotions and continued. "I'm sorry I wasn't enough to provide for the family."

Allen's eyes swelled up with tears. "I-I'm sorry I wasn't the son you needed me to be."

With this the tears rolled down his eyes like a dam had broken within his mind. He clenched his fists hard, stating the things he had already known for so long. How could Allen be anyone but a shadow in the light of things? How could he measure up to be someone that brings happiness when his family is so torn?

In his deep thought, he felt a warm embrace around him. It felt like a blanket enveloped him sustaining his wellbeing. The scent of onions and fresh fish overlapped by the detergent filled his nose. Under it was a smell, a feeling that he recognizes no matter how long he had been away from it. In a single moment, the worries and discomfort were washed away by a feeling of calmness.

"You don't have to be," Zilla, his mother slowly says. "Because you are and have always been my child."

Allen allowed the cracks within him burst. In the first time, in a long time, he had bawled his eyes out.

"Nothing can change that," his mother comforted him, patting the dark head of hair on top of his head. "Being who you are, watching you grow has been the proudest moment of my life."

The tears in Allen's eyes seemed never-ending, holding back the lump of his throat as he bit his lip from shivering.

"I'm so sorry," he lets out.

"Shhhhh," she softly tightens her grip on her son. "It's alright."

"I'm so-"

"It's alright."

They continued to stay like this for as long as it took them.


Shortly after, John entered the room. Immediately, he found the two of them together at the corner to where the heater was at to keep warm.

Zilla was sitting on top of a couch that was extended out of the wall. With her, a sleeping Allen was on her lap as she gently caressed his hair. She looked up to John with a gracious smile and waved him over.

John joined the two and relaxed on the couch, yawning from the comfort.

Zilla pulled John's head to her other lap. He did not resist but only responded, "Ya'know I'm an adult, right?"

"You are still my child," she said firmly but softly as she brushed the top of his head too.

"Right," he agreed and let her pat the top of his head too.

In this moment, Zilla was the happiest she could ever be. Nothing can change that.

Elaine was outside the doorway, watching in over the three. She decided not to bother the family and went back into her room with a smile on her face.

The night continued on despite the occasion, but such is the matter of the universe. It will still move on whether bright or dark it can be, as do those who rely on the darkness.


"Mi'llege," one of the minions walked up towards the large figure that lurked in the shadows. "Preparations are complete."

"Goooood," he said slowly, rumbling the surroundings. "What of the Mitre?"

"He has probably figured it out by now," another figure said behind him. Their mask illuminating from pipe above. "Why did we have to meet in such a filthy place."

"S-surprise the enemy," another chimed in. His eyes glowed a fiery green within the darkness. "I as-sume."

"Indeed," another figure revealed a marvelous mane, golden in shine with a light that emanated his presence.

"Very inconspicuous for sure," the masked figure snapped back.

"Wh-where is Wrath?"

"He's distracting the enemy," the large figure spoke in between the two. "His essence should be more than enough to warrant a Cosmic Threat."

"And sloth?"

"Still asleep."

"I wonder how can she still be sleeping at a time like this."

"With the h-hero of eons being around, I think awaiting their arrival sh-should be wise."

"It matters not," the large figure came over the shadow. "We will prevail."

"So," the masked one said. "Shall we begin?" She looked back into the shadows ahead of them, separated by a ray of light from the hole above. A cloaked figure revealed himself. A shine of silver lied his armor beneath the cloth, with fur that lined his shoulders to his back. The hood only masked his face in shadow, like the darkness welcomed his fierce gaze.


Edited and Reviewed by

Aces Association and Friends