Allen couldn't move.
Even at a distance, the figure's presence alone was able to stunt him. He did not understand why but he was overwhelming.
The two stood in the middle of what was once a cityscape, leveled into a battlefield. The once towering structures that withstood all forms of disaster had come crumbling down in the midst of an incredible foe.
Allen can't comprehend what was going to happen but he had a pitting feeling in his gut. It was like his very soul wanted to pull at his body away from the scene. However, he couldn't move.
He wanted to. He wanted to rush out and help his brother in some way, somehow. He didn't want to stand there and watch things unfold.
John and the figure were saying things to each other but Allen cannot make out the words they were saying. They were too far away to make out anything.
The ambience was almost too loud as well, since the buildings around were still toppling onto one another and it seemed like something above Allen was rumbling.
Allen took a glance above him and saw a large piece of the building behind him was falling in his direction. He was still in shock and unable to do anything but, luckily, he was pulled away from the object as it came crashing down, tearing away pieces of the stairway.
"What are you doing?!" The commander admonished the young lad.
"I-I," Allen wanted to get words out but the feeling still lingered in his mind.
"Do you want to get yourself killed?!"
"But- Ugh, John!" He couldn't make out the words but what he said was clear to the commander.
"I know you want to help but this is beyond your abilities!"
Allen listened in silence. His eyes were darting back and forth from John's position to the commander's gaze.
The commander lets out a deep sigh and loosened his grip on Allen.
"What you can do is aid us to safety," the commander looked over the railing to see that John and the monster before him were still locked unto each other, seemingly discussing about something.
"We'll figure out something afterwards."
Allen changed his glance towards the people below the stairs. Layla, the little girl, was looking up towards Allen with a tearful gaze. The rest of the group were exhausted after an arduous escape and seemed terrified.
The lingering sense of horror was keeping its hold on everyone. Allen thought for a bit and then looked at the commander with definite eyes.
"We'll help John after then," he confirmed.
The commander nodded and spoke with a loud enough tone for everyone to hear.
"We'll move with the shadows of the buildings above. Be wary of falling rubble."
"Commander," Gav spoke up.
"Call me Martin from now on. We are in this as one folk now."
Even by a little, this lifted everyone's spirit by getting a sense of familiarity with the person who led them to this point.
"Sir Martin, I suggest we head towards the bank just east of here. It's a straight cut towards the second rendezvous point."
"Good lad. Everyone, ready up."
"Uhm," Allen tugged on Martin. "Brent, I haven't seen him the whole time. I thought he'd be with you. Do you think he's still back there. Maybe we could find another entrance to get everyone else out?"
As Allen spoke, the commander's face started to fall sullen. Slowly, his ears drooped and his eyes began to weigh down, revealing the years of service, of sacrifice.
"Oh," Allen understood by his mannerism.
"I'm sorry, lad. Among the many enforcers, he was one of the finest I've seen and the bravest at that. Do not weigh this on your mind but do remember him as a great warrior, like everyone has been."
Allen fell silent as Martin left him to check everyone's condition.
Allen has seen too much to this point. He doesn't think that he can handle anymore, but he has to try, for everyone that is here.
He got up from his thoughts and helped everyone recompose themselves. There was still more to come.
"JOHN!" Wrath spoke in a deep and resonating tone. "How long has it been since we had last greeted one another?"
His face was twisted from his sharp grin as he talked.
"I don't really know; relativity is kinda off on different worlds." John was wary of the person before him; The embodiment of hate and destruction.
He cannot be too careless with his actions since Wrath's powers alone are able to wipe out an entire solar system. Just his entry was enough to level the entire area, even burning away the Blighted Tree. Its trunk was seared into charcoal but its roots were still firmly stuck into the ground.
"True," Wrath placed a hand on his chiseled chin which was a pale grey under the pitch-black scales. "But since then, I have been waiting for this monumental moment to face you once again."
"Musta left a grand impression for such a compliment."
"You left an impression alright," Wrath pointed towards a large scar around his collar bone that spanned down his chest. "I still feel the remnants of our latest battle and the rage since."
"That scratch? I thought you'd forget about that for now."
"Forgetting is not one of my strong suits. Holding a grudge, however, is a prominent feature among my kind."
"That's for sure."
"WRATH!" A loud roar came from the roots of the Blighted Tree. "Would it kill you to show a little constraint."
Porcus rose from the rubble, his body was a little charred from Wrath's impact.
"Ah, I hadn't noticed you there."
"Hadn't no- Maybe if you put some thought into your action's you'd learn a thing or two."
Wrath suddenly stomps his foot on the ground, shaking the entire foundation. Cracks formed behind the being and made its way to Gluttony, trapping his foot. What followed after was an immense heat that emanated from Wrath.
"Maybe you should keep yer trap shut before I meld your mouth into one AND SHOVE FOOD UP YER GULLET!"
The Blight Lord of Gluttony held his tongue.
"Where is Lady Lust?"
Porcus silently pointed towards the trunk, where Lust was stuck onto, unconscious.
"Was that me, too?" His mood switched up, almost apologetically.
"No, I did that."
"Didn't take you one to lay it out on a woman."
"If you threaten me and my loved ones, you'd better be ready to get a punch to the face, whether you're a man or woman." John shrugged as he stated the obvious but it was something he should have kept to himself.
"That sounded almost genuine." Wrath smiled.
John's eyes shot wide open. The most terrifying thing about Wrath was that he was formidable not only in combat, but as a person that reads into people's moods. His long years of life had taught him to be able to understand his opponent, more deeply with the more passion he has.
John got into a stance, ready to take on the Blighted Lord.
"I see," Wrath spoke in a jovial tone. "So, it seems this might be more interesting as a fight than before."
In an instant, Wrath closed the distance between themselves. "Better not disappoint me, John Etruem."
The sudden attack almost took John off guard but it was giving him enough time to block the oncoming attack.
The Blight Lord's fist came at him with enough force to send him flying towards one end of the leveled field.
Despite gathering enough protection to block it, John's aura began to waver slightly. Taking a hit like that was normally fatal. He needed to take an offensive stance to make sure he doesn't have to take any more of it.
John created a spear out of the beam of light and lunged it towards Wrath.
Wrath flicked the weapon away with a flick of his wrist but as he did, John had already made his way towards the monster and began to furiously send a flurry of attacks.
Upon receiving them, Wrath blocked all of them flawlessly, shattering the weapons John forged.
John was using a variety of attacks.
He had daggers of light formed to make swift and precise moves but the cuts were shallow upon hitting the rough scales that covered Wrath's forearms.
"That tickles," the blight lord mocked John.
He switched to a pole to smack at the Blight Lord's waist pushing the blight lord a few feet away.
"How's that," John replied with a grin.
"Not bad, but it's still lacking," the blight lord said as he rubbed the slight singe of his torso.
John stretched the pole and at the tip, a blade popped out.
"I had always loved your adaptability. Shall we continue?" Wrath welcomed the oncoming attack with his arms spread out.
John charged at the Blight lord with a roar and an attempt to continue to battle. He needs to continue buying time for them.
He had noticed them, ever since they had immerged from the tunnels. He needs to distract the blight's attention to him in hopes that they'd get away safely before everything turns for the worse.
Allen and group were moving gradually towards under what used to be towering constructs, using their shade as cover.
Following Gaver, they made their way through the rubble quietly as to make no sudden noise, although the battle that rages a good distance away from them enveloped the surrounding area.
They were hunched over to keep their heads low and treaded with light footsteps, carefully avoiding any rock or shattered glass.
There were few of what remained of the convoy.
A lot of people were lost during the series of events that unfolded unexpectedly leaving only a couple of civilians and a handful of enforcers. Gaver and Martin were the only military personal present.
Perhaps, Allen had not considered it, but up till Ventu and the Thiadigm's sacrifice, he's finally taking into account just the sheer number of lives that were lost in this day. It weighed heavily on his mind.
"Eye's up," Gaver spoke from the front in a soft voice, "Crouch space ahead."
The commander, Martin, was on tow to ensure nothing followed us. Some of the enforcers made a semi perimeter around the group, tightening formation as they passed through tight areas.
The ceiling, which seemed to be an apartment building toppled over, was about the average human chest level.
Everyone got down to a lower position and kept close to one another.
"The exit is not far from here; we'll need to take a detour around for a quick route to the bank."
Despite being relatively safe from any visible threats, there was an uneasiness that lingered in the air around them.
"I hope you're not leading us to a dead end," the civilian in the grey suit spoke up.
"I know my roads, working as a capital medic." Gaver turned back to reinsure the citizen's safety. "The quickest task done is a well-executed task."
"I see we're not that different," Martin spoke up. "Completing the task at hand is the top priority in our sect."
"I think we can find that similarity with the Thiadigm as well," Gaver chuckled a little before going quiet as he weighed the words in his mind.
Allen felt like he was not the only that had come to a realization of what had just been happening. Everything was just way too sudden for anyone to react. Not even the Hand of the Almighty were able to assess the threat in time.
"What is the HOA doing?" The civilian complained.
"I'm sure their doing the best they can," one of the enforcers next to him spoke up. He seemed like a devout follower considering he has a HOA patch placed on his sleeve.
"It's not enough," the civilian rambled. "I've paid my dues and did my duty as a civilian of Kasipeia, now even that has fallen down to the dirt like it's so called 'High Chie-'"
Allen wanted to assault the man but someone else was quicker to the draw.
Despite being in such a confined space with a considerable distance from the back, the commander was able to place a blade to the civilian's throat and spoke in a deep, threatening tone with a growl at every syllable.
"Speak well or don't speak at all. I'm not as forgiving as the Thiadigm nor am I lenient as the enforcers. I've come to duty not to earn the money that comes with it but to assist and aid those that are in need, under the man that inspired who I am."
The rumbling of the building above kept Martin's conscious steady, since time was not on the good end here. As Martin released the knife from his throat, the civilian coughed off slightly from holding his breath in.
"Karl Krempt is the perfect embodiment of what a leader should do in times like these and I've have seen him tirelessly put in the effort to help the grumbling people like you. Keep the chance he gave you and appreciate it. I don't give another."
Martin returned to the flank and watched vigorously at the rear.
The civilian slowly turned towards the with a furious gaze, but kept it in him as he continued dragging his feet.
Allen caught a glimpse of his actions, only because one thing stood out the most to him as he passed by the civilian's spot. It was slight but under the speckles of blood that came from his cough, there was a black ooze mixed into it.
Allen wanted to connect the dots at the time but he was pushed forward from the moving traffic of people, trying to make their way out.
"Kay, we've made it," Gaver said at the end of the makeshift tunnel. "Remain low, we don't want to catch any attention. Eye's out enforcers."
Gaver exited out first to check it was safe. Once the coast was clear, Gaver gave the signal it was safe for others to follow.
One by one, people were led out of the rubble and made their way towards an alley that Gaver instructed to be a safe route.
Allen was one of the last few people who exited the tunnel and as he did, the rumbling became clearer and more intense. He looked towards the source of the shakes and saw that John and the Blight Lord going at each other with so much force that it crumbled the ground around them.
He could not tell from a distance what they were doing, since they were moving faster than the eye can perceive but he could tell that they were at a stalemate. Every blow they exchange erupted the ground below them, forming more cracks as their attacks meet.
John was now enveloped in a full suit of armor that shone as bright as a sequence star, emitting a bright light with every weight he puts into his attack. The blight lord met his blow with an extravagant exchange of darker fumes of energy that was matching the light.
Allen could not comprehend the intensity of the battle but for a slight glimpse, he could see them. A silhouette of their movements, capturing every frame of their actions like that of a movie.
"C'mon lad," Matin patted the boy, "We need to move."
Allen's eyes were almost glued to the scene but he had to leave.
He couldn't do anything for him anyways.
"This alley should lead us into the freeway."
"Good job, Gaver."
"Thank you, sir."
"It'll be a walk, but it'll get us to safety nonetheless."
"How long," the civilian asked from behind.
Martin breathed in slightly before answering, "Maybe an hour or two."
"We won't make the last transport!"
"Keep it down, it's better to keep moving than to remain where it's dangerous."
"Is there a quicker route than this?"
"If we passed through the buildings, but I don't recommend taking that route. The possibility of it falling on top of us is more dangerous than meeting up with blighted armies."
"You take a constructure's integrity over our safety?"
"That's not what I'm saying."
"Listen, I'm the owner of the company that built the Colosseum. I know about constructs from the insides and out. If this building, which might be the closest route to the bank, can take us there faster. I say we take it, less we end up sitting ducks waiting for the foxes."
"He's not wrong," Gaver agreed.
Martin looked at the building uneasily, worried about its integrity. The dangers of the outside are equally worse and waiting here would not be any safe either. If this person is who he claims to be, there might be a chance to get to safety quicker and faster.
He takes a deep breath and replies in a hesitant voice, "Alright, anyone knows their way through this area?"
"I do," a citizen spoke up. "I've lived here for as long as I can remember."
"Ok, Gaver and you will take point. The enforcers will remain in formation and I will take the rear again."
Feeling the confidence, the citizen in the grey suit puffed his chest as he followed the formation.
"Listen, there is no telling what could be behind these walls. They could be lying in wait or even snacking at things before we could see them coming."
The man in the grey suit shivered at the thought. However, due to his pride, he held it in and followed as instructed, deeper inside the crowd where its safest.
Allen followed in tow but his eyes remained fixated at the position he last saw John.
Martin walked up to the young lad and ruffled his hair.
It was unexpected and caught Allen off guard. He looked up at the aged soldier as Martin spoke, "He'll be fine. He's the Hero that excelled at everything he did."
This reassured and he lets out a breath of relief.
"Arms at the ready, we move." Gaver spoke up as he pulled his knife out in a combat stance. They entered in the first building, ready to face what might be ahead.
The Blight Lord of Wrath reflected John's attacks but some of it nicked the tough scales of his body. After a short exchange, they separated and kept a distance.
"You're blows have gotten weaker, John."
"Not so much as yours. Have that body you take pride in finally gone soft after all that time whining?"
The Blight Lord chuckled in a slight growl. "Ooh how you underestimate the effort I put into training for the day I meet you again."
"No, I'm still trying to put a pin to it. Just haven't formulated a good way of beating you."
"I'm sure that the thing you are thinking about the most isn't this fight." His words struck John in his heart. "That lad, I believe, who was watching us from afar. A relative of yours?"
John's face contorted into a rage.
"Haahaaaa! I knew it. He had an uncanny likeness to you."
John was about to launch another onslaught but the Blight Lord halted his tracks.
"Do not mistake me, John Etruem. My interest does not lie with your brother but only with you. I'll keep this between us."
John was taken aback by his words. What motive could he possibly have to keep this information between themselves?
"However," Wrath broke John's train of thought. "If you were to ever let me down at any point of this fight, you know what comes next... right?"
John's fury was boiling and his arm gripped the glaive in his hands tightly but he loosened his grip. He closed his eyes and steadied his breath. The weapon of light disappeared from his palms and he got into a different stance.
His arms fell loose on the side and his legs were planted firmly on the ground.
After a bit of breathing, his body was now composed. He shifted one foot to the back and another in front of him, bending his knees to lower his mass. He raised one hand up to shoulder's length with his front leg and the other to his chest with his elbows loose.
"There it is!" The blight lord exclaimed. "The culmination of combat arts that you've gathered into three important point."
An aura then released softly around John's body like steam fuming from his pores.
"The body."
John's eyes opened and a bright silver glow shimmered through them. A whisp of golden stream released from the tip of his iris.
"The mind."
Then, in an instant, the ground shook the surrounding area. Large cracks formed and rocks that were near him were beginning to float in the air.
"The soul."
As he said that, John immediately closed the distance between them with his foot reaching the blight lord's face. It was too quick for him to react fast enough with his essence but he sustained the damage by blocking it with his arms.
"Now that is more like it."
From the attack, the scales that covered his arms began to crumble.
"That impact alone could render a dragon unconscious."
John was already behind the blight lord as he spoke, with another kick aimed towards his ribs, cracking what was underneath the tough skin.
Wrath was sent flying towards a toppled building, leaving a small crater with his crash.
John did not waste any time and began to make his way towards the blight lord's position. Before taking his next step, the Blight lord appeared next to John as quick as he could perceive and punched into his stomach, sending him flying a few feet back.
"YYYYyyyessssss!" The blight lord exclaimed as he roared in laughter. "This is what I have always wanted!"
John was coughing up a bit of blood before getting back up, wiping the stain from his lips. His eyes darted towards the blight lord but he was not where he was last standing. He was now on top of John with both of his fist in the air.
"To fight you at your fullest extent!"
John formed a barrier between them and as the attack landing on it, the ground beneath formed another, slightly larger crater compared to the one Wrath made with his arrival.
The barrier shattered at that one hit but John was already in position with his feet planted to the ground and his fist ready to fly, glowing with a strong aura around it.
He launched himself up from the ground and his attack was on point, right in between the Blight Lord's face, sending him flying into the air.
John followed Wrath and continued to punch him further and further into the sky until they hit the atmosphere's limit.
John was about to continue his assault but the blight lord cracked his contorted head back towards John and gaped his mouth wide. A bright light came from his throat and release a beam from his mouth, sending John back down.
John released another barrier to withstand the attack but once it was shattered, the onslaught continued as the blight lord was now descending on John, furiously punching him mid-flight.
"Moooore!" He roared. "MOOOOOORE!"
As they came hurdling to the ground, John was able to catch Wrath's arm and twisted their positions, holding the Blight Lord down. Right before impact, John separated from Wrath and hopped a safe distance as the Blight Lord crashed into the ground.
It was quiet for a bit and John wanted to feel relieved but there was still a sense that the Blight Lord was not done yet.
A sudden burst of laughter erupted from the crater. "This is the greatest feeling I have ever felt, since the last days of the Ancient Wars!"
The blight lord rose from the crater and his appearance gave John a shock.
Wrath was not covered in thick scales anymore and his horn was not as rough as it used to be. Now the blight lord's body was enveloped in an intense heat. It was like his body was emanating the intensity of the sun and where there used to be scales are now a shiny black sheen, like that of iridescent obsidian. His horns were not a sharply formed shape, but a sleek curve with that same iridescent property.
"Now, I too can break the limits!"
The form was both beautiful but terrifying at the same time as the colors of light and darkness, the sun and the abyss, forged this one body.
"Let's see how far can we go!"
"I knew this was a bad idea!" Allen exclaimed as the horde of infected chased the group.
"This isn't so bad," Martin replied.
"That's not funny! That's not funny!" The CEO, they nicknamed him after his proclamation, kept a close touch with the group as he ran ahead of them to ensure a safe distance and a guaranteed safety.
"Keep going and there should be an exit," the civilian leading them pointed towards a doorway.
"Enforcers cover the door and I'll keep our flank covered."
"How are you going to do that?"
Martin took out a rune bomb the size of a pencil out from his waist pocket.
"Oh," Allen chuckled.
"I'm guessing you understand the gist of it," he said as he threw the bomb towards the horde. The explosion was not as significant as the ones Allen used on the rats but it was enough to collapse pieces of the roof above the horde.
"That won't hold them for long," Martin spoke as the horde was seen hacking away at the fallen beams. "Keep going!"
Allen and the group were able to exit the building as Martin took out another stick of Rune Bombs from his pockets and threw it at the horde's way in.
The roof and the floor crumbled behind the group as they continued to make their way outside the building.
They entered the second level of the complex, where the city was the busiest; The Shopping District.
"Are we safe?" CEO said.
"For now, CEO," Martin replied checking to see if any more of the infected are visible. "For now, you can take a breather."
"Y-you know," CEO said under his breath. "I have a name right."
"Too unimportant to remember."
"So, where to?" Allen interrupted before CEO burst out. He could still hear him grumbling from behind him.
"Taking that west building should lead us straight towards the bank."
"The freeway was probably the most common route to take but since you're from the area, you'd know the ins and outs of this place. Impressive."
The civilian meekly accepted the compliment with a slight bow.
"You seem too accustomed to be a regular citizen, boy." Gaver retorted. In his short time with the lad, he had witnessed some incredible stuff that was normally outside his league as a regular person. You could say he was experienced. "Where'd you learn to do all those things?"
"I'm... was just a journeyman sir."
"A journeyman?!" CEO exclaimed. "Wait, how old are you?"
Allen was reluctant to answer CEO but gave in to their curiosity. "21."
"I've been adhering to the words of a child!"
Journeyman, in these times, are mostly people who set out on various professions, usually the menial task. To be one at this age, most people would have presumed Allen to be a regular apprentice. If not for his recent exploits, this situation would not normally sit well with people.
"May be just a child, but a bright one at that." Martin walked over. "Normally, I wouldn't allow a citizen that had just come at age to do the things you do, but I'll make an exception."
Allen's eyes brightened up as he said that.
"However, do not risk yourself over pointless danger anymore, ya hear?"
Allen nodded slightly with a glow that lingered in his eyes.
"We'll keep moving from here," Martin then ordered. "Franky, you said your name was?"
"Yes sir," the civillian that has led them this far. Are you still willing to move forward?"
"We've gotten this far, haven't we?"
"I guess we have."
The air seemed to have lightened up around the group. They used to be terrified but Allen guessed that considering the situation, the mood we have is very much appreciated.
"Alright, the last leg, people!"
Martin was about to take a step towards the East building until a sudden slash rung through the complex.
It was too sudden, no one could have reacted quick enough. It wasn't until a leg dropped in between the group that they realized what had just happened.
"GAAAGH!" Martin wailed in pain as he gripped his thigh tightly. HIs leg was cleanly sliced from the knee down.
"The l-last leg indeed," a voice was heard from the center of the complex. "At least, to s-stand on..."
Allen traced it and found a humanoid creature standing on top of the fountain, relishing in the waters as he wiped his skin clean.
It stood on hind legs and had a large tail with an almost flat face. Its dermis was a glossy white overlayed with metallic lime green scales. It also had a hood that protruded from its neck, connecting to the back of its head.
It was partially clothed, only covering its waist, draped in a loincloth that had a flap hanging over the front. The flap was etched with a golden seam that portrayed images of monoliths that Allen had never seen before a grand serpent with feathered rings wrapping around it.
It was also wearing all sorts of jewelry that fitted its demeanor. Despite having a hunch, it stood tall and proud at the display he had to show to the group.
The enforcers sent a barrage of imbued bullets towards the new threat but it effortlessly slipped its way through the hail and took out each individual in a matter of seconds.
"H-how unp-polite of you to shoot a-at a guest."
The snake-fellow made his way to the group of people with long and intimidating strides. They all wanted to back away from it but there was nowhere else to go. The main exit was the east building which was at the other side of the complex, behind the snake-fellow. They could only watch as he veered closely to them.
Allen knew, the moment he laid eyes on it, that this being was just like the rest of them. The same threat that he saw fighting John on an even level, a Blight Lord.
"Wh-which one of you is A-Allen Et-truem?"
John thought he had the advantage of speed but it was proving difficult to even have an edge on Wrath.
Every time he tried to get to his blind spot, Wrath would always counter with an equal amount of speed and ferocity.
Meeting him head on was the only way that he could face him now.
"What's the matter, John?" Wrath spoke. "Feeling winded?"
John did not reply but continued his assault.
John punched at the beast, but his arm was caught mid-hit then thrown over Wrath's shoulder, crashing him into the ground.
"AGH!" John felt a sting in his back from the impact.
"Entertain me more! HERO OF EONS!"
Again and again, John was tossed side to side, hitting the ground multiple times as if he was being swung around like a stuffed toy.
Before he could crash into the ground again, John used the momentum of the throw and planted his feet on the ground.
"RAAAAAAAGH!" He launched the Blight Lord away with a counter throw.
Wrath was sent veering towards the trunk of the Blighted Tree and his impact sent cracks up to the branches.
John used this time to recover for a little bit. He sustained a lot of damage just from that simple attack.
"I told you, boy!" Wrath emerged again from the trunk. "I've been waiting for this moment."
John was a little out of breath but he quickly regained his composure and readied his stance again. This time, he stood his ground.
"I guess it's my turn to attack."
The beast lunged towards John. His claws were sharpened fined, ready to rip away at John's flesh.
John then made a knife-hand and pierced at the incoming target. Their fingertips meet and a bright light emitted from the center of their clash.
John and the Blight Lord were their places firmly.
In that moment, Wrath unfurled the wings that were etched on his back and flapped them to raise momentum, John was pushed back slightly from the sudden pulse.
Wrath flapped his wings again to gain more momentum.
This was getting too close for comfort but John had a plan. With enough of the momentum built up from their clash, John finally let up on his knife-hand to form a fist.
The fist crashed into the claws, breaking them.
Once the Blight Lord's momentum carried his body by an inch away from John's fist, he pushed the entirety of his body forward in that one inch, sending an immense amount of energy through his punch. It sent the Blight Lord soaring towards the Blight Tree again. This time, his body pierced through the trunk and was sent veering away from the capitol.
Once John felt that it was safe, he finally releases his aura and drops on his knee, panting vehemently. He gripped his chest tight as he was trying to regain his vigor.
John used a lot of the Ul'Manau and his inner vessel was cracking in various places. The fight with the blight lords had taken a toll on his body as well, since the wounds that he sustained from the fight weren't healing as fast as they should.
He needed to regain control of the Essence within him as it was violently raging away.
"I pity you, Hero of Eons," a voice suddenly came from in front of him. "You struggle so much for the people around you."
The footsteps crumpled the pebbles as the voice came closer to John.
John wanted to rise back up again but he needs a little more time before he can do anything.
"Beaten around, toyed, and ordered to run circles all your life, just to please them."
John can't even raise his head properly. Even moving it made his vision turn blurry.
"I can't say that I don't understand you, I do, but I just don't understand what purpose do you have in serving such a pitiful society that allows their people to run themselves to the ground like this."
As John finally made eye contact and his vision cleared, he could see that the head was right in front of him, only a head held up by the body.
"However, take pride for your efforts did not go to waste."
Pride stood there, holding his head in his hands as he spoke. The sparks of the damage still remained and a chunk of his marble like skin was ripped off.
"I wonder, what is your intention? What pushes you so far for the fogger that you serve?"
John, despite having ran through his stamina, his face beating with sweat and his body bruised, carried the same defiant expression towards the Blight Lord. His soul never wavered, even his body is beaten... For now.
"For the Possibilities to an End."
No one spoke up. They kept their lips quiet. They knew that the person next to them was they boy the serpent spoke of but they didn't have the heart nor the courage to speak up, except one.
"I-if," CEO came up to the Blight Lord. "If we tell you, what says you about our safety?"
"S-smart little man," the snake-fellow complimented CEO. "I'll of course l-let you go. Will you t-tell me who is A-Allen E-Etruem?"
Allen's heart dropped. If he knew the man, he knows that he might play for his own benefit but before CEO could speak up, Gaver interrupted.
"And if you find him, what of us?"
"Y-you'll die," he said so casually, as if there was no need to think further about it.
This made Allen's spirit drop. If it's just him, he'd be fine in leaping into the danger but if the others were to be harmed despite going willingly, he couldn't handle that impact.
"Then I'd rather die fighting," Gaver spoke up, raising his blade up and getting into a stance.
"I envy your courage, friend." That was the first time he spoke without a stutter as he raised his tail up in the air.
With a closer look, Allen could see that there is a blade attached to the tip of it.
"N-now, y-you'd like the hard w-way?"
"Yes!" A lower voice growled from behind.
When the Blight Lord turned to look, he found that his foot had been stabbed.
Martin had crawled his way over to stab the Blight Lord with his imbued knife and Gaver launched his attack by stabbing the snake-fellow in the gut.
The Blight Lord did not take it too kindly and smacked Gaver with his backhand while simultaneously picking Martin up with his tail.
"I-impotent little rat!"
Martin had pulled the rest of his equipment in a haste, pulling out a spray that he kept for self-defense. He sprayed the target in the eyes and was released from his grasp.
Gaver returned from the ground and continuously shot at the incapacitated target.
"Keep running!"
Gaver switched ammo to incendiary and continued his fire. Martin was crawling up on his feet and rummaged through his pockets.
"We'll keep him busy, lad! Keep the girl safe!"
Allen looked down and saw the little girl gripping tightly to the only person that she can seek refuge from. Allen was debating with himself, whether he should let the girl follow the group and help or take her away.
"Lad!" Gaver spoke up as he was getting into a sprinting stance. "Give my family my love for me, will ya?"
Gaver sprinted from his position and rushed towards the Blight Lord, tackling him to the ground. If his years in high school football taught him anything, it would be taking advantage of the opponent's size.
He unsheathed his knife from the Blight Lord's flesh and used it to pin one hand to the ground.
The Blight Lord resisted and choked Gaver with his free hand.
"I'll take your soul from this world!"
The Blight Lord had regained his sight and was furiously staring Gaver down from the ground.
"I'll take yours with me!" Gaver said with a bright smile.
Martin found what he was looking for and tossed it over to Gaver who was able to catch it; A Strap of Rune Bombs.
The Blight Lord stared at the item with wide eyes as Gaver stabbed the sharp end on its arm.
"GAV!" Layla screamed out, trying to reach for him but Allen held her back.
Gaver looked at the young child in Allen's arms. He wondered in that moment if his family was okay. He pondered whether he had fulfilled his duty but seeing that girl that he had protected up to this point. He felt like that was all worth the trouble he had to go through.
The floor crumbled from the sheer explosion, sending Martin flying towards Allen and the Blight Lord was nowhere to be seen.
It took a while to process what had just happened as he held on to the little girl in his arms, bawling as she resisted his grip.
"Ugh," Martin groaned as he laid, barely moving.
"Martin!" Allen came to and rushed towards the injured commander. "Are you alright?"
Martin was gripping at his stump, which was bleeding profusely. "Lad?"
"I'm here, Martin," Allen said under the wails of the wailing Layla.
"Layla is fine, right?"
"Yes, but..."
"Listen closely, Lad." Gaver pulled a device from his vest. "This here is a beacon that can call your current location."
"Use this when you get to a safe place or when the time seems necessary."
"You want me to leave you?!"
Layla had stopped wailing from the statement.
"Take the girl home... Get them all home..."
"No, I can't leave you here!"
"This ol' dog has enough fight in him to take on what's coming."
As if the universe played a sick joke, the sounds of numerous infected roared in the distance.
What should he do? Should he take Layla and leave? He knew that Martin wasn't fit to fight anymore, especially in the condition he's in. He's watched so many people risk their lives for his sake. Then the real question popped in his head; What does he want to do?
Allen had enough of losing people. He closed the commander's hand tightly and carried him over his shoulder.
"What are you doing, lad?"
"Carrying you, sir"
"Leave me here, boy!"
"Can you run, Layla?"
Layla hesitantly nodded her head, while her hands are shivering closely in her chest. She is so little and yet strong. It must have been the experience so far that strengthened her fortitude. That gave Allen determination.
"Alright, shoot and I'll run."
"You're mad!"
"I've been told that," Allen chuckled.
They started running from the death that looms over their shoulder.
Edited and Reviewed by
Aces Associates and Friends