Chapter 18: Strive through

The stitches crew are running around every inch of the city, searching for the remaining beast that has been disrupting LR Connections. The conductors don't maintain the same form. They adapt to the environment they were placed. Some flew, using the skies and its mobility to its advantage. Some remained grounded, either planting themselves inside buildings or running amok with a crowd of infected.

As their numbers dwindled, it became increasingly difficult to find the rest. Their adaptation was no joke which explains why things have gone so awry quickly.

Communication, Construction, and Convenience was the primary targets. Now that they have completed the first objective, they move on to the mass and collect.

"Bastards," Captain Sera said under her breath at the realization.

"What's wrong?" Elaine came to her side as she completed recalibrating her suit for endurance. It doesn't seem like it will end any time soon.

"They've meticulously planned this all out and by the precision of the attack, there must have been someone that knew about the insides and outs of the city."

"You're saying there must be a traitor amongst the Kasipeian people?"

"It's too early to say but that is the truth."

Captain Sera looked upon the city dejectedly. "This was a city that once held smiles. Even with its downsides, the people were still happy with where they were. Under the protection of the Empire and the watchful eyes of the HOA, there was no need to worry about a trouble. Heck, there weren't enough troubles to worry about."

Sera took a deep breath before continuing. "Now, there is too much that they couldn't handle it."

"With what I've seen so far," Elaine puts a reassuring hand on Sera's shoulder. "I'm sure they are doing the best they can."

"Heh, for one who holds little to no emotion, you can say pretty good things, lass."

"I'm just restating the words of someone I know best."

"Alright, we have to find the last one before it's too late." Captain Sera revs her hover bike and ran it on full throttle.

"There is too much ground to cover and we've been a little too lucky finding the first couple." Pierre was on a taller tower that overlooked the scenery. All he could see was endless carnage under the dark clouds that covered the sky.

"Sensors aren't picking any anomalies in the area; I think that it must be placed higher above ground level." Ronx was laying wait in the ship, repairing it as he lets the computer run searches closest to them.

"There's nothing in the sky." Ton replied to Ronx's claim. There must have been something that they have missed.

"No, it wouldn't be flying considering its other friends were being shot down one by one." Sera chimed in. "It must be in hiding."

"But to be able to emit enough energy to cloud a massive area, it would be in an elevation high enough to spread its essence."

"The Thessaly!" Elaine just remembered that there was no higher structure than the colosseum.

"You're right."

"Ronx, take the Stitches and head over to the Thessaly. The rest on the ground will provide support to whoever is running rampant under that tree."

Ronx was already done with the major repairs and has prepped the ship for lift off.

The engines roared with life as it started to lift itself from its makeshift platform of wires and concrete. Most of the ballistics have been run dry so they have to use the weapons sparingly. They can't afford an all-out battle.

Everyone else, Elaine, Sera, Pierre and Titan, ran a b-line towards the tree that was protruding in the middle of the city.

"That's strange." Ronx started as he noticed an anomaly on his monitor.

"What is it, Ronx?"

"The signal that we've been catching before. It's faint but we can finally get a pinned position."

"Where?" If she knew the brothers well enough, she knows that Allen wouldn't place himself in the battlefield without prior understanding and John wouldn't let him. This was the best news for her.

"It's at the Thesally?"

Now, it's Elaine's worse news.

"But that's where..."

"Now's not the time Elaine. We need to provide as much support to whoever's fighting. I'm sure that the rest can handle them."

"Okay," raised to be studious and never disobey orders, Elaine held her tongue and continued her rush towards the battle.

"It's okay, you can have faith. From what I've seen so far, he'd a remarkable boy."

"You're right. I just hope he doesn't get himself into trouble."


Despite being away for a single day, the whole even was so momentous that Allen can still remember the slight chill from the breeze. The titanic runes stood tall as they emanated a soft glow, protecting the structure from any serious damage. The large door that leads into the entrance of the arena and the sweet scent of fauna that wrapped itself around the massive colosseum.

Now, the colosseum seems dead, as the flowers that once bloomed are decaying from the putrid stench that engulfed the air; A hint of sulfur mixed with decay. As the light fades through the thickness of dark clouds, the marble pillars that held the lopsided bleachers high was now a darker grey, morbid.



"What are you doing here?"

"As you can see, I'm finding us a way out."

The man in the suit raises his hand in the air with another transponder beacon.

"Where is everyone else?"

"Back at the Bank."

"You left them there?"

"They decided to hold their ground there-"


"Can't you see that I am trying to save us?"

"Maybe yourself!"

"And what is wrong with that?! What is wrong with putting one's life first so that they can continue to live another day? There is so much to experience yet there is so much obstructions that makes it impossible to enjoy it!"

"What is there to enjoy when you are risking the lives of others for yourself?!"

"You are too young to understand. You have time on your hands that I do not! I have a family to return, a business to run! I am a valuable asset just as much as you are!"

"If so, then those people that are back there, fending for their lives, have the same right as you do."

"Then why are you here too?"

"To bring them all home."

"HAH! You say that but you have the same intentions as I do!"

"No, it's different."

"I bet when the cards don't play right, you'd run to your brother for help. Heck you'd even abandon-"

"Speak more or hold your tongue. It won't go well if you continue though." Allen eyes held a furious glow that the man in the suit's very soul crumbled.

"We can argue all day or we can finally receive some help!" Martin intervened.

"Martin..." Martin understood Allen's feelings. Even if it was for a short period of time, Gaver was a good friend to the very end, even if it was a bitter moment.

"I know how you feel but there are lives that needs to be saving. We cannot waste any more time than we already have."

"You're right."

"If we combine both transponders, we'd should be able to enhance its frequency."

Martin outstretched his hand towards the man in the suit, who looked a little reluctant.

"C'mon man, this is no time to hesitate. I know how to do it."

CEO finally stretched his hand towards the Commander in charge however a sudden rumble shook the colosseum's foundation.

"What is that?!"

"I don't know."

After the rumble, a sudden roar broke through the thin air. It was so loud and coarse that Allen placed his hands over his ears to muffle the noise slightly. It wracked the very inside of his skull as the intensity grew by the second, like the scraping of metal on cement.

He shuts his eyes tightly as if to give aid to the muting but it didn't do any good. However, as sudden as it came, it left. He opens his eyes to see what had happened, only to reveal a horrific scene.

The people that had accompanied the CEO are laying on the ground, lifeless. Pieces of their bodies were scattered about as the blood flooded the entrance to the stadium.

CEO was unharmed but he knelt there motionless before the disaster that unfolded before him.

This monstrous being that towered overed them had a bulging body of flesh and veins with an amalgamation of arms protruding from almost every part of its body. Its orifices exhumed a sort of black mist that looked toxic with a large oozing spike that grew from its back.

"By the lights!" Martin exclaimed at the beast.

Everyone stood there and watched as the beast loomed over the suited man who stared wide eyed into its pitch-black globes; a darkness in which he could not explain. Everyone gazed but one.

Allen acted quickly, "Layla take Martin somewhere safe!" He rushed over to the CEO and grabbed him by the arm.

This agitated the beast. It swung some of its many arms towards the two with such speed that there was only a slight window of escape. Allen took a rune bomb he had picked from Martin and threw it in the air, crashing into the mass of arms.

"Let's go you bloated fool!"

"How dare you-"

The bomb exploded in mid-air only to halt the mass of arms.


The CEO got out of his head and ran with Allen as the beast wallowed next to them. He realized a little too late that the direction they were running was towards the beast.

"Where do you think you are-"


As the east began to recompose its size did not comprehend that the two had passed right next to it. It furiously smashed around its vicinity, trying to find its target.

Narrowly dodging the flailing arms, Allen and the CEO were able to make it pass the beast and continued to make their way towards the center of the colosseum.

"Pass the transponder, please."

The CEO handed the device over and Allen began to puzzle the pieces together mid-run.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"I'll figure something out!"


"Don't worry about it, just keep an eye on the beast."

The CEO looked back and saw the beast was still distracted with trying to find the missing bodies. It even began to turn over the pillars that were supposedly firmly planted into the platform.

"It's still confused."


Allen looked into the two ports and tried putting them together. The making of this device was a little advanced for him to comprehend as he tried to fiddle around them.

"THERE IS A BUTTON ON THE SIDE!" Martin was yelling from the side.

Allen turned to find him on one of the bleachers shouting down to him. Allen nodded to him in acknowledgment and searched for the button.

At the side of the device there was a single rectangular button that had a connector symbol on it. He pressed the button with a click and pop, a usb connector popped out, perfectly matching the other port.

"CONNECT IT BOY!" CEO yelled but as Allen was about to do so, a sudden crash behind him made him flew a few feet away.

The beast caught up to them with another bellowing roar.

"ALLEN!" Layla yelled.

This time it was Martin who acted. He had saved a needle just in case the emergency called for it. He shot the needle into his leg and groaned in pain.


"Don't worry, lass! I got this!"

Martin's body began to bulge in places around his calve to his arms as he got on all fours. His fangs grew and his claws sharpened. His eyes started to glow in a fiery fury, blue like the sky.

He moved swiftly with intense power that cracked the foundation as he leaped off the bleacher.

He howled in tandem to the beast, catching its attention as he crashed into its supposed face, bringing to the ground with him. He clawed at its eyes and bit into its face.

The beast groaned in pain as Martin's relentless attack pinned it to the ground.

Allen was still stunned on the ground. He was regaining his composure to find that he had dropped the transponders.

He fervently searched for the devices on the ground, ignoring the scene happening behind him. He knew from the howl that Martin must be doing something but there was not enough time to idly watch not.

He was able to find one piece but the other one must have mixed itself among the debris. "WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE SO SMALL!?" He said in frustration.

"BOY!" CEO yelled behind him. He looked to find that the CEO was able to grab the other piece but he is also distance away from him. He ran.

He ran as hard as he could, more than he thought he could for his life and the life of all the other survivors are there waiting. He ran but a body flew in between them. When Allen traced the path of the body, he finds Martin laying behind a cracked open wall, motionless.



Time seemed to have come to a slow halt. He had to make a choice. It was either to meet up with the CEO to piece the transponders together and get help or to stop the beast from charging at the motionless Martin.

One life... or the lives of many.

Allen did not like the odds... so he made HIS choice. He threw the device towards the CEO.

The man in the suit was surprised at the act and did his best to trace the trajectory of the flying device. With his study in physics coming in handy he was able to perfectly catch the device and instinctively piece the two together.

He looked towards the young man who rushed in aid of his superior. The boy he thought would risk anything to be saved was now doing it to save someone else.

"DO IT!" Allen yelled towards the CEO as he brought out his knife to defend against the charging bull.

The CEO pressed the two buttons in co and it beeped. The signal released an SOS that reached the very outside of the confides of cloud and carnage, to the people that can hear it.

It was then a sudden crash was heard in Allen's direction and all was quiet.

For a moment, there was only dust and new pieces of debris scattered all over the ground. For a moment, there was silence. For only a moment before the transponder received a reply.

"Good thing ya called." A voice came through.

As the dust cleared, the beast revealed itself with a large hole in the center of its torso. A couple of its arms had been shot clear with Allen and Martin, close to death, safe.

"We wouldn't have been able to knew if this was the right spot."

A large ship rose to the level of the Colosseum. A ship that wouldn't normally be sanctioned to enter the air space of the city. It was almost beaten up pretty bad but in a good enough state to finish the job with a scar with stitches singed into its side.

"The Calvery is here!"


"A few clicks out captain."


"Is there any way to get there quicker?" Pierre commented that their pace was lacking.

They ditched the vehicles they brought once they got close enough to the Blighted Tree. They could see it from where they were standing but knew it was a good distance away from them.

"We cannot afford to make any more noise here on out. Going into the heart of the enemy would risk a lot considering how few we are."

"Understood captain."

"Elaine, how's it looking from there?"

Elaine was perched on a remaining tower that overlooked the area. With her keen senses, she could feel through the wind for any changes.

"Nothing around us for now, captain."

"Alright, we'll keep up the pace for now."

As they drew closer to the center, the surrounding area revealed a lot of carnage. Destroyed armored vehicles and a multitude of bodies laid about. Whatever buildings were standing began to crumble at the very foundation and the air was thick with a strong miasma.

"Keep your helmets on. This miasma is toxic to the living.... and the not."

They were fortunate to have enough experience with the blight to have built these suits to withstand the decaying properties of the air but direct contact could still prove fatal.

"This is terrible," Titan finally spoke after some time. The voice was muffled and somewhat soft.

"I can't believe the Blight could do so much in just a single day."

"An unnatural disaster for sure."

"It seemed like the denizens were making a last-ditch escape before all this happened though."

"That must have been the plan but the blight must have thwarted it."

Even though they knew that most of the bodies were dormant, Titan, being the gentle soul, continued to check for any vitals with her helmet.

"No one could have survived this."

"Let's keep moving." The captain didn't want to remain here to check every last body. She knew it was too late for them but it was still hard to see. No matter how many times she saw this scene, she could never get used to it.

"Aye," they said in unison.


A sudden eruption sounded in the distance.

"The fight still wages on," Titan commented.

"That bugger won't go down so easily."

"John?" Elaine knew it would only be John left.

"Yeah, he's the last person to stand in the Blighted Armies way. He for sure won't be giving up his seat just yet."

They needed to hurry to his aid before anything bad happened to him... or worse.


"RAAAAAAAAAGH!" Porcus roared as he struggled to hold his own against the Hero of Eons.

"Keep him there!" Lady Lust was chanting a spell with incredible speed. The area around her began to glow in a soft white as the intensity grew with her voice.

Pride beckoned the roots of the tree to wrap around John's feet but John's arms continuously punched air waves towards Porcus, sending him flying a few more feet with every hit. However, with each punch, John's hands began to bleed into his hits.

"ANYTIME NOW!" Porcus yelled as he was fending off some of the blows with his axe.

The forces of gold and corruption clashed with each other furiously, tearing at the ground beneath every blast.

Lady Lust completed her chant and released it on top of John.

A glorious light encapsulated the area and wrapped itself around John. John struggled to break free from the light but there doesn't seem to be anything he could do. He was wriggling his arms about even took one of his weapons to slash at the light but there was something that prevented him from using his full strength.

"As long as this light wraps you, you will slowly be drained of your essence. That essence you are so fond of shall be taken away from you and you cannot do anything about it."

"Guh," John struggles to break free of his restraints but there is not much he can do about the enchanting magic that restrains him. However, John still has a trick or two on his sleeve.

In his mind, he imagines a picture of power that is undeterred, a power so intense that it melts the foundation of all thing. It is a power that is so volatile that it even endangers the user. He pictures himself touching a fraction of that power to harness it but it burns to a touch, even worse than the flames that now consumes him. It is like the flesh of his skin to the base of his bones was on fire.

He does it again and again and again until... that power was his.

When he opens his eyes, he does not feel the heat of the flames nor the consumption of the corruption. He only feels an overwhelming strength that envelopes his very being.

"You bastard," Pride lets out a surprised gasp. "You actually did it."

"Now is no time to hesitate," John said under pained breath as if his throat was as dry as the dessert sand.

John let's out an immense roar towards the targets before him. As he did, a gush of flames roared into existence and burnt away all that stood before him. The very ground changes properties as pieces of it split into ashes and molten concrete, laying out a new form following his breath's path.

As he runs out of breath, the blast dissipates into nothingness as most of the things before it.

It's taxing to use Wrath's powers but it pays off well.

John cut the vines to free his leg and looks at the collateral from his attack. It made a large gaping cavern that led pass the blighted tree, which was pierced in the middle but remains standing, connected to the Void Portal. He needs to take out that tree to severe the connection to the Void before it does any permanent damage but first...

"Hahaha!" Pride burst out laughing as he was lying to the side; his leg had been taking with the blast. John did not hesitate to approach the fallen lord, feeling that it was safe for now to take his stride.

"You are a fool to actually take in that power for yourself, yet you harness it in such a situation that I cannot help but laugh! HAHAHA!"

"Believe me, it wasn't pleasant."

"I'm sure it wasn't considering the conflicting souls merging. How does it feel to gain power through robbing someone of it? How does it feel to take something for your gains? Satisfying?"

"Anything to take you all out here and now." John was readying another blast point blank but he was interrupted by Porcus who had stabbed him in his side. John was surprised by the sudden assault and gagged up a good spill of blood. "Kgh!"

He feels the energy he had just attained get siphoned out of his body.

"This is gooooooooooood." Porcus growled as he pulled John's face up to meet his sinister gaze.


"Your senses are weakening from Wrath's essence corrupting your innards. Oh, but it is so delicious, like having a buffet."

John elbows the Blight Lord and grabs his arm to flip him over in an attempt to pin Pride down but despite missing his leg, he's still agile. Pride swirled to the side and balanced his body on all three legs, like a hunter ready to strike.

Pride gnashes his teeth towards John who was ready to take the attack head on, but grins gleefully.

John realizes a little too late that Fau had concocted another spell to launch at John. Her hand glowed in a bright white before releasing a

John braced himself for the impact but the hit was so powerful that it sent him flying a couple feet away. He fell to the ground tumbling a couple more feet before coming to a halt.

"Uuugh," John grunted as he struggled to get on his feet.

"Do you feel the pain, John? Your mortality?" Pride spoke as he made his way to John, gradually.

"Oh yeah, I felt it alright."

"Always so koi with your words. This is but a singe of what the universe feels on a secondly basis."

John rose once more to the Blight lord. His body was tattered a bit and the few hits he had received were supposedly fatal if it weren't for his aura's protection. However, it is shimmering now.

"Ah, but I'm sure the great universe can handle such paltry experience."

"You do not understand our objective, John. We only want to save it from this pain, this suffering of living."

"To turn everything undead and corrupted?"

"To unite it all! To bring a salvation where nothing has to experience hardship! What is the point of living if you continue to slave away for some measly currency, physical objects of temporary value. A short means to an equal end?"

John looked towards the Blight Lord, to all of them. He realized now that he has been put in a tight corner. There was nowhere to run even if he wanted to. However, at this moment, he is relieved. He sighs deeply before answering.

"It is to struggle that we must live. It is the willpower to strive through so we can continue to see the beauty of life itself. What you are doing is no different from what the Great One has already achieved."

"The Great One has gone missing! He has abandoned all of mortality to stow away from the suffering and pain that his creation has wrought!"

"That is where you are blind, Lewentos. That is, where you cannot see past yourself."

"I need only myself... with help from a few."

"How many times do I need to keep fighting?"

"As many as you can take."

"Fine," John got into combat position and raised his arms towards the enemy before him. They now heavily outnumber him in his weakened state. The infected army continues to pop out of the ground, like the dead rising from their graves. There was no end to them. However, John won't stop until it is over. He cannot.

Lewentos was about to give the final command of attack before he was bombarded with a multitude of explosions, stunning him in place as one of the devices held a concussion device, pinning him to the ground in agony.

Porcus was about to find the perpetrators until he was met with one of them. It was a person wearing armor that tackled the blight lord with such strength that even he struggled to break free. He raises his siphoning blade towards the foe but they grabbed his arms and used them for leverage to toss him to the building.

Lady Lust was about to attack the new foe until she was met with another flurry of attacks by another. She conjured a flaming wall that was them turned into ice. As she readied her spell, the warrior on a hoverboard appeared swiftly beside the wall and blasted her with an intense heat that made her furl her tails into a sphere around her as protection, singing the fur.

Lady Lust retracted her tails and curled them into a circle, gathering energy into the opening. However, the figure was too swift to attack, darting about erratically.

"AAAAAGH," she wails in pain as a sudden sharp pain hit her back.

The distraction was set as she was then attacked from behind from red tracers, charring pieces of her back.

"JOHN!" A familiar voice was heard. John followed it to the top of the building and there stood Captain Sera. "Can't you save a lil fun for us?"

"You insane, bi-" Pride was about to pounce on the attack but John hopped on to him and wailed on the blight lord. It was after a good couple hits that the blight lord retreated to the bottom of the tree, where he regained full control of the growth.

"Sera, you are still one impressive fool to have come to me."

"Aw shucks, no need for compliments."

John laughed gleefully as he watched his reinforcements change the tide of battle. Even when there was a few of them, they were handling the situation with ease, even taking out the numbers from the infected army.

"What of the others?"

"With your brother."

"Al?! He's safe!"

"Yeah, got into a little bit of trouble that one, but they should handle it fine."

"That good," John says in relief. He was truly reassured that all of his efforts did not go to waste.

"How about we get you out of this place before he gets even angrier."

"I think we went past that."

"ENOUGH!" Lewentos bellowed. "I will not be ashamed by this measly display of resistance! You will all fall here and now!"

Pride beckoned the tree to unleash a flurry of blows towards the small group of people. The tree begins to below as it reaches down with its vines and branches, smashing about on the ground. The attacks missed its mark but it was able to give the other blight lord's time to regroup.

"If you have a plan, now would be a good time."

"Honestly, I didn't really think this far ahead."


"I thought we could just get here and things would work out."

"Oh my-" John couldn't help but laugh. This was the same Sera that he had met all those years ago. "I guess we wing it from here."

"That's my strong suit."

"Alright team, regroup and let's kick some ass!"


Edited and reviewed by

Aces Friends and Association