It all started few weeks back, when I went out with my friends. But first remember this, I am not the party time and I don't stay out late infact I am one of the top best students in my highschool and I have no time for boys or fun, I study non stop.

I am my parents pride not because I am their only daughter and child but because I make them proud. I go for competitions and I have never for once come second place or third I was always the top best. My parents boasted of me all day long.

I have the best friends ever they've always got my back especially if I got myself in trouble.

It all truly started when Lola suggested we all visit the new club which was miles away from our school. first I had no idea why she suggested that but she said it will be a good place to visit. Lola was one of them girls who loves to party infact she was the life of the party. I was a vibe as well but not compared to her.

We all know the most beautiful girl in our school was me but because I had my life only on studies so the guys in school were chasing after Lola and Cynthia. oh Cynthia is also one of my friend she was more like Lola's type but she was the time who had temper issues and guys mostly avoided her because of her anger. if you ask me I just think she's bipolar.

Jennifer my last friend really persuaded me to join them and atleast try new stuff and meet people. she would say. 'Loosen up a little, it won't hurt'.

We finally fixed a date to visit the club which was the last Friday of that week. so I planned to tell my parent that me and the girls were visiting the library after school. But thinking of it my parent would get a quick red flag because I never use the public library I had one personally designed for me at home. so I spent every minute i get thinking of a better excuse.

Tuesday came and we spent the whole day for extra lessons and on our way back Jennifer made a stop to see a friend at a pub. we joined her and my first time at the pub was a day to remember. I loved the music and for the first time I drank a little of beer even though it was a little. my parents didn't know of this because they had dinner date together. after that brief experience I had the feeling to explore. Deep down even though I was always reading and studying my soul was always yearning to tour the world and explore life.

Finally friday came and I was able to lie to my parent that I was having a sleepover at Jennifer's house and it was based on reading for our fourth coming examination which they allowed me to go to. At first my mum made sure no guy was coming infact she took me to jhenny's house herself.

Ten o clock on the dot Lola came knocking on the door and we sneaked out together. Jennifer's parents were very much fast asleep after their long day at work. we took a cab to the club, cythtia was there waiting for us, we spotted her in the coloured light I remember her beautiful smile and the dresses she had on. it's was obviously showing her curves and her boobs which were attractive. she had a place reserved for us and indeed no one ever knew we were high schoolers it was obvious she had a friend in the new club and they could even allow us drink alcohol.

first i still wasn't comfortable with the dress Jenny had gotten me because it wasn't making me free. it had a terrible jacket and I was feeling heat even though the club was cool like ice. So I took off the jacket and yes you guess right the dress had an opening and my laps were pretty showing from the lining and I could spot my beautiful skin glowing. In no time the club was getting full and so we got transferred into the under ground center club if was for VIP. Cynthia really had alot of connections in this. The VIP section was bubbling as well but not as crowded as the regular.

I could notice a figure waking into the room, he was huge and handsome, believe me when I tell you this, there's none of his kind in existence. He immediately notices me and I was scared to the call. I realized my friends were getting all different they were all acting strange all to get noticed by the stranger who kept glancing at our table.

Drinks were brought to us but I drank just soda which made my friends laugh at me the more but I never showed signs like I cared. The music was getting louder and the coloured light was getting brighter and more lovely. I got to my feet and decided to take the dance floor with my friends and we danced like crazy they were chanting my name because they couldn't believe I knew how to dance. seriously they underestimated me.

I was the vibe with the spotlight on me. After a long while I decided to relax a bit by then it was past midnight. my friends ordered smoke and for the first time I tried it just for experiment purpose, I just wanted to know what if was like, what it felt like. I was coughing really bad and Lola quickly saw me off to the rest room. I remember I saw her leaving with a guy who works at the new club and I was just there still catching my breath when a figure walked in. It was the stranger, yes the handsome one. He actually lost his way and I remember that all he kept asking was 'Is this the way out'. as I noticed him gazing at my dress and then my face. I felt shivers and chills. I replied him but he was lost in words. He turned to take his leave afterwards.

I still couldn't get over his face out of my head as I kept wetting my face with water. I walked out of the rest room just to find him waiting at the lobby. the lobby was a passage before the VIP section room.

I didn't notice at first but with his cold hands holding me back that was then I noticed him. he was waiting. why? I asked myself.

we spoke for an hour and he was pretty cool. my friends didn't even bother looking for me and I was happy they didn't because I didn't want my night getting ruined or distracted. we just spoke about drinks and books. He basically loved reading like I did even though he kind of knew about more of cities and counties.We really had alot in common.

It first started with his smile, suddenly he kept all quiet and was admiring my face. 'Lovely set of lips', he said.'I guess they'll taste better than honey', he added sending chills down my spine. 'I wouldn't mind tasting some of it', he said looking into my eyes. 'If you'll let me', he added coming closer.

I couldn't resist, it was like I was in a spell. I didn't want to get out of it either. I was totally in love with him, it was love at first sight.

Falling in love to me was a hard thing I couldn't believe what was happening. He came closer pulling me gently to him till I could feel his heart beat, he lifts my chin up and he bends bringing his face very close to mine too I could feel his hot breathe. without getting distracted by outside noises or worries or the loud music, i let myself be immersed in the feeling, with a little bit of light physical contact, he start by massaging my hand, moving up the arm and shoulder, basically building up the level of intimacy and also seeing how comfortable i was he goes in for a kiss fist on the neck and then the back of my neck, massaging my shoulders from behind.

He gently cups my chin, and guide them over to his lips, tilting his head slightly he tries to thrust his tongue into my mouth right away. Simply pressing his lips against mine. I could feel my eyes closed and his breathe and I could feel the passion as I copied his movements.

I let myself linger between the kisses as I kissed him once, slowly, letting it last for a few seconds. Then slowly i draw my lips away but still keeping them close enough to his lips so that they are almost touching (but aren't). This lingering seems to help build the passion, and really captures his full attention.(as if there wasn't before.

Increasing the Passion, he grabs me by my ass. 'Is this okay?" He asked as he uses his hands to gently pull me closer to him by the butt until our bodies are pressed up against one another.

"Yes", I replied sweetly.

He plants a deep kiss on my neck, afterwards inserting his tongue lightly into my mouth letting it dance with his increasing the passion sensually aggressively.

After kissing for a while, he tries getting a little more adventurous.

I could feel his hand moving down alongside with my dress zip till I felt his cold touch at my back. I tried to tell him I was young but I felt so weak. I just couldn't resist him. He led me to a secret corner and this time he spicies it up a bit by moving his head down to kiss me and lightly nibble my neck till I felt my dress falling to my feet, before I realized it I was naked.

I managed to open a few buttons from his shirt and he stopped me at a point as he tore his shirt off his body and I felt his hands thereafter on mine I could feel his touch all over me.

I could feel my back pressed to the table by the side and I loosened myself in the moment with fullness and warmth that creates an immense sense of pleasure, tingling, and a general good feeling.