No regrets

Man: "P-please" he pleads as I run my knife across his chest drawing blood, he winces slightly but other than that is fine, for the most part.

"Now where the fun in that" I comment as I walk around his tied-up figure.

I get behind him and bring my blade up to his neck "We're just getting started" I whisper as I dig my knife into his leg.

Man: "AAARRRRGGGHHHMMMMM" he screams out before I cup his mouth with my hand muffling his screams.

"Woah there, what a mouth on you," I say as I twist the knife in deeper, his screams get even louder and the edges of his eyes turn red slightly.

"Really" I deadpan "Crying?" He starts crying. I rip the knife out. and he screams once more.


I stand up and uncover his mouth, as he breathes heavily. I get in front of him and grab his head with my right hand as I twirl the knife in my left.

"You know, it's no fun when toys break too fast" I smile at him

His face pales as I point the blade right at his Iris "So let's fix that"

The rest of the night is filled with the screams of an innocent man who just wanted to get his daughter something for her 3rd birthday.




My name is Ozaruz vore and I am what people refer to as a serial killer, you know the criminally insane people like the joker. Although I can't hold a candle to him because some of the stuff he comes up with is just amazing, but I try my hardest.

I had sleek jet black hair, piercing purple eyes, a face that could make even the most loyal women cave in a lick my feet, and a body that left both men and women drooling at the mere sight of me.

Now I would go on to tell you about my tragic life leading up to this point but I can't. Why? Because I had a good life, loving parents, lots of loyal friends, and even a cute little sister. I had Everything I ever wanted in life.

But I was so bored, so I made my own little harem, it was pretty easy, just be a nice guy, be a strong guy, solve their little issues, and the BAM harem. I pretended to be dense to spice it up a little and have some fun instead of acknowledging them and it was entertaining for a while but got boring quickly. So instead I accepted all their feelings and have at least 5 girlfriends, well had.

They all were found dead, brutally tortured, and murdered their bodies couldn't even be recognized, same goes for my mom, dad, and sister. Now any normal person would break, their psyche wouldn't be able to hand all the trauma and stress coming at them at the same time.

But I'm not normal, and combine that with the fact that I killed and torture them myself, well you can see where I'm going with this.




Ozaruz pov

I was sitting on my couch in my apartment after finishing off another one. It was pretty disappointing, to be honest, his screams weren't really pleasing to the ear, and he gave up after only 5 minutes.

I mean talk about pathetic.


I stand up, turn off the Tv and walk to the kitchen where I grab my trusty serrated butter knife then head up to my bedroom where I can just relieve some stress. I open the door and tied down to my bed is one of the latest victims.

Woman: "P-please let me go, I-i won't t-tell any o-one s-so please" She pleads as I walk over to her.

"How about no" I comment as I draw in closer to her. She looks at the knife in my hands then back to me, I grin at her and her eyes go wide with terror.

Woman: "N-no S-stay away STAY AWAY" she screams at me as I inch closer and closer. I can almost feel the intense fear radiating from her and I love every bit of it.

I get to the side of the bed and run the knife across the glowing skin on her thigh gently. I'll be honest she was pretty, a perfect 9/10 with her long and flowing golden brown hair with sky blue eyes to accompany them. Those plump pink lips, and her small round cute face. Her Curvy hourglass figure, that left nothing to the imagination. All in all almost a perfect woman.

"Are you a model?"

Woman: "W-wh-Y-YES I AM S-SO IF YOU L-LET ME GO I'LL GIVE YOU MONEY" She bargains. Well tries to at least

"Hn" I grunt as I bring my knife up and intend to stab her right in the leg, I look over and her eyes went hysterical, Her body is trembling and she is on the verge of tears.

I grin sadistically as I lower the knife, I can see a glint of hope in her eyes, well that was before In one swift motion I brought the knife up again and down right into her leg.

Woman: "AAAAHHHHHHH" she screams loudly as I stick my blade down in her leg "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH" she screams even louder as I start running my knife down her leg, tearing skin along the process and ripping up her leg.

Finally, when reaching her knee I take my knife out.

She is breathing heavily as tears continue to pour out from her eyes "P-please" I comes out as a whisper. "I-i don't want to die" she begs me.

"No~" I muse as I bring my knife up again and am about to stab the other leg he the door suddenly explodes. In comes, a police officer with his gun pointed right at me.

Policeman: "FREEZE!!!" he commands, I just look at him with a bored expression and the knife still raised.

Policeman: "I SAID FREEZE!!!"

I look back at the woman whose eyes shine brightly. I really want to see the shocked expression on her face when I kill her right in front of the man who she thought would save her.

Policeman: "DROP IT NOW!!!" He commands

I just ignore him and raise the blade higher then slam it down on her stomach "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screeches as I dig my knife deep in her stomach.

Then I feel a cold sensation wash over me, followed by intense pain in my midsection. I stand up rather abruptly and the same sensation comes over me 4 more times. I look down and it seems like I'm bleeding in 5 different places. I bring my hand up over my wounds then to my face.

"Huh" Never thought I'd see my own blood, it's a lot more memorizing than I thought, same with being shot, I figured he would just taze me or sum, guess I was wrong.

I stumble backward and slump down the wall as the policeman radios someone, and the woman bleeds out on my mattress.

'Well shit'

'I didn't think that I would go out this way'

'I at least wanted to stab that policeman before dying'

'Oh well'

'It was a fun life'

I may not have lived a good life, I may have been a sociopath, I may have been a crazy murder, But it was a fun life so I have no regrets whatsoever.

I start feeling drowsy and just rest my eyes, and let the darkness take me.