"wake up!. All of you sluts, wake up!" an ear piercing scream of a man on his thirties was heard early in the morning. A metal bar on his hand, he used to bang on the workers' doors where everyone was forced to wake up, grumbling.
Including Auryll who just stood up without saying a word with a distant look on her eyes and Mirrah who was concerned on what might running inside her friend's brain right now. It was unusual for her to look this way because Auryll used to be rebellious. Oddly today, she seemed to be obedient.
"ughh!. It's still so early. Why it have to be at this time?" complained one of the girls who lazily climbed off from her bed and quickly presented herself in front of the man.
Having no choice left but to abide.
Followed by the others who also did the same for the sake of not having further punishments. The older workers were used to this treatment especially if they have special guests. Unfortunately, they had one, exactly 5 in the morning. Thus, they needed to wake up an hour earlier to get prepared and be chosen by the man who would be the ones to entertain the guests. But luckily enough, the pay was way higher because the guest was rumored to be the famous President of Johansenn industry, one of biggest companies in Ivanov. Who will had a meeting with their manager regarding the club they were working in.
No one really knows about his purpose but still, the club was polite enough to serve him. Resulting many to be eager for the high amount and also the opportunity.
Who knows if they can please him that much and promote this place further?. Or for delusional people like the workers, be his whore who would climb his bed and live under his roof.
"lower you head, Auryll" whispered Mirrah before they separated and headed towards the man and lined on their respective places.
Auryll did just as she was told.
For the first time since she was caught, this was the first time she ever obliged. An obedient dog who had tail tucked between her legs instead of whining and screaming like a pig. She found out, it's utterly useless and crying doesn't make anything good, a new discovery Auryll had known just last night.
The man took his sweet time to scan the ladies one by one. Beginning from the ones who had perfect bodies and enough experience, confidence to handle the work. Supposedly, he chose only 5, 2 to serve man and the rest for his body guards in case he brought some.
"good...you know I don't tolerate any mistakes, right?" he declared. The metal bar carelessly dangling behind him.
"yes master!" the girls replied in unison with a deep bow as far their stomachs can reach.
He strolled back and seemed to leave with a hum of approval. However, a particular someone caught his eyes in an instant his eyes landed on her pitiful figure who was purposely hiding behind one of the girls.
She was covered in bruises. Clothed in an ordinary torn shirt almost rugged clothes. Not wearing any make ups but her natural beauty was stunning enough, surpassing almost 90% from the group.
Chestnut hair, hazel eyes, button nose, supple rosy lips, thick lashes, slim waist and seductive curves; any man would salivate from.
If she was this beautiful without wearing anything, then how much more if she does?.
Does that mean...?
The man jumped in glee, excitedly circling Auryll who was cowering back in fear, praying for God to lead the right way for her. Deep inside her heart, she truly didn't want to be chosen but chose to go with the way wherever God will lead her too. She trusted him enough to hand her hopeless life in his hands.
Auryll felt cold fingers curved under her chin to raise her face to be examined. Although, hesitant she brazen herself to look directly in the man's eyes where many wicked thoughts where swirling around those greyish orbs. Especially, money money, money. She can obviously see the $ symbols inside his pupils paired with a wide grin plastered on his demon like face.
"hmm...aren't you the newbie who was delivered here 2 days ago?" asked the man, clearing her face to have a better view. The smell of alcohol from his breath made Auryll hold her breath for a minute.
Auryll nodded.
Contemplating his decisions of choosing her or not. After debating for a while, in the end, he decided to send her to please the guest despite being inexperienced. Although, it was kinda foolish but the guest must have the best of the best from them and she was the one. Her messy hair can be fixed, also the bruises on her face can be covered with powder. Just a little bit of a touch up and bath, sure she would be perfect. How can't he notice this beauty before?.
"what's you name, darling?" asked the man, tucking some strands of her golden hair to her ears.
Auryll didn't said a word, fidgeting with her hands. She was clueless on what to do, fearing that her words or actions might offend him. She had witnessed it with her own two eyes where this kind looking man was capable of and she didn't want to be punished again. Thus, decided to clamp her mouth shut instead.
The ladies were irked by her actions, acting as if she was someone's special when they were in the same places here. Each one made noises in annoyance and glared at Auryll who was wasting their time.
"ishh...are you deaf, the master if asking?"
"seems she can't hear at all"
"master, why won't you just give her ear a good discipline for not paying any attention?" they clicked their tongues as they shook their heads for the girl's stupidity.
They began to taunt her, earning a roar of a laughter from the group except for Mirrah who understood her friend's fear.
"master, why are you even wasting your time for that girl?. Besides she's not suitable enough to-" the same girl continued to blabber only to be humiliated when the man raised his hand to stop her further. Her face reddened in embarrassment when a few giggles were heard around her.
"silence!" he seethed. Pointing the metal bar to the girl's face before turning back to everyone.
"all of you, out!. Mirrah stay" he sternly ordered, the playful tone in his voice was long gone.
He glowered down at the girls who stomped their foot in irritation before relenting and finally dispersing not to face his wrath. The man might look harmless but they knew better for he was the one who gave gruesome punishments here. Whippings, branding, cutting fleshes and the list goes on...
Mirrah worriedly glanced at Auryll who still stayed unmoving since the group left. The man was scrutinizing every detail of her before settling his eyes on hers who looked blank. Having no intentions to answer his previous question.
As expected, a harsh slap sent Auryll's cheek flying to the left side. Her eyes stung but pushed it all back in. If this was the old her, she would've cry but remained unfazed not to have him the satisfaction he was seeking for in her pain.
Yesterday, she promised herself to be strong and not to cry again. Soon, she would slowly accept this, a way to cope with the pain.
"don't make me repeat myself" the man roughly grabbed by her chin but didn't exert much force in order not to break it. Her angelic face would sure make a lot of cash than the rest that's why he's being patient and kind.
"A-Auryll" Auryll meekly stuttered in a barely inaudible voice. Exhaustion. Hunger. Lack of sleep. Thirstiness. All of it were mixed at once, making her body entirely weak. Her throat parched but couldn't voice it out for she wasn't in the position to do so.
"pretty name for a pretty face like you" he let go of her chin with a light slap then gestured for Mirrah to come closer. She didn't need to be told twice and hurriedly approached them.
"doll up, Auryll. She will be sent to the guest. Don't disappoint me" he ordered then left without glancing back.
He slammed the door shut behind him, jolting the two girls in fright. Once the cruel man was our of sight, Mirrah quickly threw her arms around Auryll who was in the verge of breaking down.
"oh, Auryll" Mirrah sympathized.
The possibilities are too many. She can be killed if the guest was displeased, lost a limb when disappointment and many more. She couldn't bear to see this sweet girl suffer even greater.
"it's fine" she sniffled against her shirt but oddly, no tears wet it like before.
"are you sure you can do this?" asked Mirrah, confused at the sudden shift of her friend's fear to determination and finally acceptance. She weakly nodded her head in response. Besides she had no choice but to.
That's what all it took to get started.
After 30 minutes of beautifying Auryll, Mirrah glanced at her reflection in the mirror in content. Her beauty was glowing, every man would be blinded to it and it was what she feared the most.
Although, against Mirrah's heart but she made her wear a tight of shoulder dress that stopped on her inner thighs with a long slit on her back, showcasing her king spine. She advised her not to wear any underwear for easier access better than naked. Compared to the others, this was the only 'decent' from the lingeries, bikinis and other revealing clothes the rest wore. Which only covered the peaks of breasts and a thin garment for the hole. In fact, some who has been working here for a long time chose to wore nothing at all.
Mirrah dabbed the red lipstick on Auryll's lips before twirling her in final. She nodded in approval at her work.
"you look glamorous, Auryll" praised Mirrah.
Auryll simply smiled.
Back then, she would be giggling at the flattery but knowing what'll this beauty would cause her ahead, it pained her instead. How she wished she was just born ugly?. In that case, maybe her parents would expect nothing high from her.
"it's going to be okay. For now, do your best, okay?" Mirrah gave an advice. Plaining the invinsible wrinkles in Auryll's red dress.
She nodded.
Just as she was about to say something, a bang in the door interrupted them. Indicating that the most awaited guest's arrival.
"he had arrived. Come" informed Mirrah, offering a hand.
She took it without a word and followed the man who was already waiting for them. The chosen five to serve the guest. After scanning their appearances for a while, he hummed in content then nodded his head towards the couch. Drinks were already spread at the table, red and blue light flashing here and there. Drunken men conversing everywhere with naked women by their sides but for the sake of the guest, it had been cleaned and moved downstairs. This was the highest floor so that no one will disrupt them soon.
"remember, I expect the best from you, girls. There would be consequences for any mistake, understand?" reminded the man.
His eyes glued to the beautiful woman who had her head hang low. He didn't like that. Confidence...in this kind of work, one must be confident. Slowly, he made his way towards Auryll then placed the metal bar under her chin to reveal her angelic face.
" tip your chin, my dear" he ordered.
Auryll did.
He smiled in satisfaction.
"good girl" he patted her head but careful not to put her neatly curled brown hair in disarray.
He waved his hand to dismiss the girls away and they quickly went to work with eye rolls of envy directed to the girl who gained their master's favor without even trying.
Mirrah was also forced to leave her friend to follow the rest.
Not for long, 3 tall men in black stepped in inside the club. Ear pieces attached on their ears whilst guarding a specific man who just entered. His tall figure, just a few inches from the door frame. Hovering above the people isnide the club. Due to the lack of light, only his silhouette was visible for Auryll.
" 'see that guy?" queried the man nudging his elbow towards the unfocused girl who was busy looking around the place. The doors, ceilings and towards the number of guards stationed beside the door.
Several plans of escapes running to that little head of hers.
"don't even think of it" the man warned. An underlying threat on his tone and this was enough to gain her attention.
"I-I was just looking for the guest" excused Auryll.
The man chuckled at her obvious lie.
He then yanked her chin to the other direction where the real guest is. Auryll flashed an apologetic smile, feigning ignorance.
"there he is, darling. Do your best and a reward was expected. Okay sweetheart?" his sugar coated words dripping with honey, one might think it was a gracious offer.
However, she knew better that the man was not having 'no' as answer. For the sake of dear life, Auryll nodded obediently.
" understood master" complied Auryll in a firm tone. The man gesture his hands for her to go on. With one last steady breath to calm her erratic heart, she walked towards the man who was already sitting down the plush couch.