Ni Wei had never liked being talked down to.
Being born a part of the Ni Family naturally filled him with an awe-inspiring pride and regal temperament. However, as he grew up. He realized that even though he had the black hair, the dark eyes, and the pale complexion of a Ni he was not a Ni.
The Ni Family kept a long line of successors, however, by default he was not on the list. He was too weak. He was not fitted for cultivation nor was he fitted for the intricate political strains of diplomacy and intrigue, what their family was most famous for. That's why he learned to mimic the behavior of small animals at an early age, to make up for his lack of fighting and his lack of learning he learned to have a loud bark.
Put on a facade in front of them, Even though he knew he couldn't do anything right at all. However, after a decade of barking… His father one day took him outside, gave him a sword, and told him to strike at him. He did so. Without a single thought- Without hesitation and plunged the sword toward his father's head.
His father gripped the tip of the sword and folded it to the side and said to him, "You're good with a sword," He wiped Ni Wei's forehead, " You don't have anything that you place your pride into, son. Everyone has something they place their pride into, the blacksmith has their hammer, the politician their quills and scrolls and Since, you are good with a sword. I'm going to give you this sword and you will learn how to use it. Then you will have something to take pride in."
Lord Ni then carefully took away the sword from their hand. Then strode toward a tree. The forest was large where tall black trees blocked out the harsh sun and the trees spread out were so intricate the forest itself was a special maze. That is why Lord Ni walked past a tree and disappeared into the brush.
That is also why Ni Wei hefted the sword into his hand and laid the edge of his two-handed sword on the edge of his palm. His index finger and thumb gripped it softly before he slid them down the blade all the way to the hilt. He felt the intricate symbols and runes woven into the blade.
"Are your nerves getting the best of you?" Wan shun taunted, "After, I'm done with you. Your guardsmen are going to be next." He threw a glance at the guardsmen, "I'll be taking your heads next."
"Shut up you Wan Dog!" Someone from the crowd that was forming answered, the crowd began to form and began to hurl insults and threats at Wan Shun. Who cooly smiled in response. Ni Wei was deathly silent, he had his eyes closed and was still, his two-handed sword now in both of his hands raised parallel to his jaw.
"Let's begin!" Wan Shun shouted as he charged.
Ni Wei suddenly jolted forward, his sword cleaved toward wan shun's approaching shoulder as he took a step well off to the side. Wan Shun's sword blurred as its cold steel collided with Ni Wei's sword. The steel bounced off of each other and rang out with a clear crisp clank. No sooner, had their swords collided had they recollected and struck out again.
Ni Wei was on his backfoot, each strike he received on his sword threatened to throw his sword out of his hand. Wan Shun's strength and overwhelming size kept barreling forward. He even had enough strength to let go of his sword and swing it one-handedly at Ni Wei's face.
Who had to unexpectedly throw himself to the side and send a decisive cut to Wan Shun's torso. The hard cut came from below and was accompanied by blinding speed. However, Wan Shun suddenly pivoted on the ball of his feet and rotated his sword vertically in front of his hip.
He was blocked! Ni Wei didn't waste the advantage, following up with a flurry of strikes, coming from high and below with fierce intensity. Each one Wan Shun had blocked and was now being forced back toward the crowd of people. He was driving back the Giant with each strike.
"Bring him here lord!" The crowd cheered. Wan Shun caught one of the cuts in a high guard on the hilt of his sword, he pushed it aside weaving his sword, and delivered a counter cut to the face, Ni Wei suddenly delivered an imposing undercut from below pushing aside the threat with an attack. The Guardsman were shouting, "Yes! You can do it Young Master!" the crowd was becoming deafening with their screams and shouts, "Kill em!" Wan Shun parried the sudden cut to his chest and kept on inching toward the crowd.
Li Wei didn't give him any rest. He was following with each strike. His arms had not rested and sweat glistened on his head and formed on his back. His sword was illusive, each and every single strike had a goal and purpose, even if they were blocked or parried there was always another strike that followed it smoothly. The swords let out sudden signs of sparks as they continued to intensely strike against each other, the runes on Li Wei's sword beamed with an ethereal blue light.
Wan Shun attempted to sidestep, However, Li Wei quickly rotated his sword into a following undercut that pushed him back into place. Toward the crowd, that was ever so dangerously getting closer to his back. Wan Shun didn't doubt the crowd's capability to send a dagger into his back if he ever got so close…
So with a sudden roar, "AAAGH!" He leaped forward with undisguised fury. His sword shook and let out a blinding light followed by the sound of flames igniting. From the tip, all the way to the hilt of his sword was encompassed in a dazzling flame that revolved around itself constantly like a fiery tornado.
Li Wei nearly felt his sword slip from his hand, the moment the swords collided, bolts of electricity and fire crashed into each other. However, Li Wei's wrist almost immediately bent back and his sword literally bounced off of the flames.
Two steps back. The crowd watched Wan Shun bulldoze his way forward, cleaving his sword in rapid succession toward Li Wei's chest. Another two steps backward forced him backward, the blinding flame irritated his eyes while the sheer strength behind the attack was forcing him to stumble back. Wan Shun's hair had flickers of fires running across the edges of it.
He charged, swinging the flame tornado sword harder and harder again, smashing him aside with brute force and sheer will as the flames grew in intensity. The desperate attempt to charge forward had also left him with a few scars as random streaks of electricity deflected itself into Wan Shun's leg and arm.
Wan Shun delivered another strong cut to the chest, Li Wei sidestepped but was met with a swift kick to his gut so fast that he barely saw Wan Shun left up his leg. The crowd had grown silent, "What the hell was that?!" A guardsman shouted. Most of the guardsmen were shaking in fear, " Don't dally protect the master!" One erupted forward grabbing their sword and charging.
Wan Shun didn't even bother turning around, He had already raised his sword and had cleaved it down with another fast stroke to Li Wei's face. Li Wei had barely recovered but raised his sword to block the attack.
… the sword suddenly bent back, Wan Shun's sword sunk deep into Li Wei's the side of his cheek and sunken deeper into the jaw as he let out a gut-wrenching scream, dropping his sword at the same time. Wan Shun's sword passed through his face like butter, taking out his eye and nearly cutting off his jaw.
Wan Shun slid in closer, His sword twisted with unnatural precision and swiped upward taking the arm of Li Wei. Who at this point had toppled to the ground. Wan Shun pivoted to the side just in time as a sword sailed into his previous position. He quickly dispatched the guardsmen with a cut to the face.
The other guardsmen had stopped, they didn't dare get any closer.
Wan Shun gazed at the crowd. The crowd gazed back. They held each other's gaze for a long time until Wan Shun laughed uproariously.
A guardsman stood still and for a long time looked at the young master's body, "You killed him." The sight of the young master had shocked the entire crowd deeply, "Do you know what you have done?"
"I do." Wan Shun didn't deny anything.
Wan Shun walked away. Unimposed.
What really? That's not right. He should be ganged and killed! Ying thought Someone has to retaliate. She looked around, no one moved. It was pressure. The mere thought that he was able to use the flaming sword made the people unable to move.
Ying looked around, She latched onto a knife on the shop's counter. Yet, before she could even more she felt a strong hand hold her in place. The shop owner, leaning down and whispering into her ear, "Don't… That's a Qi Warrior," The shop owner shook his head "that boy never had a chance and you won't either."
"No! Everyone will join me! They just need a push!" She attempted to wrench the knife from his hand but his grip was firm, "Let! Me! Go!"
"No!" The Shop owner said in a firm tone, "You think everyone's gonna help you? Look around! Does it seem like anyone there is ready to die for their master like you are? As a peasant you should've learned long ago that it's not your place to mess with the nobility, especially that of the cultivation world!"
The girl looked at him, defiant still having a firm hand on the knife. As the shop owner's eyes met hers, his face twitched, "If you want to help, Go check on the young master…" He wrenched the knife away from her hand, "That's the only thing you can do."
She punched him, "You know he's already dead!"
"Still someone should confirm without a doubt that he's dead." At this point, Wan Shun had left the area.
Ying looked at the young master, no one had dared to approach the body yet. The guards were stunned.