chapter 34 part 2 Damien's pov

34 part 2 special chapter

Damien Martin's POV

(The flashback when Vivan got her period)

"It appears that my girl has finally entered into womanhood. Her menstrual cycle has begun, marking the conclusion of her transformation into an ideal companion. She will slowly but surely learn to adapt to the life ahead of her.."

I want to provide her with more freedom, such as giving her treats other than some silly chocolate privilege. I feel as though I should be more lenient with her.

"This is a common symptom of that particular physiological state, as the frequent fluctuations in her hormonal levels can cause intense emotional instability." I recalled my brother's words.

No wonder she's moody about everything little thing.

Her resentment towards me is at an all-time high right now, but I find it nothing but pathetic attempt at being a revolting brat to give Me a taste of her frustration.

Her circumstances literally entail spending the remainder of her life with me without a doubt.


(The day Vivan was allowed to see her family again)

Her heart-rending weeping and her downbeat stare at the car window was the only thing seemed alive yet so broken.

Initially, when I brought her to this location, she attempted to flee on given chance. Hence, I resolved to be on increased alert and follow her every maneuver with meticulous attention.

That moment seeing her crying over her family, I felt the rage bubbling inside me.

That brat...She must smile and cry, for me only.

The sole thing holding me back from forcing her to return to the inn was her unceasing whimpering and trembling, with her slim frame, as she cried uncontrollably. 'She's BeAuTiFuL like this.'

Afterwards, I led her to this flower field, where she had the time of her life. She even managed to give me a faint smile.

'Such a confusing little thing.'

I spent my miserable ten years while I saw Gabrielle's face everywhere.

But now I was looking at Vivan, I saw Vivan, only Vivan. Vivan was the only one who could make me forget about any other things this world present to me.

Ever since my birth, everything was handed to me, yet I owned nothing, a contradiction that is deeply ingrained in my being even now.

'I felt her tensing up as I get closer to her to take a look at the flower bundle she's been making.'

But this... this complete control over something.. something that I solely own is exhilarating.

Eyes never lie.

I couldn't understand how that girl could be so happy and carefree even after me having subjected her to such atrocities.

My brain struggled, attempting to fathom it. How was that girl, despite her suffering at my hands, still able to be joyful and carefree? I was left puzzled and mystified by the matter.

'I trailed my fingers across her bottom lip as she seemed to be wanting to be somewhere other than sitting with her captor as she tightly gripped onto the flower bundle.'

A look without needing much words. She reluctantly leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.

Smart choice.

I leaned on the car and lost in my thoughts with a cigarette while I let her enjoy her little exploration.

I wouldn't make the same mistake again,

Those memories haunted me like a shadow.

A decade back, Gabrielle was something akin to a blessing for me. Something I could call as my own thing.

But I couldn't fathom why I would have made the mistake of letting her walk all over me. That was what love means right?

I had the option to do away with her, yet I didn't have the heart (or the means)... the man who I call father was set on wanting a heir from me.

I was young.

The possibility of her abandoning me on my own with our shared offspring in tow was what truly haunted my dreams. could I possibly protect the young from the destiny that has been projecting from me?

No child, I mean no child deserves to be abandoned by their birth mother. My child would be no exception too.. that child wouldn't be more cursed having me as a father.

So I take on a whole new persona. Turning out to be the worst. I was a teen at that time, being taught like a true bastard who has no morals by my very own father, and my childhood trauma blinded me. I thought she would pity and LoVe me if I were to play along...PiTy? LoVe?


'I looked down at the bundle of wild flowers presented to me.' The past is in the past.

I lost everything since then.

'The fidgeting hands reached out to present another bundle she has hidden behind her back.' This is my new reality.

'The savory taste of her lips never fail to amaze me as she dug her nails into my hands that's pulling on her scalp a little too tight.' Such a refreshing... little thing, how could I ever let you go?


Sleep, drunk, sitting in a room of masked people with the bastard I call father.

Daniel, my twin brother, had assisted me in recovering from severe alcoholism. Our father had made us all believe that Daniel perished at a tender age due to cancer, but this turned out to be a ploy concocted by our evil father to execute his devious schemes. Nevertheless, my brother was there to support me, aiding my recovery from rampant alcoholism. Afterward, he left me to pursue a career in medicine, abandoning me to my own devices.

It wasn't until that abhorrent individual, whom I referred to as my father, finally took his life by a gun he used on my mother. I was granted a measure of respite from his reign of torment.

Served the bastard right.

I recommenced working, this time as a replica of Daniel since I needed to conceal all evidence pertaining to him. The nightmares, however, persisted with me having to swallow numerous sedatives each day to stay functional. I didn't even know why I was alive.

On a given day, I caught a glimpse of the cafeteria while driving by, and my heart skipped a beat.

I saw Gabrielle...

I quickly retracted the car and took a closer look, but it wasn't Gabrielle but a strikingly similar lady.

Despite knowing the ethical implications, I couldn't turn my attention elsewhere even if I endeavored to, transfixed on her beautiful visage that was all too captivating to me, even at a distance.


My life was all predetermined from the moment of my birth--even my father would often chastise me for not being appreciative of the path that was set in stone for me from the very first day.

Yet, I had no true yearning or genuine goals for myself until this particular day, for the first time ever. That was all a result of the overpowering emotions that were urging me to .....




I felt as though I had no other choice but to follow my impulse.

I began to trail after her, scheming how I might interact with her without appearing peculiar.

But that plan long forgotten as I blinked and then my hands were covered in blood of a boy trying to kiss my... Thing... That empty feeling and trauma coming full force on how people seemed to can't keep hands off Things I Own!

Not anymore.

With my vision blurry and all, but my mind was clearly set on getting my hands on that wide-eyed pretty little thing looking up at me with so much horror.


Pretty things attract attention...

Even the people I hired to take care of her basic needs seemed to grown attached to her, and henced leading me to practically go extra length to ... hire people under my father's. They would know better than to step out of line.

Which was a desperate attempt on the surface but works wonder with how I didn't have to bloody my hands on minor circumstances.


(Damien went to check on Vivan's mother who went into heart attack)

Turned out as my worst nightmare. It ultimately appeared to come true, for a call notified me that a mob had snatched Vivan into their possession.

In a frenzied state, I rushed back to the inn as I drove like a lunatic, only to discover that my hired goons had been brutally assaulted.

Everything I held dear became airborne, followed by destruction at my own hands. I held myself responsible; was I to be deemed a failure yet again? I raged in a torrent of self-loathing. A failure again???!!!


I was so consumed by my anguish that I never took a bath or consumed any meals, relying solely on consuming whiskey to assuage my sadness. I spent all of my waking hours awaiting for my cell phone to ring. If the abductors were simply seeking money as ransom for her release, they no doubt would have contacted me by now to make a monetary exchange.

But how was this even possible? Vivan wasn't even being seen by anyone... I kept her tightly hidden.

Yet, it was utterly baffling--I always had Vivan safely stored out of the public's sight. It was incomprehensible to fathom how the kidnappers had the wherewithal--or the opportunity--to even take her from me in the first place.

She's a literal ghost since I've taken care of the records.

'Fuck!!!" I smashed the bottle against my head. Blood was dripping down my face but the pain was nothing compared to the nothingness in my heart.

No person aside from that imbecile of a sister, whom I'd believed I could count on, had knowledge of Vivan's presence.

The shocking revelation that she and her pathetic excuse of a husband went missing a week ago had not returned was the most suspicious aspect of all.

Pretty things really do attract AtteNtion.


Setting up a fake death plan was a child's play. I put up three locations in case...

And sooner,

'A call from an unknown ID.'

So the old clothes of her father's worked wonders.

Little sob and heavy breathing. GUILTY.

"Hello, my love." But then the line was dead but I already got the location.


"Daniel, I need your help."


My fury was palpable--what sort of incompetent goons were these that they'd failed to obtain her?! However, it seemed that my sister and her husband weren't the only individuals with a vested interest in this matter; someone else was most certainly involved.

I paced about my house like a deranged man, becoming increasingly agitated by the passing of time. Being separated from her for almost two weeks was a true living nightmare for me.

I tricked Vivan's simple-minded father into signing the documents to permit her mother's transfer to UCLA under the false pretense of governmental aid. I had no qualms about hurting Vivan's emotions, as my desperation to be reunited with her was paramount over everything else.

I wouldn't chase her.

She would come to me.


(Refer to chapter 30)

Soft ... delicate... delicious... such a precious thing trembling at the sight of me. My rage could even melt if this little thing were to reciprocate my affections. I was whipped.

" Oh god, I missed you, did you miss me? "


" Aren't you going to answer me, doll? "


" Answer me. Uhhh. I hate it when you're like this doll, I really really really hate it. "



" Doll? "

" Doll, come here, "

" Doll, it's okay, it's not your fault, "

" Doll..."

" Doll! "

" Ughhh! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why can't you do the things I asked of you?! "

" No... No... don't make me do this, doll. Not you, my doll, I won't let You do this to me, "


I pulled out a gun.


An act of defiance.


"You missed me, right?"

The sheer beauty that appeared in her eyes as she gazed upon the metal hovering above her skin.

Soon a phone call, informing that this little devil had indeed went out of her way to ensure her parents safety.

" Doll... "


" Where are they?"


" Look at me!"

" What does... he look like? "


A broken finger would heal nicely if fractured in the right way.

" Shhhh, you weren't that talkative moments ago, "


" Shhhhh "

" Shhhhh "

" Now, are you ready to talk? "


Another phone call informing there was indeed a man involved in schemes of my sister.

" You're with that fucker! Huh! Out of all people you're with that little fucker?! Henry-fucking-Merlin again?!! "


I didn't hit her that hard.



" IHAte-"



" Go on, h- ****hit me again, go on! Kill me! I- I h*** you, I- I h*** you! "

FURY BLINDING. Disrespectful.

" You're someone I could never forgive even if you skin yourself alive, I hope you burn in hell, you're the one who is really pathetic, Damien. No one would someone like you! You evil bastard!! Kill me! Kill me! I h*** you! I h*** you! "


" no, she doesn't mean it "

" Lies, "

" Not real,"

" No, "

" No, "

" Don't hate me, "

" Shut up, shut up, "

" Lies, "

" Not real,"

" No, "

"Vivan! "

" Please, no, no, don't hate me, "

" Not you, not you, baby, you don't mean it, "

" Please, "

" No, "


" Doll?"


" Doll, come back down here right now, "

" Vivan, please, baby, "

" No, no, you will not leave me! Vivan!"

" No, fuck, baby. It's okay, please come to me, "

" Vivan! I said come here! I'll fucking make you pay if you dare to attempt that stupid thing! "

" you're all I have... you're all I have"

" You're all I have... You're all I have!"


How.... how ... how ... dare YOU reject me.


She won't get away. Not even by death.


A raw slice to the perfect skin on her thigh spluttering with generous blood and so were the screams that followed. A TRACKER FOR A LESSON LEARNT.

Just a taste of what I'm truly capable of...yet, the little thing shivering and derilious with silly flu.


Kissing goodbye to the sweat covered forehead before leaving for work make me feel beyond content. Bruises and mark.



(After being informed that the man involved was no one other than Gabrielle's brother Mateo)

I was shocked. No. It would be an understatement. I was beyond livid. How dare he show his face.

And the little devil? Sure as fuck would be in her silly world of Romeo and Juliet. Sorry but that's going to work. Because I had plans concerning finding some fucker who looks exactly like Mateo.

Specifically because brats like her who were being trained in the dark basement on a weekly basis would struggle to remember their own faces.


Because little spice wouldn't be able to handle something a little too graphic.

I dragged her out with blindfolds to spice her little sanity and aimed her with the gun only to scare her so that she would run as her life and that guy's life depended on it.

" Run,"


" Try to run from me again. try it, try it, try it, and I'll catch you again and again and again, I'll drag you back, strip you down, and remind you of to where and to whom your pretty little body belongs to."
