✧ 72 ✧

Seven reminded Beat at the crucial time when he needed his help, "My knees are tired, yours are not. I sat down for a reason."

"My feet are resting to Seven, I sat down for a reason too."

Seven with murderous look at Beat who was grinning made Qiji and Xiao Mei Zhi looked away at them.

It was only then Valor returned to their side, sitting beside Beat with his manly polo, crumpled. Xiao Mei Zhi did not know that she steal another glanced at him, he did undo two buttons , giving her a chance to look at his one eight visible chest.

When Qiji was about to asked Xiao Mei Zhi for the third time that she has been ignored, she saw her glimpsed at Valor. She followed to were Xiao Mei Zhi's eyes were staring. Even if it was a quick time, she bet that her Miss felt that she was looking at Valor for to long. Along with the background of the two man that were talking back with each other.