Its message was cold and sharp, that stung in the back of her mind, uncomfortable. But she was able to be sure that meeting the mermaids was not a bad idea to start with. 

She was dressed in fancy clothes, but still, at the same time, it can't change the fact that the chance of knowing more information was the sign of a good path to take. 

If you want to advise something then tell me, what do you want me to do?

"If you can't do this then you just showed Muckbuckle that you are not worthy." Gmeis told her, in a brave voice. 

Xiao Mei Zhi smile at her, "I want to do this because I still want to see what the goblins would do to me after. A soul user in this world could bring something more than a life that gives other hybrids a hope or chance for victory. But I won't promise not today that I would fight back, since I am prone and bound to danger. Which you already foreseen."