Family Outing

I wake up and I realize I'm on the Bay window sleeping. It's so cozy here. It's still dark outside so I decide to check the time. 3:00 am the alarm clock flashes on my vanity. I stretch and my stomach growls. I better head down to the kitchen and grab something to eat. Still dressed in my clothes from yesterday, I head to the bedroom door. to make my way to the kitchen. I swing the door open and my entourage are waiting. "Luna, you told us bit to let anyone bother you. Your mother came by to retrieve you for dinner. However, you were asleep, so she left you be. Your mother also stated she made a plate for you whenever you wake up, other left overs are in the fridge. Furthermore, Lockhart also stopped by and we sent him away" Jackson stated. Wow, even I am amazed they can remember every little detail to relay back. "Jackson, Timmothy, can you stop being so formal with me already?" Dahlia said. "Luna, we will try" said Timmothy. "Why don't you two come join me for left overs, if you haven't eaten?" I said. It was quiet for a few seconds and the twins just kind of looked at each other. "We would be glad to accompany you" Jackson said. Man, these two really need to lighten up a bit. I know they are my current guards but it's always so boring. We made our way to the kitchen. I followed my mom directions to navigate me to the delicious bits of food she made. As always she out did herself; Grilled steak, roasted potatoes with onion, grilled asparagus with bits of garlic and bacon and of course a home made lemon meringue pie. I seriously need to learn to cook like this in the future. Everyone grabs a plate and grabs a little bit of everything. I sit in amazement at the twins; Jackson and Timmothy are actually laughing, joking and smiling. "Why can't you two be like this all of the time?" I ask them. "We were raised to be upstanding soilders, perfection was everything" Jackson said. "I get that, but you don't have to be like that with me. I think you guys forget I'm only 17, soon to be 18. I need and desire conversation, friends and people to talk to" Dahila said. "All I ever get is the yes sir, yes ma'am robot act. It's really annoying. I am grateful to you two for always having to put with me but come on, relax a little, it doesn't make you less professional, it makes you human" I said. "We will try to do better Luna" Timmothy said. Jackson and I made eye contact and started to laugh at his brother. "Whats so funny!" he said. "Buddy, you gotta do better than that" Jackson told his brother. "How old are you guys anyways?" Dahila asked. "We are 20, Jackson was 1st and I came out right behind him" Timmothy replied. "Is that why Jackson seems to always speak first?" I asked the twins. "That's part of it, Timmothy has always been pretty shy and not so good with words" Jackson replied. We must have sat there for at least an hour getting to know each other. It was a pretty cool experience getting to know them. I have a new outlook on their job and how hard they work. All good things must come to an end. Our late night dinner conversation is intruded on. "Dahila Can I..." Oh great, here comes Lockhart to ruin a perfectly good late night, getting angry I reply "No, you may not, it's time for me to go". "Dahila, please!..." Lockhart says desperately. "Jackson, Timmothy, please make sure he doesn't make his way to my room" I seethe out. "Yes, Luna as you wish" they reply. I make my way to my room, at some point I started running. I really do not want to talk to Lockhart. Besides bad mouthing me, he's been acting super strange and that's the last thing I need; more problems. I run into my room and face plant my bed. Man, the night was getting so good. I lay there for awhile staring at all my birthday gifts, in particular the key. "What the hell is that key for" I say out loud still annoyed by Lockhart. Leave it to my dad to give me something so mysterious. The alarm clock is flashing 5:00 am. We had a really good conversation, those two are cool guys. A little too serious, but good guys none the less. Before I know it, I doze back off.

***A few hours go by after Dahila fell asleep. It's the same day and the official count is 5 days until her 18th Birthday***

'Beeeep, beeeep, beeeep, beeeeep'

I open my eyes to my obnoxious alarm clock going off; 10:00am. Realizing that it's late morning and mom and dad wanted to show me how to use the key. "Damn, it's so late! Mom and Dad wanted to show me about the key today!" Dahlia said. She rushed out of bed in the same clothes she wore yesterday. "This will have to do, but I really need to fix my hair" Dahila said out loud to the floor mirror. Her pony was lop sided. After tearing a brush through her hair, she puts it up in a messy bun and rushes out of her bedroom. "Good morning, Dahila" The twins say. "Whhhat did you say!" Dahila exclaimed. "Oh were sorry Luna, we weren't trying not to offend" Jackson said. "No need to be sorry" Dahlia squealed. Dahila was ecstatic that they took her comments seriously. She ran and gave them both a hug. "You guys are the best, try to relax while I'm with mom and dad, okay?!" Dahila said running off. I run off to the kitchen, where I know mom and dad will be waiting. "Mom, dad!" Dahlia yells before entering in the kitchen. "In here sweety!" my mom yelled "I knew it" Dahlia says out loud. I reach the kitchen and mom and dad are already done eating and waiting for me. "Here's your plate honey" my mom said. "Eat first and then we will learn about the key, also your mother and I wanted to go and get you new clothes, you up for it?" my dad said wiggling and eyebrow. "Sure, let's have another mysterious adventure. I'm getting good at it" Dahila said sticking her tongue at her dad. Dahlia, finished her plate. "All done!" She announces to the world. Her parents chuckling. "Dahlia, where's the key" my dad asked. "Oh dang I forgot it up in my room" Dahlia said. "A perfect place to leave it" My dad said with a smile. "Emma, if you're ready, let's go" my dad said. "All ready here" my mom said. "Dahlia, let's go grab the key together" my dad said. "Yeah okay?" I reply suspiciously. We make our way down the hallway to my room. Surprisingly, my dad give orders to Jackson and Timmothy. "We will be going out for awhile, will you accompany us?" My dad said. "I already gave them the day off dad" Dahila said. "You two won't mind will you?" My dad said. "No sir!" The twins sound off. "Now , what happens next stays between us 5, do you understand" my dad says. We all nod in agreement. "Why are you always so strange dad" Dahila asked. My dad opens my bedroom door and motions to follow him. "Where's they key?" my dad asked. I point over to my bed. "It's laying on my bed, next toy birthday gifts"Dahila replied. My dad gestures once more to follow him. He grabs the key and he walk over to the vintage chair in my room. What the hell is going on? My mom is calm and relaxed and smiling. I guess it can't be that bad. My dad walks over to the chair and says "Oscail" and a huge portal opens up in front of my chair. "What the hell is going on!" Dahila said freaked out.