Luna Debut

It was really hard for me to sleep soundly. I kept tossing and turning. I didn't even wrap myself. I woke up and the clock reads; 6:30am. "Oh, brother" I say out loud. "Dahlia, You're up again?" Jackson asks. "Yeah, I'm sorry" Dahlia replies. "Is everything okay?" Paige asks. We can hear my dad snoring in bed. "Yeah, I'm just not comfortable here" Dahlia says. "No one is" my dad speaks up. "Sorry to wake you" Dahila says. "Don't worry about it" my dad says yawning. "That was the longest I've slept in awhile" my dad said. "Why don't I order some breakfast" my dad says. "That's a great idea" Dahlia replies. When can she really pass up a meal? My dad heads for the phone and just wings the breakfast order. "Hello yes, it's the Lunas suite. I'd like to order some breakfast. Uhuh, yes, okay, great, We'll take 4 of everything. Yes, oh coffee would be fantastic as well, yes orange juice too, yes we'd love some fruit. Okay, 15 minutes, thank you so much" my dad says hanging up the phone. He turns to us and says "Looks like we're having a big breakfast" He chuckles and heads for the bathroom. I roll my eyes at him. My dad is too much. "Luna" Paige says. "What is it?" I reply. "I could have sworn I heard someone lurking around the suite all night" Paige said. "Yeah, I heard it too" Jackson said. "I wouldn't be surprised, just don't let on, that we know anything, we will just stick to the schedule and get the hell out if here" Dahlia said. My dad came out of the restroom and had to add his two cents "If we let on that we know, we may not know their agenda" My dad said. I nod my head in agreement. As we are further discussing what today has in-store, a knock puts us all on alert. 'knock' knock. A growl comes from Jackson. "Shhh" Dahlia says. "It smells like the same creature from last night" Jackson says. 'knock'knock sounds again. "I'll answer it" my dad says. He walks over to the door, looks through the peep hole and swings the door open. "Who are you?" my dad asks. "I'm Harper" the voice whispers. "And what is a Fae doing in front of a werewolves door?" my dad asks with his booming voice. "Just let me in!" Harper yells. We watch as this tiny pixie comes fluttering into our suite. My dad closes the door. "Dahila... I mean Luna Ravenwood, I am Harper, your mother's spy. I have information for you" The pixie says. "My....My mother?" Dahlia says shocked. "Yes, Emma, she..." "You're lying!" my dad yells cutting her off. "Dad, be quiet!" I growl. "Okay, let us all settle down" Jackson says. "Luna, your eyes" The pixie know as Harper says. "What about them!" I snarl. "Why...why are they red?" Harper asks. "Dahlia, don't tell her" my dad says. I try to think of a diplomatic answer, as we don't know this stranger. I take a few deep breathes and I can feel myself calm. By instinct I can tell my eyes are restored to their normal color. "They're just that way" Dahlia stated. "If you know Emma, tell me the password!" Ethan says. "The password?" Dahlia asks. My dad ignores my question and is staring at the Fae. Without hesitation, Harper answers him "Callum" she says unfazed. My dad seems shocked. What is Callum? "Why didn't she tell me?" my dad says. "Obviously, to make sure it stayed a secret" Harper says. "What's Callum?" Dahlia asks. My dad ignores me again "What was your mission?" He asks. "Emma heard some rumors about Genevieve and Sébastien, that what happened may have been influenced to happen that way. She sent me undercover to find clues. When I found out she died, I went into hiding. When I heard You and the Luna were coming, Ia knew I had to make contact asap" Harper said. Dahlia at this point has had enough of being ignored and looses her temper "QUIT TALKING LIKE I'M NOT HERE DAMN IT!" Dahlia growls loud enough, it shakes the ground and breaks a window. "Dahlia...Dahlia...please calm down" My father says, finally acting like I'm in the room. The Fae is visibly horrified. "Quit talking like I'm not here, I'm the Luna damn it!" Dahlia growls again. "Dahlia, sweetheart. I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure we could trust her and she is who she says she is" my dad says panicking. Jackson, comes over to me and whispers in my ear. "Luna, your eyes have gone Crimson and your aura is seeping out, please have patience, you know your father would never ignore you like that" Jackson whispers. Paige, comes to my other ear and whispers "She is a friend of your mother's, please let her state her case" Paige whispers. Paige and Jackson, both start showing me deep breathing exercises; inhales and exhales I copy them and I can feel myself start to relax, just in time for "Room service" 'Knock, 'knock' . "Crap" my dad says. He rushes over to the door and the Fae hides behind the curtains. My dad swings open the door and the kitchen staff looks horrified. My dad looks at the room and it's clearly a disaster from Dahlia having a near meltdown. "The Luna gets quite grumpy when she's hungry" my dad says with a fake smile. The kitchen attendee, takes a quick glance and takes off. My dad slams the door. My dad wheels in the cart and it's jammed packed full of foods. Pancakes, Sausage, Bacon, eggs, toast, fried potatoes, fruit and beverages. "Dahlia" my father says seriously. "Callum, was the name of the son, your mother and I lost during childbirth. We use his name as our password, to find out friend or foe" my dad said staring at his feet as a tear leaves his eye. "I'm so sorry dad" Dahlia says as she goes to give him a hug. "I'm sorry for ignoring you, I was just caught up, you should know first because you're the Luna" my dad says. "Harper, tell us what you know over breakfast. We have fruit" My dad says. "That would be lovely" Harper states. We sit down to breakfast and Harper starts telling us what she has learned over the last few years. "Rumor is, Lord Ulrich, had something to do with your parent's becoming evil, something about a witches influence. I haven't found direct evidence though, he's a very cautious man. I also found out, from hearing the staff talk, that he plans on forcing Dahlia, to get married to keep her title as Luna. That is, if she can't find her mate, Ulrich will force her to marry him, if she refuses, he will force her concede the pack over to the council" Harper says. "That fucking troll!" Dahlia slams her hand on the table. "How long did Emma suspect witches magic?" my dad asks. "Right away. She kept it hidden, so that you guys didn't get hurt or involved because at the time you were still hunting for the heir" Harper said. "What about Tobias?" my dad asks. "He doesn't know a thing" Harper stated. "He will be here tonight though" Harper said. "What!?" Dahlia exclaimed. "You can't have a grand ball with the council and the King Vampire not in attendance" Harper said. "Dahlia, it may seem that Tobias may not be entirely at fault for everything that's happened" my dad said. "What do we do?" Dahlia asks. Harper and my dad sit there thinking on what to do. "Dahlia, under no circumstances, let anymore staff in your room. We don't know how your parent's were inflicted. I can help you get ready tonight. Oh, most importantly, don't let Lord Ulrich in on that you know anything. He's a very cunning and dangerous man" Harper said. "Dahlia, you must act like you're royalty tonight. Don't let Ulrich talk down to you, or give you ultimatums. He respects authority. We know damn well who the strongest wolf is" my dad said. "Dahlia, no matter how angry you get, you cannot show Ulrich any of your powers, he will try to push you, to loose control, that's his M.O" Harper states. Dahlia is nodding her head as she listens to all of there instructions. The phone ringing breaks her concentration. 'Ring 'Ring'. My dad rushes over to answer. "Yes, hello...Yes, the Luna is fine, she was just overly hungry. No, we do not want hair and makeup here....Why? because the Luna said no....Go ahead and tell Ulrich....Uhuh....I don't care if Lord Ulrich is displeased....He will be more displeased that the Luna is not enjoying herself.." My dad says as he slams the phone down. "Who was that?" Dahila asks. "The front desk. Apparently, the kitchen attendee told the front desk our Luna was in a bad mood" my dad said laughing. "Dahlia, look at the time, we have to start getting you ready" my dad said looking at his wrist watch. "Let me help" Harper said. "It's the least I can do, your mother was very good to me" Harper stated again looking saddened. "Okay" Dahlia says. "Think of me as your fairy God mother" Harper said jokingly. Everyone in the room laughed. It was the 1st time, since arriving in Rome, that Dahlia was fully relaxed.