Chapter 2344

Of course, after using Stealing Heavenly Secret, he sighed in relief, but it still kept him on edge as Light Emperor only needed to bring his attainment up to Supreme Grand Master and he could become the 5th Venerable alive, and the 12th in history!

"I will need to be even more cautious now." Fang Yuan thought to himself as he decided on his next course of action.

Fang Yuan spent his time calculating within his Aperture: "Should I create another Rank 9 Gu? Or should I spend my energy researching Rank 10? Rank 10 would definitely give me the most benefit in the long term but, if I neglect the short-term benefit or Rank 9 Gu, I might be overwhelmed by the other venerables, Rank 10 is too risky to invest in right now I should directly increase my strength!"

With all the materials and resource points Fang Yuan had stolen from Central Continent he had plenty of material to refine another Rank 9 Gu. In fact, he could make another 2 or 3!

The problem for most Gu immortals, even refinement path specialists, is that the chance of failure meant most of the resources would be wasted, but that wasn't even the worse part, the worse part was that there was a good chance that the Gu could be destroyed in the process!

The problem was further exasperated with immortal Gu, they were unique pieces of the Heavenly Dao, once an immortal Gu was destroyed it could be refined by someone else.

Most Rank 6 Gu immortals didn't even possess an immortal Gu, let alone one of their paths, they would be happy just to have one. Rank 7s and 8s faired barely any better, as their Rank went up so to did the difficulty to refine their Gu.

It was a vicious cycle!

But Fang Yuan can be said to have the opposite problem; he had too many Gu!

In terms of sheer quantity alone, Fang Yuan probably had more Gu than any 1 continent alone, ever since Rank 8 he has amassed a massive collection of Immortal Gu.

With so many options it was not easy to pick 1 that would be the most beneficial for him.

Fang Yuan used Wisdom Path, Luck Path and, Refinement Path to feel out and deduce what Gu would bring the most benefits to him.

Using Luck Path Fang Yuan could calculate which Path would bring the most benefit to him: "Human Path seems to be the new trend but, using it now would only raise suspicion against me. The other option would be Time path!"

Since the very beginning, Fang yuan has used Time path to his advantage, being able to peer into the future allowed one the ability to change the present and turn certainty into uncertainty, and uncertainty into certainty.

Time Path methods can bypass Luck path influence and Wisdom path's calculation, as they both touch on what is known and what is unknown, but Time path can flip between what is known and what is unknown.

Red Lotus was famous for saying: "In the Rivers of Time what was hidden is revealed and what will be revealed has been hidden."

Red Lotus had truly touched upon the profound implications of Time Path.

However, that was before the destruction of Fate Gu, the waters in the River of Time have become rapids that even Rank 9s would not dare challenge lightly.

Fate Gu acted as a dam in the River of Time controlling what could go out and become the past, present, and future. It only allowed certain events to transpire.

But now that the dam is broken, the effects of the past are no longer as easy to tamper with, and premonitions from the future are muddy and vague.

Fang Yuan used Wisdom Gu combined with his Quasi-Supreme Time Path attainments to deduce ways to effectively use Time Path: "I have several beneficial Time path Gu, first is Spring Autumn Cicada, it brought me to where I am today but I the waters of the River of Time are so Rapid that even a Rank 9 Spring Autumn Cicada, would be helplessly loss, the Second option would be Time Anchor Gu!"

With the current state of the River of Time; using Time path methods to gain information from it would be either unreliable or impossible, the multitude of possibilities and the loss of Fate means that Luck path is at its peak in strength.

But with Rank 9 Time Anchor Gu Fang Yuan would be able to leave a mark in the endless flow of Time, he would be able to create save states for his Spring Autumn Cicada to travel to.

Although the River of Time was in turmoil by placing save states every few gaps it would create enough safe water for Spring Autumn Cicada to travel to and, with killer moves to boost the Spring Autumn Cicada it would be a great failsafe plan for Fang Yuan.

"The problem is that Rank 7 Time Anchor Gu does not have a recipe much less Rank 9." Of course, this was more an inconvenience for Fang Yuan than a roadblock.

With his attainment, inheritances, Wisdom Gu, and countless refinement path recipes he was able to easily deduce a Rank 7 – 9 recipes.

Fang Yuan immediately began work on refining Rank 9 Time Anchor Gu.

The winds blew across the tumultuous landscape, dragging up dust and debris. A single figure could be seen clad in Starlight as she stared at a chessboard.

This was none other than Star Constellation who was rapidly deducing using the Star Constellation Chess Board.

While she did pay attention to world events, she was more focused on other matters: "Where is Primordial Treasury, master why did you hide it so deeply, there's not even a clue of its existence anywhere!"

Star Constellation had pinned her hope on the revival of the venerables of Heavenly Court, now that her enemies numbered 3 it would be tough for Heavenly Court to remain.

Especially since Star Constellation was all that was left of heavenly Court, almost all that was left.

Zhao Lian Yun raised her eyelids at the beautiful night sky, stars glittered across in an endless ocean forming a myriad of constellations.

In fact, Star Path beasts could be seen roaming amongst the Stars.

It was at that point that Zhao Lian Yun realized that she was not in the Gu world but in the aperture of a Gu immortal and with how grand the aperture looked it didn't take a wisdom path expert long to figure it out; Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's aperture!

At that moment a part of Star Constellation's Will approached her.

"Good to see you awake I'm sure you have many questions sit down I will explain the situation." Star Constellation's Will gestured to Zhao Liang Yun as a table and tea set made of Stars sprung from the ground.

Star Constellation explained everything that transpired to Zhao Liang Yun including the battle and revival of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.

"That's horrible if only I was stronger than I could assist you and save my lover I mean Heavenly Court." Zhao Lian Yun quickly corrected herself. Being in the presence of Star Constellation made her true thought slip out.

"It's okay I am very much aware of your desire to save your lover, Ma Hong, I will not punish you for it in fact it's that desire that has kept you alive when everyone else has died."

Star Constellation chuckled.

"I have a mission for you I want you to go gather the 10 Great Sects and tell them to unite the rest of Central Continent under name of Heavenly Court, we must reaffirm our foundations as the Righteous path."

Although Star Constellation did not yell, yet her words were spoken with such conviction that it moved Zhao Lian Yun.

"Of course, I'm not asking you to do this mission without any benefit or companion." Soon from the soil nearby a body arose from the ground radiating a red aura at Rank 7.

"Fang Zhang?" Zhao Lian Yun thought as she immediately recognized her fellow Daoist.

"Yes, he was originally made to act as a fail-safe against Fang Yuan, but we all know how that turned out, Heaven has since discarded its use for him, but his luck remains unchanged, it could be that Heaven holds some hope for him."

As Star Constellation was talking Fang Huang began to regain consciousness.

"Where am I? Did it work?" Were Fang Huang's last words before he slumped back into a deep sleep.

"He's more resilient than I thought as well, although the immortal graveyard would normally allow a Gu immortal to completely come back, with how little resource was left and the great number of damaged souls it's amazing he even managed to wake up."

Star Constellation looked at Zhao Lian Yun

"Take him to rest and when he's recovered sufficiently come see me, I'll give you some resources and Gu for your journey."

Zhao Lain Yun bowed: "Many thanks Lady Star Constellation."

Star Constellation's Will quickly returned to the main body to assist with the deductions.

After hours of deductions, blood and tears streaked down Star Constellation's eyes: "Master I'm sorry this disciple has failed you, I am the greatest of sinners!"

As Star Constellation looked to the Heavens with tears running down her beautiful face, the Qi Harvest Fruit began to shrink.

Slowly a human figure could be seen within; the figure became more defined as the Qi Harvest Fruit continued to be absorbed until all that was left was an Old Man that had the bearings of a wise emperor.

His back was straight, and his vision was unclouded he was, Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable!

"Disciple, you have done wonders for Heavenly Court and have aided all of Humanity your contributions are only outclassed by the sacrifices you have made and the selflessness you have shown."

Primordial Origin looked dotingly at Star Constellation as if she were the little girl he rescued and raised all those years ago.

"Master?" Star constellation was in shock as she didn't dare believe it to be true.

At first, she was overwhelmed with joy, for a second, her mind started to spin and deduce what sort of trickery the other venerables were playing on her.

"Disciple you are as paranoid as usual." Although he said that there was nothing but fondness in her eyes.

The sincerity and kindness were so real that just for a second Star Constellation wanted to believe it. Just for one second. But her duty and responsibility wouldn't let her, what if this really was a trick wouldn't she be playing right into the enemy's hand and committing an even greater sin.

"Little Star [1], I don't have much time so just remember I'm proud of you and let things run their course."

With that, the body of Primordial Origin faded into streams of Qi.

Star Constellation fell to her knees droplets of tears formed and streamed down her cheeks and dripped onto the ground.

Little Star!

Was a name not created from any language but purely strung from the Dao itself.

In a way, it was Star Constellations' true name and was unique only to her.

The only person she shared it with was her master, Primordial Origin.

Her master's sudden appearance and disappearance made her both joyful and sad, she recalled the fond memories that she had with Primordial and the things she willingly bared for his dream.

But she also recalled all the times that she spent alone, the hundreds of years she spent deducing and foretelling future events so that Heavenly Court would be able to prosper and survive.

The incredible feeling of loneliness and isolation she felt when she merged with the Heavenly Dao to influence its Will.

Star Constellation called out:


[1] Editor's note there was a problem with Webnovel not accepting Chinese Characters, originally I wrote Xīngzuò, which is Chinese for Star Constellation, I used the original characters but Webnovel doesn't like it lol, so no choice we're going with Little Star