Chapter 2350 

"As you have probably heard from the Legends of Ren Zu Gu used to be able to communicate directly with the myriad of life forms." Reputation Gu began to explain.

"We Gu are the Essence of Heaven and Earth, but have you ever wondered what that means? I'm sure as a refinement path Venerable you understand."

Fang Yuan nodded his head: "You're referring to Dao Marks right."

"Yes and no." Reputation Gu replied: "You see Dao Marks make up half of what Gu is the Earth Half specifically."

This piece of news was shocking to Fang Yuan, as a Refinement Path Venerable he had intimate knowledge on how to make Gus, but it seems he only has half the story.

"So, what's in the other half?"

"The Heavenly Dao."

Fang Yuan was troubled, if parts of the Heavenly Dao reside in every Gu it meant that Heaven's Will could render him powerless at any time.

Fang Yuan began to calculate the worse possibilities and his face grew grimmer.

"Ah, I should mention that Heaven's Will and the Heavenly Dao are 2 different things."

Fang Yuan perked up: "Explain!"

"Well, here's another piece of shocking news but you know how Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable spent his whole life searching for space door well…"

"I know already, we are all within Space Door."

"Eh? did you know !?" Reputation Gu was utterly shocked: "You couldn't have known unless…what's your Heaven Path attainment!"

"Great Grandmaster."

"Impossible!" Reputation Gu was truly dumbfounded.

Fang Yuan was increasingly growing interested and impatient.

"You're wasting my time continue or else I have no need for you," he said as he activated the killer move.

"Ah ah yes yes, of course, I will but I need to inform you of some critical information so bear with me as I explain the history of the Gu world."

Reputation Gu began to explain: "You see when the Gu world first came to be there were only 2 existences, Earth and Heaven. The 2 were surrounded by nothing but the void and each other. The void was full of chaos. Chaos seemed to seep its way into the 2 producing calamities endlessly. But they preserved and tempered themselves in the Chaos. Soon they grew lonely. Although they had each other, they've long since run out of things to be interested in. They had nothing new to experience thus, had no way to share new things with one another. An eternity seemed more like a prison. Then Earth had an idea."

"She told Heaven 'Why not create more beings like them so that they would no longer be lonely.' Heaven was intrigued by the idea. And began to work with Earth to create the Gu world. Their first obstacle was creating a being that could survive the Chaos, after countless failures they thought to use themselves as the reference point. They asked themselves how were they able to survive the Chaos? It seemed that the answer lay in Chaos itself, that after billions of trillions of years they were able to form bodies that could resist Chaos."

"They however lacked the ability to mold Chaos as they saw fit, they were only ever able to absorb it and strengthen themselves. So, Heaven proposed to Earth this 'Why don't we use our bodies to create a habitable place for them, we can then slowly introduce the Chaos to them and nurture them to the same point of resilience as us!' So, Heaven and Earth began the creation of the Gu World using Earth's body."

"They used their imagination to create the world, imagining all the 7 colors, the duality of black and white, the feeling of standing firmly on the ground or swimming in water. They wanted their creation to experience everything, they made the mountainous regions in the South so that their creation could be challenged, the boundless oceans of the East so that their creation could gain the feeling of exploration, the plains in the North so that one can experience the tranquility of emptiness, the dessert of the West so that one can bear adversities, and the central continent was where these 4 intersected creating a balance of harmony that made life there ideal."

"With the world now inhabitable they decide to create lifeforms from their imagination, Heaven imagined lifeforms that were knowledgeable and capable of thriving in the environments, he created the Inkmen race, the Snowmen race, the Minimen Race and, he wanted the Hairy Men to be his greatest creation but alas they turned out to be idiots obsessed with themselves."

"Earth on the other hand created races that were more in tune with her, the Eggmen, the Feathermen, the Mushroommen, the Mermen, and the Beastmen. She wanted her creations to experience the world she made so that she can live through them. She wanted to scale the mountains she created, swim the oceans, soar in the skies above, and even eat what she had made!"

"The world had its races, but for a long time, they did nothing! They were all contently living their lives with few having any aspirations on eternity. This largely infuriated Heaven who sent calamities but all they would do was, hide, run, or pray! This frustrated Heaven and Earth, but they realized that there was no incentive for their creations to grow. So, they created the cultivation system. Simplifying it to be easy to pick up but making it even more complex as they went along. The idea of creating a tool that would allow their creations to pick and use but also allow for those with creativity and scale to pull off complex moves resulted in the creation of Gu and Killer moves!"

Fang Yuan halted Reputation Gu: "That's the beginning? There are so much more questions I have but unfortunately, time isn't on our side, get in my immortal aperture or I'll refine you right now."

Without needing much persuasion Reputation Gu obediently walked in, this change in attitude made Fang Yuan suspicious of her actions.

"Don't plan anything my clones will be able to refine you as well, and you're going to tell the rest of your story to them."

"I understand master." Reputation Gu's whole disposition had seemingly changed.

"What are you planning." Fang Yuan glared at Reputation Gu and started activating the Killer Move just in case.

"Argh, Master please I'm not planning anything if you had let me continue explaining you would understand why I chose to submit to you, you're my only hope."

Fang Yuan squinted his eyes tempted between directly refining Reputation Gu and killing its will or leaving it alive for the secrets it held.

"Master as I've acknowledged you; you don't have to refine me to use my power I'll use them as you wish."

"In fact, there are several benefits to this if you give me immortal essence and Gu, I can use them to form Killer Moves as well. This way you would have double the firepower. I can even incorporate myself into Gu formations and activate them from within."

Hearing that Fang Yuan decided that the risk of keeping Reputation Gu was worth the benefits and he directly put her into his aperture while contacting his clone Zhan Bu Du to continue listening to her story.

After all, if she decided to turn, the one with the most hope of stopping her and finishing the move would be Zhan Bu Du.

But this still didn't make Fang Yuan's mind rest easy, and he sent his Time path clone as well, in the off chance that something went wrong the clone would be able to send information back through his relay of Time Anchors.

At that moment the walls of the battlefield killer move started to crack.

"Found you, Fang Yuan!" Star Constellation directly shattered the space bubble that held Fang Yuan.

"Friend Star Constellation, Friend Spectral Soul and, Friend Giant Sun what brings you here to my abode today."

Fang Yuan put up a facade of smiles, while secretly finishing the Killer moves he had been preparing since the time Reputation Gu started her story.

"Enough with the bullshit Fang Yuan 2 things, 1 where is Reckless Savage and, 2 die!" Spectral Soul erupted with the Soul Path Killer move he had on hand.

"Hmph!" Fang Yuan countered by activating a Killer move he made especially for Spectral Soul.

Immortal Killer Move ---------- Ruler Of Death

This move used both Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Puo Valley to create a phantom throne of Soul Path Dao Marks that towered above the 2 Soul Path Secluded Domains Of Heaven And Earth from which Fang Yuan sat upon.

Instantly the Soul Path Dao Marks around Fang Yuan's Eastern Sea HQ became controlled by him!

Spectral Soul's entire body stiffened up and he found himself under the control of Fang Yuan. The only reason he could resist was his cultivation level and special body.

"What an ingenious way of using Secluded Domains Of Heaven and Earth! Right now, Fang Yuan can be considered as 2 venerables!"

Star Constellation astutely realized the key component in Fang Yuan's move was the ability to mimic the control over natural Dao Marks that only Venerables possessed!

However she also quickly noticed its flaw: "This move of yours is certain to go down in history as one of the most brilliant moves ever devised but I must ask you dear friend how long can you hold this for!"

Star Constellation was spot on! This move required massive amounts of Immortal Essence to forcefully take control of the surrounding Soul Path Dao Marks.

But Immortal Essence was on area Fang Yuan was secretly ahead in thanks to the Rank 9 Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus.

Fang Yuan had to maintain a front otherwise the other Venerables would be suspicious.

"As expected of the number 1 Wisdom Gu cultivator I can't hide anything from you, you are right I won't be able to hold on for long but who would like to be the first to the test the might of the world's first Rank 9 combination Killer move."

Fang Yuan smugly smiled as he prepared the move.

Combination Immortal Killer Move ---------- Soul Refinement

A storm of Soul Path Dao Marks Surged at Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.

Her confident expression instantly turned grave.

She was not in Heavenly Court and thus, only had the strength of an average Venerable not one at her peak.

If this move hit her, the damage proved lethal even!

Star Constellation immediately activated her movement Killer move and tried dodging the attack but the torrent of Soul Path Dao Marks only pursued her.

"Friend Giant Sun and Spectral Soul let's put our grudges aside and deal with Fang Yuan after all he knows something about Reckless's revival and let's be honest we all hate him. I will show my sincerity by drawing his focus now I ask for yours."

Star Constellation dodged around and weaved killer moves to fight against the giant mass of Soul Path Dao Marks chasing her while also deducing its weakness.

Giant Sun couldn't sit on the sidelines after Star Constellation showed so much sincerity, he was afraid that she might suicide by using Fang Yuan's attack on him.

After all, if Fang Yuan could kill them both then Spectral Soul was easy pickings.

In fact, Fang Yuan thought why wait and started launching Killer moves at the immobile Spectral Soul.

"*Sigh*" Giant Sun was forced, and he intervened to block the attacks for Spectral Soul while messaging him

"Spectral Soul, I know he's got full control of Soul Path so switch to your other form or I'll allow him to kill you!"

Spectral Soul was a ruthless and psychotic killer, but he was no idiot, and he could see the cons of staying in his Yang form.

Yang-Yin transformation

Spectral Soul's Yang body retreated into his aperture and his Yin Body took over. This meant that now he was a pseudo-venerable of Light and Fire Path.

"Star Constellation, move aside." Spectral Soul aimed a Fire and Light Path killer move that he worked on to counter Fang Yuan's Soul path move.

Immortal Killer Move ---------- The Sun Is The Bane Of All Evil

A ball of flames imitating the sun was hurled at Fang Yuan's torrent of Soul Path Dao Marks.

The sun's yang energy repelled and even destroyed the Soul Path Dao Marks.

This move of Spectral Soul was a Rank 9 Killer after all it used Rank 9 Fire Gu as its core. But if Spectral Soul had Light Gu as well, this move's might would be able to replicate the Sun's!

Bringing it to the peak of Rank 9 and touching upon the boundaries of Rank 10!