Chapter 2352 

Inside Spectral Soul's Aperture

"Heaven's Will are you just going to sit there and watch!" Spectral Soul was shouting at Heaven's Will to assist him.

"Hmph. Don't tell me what to do Spectral Soul I can always get another pawn."

"I'm sure you could in another million years or so, but can you wait that long? I've seen what you're afraid of. You need me and I could use your help. Let's form an alliance for the sake of our common goal."

Spectral Soul raised his hand out to Heaven's Will: "Deal?"

Heaven's Will released a sigh: "Deal."

Grabbing Spectral Soul's hand Heaven's Will assume control of Spectral's body.

"This demon has gotten out of hand, who knows how far he'll go if he's given the time, it's a good thing that so many venerables are around to keep him in check, but at this stage, even I can't see past him."

Heaven's Will was admiring the ingenuity that went into Fang Yuan's Killer Move, even it was feeling a headache!

Of course, if it could exert its control over the Heavenly Dao then none of this would even faze it.

Heaven's Will controlled Spectral Soul's body to head to the Beast of Devour: "Watch closely Spectral Soul this is the true power of Yang."

Immortal Killer Move ----------- Heavenly Fire Illuminate The World!

This was a Yang Path Killer Move it used Heaven Path and Fire Path.

As Heaven's Will was able to directly communicate with Heaven and use its Dao Marks to make this move a Heaven and Fire Path killer move.

If not, with Spectral Soul's current Gus he could at best make this a Fire and Light Path Yang Killer Move.

But the strongest source of Yang was Heaven!

"I created your body to be a prototype of what would happen when me and Earth fuse. One half, controls the power of vitality and energy, while the half has the ability to absorb and drain energy."

"For Yang Path Killer Moves you don't need strong Gu just a lot of Dao Marks related to Yang such as Light and, Fire."

Heaven continued to explain as it casually rained down attacks on the Beast Of Devour that was being bombarded into oblivion.

"Yang Path Moves can grow stronger through pure quantity, by adding more Dao Marks into the move you can infinitely scale it up. A Yang Path Move can start at Rank 6 and if you add enough Dao Marks into it can scale to Rank 7, 8 even 9. Of course, there are caveats to it."

"A Rank 6 move might not be able to handle the energy of a Rank 9 it might even explode at Rank 8 but of course that can also be used to your advantage."

"Look at Heaven Refining Demon Venerable's Killer Move, he doesn't know it yet, but this can already be considered a Yin Path Killer Move, in fact, it may be the world's first Rank 9 Yin Path Killer Move."

Spectral Soul was astonished: "How did he already create a Yin Path Killer Move?"

"Because Yin and Yang Path is completely different to any of the Paths of the world. Yin and Yang Path is a product of Heaven and Earth. They are not paths in the traditional sense rather they are a sort of nature that in vast enough quantities make them tangible."

Despite being a Venerable who had advanced knowledge on a lot of Secrets of the Gu World Spectral Soul was confused.

"*Sigh*" Heaven's Will could sense that Spectral Soul didn't fully understand: "Essentially Yin and Yang exist in all things but have a stronger presence in certain paths over others, for example, Fire and Light are the strongest mortal Yang Path, while Soul and Ice are the strongest Yin Path. Stop thinking of them as opposites they are not opposites, they are complementary forces that achieve and maintain balance through what the other lacks."

"Yin Path lacks substance and energy so it constantly needs to feed and absorb it, but at the same time it lacks a way to radiate and use that energy, alternatively Yang Path can radiate as much energy as it wants but has no way of drawing it for itself it needs someone to give it energy once it runs out."

Spectral Soul was enlightened by Heaven's Will explanation and began to absorb the knowledge that Heaven's Will was sharing almost as if had entered…

Natural Inspiration!

This was one of the ways Heaven's Will was subtly helping Spectral Soul, it allowed him to enter Natural Inspiration and raised spectral Soul's attainment in Yin and Yang Path to Master.

"Good, you're finally catching up." Heaven's Will had just finished up the Beast of Devour: "Oh and although I said Yin Path technically has no way to radiate that energy, there is one by absorbing to the point of exploding!"

Upon hearing that Spectral Soul felt a shudder run down his spine: "Just imagine what would have happened if that Beast managed to eat its fill, Fang Yuan that crafty devil I wonder how the others are faring."

In the Northern Plains

Giant Sun launch barrage after barrage of attacks at the Beast but to no avail, it kept consuming his attacks to empower itself.

"What an annoying creature, but what is it absorbing all that energy for?" Giant Sun's brows began to furrow.

Throughout his battle with the beast, it made no attempt to unleash its stored power, in fact it showed signs of reaching its max capacity.

"Unless…FANG YUAN!" Giant Sun had realized that this beast was a bomb that used the enemy to fuel its power!

Giant Sun immediately launched his Killer Move

Immortal Killer Move ------------ Soft Gold Crushing Pillar

A pillar of pure Luck was condensed and launched at the Beast Pushing it back, while simultaneously charging it.

Giant Sun had planned to return the bomb to its sender while adding a little something extra for Fang Yuan.

"Hmph, want to make me charge your bomb, fine then I might as well be the one to benefit from it."

The Hydra was so bloated at this point it resembled a giant blob than the majestic dragon it once was.

Giant Sun sent it back at full speed towards the Eastern Sea, towards Fang Yuan!

Eastern Sea

Numerous Gu Immortals had gathered at where the legendary battle had once taken place, hoping to find some resources.

The battle had left the ground thorn asunder and with the merging of regions, the ground had managed to open an Earth Vein that held some resources.

Nothing immensely valuable as Fang Yuan had already looted any Immortal Gu or Rank 8 material.

But he purposefully left some Rank 7 and below Gu Material for the cultivators so that they could gain a good impression of him.

After all, having them be more compliant with him was worth more than the measly number of materials left over.

Fang Yuan didn't really care about their well-being.

"Wahaha, it's my lucky day Rank 6 Shifting Sands." A random Gu Immortal was marveling at his find.

"This day couldn't get any better."

The ground began to quiver, as the shadow of a colossal figure bloated out the sun. The Gu Immortal looked up at the sky and found a giant ball of ethereal-looking scales looming over his head.

The Gu Immortal took a big gulp and collapsed to his knees; the ball was radiating Rank 9 aura!

Cracks began to appear across the ball and in the next second.


A deafening sound rang out across the Gu world.

From the Eastern Sea to the Western Desert, everyone mortal or immortal heard that sound.

Men, women, and children held each other dear as they could only imagine that the shockwave from such an explosion that was heard around the world could only be as weak as a Rank 7s Killer Move.

Even large clans and sects activated their defensive formations praying that it would be enough, as they braced themselves for the shockwave that would precede such an explosion.

The seconds ticked, soon became minutes and the minutes into hours yet nothing happened, for a few hours the whole world stood still waiting for the end, but it never came.

Soon Gu immortals entered Treasure Yellow Heaven to find out what had happened.

They were greeted by a clip that was being played.

In the video, it showed that a massive Ball of Soul Path Dao Marks appeared to reach its breaking point in the Eastern Sea but just as it had exploded, Great Love Immortal Venerable rushed out and contained the explosion.

The video showed him heroically bearing the brunt of the explosion's damage. The clip then repeated the scene from the beginning, but there was a small extra detail that was missed by those who had just arrived, the start of the clip showed Giant Sun Immortal Venerable Launching the ball of Soul Path at the Eastern Sea!

A Gu immortal under Fang Yuan soon spoke out: "You see while our Lord Great Love Immortal Venerable wanted to keep a fight amongst Venerables between Venerables, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable had dragged innocent lives into it if our Lord had not put his body on the line who knows the damage that could have occurred across the world, the loss of lives and the torn families it would create. How can such a venerable be righteous?"

As Spectral Soul was watching and hearing what was happening in Treasure Yellow Heaven all he could think was: "Bullshit!"

After becoming a Master in Yin and Yang Path he knew for a fact that the so-called 'explosion' didn't damage Fang Yuan at all.

In fact, it nourished him!

The Sovereign Immortal Fetus body he had created was the first body in the world that emulated the powers of Yin and Yang!

It could absorb any form of energy and after obtaining Heaven Path Fang Yuan could use any Path!

"That's why Heaven's Will was so against me creating Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu to the point that it sacrificed some of itself to ensure that it wouldn't reach Rank 10."

Spectral Soul suddenly understood the events of the past a little better and why Heaven's Will was willing to raise one demon to stop another.

"Hehe and now you have no choice but to use the old demon to subdue the new one." Spectral Soul laughed at Heaven's Will's expense.

Heaven's Will was of course greatly displeased.

Meanwhile, in Central Continent.

Star Constellation had figured out the trick and trap behind the Beast Of Devour and had baited the Beast into the ruined Heavenly Court.

"Hmm, what is Star Constellation doing?" Fang Yuan, Spectral Soul, and Giant Sun wondered.

As Star Constellation had been seemingly observing the other 2 venerables deal with their beast it was expected that she would receive the least number of losses as she deduce the optimal method to deal with them.

But instead, she spent a great deal of effort to bring the Beast into Heavenly Court.

The other venerables truly could not fathom Star Constellations' behavior, something was definitely amiss!