Chapter 2359 

In Heavenly Court, Star Constellation was monitoring the public's reaction to her stunt against Fang Yuan.

The results confirmed one of her greatest worries, the hearts of the people have truly changed.

Humans were the spirit of all living things, which meant that for as unyielding and courageous as humanity could be, they also adopted the traits of selfishness and cowardice.

In certain seasons some traits were more dominant than others when Humanity was at its lowest that's when their bond was at its strongest.

But after millennia of peace and internal strife, the hearts of humans have grown cold, bitter, and calculative.

Star Constellation could not help but sigh, she came from a time of heroes and great men and women.

People who were willing to lay their life down just so that their fellow humans could spend one more second in the sun.

But alas, even the sun has its waning phase and the glory that once represented such an era has also begun to set.

The only one left was Star Constellation.

Usually, Star Constellation would not let such feelings cloud or even dwell in her mind, but today was special.

3 million years ago, on this day Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable took her in as his disciple.

In a way, this could be considered her birthday, after all before meeting Primordial she had long since forgotten her original one.

For today, for just this one minute she would indulge herself.

Star Constellation took out a tea set containing a pot of tea, 2 cups, and 2 slices of cake.

It was an ordinary tea set with an ordinary tea and an ordinary cake.

No special Dao Marks, No unique Food Path method.

Just food.

Star Constellation set up a table and laid out the spread.

She first poured tea into the cup with the empty seat, then for herself.

As she held the cup of Tea closely to her rosy lips, she blew gently across the surface of the tea as an ordinary person would.

She sipped her tea and ate her cake with both poise and elegance.

With each sip, she took she was reminded of the times she spent with Primordial Origin.

Every time after a lesson or a battle he would sit with her and have some tea and cake.

Star Constellation sighed; she took one last look at that empty seat; her minute was up.

She packed everything back into her Immortal Aperture and began refining the Gu she got from Fang Yuan.

In the Northern Plains

Hei Lou Lan and Light Emperor were trekking through swampland in search of the Immemorial Desolate Beast, the Glutenous Demon Frog.

Light Emperor's face showed incredible disgust: "Ugh this place is horrendous, what if the mud stains my clothes, and I won't be able to shine anymore."

Light Emperor was incredibly spoilt as he was Giant Sun's oldest son.

He had been pampered his whole life, after all his father was the mighty Giant Sun Immortal Venerable!

Who would dare to not give him face?

Venerable's are invincible in their own time, with no other venerables alive at the time who could stand up to Giant Sun?

Thus, Light Emperor grew up extremely privileged.

"Keep moving we're on an important mission from Giant Sun Immortal Venerable."

The voice nagging at the Light Emperor was naturally Hei Lou Lan.

Although her strength was nothing compared to the Pseudo-venerable Light Emperor, her talent was something that Giant Sun seemed to appreciate.

To send his eldest sun Light Emperor to assist this girl in claiming Reckless Savage's grotto heaven, Myriad Beast Fusion Color Heaven!

"Tch what does father see in this girl anyway." Light Emperor grumbled to himself.

But he continued trekking forward with Hei Lou Lan anyway.

Before they left Giant Sun had used his luck path methods to resonate with the method he had left in the frog years ago.

His methods pointed the pair to the Demon Marsh of The Northern Plains.

"The Glutinous Demon Frog is still a Frog at heart and being unable to progress any further it has decided to hide in the Marsh it grew up in," Hei Lou Lan was recalling the details that Giant Sun had given them.

Light Emperor was getting fed up: "We've searched nearly the entire swamp and yet there has been no sign of this damn Frog!"

"Have patience, the Frog was hidden by Reckless Savage but was discovered by Lord Giant Sun, as after almost a Million Years even a Venerable's method would show signs of waning."

"Lord Giant Sun said that once we are within a 1Km radius of the Frog his method will activate and lead us directly to the Frog."

Just then a beam of golden light burst forth from Hei Lou Lan, it was naturally Giant Sun's method to find the Frog.

The beam of light curved around trees as it led the pair towards the hiding place of the frog.

The light led them to a large clearing in the marsh.

"There's nothing here!" Light Emperor was greatly frustrated.

Hei Lou Lan was rolling her eyes at the man-child beside her: "How did this idiot ever make it past Rank 1?"

Just as Light Emperor was about to release another temper tantrum, Hei Lou Lan swiftly acted.

Immortal Totem Killer Move: Dark Strength Capital Tiger Second Form Tiger's Vice

The totem flew out from Hei Lou Lan, its form changed into a Tiger's vicious maw and bit at one of the surrounding bushes.

"Argh," Hei Lou Lan's move had caught a Gu Immortal hiding in the bushes!

This made Light Emperor both excited and vigilant.

He prepared Killer Moves and surveyed the surroundings: "Gotcha."

Immortal Killer Move ---------- Light Net

Another Gu Immortal was promptly captured.

Hei Lou Lan was impressed: "Maybe he's not a complete idiot," she then turned to the Gu Immortal who she had caught.

"I'm going to ask questions and you will answer or else," she said as the maw of the Tiger clamped down harder on the Gu immortal.

"Argh, okay okay okay I'll talk."

Hei Lou Lan began her interrogation: "Who are you? What are you doing here? Why did you follow us? Is that your friend? And what are you after?"

"My name is Yao Ming and he's Yao Fong, we're from the Yao Tribe of the Northern Plains, we heard rumors that Reckless Savage's Inheritance was going to appear here, I wasn't following you."

"Reckless Savage's true inheritance? Who told you?" Hei Lou Lan was curious how many people had found out.

"Don't you know? Great Love Immortal Venerable said so himself! He told all of Treasure Yellow Heaven where the Inheritance would roughly appear."

Fang Yuan!

Once again, this demon was impeding her progress, the rush of emotion brought out the bestial nature in her and she crushed the Gu Immortal in her grip into a meat paste.

He was just an ordinary Rank 7 who happened to get caught.

"Brother noooooo!!! You vile demon how could you do that after he gave you all the information truthfully just you wait I'll have reven," before he could finish Light Emperor beheaded him and walked over to Hei Lou Lan.

She was beginning to lose control of herself.


The bestial aura around her kept growing.

"Tch looks like I got to do everything myself,"

Immortal Killer Move ------------ Edifying Light

Light Emperor had prepared this move beforehand after he heard that he had to accompany Hei Lou Lan who was having problems with her mental being.

As the move used Rank 9 Light Gu as its source it was effective even though Hei Lou Lan did not cultivate Light Path.

"I...I'm sorry thank you for helping me gain back control you have my,"

Light Emperor gestured to stop her: "Save it, start using Father's method to keep your 'beast' side suppressed we can't afford to be reckless now that we know Heaven Refining Demon Venerable is involved."

Hei Lou Lan just nodded her head as she was mentally exhausted from that Bestial takeover.

"The effect seems to have grown stronger could it have something to do with Reckless and this stupid Frog?"

Meanwhile, Giant Sun had learned that Fang Yuan had leaked the information about the Glutinous Demon Frog

"Tch how does he know?"

Giant Sun was beginning to suspect that the Reckless Savage he knew was not actually dead but cooperating with Fang Yuan!

That would explain why he was seemingly uninjured when we fought him and even had the strength to fight 3 on 1.

Of course, the fight was within Fang Yuan's HQ and he had also set a very powerful Battlefield Killer Move.

Yes! Giant Sun had discussed it with Star Constellation and the realized something, the Immortal killer move --------- Supreme Emperor Yama was a normal Combination Killer Move but the moves

Immortal Killer Move -------------- Dang Hun Mountain Armor!

Immortal Killer Move ------------- Luo Puo Valley Sword!

Were actually Battlefield Killer Moves that would only be activated once Fang Yuan brought out those 2 Secluded Domains Of Heaven and Earth!

This meant that without an exhaustive setup on his part Fang Yuan would not have been able to fend off the 3 venerables.

It explained why Spectral Soul wasn't as panicked as he should have been when his main path got seemingly countered.

As the pioneer of Soul Path, he knew the trick behind the move, but he chose not to reveal it so that Giant Sun and Star Constellation would give their all.

And with the pretense of being immobile, he could switch to his Female form to further reduce the amount of strength he could provide while forcing Star Constellation and Giant Sun to work harder to protect him!

In fact, Giant Sun doubted whether or not Spectral Soul could have been bounded for so long?

"Having to deal with 2 Demon Venerables is exhausting enough but to think that there could be a third."

Luckily Reckless was not big on scheming and preferred a more direct approach.

Giant Sun contacted Fang Yuan

"Ah, friend Giant Sun how are you?" Fang Yuan smiled as if he were greeting an old friend.

Giant Sun snorted: "I'll cut to the chase how do you know where the Gluttonous Demon Frog was?"

"Haha, so that's what you want to know, its simple first the Lang Ya Land spirit knows quite a bit about it and how to get in. So after I entered it I placed some of my methods down to locate it in the future."

That story was somewhat believable though Giant Sun still had his doubts: "Okay then why would you leak this information out!"

Here it was this was the part Fang Yuan was waiting for: "About that let's gather the others first I have something I want to discuss."