Chapter 2371 The Melancholy Of Love

Elsewhere in the Myriad Beast Fusion Color Heaven, the remaining native tribes were left with only about half their remaining force.

This half was a scattered bunch that mostly resided far away from where the tribe conference was happening.

But they still chose to send envoys to attend as such a big gathering was an important one but to move everyone over would take too long thus, they send their fastest members.

Soon they realized that they had lost contact with their envoys and realized something had happened.

Word quickly spread from some of the desperate last messages that the envoys sent out: "The Sacred Child has betrayed us!"

This was devastating news to the various clans.

But that was quickly replaced with outrage!

"How dare she!"

"After all we've done for her how could she side with the enemy!"

"Actually, now that I think about it, was she ever on our side. She looks very similar to these otherworldly demons."

That final comment was the nail in the coffin as the enraged clans grew more enraged.

Of course, the leaders had no way to verify the truth and some people thought that it was blasphemous to have a sacred child come from an otherworldly demon.

But they went with it as it would help bind the different tribes together, under the threat of mutual destruction they were united but after being betrayed they became even closely bonded.

Though they had no idea how right they were.

They decided to wage war even at the cost of their lives, the remaining Super Clans, rallied together.

But as the last few clans were far from each other they decided to form 2 groups one in the East and one in the West.

They would then march towards the center to take their vengeance, and along the way wipe out the demons that they came across.

Unfortunately for them, the East was held by some of the oldest and most powerful people in the Central Continent and the West was the biggest force in the entire Grotto Heaven.

As these natives had very primitive forms of communication, the Great Love Alliance picked up the secret messages between the coalition in the West and the coalition in the East.

"Oh, it seems that some Sacred Child of theirs has already betrayed them and decimated the coalition in the center which comprised just shy of 50% of their fighting force." Shen Cong Sheng reported the information to the rest of the Rank 8s.

The group started discussing.

"It seems that these barbaric natives want a fight I say we take the fight to them," Fang Gong said as he made a beating gesture with his fist and palm.

"We can't rush things what if it's a trap by the other camps?" Wu Yong was cautious especially when this battle revolved around Venerables.

"We should scout them out first, with our significant advantage in manpower we should make good use of it and gain the upper hand, even if they are barbarians this is still their world who knows what arrangements might be hiding."

The group could not come to a decision, so they turned to their leader, Zhan Bu Du!

As Fang Yuan's split soul, he was effectively Fang Yuan's strongest representative.

The clones had shared a mind link between the 3 of them throughout their stay in the Grotto Heaven so that they could communicate and work efficiently.

He Chun Qiu said: "I think we can afford to be a little cautious after all we are dealing with Reckless Demon Savage."

"I think precisely because we are dealing with Reckless Demon Savage that we have no need to be cautious, he is not known for his mercy or schemes, it is highly unlikely he left the last method reserve for these natives," Zhan Bu Du voiced his ideas.

All that remained was Wu Shuai: "Whether this is an arrangement from Reckless or the other Venerables we should investigate that matter first after we can then make good use of these tribesmen for the main body's other plan.

Zhan Bu Du and He Chun Qiu looked at each other understanding what Wu Shuai was talking about.

In the real world, only a minute had passed, this was the benefit of having three heads thinking over one.

Zhan Bu Du proclaimed his decision: "We will send scouts to first determine if this is another Venerable's method if not then we will use it to further the plan."

The people present were shocked by the mention of 'the plan' but nevertheless, they obeyed.

On the other side, the Eastern Front coalition had already begun fighting the Central Continent Sect Masters.

The Central Continent force was surprisingly on the backpedal!

Although the superior firepower the coalition had superior manpower.

Hei Lou Lan was actually very lucky as she was Strength Path Pseudo-Venerable making her comparable to a tiger trapped in an enclosed space with her prey all around her, it was just free food.

The Central Continent force was strong but not only were they old but there were also currently only 5 of them in the base!

They had decided to work in rotations on who would guard the base and who would explore the world.

As of right now the Central Continent force only had half their Firepower, luckily the Central Continent force had numerous Gu Houses as well and thus, used them for their HQ.

The defensive Gu House they were using was known as Divine Steel Fortress, it was a Rank 8 Metal Path Gu House whose sheer defensive might was unquestionably high.

The only other thing that stood out about it was the fact that besides its defensive nothing stood out.

It had no special features or any self-repair feature like Peaceful Heavy Soil Mountain Fortress, it was a standard defensive Gu House that could be easily made by anyone.

But just because it was plain did not mean that it was useless. Under the constant barrage of attacks, the Gu House stood firmly in place barely shaking.

The only reason they had not counterattacked was that it would require them to step out of the Gu House and face the torrent of attacks head-on.

Thus, their initial plan was to wait out the storm of attacks and strike back during the resting phase.

But the brilliant thing about Totem Killer Moves was that there was effectively no resting phase!

The Totem Killer Moves only needed Immortal Essence to operate they expanded negligible amounts of thoughts to activate and control, this meant that they could be used like turrets to continuously bombard the enemy to death.

With the sheer amount of Gu Immortals present even the Divine Steel Fortress was beginning to make creaking sounds.

"Keep firing! These bastards only know how to hide like a turtle. Look they don't even dare to rear their heads," one of the Super Tribe Leaders commanded his men.

Of course, they were not stupid, this show of power was meant to bait the enemy into thinking that once they stop, they would need time to recharge but in actuality, they could resume fire as long as they had Essence.

The Central Continent Gu Immortals, of course, were briefed on the advantages and disadvantages of Totem Killer Moves, but they had largely brushed aside such concerns as they were blinded by their pride.

They began to discuss amongst themselves

"What should we do?"

"We can't tell if they stop because they're out of steam or because they are setting up a trap."

"What about the others? When are they returning?"

"In about 20 minutes."

"Shit I don't think the Divine Steel Fortress can last that long"

The creaking snapped the Gu Immortals back to reality

"Damn it where's the Heavenly Court pseudo-venerable and Rank 8s that Lady Star Constellation said would join us."

Up to this point, the Central Continent still had no idea who their Pseudo Venerable was, publicly only Zhan Bu Du had been revealed but Star Constellation easily deduced that Light Emperor would be Giant Sun's while Ying Guang Xin took part in the entrance ceremony.

That only left Heavenly Court's Pseudo-venerables, but the thing is did Heavenly Court even have any more remaining Pseudo-venerables?

Heck, they didn't even have any more members besides Zhao Lian Yun and Fang Zheng.

Both were still at Rank 7 when they contacted the 10 Great Ancient Sects.

As the Sect Leaders were determined to take one last stand, a sweet melody filled the surroundings.

It caused the Sect Leaders to feel relaxed and drowsy while also confusing the enemy.

"What is this?"

This sentiment rang out across the entire battlefield.

The melody was so beautiful that the listener couldn't help but begin to dream of themselves ethereal and high above the mortal plane.

One could see the mountains or the infinite oceans or the crystal-clear lakes.

The melody touched upon the heartstrings of the listener and replayed the love that could be found in their hearts.

Whether it was a moment a person or an object everyone had something they loved.

The song suddenly turned dreary and dark as the object of their love was suddenly destroyed in their face, the listener could feel nothing but despair and many of them took their own lives.

Some tried to obtain revenge in their dream world only to be crushed by the enemy, they died as well.

For the few minorities whose convictions were so strong they managed to kill the enemy they were then shown a life without the object of their love, eternal loneliness, they too took their own life.

Across the battlefield, a horrific scene unlike any other befall the eyes of the returning Gu Immortals.

Corpses were strewn across the entire area but all of them held the murder weapon in their hands.

Hundreds of thousands of bodies were covered in only one mark a red line separating their neck and head.

"How horrific, what could make all these people commit suicide?"

The Central Continent Gu Immortal swiftly arrived after their colleagues called for help.

Fearful of potentially losing half of their force before the real battle they rushed back at their top speed only to find the battlefield completely decimated with no signs of struggle.

"Wait! If the situation is as such where are the other 5?"

The Gu Immortals immediately entered the Divine Steel City and saw the 5 of them sleeping soundly on the ground, their faces filled with happiness it was a stark contrast form the faces of resentment, bitterness, and despair of the people outside.

"Wake up!"

The voice was accompanied by a splash of cold water.

This promptly caused the 5 Immortals to wake up.

"What happened! Where are we? Oh, you're back."

The 5 returning Immortals look at them with disbelief.

" 'You're back?' Is that all you have to say? How can you be sleeping at a time like this!"

The 5 Immortals who woke up were confused: "What do you mean?"

"Did you all not see the carnage that took place outside!"

The 5 Immortals looked out and witnessed for themselves the gory battlefield.

All of them had seen their fair shares of blood and massacre but the single slit across the neck and the resentment and despair on the faces mixed with tears streaming down all their faces was truly an experience too shocking for them.

"W..what happened did you all do this?"

"Hmph, do you think we'll be as shocked as we are if we did? Now explain what happened."

The 5 Immortals recounted their steps before their sudden sleep, they talked about their plight and dilemma before hearing a soothing and beautiful melody and before they knew it, they were asleep.

"Hmm, that means whoever did this is on our side, but the question is who and why did they not reveal themselves?"

The Immortals discussed it and came to a few conclusions, firstly they could at least deduce that the Immortal who did this was of the Pseudo-venerable or even higher.

Second, they knew that whoever did this was on their side.

Third, they figured that whoever it was kept their identity a secret either on their own accord or Star Constellation's wishes.

But the ultimate question remained.

Who was it?