Chapter 2419 Plan A, Plan B, Plan C

Further down the Upslope Road,

A bald man could be seen walking with a group of youngsters.

Of course, it was Light Emperor and the other 4 Children of Human Path, and some girl called Shang Xin Ci.

"Wow! You're an actual Rank 8 Immortal?" the 4 Children of Human Path clamored and flattered Light Emperor.

"Hehe not just a Rank 8 but I'm a Pseudo-Venerable if I do say so myself," he boasted.

"P-p-pseudo-Venerable!" they gasped.

Even Shang Xin Ci was slightly impressed.

Their groups were still 3-4 floors away from the top.

They were leisurely strolling along.

At first, the group didn't believe that Light Emperor was as great as he said but he singlehandedly swept the floor with their group.

He said: "I can help each of you overcome the last few steps, but you must give me something in return, I want Human Path research!"


Instantly, the 4 Children of Humanity were less enthusiastic about their new 'friend'.

"See he had ulterior motives from the beginning!"

"What do we do? Even if he's not as strong as he says he's still leagues above us!"

"Let's stay calm, why don't we try and be tactful about this."

The last person who said that was the de facto leader of the group, Er Ren.

"Lord Light Emperor we shall depend on you should the need arise then,"

"Heh," Light Emperor lightly scoffed and walked slightly ahead of the group.

How could he not know what they were thinking?

From his back, they heard: "The last steps aren't as easy as you think to be careful."

He continued strolling with his back turned to them.

Why was Light Emperor so easygoing?

Because the objective of his mission was already complete!

As soon as he entered the Upslope Road he tried contacting Hei Lou Lan through a Blood Path method Giant Sun left for his descendants.

Soon he got a reply from Hei Lou Lan: "I'm fine for now pursuing an opportunity can't talk."

Since Hei Lou Lan said so Light Emperor decided to let it be and trust in her strength, he was casually strolling and testing the Upslope Road when he came across the group.

After some light chatting, he realized they held the hope of advancing Human Path, the torchbearers so to speak.

"Hmm, if they somehow survive this it'll be impressive what they could accomplish in the next century but that Shang Xin Ci though…something about her is weird."

Light Emperor couldn't wrap his finger around it and spent much of the time thinking about it.

Meanwhile, in a secret room that was monitoring the entire process.

"…and that's the plan." Red Lotus finished with a sigh.

Feng Jiu Huang sat there absolutely stunned.

Her mouth was still gaping from all the shocking revelations and horrors she heard.

"You…" she tried to piece together the 3 plans she had heard from Red Lotus.

"I cannot agree with Plan A," Feng Jiu Huang found the courage to say after trying to pull herself together: "It's far too cruel, I can't agree with it."

Red Lotus nodded his head: "Mhm, it as you said it would make me the 3rd worst Demon Venerable."

"This…" Feng Jiu Huang was tong tied.

On the one hand, his plan was far too cruel and on the other, it was done through genuine selflessness.

"Haizzzz," Feng Jiu Huang let out a turbulent sigh: "Fine. I will get my dad to not interfere with Plan A, and I'll keep Plans B and C a secret."

Red Lotus did nothing extravagant but a polite bow and the words: "Thank you."

Was all Feng Jiu Huang needed to hear to understand the deep pain in his soul.

"*Sigh* whether you succeed or fail history will no longer know you as a man of selflessness, but one cold-heartedness."

"I am prepared to become a Demon to stop a Devil."

Feng Jiu Huang could only shake her head and sigh once more: "Send me to him."

She could not bear to look at Red Lotus.

Red Lotus understood and waved his arms.

In the next moment, Feng Jiu Huang vanished from the room.

"Am I doing the right thing…"

Outside the Stone Continent, on the River Of Time, the 4 Venerables were discussing"

"Should we just barge in?" asked Giant Sun.

"Hmm, it's risky because we have no idea what's awaiting us down there,"

"Still even if it's the unknown we have 4, technically 5, Venerables vs 1 possible newly revived Venerable!" Genesis Lotus added.

His words were reasonable, with the combined might of 4 Venerables there was little in the world that could hold them down, but the thing was.

None of them were trustworthy!

Fang Yuan and Giant Sun wouldn't trust their lives with Star Constellation and Genesis Lotus much less each other and the same applied vice versa.

Especially since Fang Yuan could not only be counted as basically 1.5 Venerable, but he was also potentially refining Rank 9 Imperial Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus Gu!

"I think Genesis Lotus is right, worse case we can combine our strengths to leave," Fang Yuan said.


"If Fang Yuan is so eager to go something is afoot! Either he knows something or has the confidence to leave us all in the lurch or both!" Giant Sun thought in his head.

Star Constellation and Genesis Lotus were equally suspicious of Fang Yuan's eagerness as well: "He must be plotting something."

"Agreed. If the worse case happens and Red Lotus is not on our side, do you think we can escape by ourselves?" Genesis Lotus asked.

"Hard to say, it depends if he is truly able to mobilize the entire River of Time or not. But with your Painting World, I am confident we will be able to escape, and if not…I have a backup plan."

Genesis Lotus nodded, he had full faith in Star Constellation.

Suddenly, the shaking grew more intense.

Back on the top floor of the Upslope Road,

Two women, one beautiful and one exceptionally beautiful were deep in the midst of a group of Predicaments!

Each of these Predicaments was equivalent to a Rank 7 and held great power.

Of course, the duo is none other than Bai Ning Bing and Tie Ruo Nan!

The latter was enslaved by the former.

"Keep blocking their attacks and I'll deal with the rest,"

Tie Ruo Nan could only grunt in response.

She had been forced by Bai Ning Bing to disregard her own well-being in favor of her 'master'.

Should any of the Predicaments spot an opening in Bai Ning Bing's fighting, Tie Ruo Nan would sacrifice her own well-being to protect or warn Bai Ning Bing.

This has caused her to be negligent to her own care and receive quite a bit of damage.

"HAHAHAHA" Bai Ning Bing roared with recklessness as she charged into the group of Predicaments in her Bai Xiang form!

Even as a Rank 7 Dragomen she had studied extensively about her main path; Ice.

At her age reaching Grandmaster of Ice Path is considered a genius that is only seen in 1000 years!

"Tie Ruo Nan move your ass! There should be an opportunity around here." Rage filled her voice: "Once I get back, I'm going to kill that damn Shang Yan Fei!"

"Yes Mistress," Tie Ruo Nan responded.

Bai Ning Bing raged more: "I told you to call me MASTER!"

Slavery Gu was powerful, but it couldn't cut out free will completely, there are ways to resist its effect.

Though they are only temporary and can be overturned when specifically commanded such as this.

This act of defiance took nearly every ounce of willpower Tie Ruo Nan had but its only purpose was to piss Bai Ning Bing off.

"It won't happen again, Master!" Tie Ruo Nan cursed in her heart: "Damn you Bai Ning Bing I swear if you ever get your manhood back, I'll cut it off!"

Tie Ruo Nan could be said to be truly remarkable, she had decent talent, but an indomitable Will!

Most Gu Immortals would have completely submitted by now and wouldn't even dream of being free.

But not Tie Ruo Nan!

She was holding on to the bitter end!

Suddenly, both heard faint singing.

At first, they thought they had grown crazy, but the Predicaments halted in the face of the song.

"Two fairies from afar, one spiteful one hateful, both seeking vengeance from the Devil."

As the last verse was spoken the women turned to come face to face with Feng Jiu Ge!

"Feng Jiu Ge!" Bai Ning Bing immediately adopted a defense stance: "Shit! Even when he was Rank 7 he could contend against a Rank 8 now that he's a Rank 8 Quasi-Venerable…"

Bai Ning Bing was one of the few people who knew that Feng Jiu Ge stood above even Pseudo-Venerable, in a class that only 2 people have occupied: Quasi-Venerable!

Only 2 could make the claim to be undefeatable amongst Rank 8s, Feng Jiu Ge and Fang Yuan!

"My my, Bai Ning Bing one of Fang Yuan's retainers what are you doing here," Feng Jiu Ge smiled a smile that wasn't a smile.

His eyes seemed to reflect cold killing intent.

He recalled Bai Ning Bing once calling his daughter a slut. [1]

Tensions were high as both sides prepared to battle.

Bai Ning Bing even was planning to have Tie Ruo Nan self-detonate to buy herself some time!

But just as both sides were about to start, in between them a dignified and upright girl, with flawless skin, a straight nose, and rosy lips appeared out of nowhere, there was a faint pink hue in her long flowing hair. [2]

Who else would it be but Feng Jin Huang!

Her eyes fluttered open as she got used to her surroundings.

She glanced at Bai Ning Bing and Tie Ruo Nan, she waved her hand and a stone corridor appeared: "Go there's an opportunity waiting for you there,"

Bai Ning Bing was hesitant.

"The alternative is battling him." She gestured with her thumb.

Bai Ning Bing squinted her eyes and ran in with Tie Ruo Nan.

She then turned to look at Feng Jiu Ge who was looking right back at her.

They walked to each other without saying a word.

"Are you still my daughter?" he asked with deep emotion.

"Are you still my father?" she responded.

The two stood in silence as their hearts did the talking.

A single tear dropped from Feng Jiu Ge's eyes.

"I'm sorry, I" but Feng Jin Huang stopped him: "now's not the time you know it don't you the Great Era is only just beginning."

Her eyes began to reflect a near starry Wisdom to them.

Feng Jiu Ge sighed.

With that Feng Jin Huang conjured another stone corridor and turned to Zhao Lian Yun, who was awkwardly standing at the side: "He's waiting in there,"

Hearing those words Zhao Lian Yun's eyes widened: "Really?"

Feng Jin Huang nodded: "But there's…never mind you'll see for yourself."

Zhao Lian Yun rushed forth and shook her hand crying: "Thank you Thank you if there's anything I can do just let me know."

"This…" Feng Jin Huang was taken aback: "just don't regret the choice you have made."

Zhao Lian Yun was puzzled by what Feng Jin Huang said.

"Never mind, go."

"Ah," Zhao Lian Yun bowed 3 times and left into the stone corridor.

Meanwhile, Feng Jiu Ge was observing her though his eyes were like a swirling galaxy in absolute darkness.

As soon as she left: "What a heavy burden."

"Mhm," Feng Jin Huang nodded and sighed: "Let's go set the rest in motion."

Feng Jin Huang held out her hand, while her gaze lay beyond the horizon.

Feng Jiu Ge grabbed her hand and the pair walked off.

[1] I have a very vague memory of that happening but if it didn't then let's just say it did.

[2] The more her Dream Path increases the pinker the hair, also no it's not part of the canon. Also, I kinda dislike how the 'wiki' drew Feng Jin Huang. Too mature and bland. I always imagined her as a kinda upbeat but serious when needed person…with pink hair. I don't know how to describe it. Kind of like a blend between Seraphine from LOL and Kai Sa also from League. Idk don't quote me on this.