Chapter 2459 Dreams and Answers

"Now then, since you know that the Dao Lord realm is a trap and the Dao Emperor realm is just making the best of a bad situation, let me tell you of my Million Year research."

Limitless stopped laughing and became serious.

"As you saw in that previous Dream, to inherit the entirety of Treasure Yellow Heaven, one has to acquire Grandmaster in Demon Path."

"But first," Limitless raised up one finger, "I'm sure you're anxious to know, what is Demon and Immortal Path? Aren't they just the classification we use to separate Gu Immortals? How is it related to True Immortality; Rank 10 Transcendent Dao."

Fang Yuan nodded.

He was indeed curious as to how all these things were related.

"First, you should know that Demon Path and Immortal Path are branches of Human Path,"

"Mhm, I can feel a rough inclination to that, and I only have Human Path Grandmaster attainment, there are plenty of people with higher Human Path attainment than me, so why are these Paths still undiscovered?"

Limitless stroked his chin: "Its simple, the Heavenly Dao hid it."


This was a shocking revelation.

Generally speaking, the Heavenly Dao does not hide any Paths, after all, it wants the beings of the world to become stronger and smarter.

But to block a Path…

"I know what you're thinking, but there's a good reason the Heavenly Dao blocked Demon Path and altered Immortal Path."


"I'll get to that, but first let me explain or we'll never get to the end of even 1 of your questions!"

Fang Yuan tactfully kept quiet.

Limitless took out a tea set and poured himself a cup, "Now, to begin with, do you know why Human Path was created?"

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Is it not to create one of the many lifeforms in the Gu World?"

Limitless shook his head, "That's not the reason, after all, there are many lifeforms in the Gu World so why don't they have their own path? Sure, you may say that Variant Humans fall under Human Path, but what about the Desolate Beasts? Do they not have a Path because they have no intelligence? But they can develop intelligence, look at Qing Chou."

"And even in regard to Variant Humans who are affected by Human Path, Human Path does not truly fit them either."

Fang Yuan was stunned, "True. I never thought about it before, you are right, it doesn't make sense that only Humans have a Path and not the other lifeforms in the Gu World, why is there no Feathermen Path, Hairyman Path, Desolate Beast Path."

Limitless smirked: "It's because Human Path is a path not created by the Heavenly Dao."


For the first time in a while, Fang Yuan was given back-to-back world-shaking news.

"What do you mean?"

Limitless took another sip: "Who was the first Human?"

"Ren Zhu."

Limitless nodded, "And who created Ren Zhu?"

"The legends say he came from the Blue Sea."

"Indeed, Ren Zhu came out from the Blue Sea alone, but were there not other Variant Humans ahead of him? Why was he alone? Where is the Blue Sea now?"

"Limitless smirked: "This was one of the greatest mysteries of the Gu World, until now. You are right Ren Zhu is the first Human, but he was also the one that created Human Path!"

Limitless gave a resounding laugh as he explained: "This is not recorded in the standard legends of Ren Zhu, but it is a historical fact that I found buried amongst the most ancient of Inkman that lived in the Qian Kun Crystal World, on Book Mountain."

"After Ren Zhu came to them, they were intrigued by this being, and as the race that was continuously blessed by Wisdom Gu, they were far ahead of every other Variant Race at the time."

"Their interests in Ren Zhu grew, as he struggled and fought against Fate, to the point where they were even cheering him on in their hearts, how else would we have the Legends of Ren Zhu? There were no other Humans around and the other Variant Races would certainly not have written them down. It was thanks to the Inkman!"

"Fascinating," Fang Yuan was immersed in the secret history of the Primordial era.

"Much of the original Legends of Ren Zhu had been lost due to the passing of time, even the last 2 children of Ren Zhu and their physique. Since their physique never appeared amongst the populace, people assumed that it was just a myth or extremely hard to isolate from all the unique constitutions of the world, but in truth its because it was sealed by the Heavenly Dao!"

"Wait…you don't mean that…"

Limitless smiled: "That's right! The last 2 children are known as Heavenly Benevolent Immortal and Chaotic Usurping Demon."

"In fact, you managed to come across them long ago remember?"

Fang Yuan thought back, "You mean the 10 Zombies that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable used to create the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu!"

"That's right,"

Indeed, at the time Fang Yuan did not pay close attention to them as, even though the last 2 physiques were a mystery to the world, it wasn't something earthshattering to the people.

After all, there was a good chance that the bloodline of the physique just ran out, since someone with the Extreme Physique could not make it above Rank 3 without the help of an Immortal.

So, there was a good chance that over time the physique just died out.

"Although I was curious about the appearance of the 2 Physiques, I did not think it too strange nor that important."

Limitless laughed: "You have no idea how important those 2 were because they are actually the only 2 in existence, the direct children of Ren Zhu himself!"

"Come to think of it," Fang Yuan began to deduce: "There's no way that the ordinary bodies of 10 Rank 8 Extreme Physiques could produce this legendary Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu."

Fang Yuan did the math, even if all 10 were pseudo-venerables, the Dao Marks count did not match up unless, "Something special like the direct children of Ren Zhu!"

"But how did Spectral Soul acquire the Immortal Zombie bodies of…"

Fang Yuan looked at the smiling Limitless.

"It was you!"

Limitless nodded: "Guilty as charged when Spectral Soul entered my Crazed Demon Cave, I knew proposing for him some of the ideas to build the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu wasn't enough, so I shared with him some of the secrets of Demon Path and Immortal Path as well as the bodies of Heavenly Benevolent Immortal and Chaotic Usurping Demon.

"But to think he would take my idea and flesh it out with his own desire of Killing Path," Limitless shook his head: "I mean I knew he would do that but to the extent that he accomplishes is truly remarkable."

"Limitless!" Fang Yuan spoke up, "So far, you've given me an incredibly longwinded history lesson, but you still have not talked about the crux of your research, Immortal and Demon Path!"

"Hmm, you're right, but there is still so much to explain." Limitless sighed: "There is no choice, and we're running out of time."

The will of Limitless began to glow brightly, forcing Fang Yuan to cover his eyes.

As he opens his eyes, the words of Limitless echoed in his ears: "I am giving you a portion of my research and memories, use them to find Treasure Yellow Heaven. The rest will await you there."

Fang Yuan's eye twitched: "Are you kidding me! You could have saved all that time by condensing all your knowledge into this!"

Fang Yuan held a white orb where Limitless was once sitting.

The white void that they were once in began to fade away, as a scenario came into view.

"And now I'm back in another Dream Realm," Fang Yuan surveyed his surroundings, he then surveyed his situation.

"I am in the body of a child?" Fang Yuan checked his aperture: "Oh? This child is quite the genius, couldn't be more than 14 years old and already a Rank 4?"

Fang Yuan inspected the environment, using Dream Path methods, and found something interesting: "Oh? There's another living being here!"

Fang Yuan observed the man from afar, "I was right. He is a real human! It seems I'm not the only one in this large Dream Realm, the question now is…is he a Heavenly Court Member or some other person that got swept up in this."

The man in question was walking through the woods.

"Haha, success! This should be a Water Path Dream Realm and a big one at that. Now I can finally stop activating the Returning From Inception to Reality Killer Move."

Just then,

"Who's there!" the man turned behind.

"F-friend I am just an innocent Water Path cultivator, headed towards the Shui Tribe's annual Water Path Market."

"Oh." The man withdrew his Killing Intent: "This must be an NPC in the Dream Realm and is my first clue,"

The Heavenly Court member smiled: "Ah I see, my bad friend, I was worried you were a Demon cultivator or worse…a variant."

The man who had snuck up on the Heavenly Court member was, of course, Fang Yuan!

"Oh? Such open disdain for Variants, there's only 1 group that would make sense, considering the situation; Heavenly Court!" Fang Yuan managed to guess since he was last dealing with Heavenly Court.

"The question now is, why? Why would they send ordinary members in? In fact, where did they get ordinary members from?" Fang Yuan stroked his chin: "It seems that they are desperate to get to me and don't want me to increase my Attainments, so they sent in members to chip away at the Dream Realm,"

Fang Yuan could not deduce the right reason, as he had no access to information, even using Wisdom Path he would have only been able to arrive at certain conclusions, but without Information, it was all useless.

"I need more information!" Fang Yuan put on a gentle smile and begin to play the role of an NPC, "Since, this guy doesn't have any method to identify real people from NPCs in a Dream Realm I'll use that…"

"S-sir if you don't mind me asking…what's your name?" Fang Yuan's current innocent form and high pitch voice certainly helped sell the story.

The Heavenly Court Gu Immortal would never have guessed that the infamous Heaven Refining Demon Venerable was in front of him acting innocent!

The Heavenly Court Gu Immortal thought about it: "There's no way this NPC and I were related until now so I can just give him my name."

"I'm Shuai Ge, what's yours." Shuai Ge thought to himself: "This kid could be buttering me up to backstab me or be a crucial key later, either way, I got to keep my guard up."

Shuai Ge prepped one of the Immortal Water Path Killer Moves he could formulate and hid his killing intent behind a kind smile.

But of course, he couldn't' hide the Immortal Aura from Fang Yuan!

"A Gu Immortal?! Are you kidding me? How's that fair? Unless…" Fang Yuan had a thought, "What if this Kid and this Gu Immortal are destined to be together. If that Heavenly Court member thinks that too then…"

Fang Yuan smirked: "I can use this."