Chapter 2471 Waking Up From The Illusions Of Life

Meng Qiu Zhen quickly put aside the ridiculousness of the Infallible Blessed Lands' recognition condition and focused on the more important task at hand, refining Rank 6 Lucid Dream Gu.

"With this Gu, we can turn this whole situation around, and with Great Dream either out of the picture or recuperating nothing can stop us!"

Fang Yuan had assumed that Great Dream was either completely out of commission or used up all of her powers, his basis for this lay in the fact that he was never once attacked during his stay in the Dream Realms.

Meng Qiu Zhen further confirmed this theory as he informs Fang Yuan that 2 days had passed since Fang Yuan last contacted them which means it was at least a full 3 days since Fang Yuan had entered the Dream Realm.

And yet in all that time, Fang Yuan had not been attacked could only mean that Great Dream was very injured, tired or worse.

"There is no logical reason why Great Dream would not work with the other Venerables to try and harm the mani body." Meng Qiu Zhen decided not to think any further and began the process of refining Gu.

"Hehe, the Main Body was worried about what type of Dream I would run into but he probably wouldn't have expected that I run into a Refinement Path Dream!" Meng Qiu Zhen was ecstatic, "But I must still remain cautious, my intuition tells me that revealing Dream Path Materials in a Dream Realm can cause certain changes…"

Fang Yuan had once retrieved Dream Path materials and refined a Dream Path Gu way back when he was a mortal.

But the circumstances were vastly different.

For starters he had access to his aperture and Immortal Essence, this wasn't the case due to the uniqueness of the Grand Dream.

Because the Grand Dream Realm took in all living beings without any warning or preparation, they could not access their Gu.

This was why Heavenly Court had a particular advantage, as they had established a base of operations within the Grand Dream Realm, thus allowing them to use Gu before entering or carrying the effects of a Gu into the Grand Dream Realm.

The Killer Move, Returning From Inception To Reality, was a great example of this.

One would not be able to use this Killer Move within the Grand Dream Realm even if they had the Gu to set it up in their apertures.

Similarly, Fang Yuan had plenty of Killer Moves that could resist the Grand Dream Realm, in fact just the combination of Strong Gu and Dream Armor Gu would allow him to walk around freely!

But, he was caught in the epicentre of the Grand Dream Realm and had no way to escape the clutches of Great Dream Immortal Venerable.

It had happened too fast for even Fang Yuan to react, and since the goal was not to kill but trap it made it easier to accomplish.

After all, to kill Fang Yuan would mean breaking through the Rank 9 Heaven Path Killer Move, Heavenly Web Protection Veil before Fang Yuan could react which not even a Dao Lord in their HQ would be able to accomplish.

It was simply impossible to kill Fang Yuan, he had too many strengths and very few weaknesses, which made his enemies either despair or enraged.

Meng Qiu Zhen started the process of refining Lucid Dream Gu, he had already prepped the material.

"Hmm?" the Hairy Man Leader raised an eyebrow, "Is that…Dream Path?!"

The Hairy Man Leader was someone that had lived in the Primordial Era with Ren Zhu, even though the rest of the world had almost no contact with Dream Path and Dream Realms, he had witnessed them.

"How did you manage to find Dream Path Materials to make a Dream Path Gu?" the Hairy Man Leader was suspicious.

Even for the naive and easy-going Hairyman, the details weren't adding up.

"None of the Hairyman within the Infallible Blessed Land are allowed to leave and no one would be able to leave without my knowledge so let me ask this again," the Hairy Man Leader suddenly became furious, "How Did You Aquire Dream Path Materials!"

Meng Qiu Zhen clicked his tongue, he activated a Dream Path Killer Move that he was working on.

Immortal Killer Move --------- Sleep Paralysis!

Instantly, the Hairy Man Leader froze up and was locked in place, his eyes were still able to track things but his body was completely immobilized.

"Now that he's onto me I must rush through, if our theories are right this whole Dream Realm is about to crumble and bring about the Winds of Assimilation!"

Meng Qiu Zhen had the same attainment of Dream Path as Fang Yuan and was thus not at the same level as someone like Great Dream.

He did not know all the intricacies of creating and obtaining Dream Path Gu.

But he and Fang Yuan did theorize some things.

It was possible to refine Gu within a Dream Realm [1]

Doing so would destabilize the Dream from its proper course of action

It may cause the inhabitants of the Dream to 'wake up' causing the world to collapse

This is different from an unsuccessful attempt and is similar to what would happen if areal grotto heaven or blessed land collapsed, the Winds of Assimilation would come and take the Dream Realm away.

Meng Qiu Zhen had to finish refining the Gu before the Winds of Assimilation took him away along with the Dream.

Although he was now under a lot of time pressure he did not hasten or rush himself, he was calm and methodical, displaying the grace of a Refinement Path Supreme Grandmaster.

It was incredibly captivating to watch how he refined Gu, even a layman that knew nothing about Gu Refinement would be able to glean knowledge just from observing the motions of Meng Qiu Zhen.

So much so that the Hairy Man Leader was lost in awe for a moment, forgetting about the weirdness that was going on…

For a moment.

"Wait a minute! There's no way any Hairy Man in our tribe is that talented, he had surpassed even my peak! There can only be 2 options, either he is a Refinement Path Quasi or Supreme Grandmaster that snuck in just to use my Success Dao Mark, which seems unlikely as that Gu is only Rank 6, or…this entire world is a Dream!"

Upon realizing that the world started to show visible cracks, as the winds of assimilation began to drum up.

Seeing such an obvious reaction to his realization just further confirmed the Hairy Man Leader's suspicion and worsened the speed of destruction.

"Everything is a lie!"

"This whole world is meaningless!"

"Our lives are Meaningless!" the Hairy Man Leader kept crying in his heart until eventually, his words came up as the paralysis effect wore off.

"Shit.".." Meng Qiu Zhen was too preoccupied with the Refinement and couldn't stop the Hairy Man Leader from crying out…


His voice was heard throughout the entire Dream Realm, and it began to sow more and more doubt into the minds of all the inhabitants, causing them to doubt their reality, making the Dream collapse more and more.

The Hairy Man Leader didn't do anything besides wail repeatedly, causing the Dream Realm's collapse to hasten.

More than half the Dream Realm was gone and it was only accelerating now that the inhabitants had confirmation that their world was a Dream.

"Yea that's what we suspected would happen…"

Meng Qiu Zhen sighed to himself, "At least it wasn't as bad as our other hypothesis…"

Fang Yuan and Meng Qiu Zhen had theorized that if the Dream Realm inhabitants 'woke up' they would react in 1 of 2 ways.

Either they would fall into a self-deprecating loop that further hastens the destruction of their world or…

Just as the Refinement was nearing its completion Meng Qiu Zhen's left arm suddenly grabbed his right, nearly throwing off the whole refinement process!

"Dammnit!" Meng Qiu Zhen cursed in his heart, he was beginning to lose control of his body as the original owner of the Dream began to 'wake up' as well.

"I really wished that we were wrong…" Meng Qiu Zhen sighed to himself, fortunately, he was Fang Yuan's clone and shared his same cautious personality.

Just as the original consciousness was waking up, a Killer Move that Meng Qiu Zhen was holding onto this entire time was activated.

Immortal Killer Move ---------- Sweet Dreams!

The awakening consciousness was immediately calmed and stopped interfering with the refinement process.

Bright pink light filled the cave, and at its centre a ladybug like Gu took form; it was Lucid Dream Gu!

"Phew," Meng Qiu Zhen let out a breath of relief, "Fortunately I was prepared and just in time too…"

The Dream Realm was now a fraction of the size it once was, only the cave, Hairy Man Leader and Meng Qiu Zhen were left at the centre of a storm of Winds of Assimilation closing in on them.

"Time to leave, ciao." Meng Qiu Zhen snapped his neck and the hysterical Hairy Man Leader was all that was left until the winds swept him up as well.

And just like that, there was nothing there.

As if nothing ever happened.

[1] Trying to separate what Fang Yuan did in the past from what's happening, so the difference between refining Gu in a Dream, using your own Immortal Essence, to refining Gu in a Dream Realm, using the Immortal Essence of the Gu Immortal of that Dream