Chapter 2496 The World At Stake

If one were to look at the enormous mass that was Heaven, one would see a giant sphere.

The sphere was seemingly a pale illusory blue, yet a man could be seen standing atop it.

This was a Soul Body, a Soul that exceeds the 999 Million Mark, a Billion Man Soul!

Heaven had been busy, the Grand Dream Realm had provided him with enough to fully understand the Killing Dao, and now it was just a matter of time before he refined the Killing Dao Fruit.

But the unique thing about the Killing Dao was that it didn't rely purely on the power of Killing Path Gu, its refinement could be hastened as long as the owner was Killed!

This was truly the perfect Dao from Spectral Soul, not only would he be able to enjoy the Kill but he would get endlessly stronger the more he killed!

Think about it! If he possessed the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu and the Killing Dao he would be a force so terrifying even Dao Emperors like Primordial and Reckless would quiver at his name!

Spectral Soul would have launched a massacre of the entire Gu world!

Unlike Fang Yuan, who would be methodical and efficient, Spectral Soul would go about slaughtering as he pleased, leaving a trail of death in his wake.

A Billion Soul was unheard of for a Human, nay, the world, it was just 1 more from 999 Million but that one difference was a whole world of qualitative change.

If a 999 Million Soul was equivalent to a Quasi-Rank 9 then a 1 Billion Soul was equivalent to Quasi-Rank 10!

The Soul didn't just turn physical at that size, it turned alive!

"Hahahaha," Heaven roared madly from atop the spherical Soul Body.

Speaking of which, the Soul Body was terrifying, it contained Millions of eyes, staring in every possible direction, with tentacle-like arms, numbering in the Billions, flailing and attempting to kill anything within their reach.

Heaven piloted the Soul Body to crash into Heavenly Court.

An epic battle, the likes of which surpass the Fate War in destruction, was about to begin!

At the border between Central Continent and the Eastern Sea,

"Everything has diverged, and the future has changed, is this what you wanted to see? Was this all a part of your Dream?" Fang Yuan muttered to himself as he gazed at the ensuing battle while refining Light Gu.

Even as a Refinement Path Venerable, forcefully refining someone else's Rank 9 Gu was no easy task, Giant Sun had left a Luck Path method that mimicked Refinement Path that would cause even him to fail if he wasn't careful and anyway he had time.

The triple-layered protection instantly began to show cracks, but it withstood the entirety of Heaven's attack, much to his shock and dismay.

"Seems like I'm not the only one who grew stronger," he scratched his chin, "Let's try this they."

Heaven snapped his fingers and the Billions of tentacle-like arms lashed out against their barrier, cracking sounds could be heard as the first layer fell instantly!

"Shit!" Red Lotus coughed, his layer was the first one as it lacked the most in defensive prowess, "It's a good thing I managed to bare the burnt of that attack."

The second layer was made by Earth and was more resilient.

"Giant Sun," she shouted, "He's going to come for you sooner or later, and we have no past grudges, I'll help you fully acquire the Dao of Karma if we succeed!"

Giant Sun frown scrunched up, "Who even are you and how do I know you're sincere?"

Rather than waste time talking, Earth released a wisp of her Dao.

It gave Giant Sun a brief feeling of enlightenment very similar to Natural Inspiration.

"Who…who are you," the feeling of enlightenment was genuine and impossible to fake, it allowed him to take a tiny step further in his own Dao.

"Put the pieces together yourself," Earth's voice oozed sarcasm, "Up there is Spectral Soul possessed by Heaven and I'm possessing the body of Ying Guang Xin which makes me?"

"Earth!" Giant Sun finished her sentence.

Just at that moment, the second layer shattered, and Earth stumbled slightly.

"We mustn't delay!"

Earth turned to Giant Sun, hand outstretched, "Are you with us or not!"

Giant Sun closed his eye in contemplation for a second, "Fine! But I want you to bring my Dao to completion, it's 65% of the way there."

"I'll give you the last bit of comprehension you need and the accumulation of energy will be up to you," they shook and an agreement was made on their Daos.

At this point, Heaven was getting impatient.

"Hmph, a futile struggle," he gripped his hands into a fist and the Soul body connected all its outstretched tentacles into a giant fist, big enough to blot out the sun.

As heaven brought down his fist in a hammering motion, so to did the Soul Body as its Billion Arm hammered down directly on Genesis Lotus's barrier.

The low thud noise, produced by the clash between these two titans, caused tremors throughout the entire Central Continent.



His hands were gripping his face, "To think the trap I made for Ren Zhu would pay off like this."

Heaven could tell that the barrier before him was reinforced by the entire Central Continent itself, each attack that landed on it was reflected into the Central Continent, which is why there were 0 cracks on the barrier and a rumble in the earth.

The damage had been distributed over the largest and most powerful region, the Central Continent.

Heaven wasn't just fighting Heavenly Court but the entirety of the Central Continent itself!

"Kekekeke," instead of despair Heaven released a sinister laugh, "You may have the Central Continent,"

With a flick of his wrist, plumes of fire descended forth from Spectral Heaven.

"But I have an entire heaven at my disposal!"

Since he knew that the entire continent was connected to Genesis Lotus, he no longer needed to focus on just the barrier, as long as he damaged the soil of the Central Continent it would hurt Genesis Lotus.

"Hmph! You think it's that easy!" Genesis Lotus waved his hand, and instantly hundreds of kilometres of ground turned into spikes and were launched at the impending volley of fireballs!

They clashed with the Fire, but instead of extinguishing the Fire it merely spread it!

"Hahahahaha," Heaven laughed, a Bright flame in his right hand, "Forgetting something?"

It was Rank 9 Fire Gu!

Genesis Lotus frowned, "Damnit if I wasn't still wrestling against Fang Yuan's Dao Killer Move, I wouldn't be in this mess."

Suddenly, as soon as Fire Gu's aura was sensed, Fang Yuan's Dao Killer Move stopped fighting against Genesis Lotus.

"Hmm?" he noticed that now instead of repelling him it changed target…to Spectral Soul!

The Dao Killer Move resisted the Billion Soul Arm, the two moves colliding against one another.


The Ominous Black Cloud fought harder to complete the Dao Killer Move.

"I'm not letting that Killer Move to become a full tribulation, it cannot be allowed to access Chaos!" Earth was still wrestling with control.

The others could naturally sense the chilling and dreadful power of Chaos hidden within the Cloud.

It was a singular Black Thunderbolt, snaking around the entire cloud.

"If you want to dispel the threat of Chaos," Giant Sun waved his hand, "Why not allow her?"

From within his aperture, Hei Lou Lan popped out.

"I will do as Lord Father commands," she cupped her fists and bowed.

Of course, the others weren't comfortable with handing Chaos over to Giant Sun, it was destructive and powerful, but they couldn't afford to fight a battle on two fronts, let alone trust in Fang Yuan.

"Alright!" Earth grits her teeth, "I'll hold it back while Hei Lou Lan absorbs the Chaos, the rest of you protect us against Heaven."

The Dao Killer Move Fang Yuan left behind was extraordinary in power, it held its own against the Billion Soul.

"Hmph, I have to admit he has accomplished a lot for a human," Heaven began condensing the power of Fire Gu.

Dao Killer Move --------------- Ruler Of Flames

A cape and tiara made of flames encased Heaven, who had switched to her Yin form to use the power of Fire Gu.

Even though the Yin Form was technically still a Rank 8 Pseduo Venerable, the Dao Killer Move Ruler of Flames bridged that gap!

In an instant, the Fire Dao Marks within 100 li were under the control of Heaven!

"Hehehe, I have to thank Fang Yuan for coming up with that Soul Path Killer Move Ruler Of Death," Heaven chuckled to herself.

Her giggle was strangely alluring, yet her aura was terrifying.

The Killer Move Ruler of Death was used by Fang Yuan as a counter to Spectral Soul, using Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley, it allowed one to mimic the powers of a Dao Lord, by gaining control over the natural Dao Marks that only Dao Lords can refine.

The cascade of fireballs grew even larger as the surrounding Dao Marks worked to empower the flaming meteors.

Right now Heaven was an unstoppable force of nature, his control over Fire Path had caused Fang Yuan's Dao Killer Move to take a serious hit in power, Genesis Lotus was busy working Fang Yuan's Dao Killer Move to combat both the fire that was slowly eating up the Central Continent and the Billion Soul all Flaming Metors descended from the sky.

Meanwhile, Earth was holding back the Chaos to allow Hei Lou Lan to absorb it while looking for an opportunity to provide support to each battle.

Heaven stood still.

"Things are looking bad," Red Lotus said to Star Constellation and Giant Sun, "I'm open to ideas."

The three were hovering, next to each other, a few feet away from Heaven.

"What's he doing?" Red Lotus asked.

"Just standing there," Star Constellation replied, busy analyzing and deducing a plan.

Giant Sun was still glowing golden, "We just have to take Heaven down and everything will end." His fist punched his palm producing golden sparks.

"Excellent plan, Star Constellation?"

"Hit him fast and hit him hard."

"I didn't think you would have a sense of humour," Red Lotus chuckled.

Star Constellation gazed over her shoulder, "I wasn't joking."

She grinned with a cheeky smile.

"Hahaha," Red Lotus nodded his head and laughed, "We must be in some deep shit right now."

Red Lotus clapped his hand and pulled them apart, his right hand was enveloped in Pearl Pink and his left in Diamond Blue both his left and right eye reflected the change as well:

"Let's kill him properly this time."

The 3 Venerables flew into a triangle formation around Heaven,

Heaven didn't move.

"I wanted a balanced thriving universe, one where no one was unequal, but you lower lifeforms never learn," she began monologuing, "None of you can ever be content with what you have always so…ungrateful,"

Her power began to surge and envelope her just as the 3 Venerables go into position.

"I know what I must do now," Heaven's eye blazed with fire and fury, "I will reclaim Earth and with our powers united once again I will shred the Gu World down to the very last Dao Mark and rebuild it from scratch."

"And I've reached that conclusion, all thanks to you." Heaven spread out her arms and a wave of Fire burst forth blasting the 3 Venerables.

But instead of reducing the 3 Venerables to cinders, the explosion made it to just within an inch from their faces before stopping.

"Yea saw that coming," Red Lotus chuckled, "You're not the only one who was inspired by Fang Yuan."

Dao Killer Move ------------ Ruler of Spacetime!
