Chapter 2537

"Intresting…" from within the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortress, Wu Shuai sat in contemplation.

The blue light of AI Gu constantly flashed in his eyes, while in the background, 

"Move, move, move!" a mix of shouting and rushing footsteps could be heard. 

"Wheres's the 5th batch of earth Path Gu Worms!" 

The one doing all that shouting was none other than Hei Chun Qiu. 

"We need to take advantage of this opportunity that has been afforded to us by the battling of the 7 sins, I don't where or why they're suddenly here but the enemy of my enemy is our friend." 

Hei Chun Qiu was gathering every Hairymen still alive within the Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress Mountain to refine as much Gu as possible.

Fang Yuan had built a lesser version of the 4 Elements Square Regret Blood Refinement Pool, within the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortress. 

It was the Earth Forge.

Since, it was impossible to use the 4 Elements Square Regret Blood Refinement Pool outside the Soverign Aperture, he modified some aspects of the Gu House to make 1 that focused solely on Earth Path.

There were a few things lacking. 

For one it didn't contain Regret Gu and thus, could not bring back failed Gus, and it also lacked the Refinement Sea to add in the success rate.

However, since it focused solely on Earth Path, and used the natural abundance of Earth Path within the Peaceful Soil Heavey Mountain Fortress to isolate other Paths from contamination the refinement process, it's success ratefor refining earth Path Gu could come close or nearly even match the 4 Elements Square Regret Blood Refinement Pool! 

Crafting a Rank 9 Earth Gu using the Earth Forge was not an impossible feat, but it didn't serve their purposes to have another rank 9 Earth Path Gu. 

Instead, Wu Shuai had instructed Hei Chun Qiu to focus on quantity over quality since they were in a battle of attrition. 

"We merely need to hold out just a little longer, there is no reason to waste it on a gamble." Wu Shuai told Hei Chun Qiu before he began studying the evolving situation.

"This is very interesting," he rubbed his chin as he processed the voluminous amounts of data that was being sent to him, "Things shouldn't be this way." 

The data being presented and the reality being shown felt askew. 

There was something nagging in Wu Shuai's mind that he couldn't shake off, he knew something was definitely amiss. 

"What are you playing at exactly Star Constellation…" 

Facing down the Armada, Red Lotus focused on AOE attacks as they literal army of Gu Houses encroached towards them. 

"Damn! There's no end to them!" with a wave of his hand blue waves of concentrated Time Path Dao Marks swept the battlefield, but they were always intercepted by the Defended type Gu Houses, and those that were destroyed were instantly replaced.

To make things more frustrating, everytime a Gu House was damaged but still operational, it would merge with a nearby Gu House, providing all the remaining material that was in it's possession, and effectively upgrading that Gu House.

"How the hell is he supplying all these Gu Houses with Immortal Essence anyways?!" Red Lotus said as he used a Space Path Killer Move to redirect oncoming attack back at the Armada, destroying a few more Gu Houses.

Star Constellation pointed at a Rank 8 Gu House, "That should be the Supply House, it is a massive store of Immortal Essence, it's filled to the absolute brim with Immortal Essence Stones." 

It is said that Genesis Lotus had the biggest store of Immortal Essence amongst all the Venerables, so much so that even after just reviving he still had a decent pool of his original Immortal Essence. 

But this was discounting the use of Immortal Essence Stones, normally to Venerables, they were next to useless, after all, Giant Sun only just discovered Immortal Essence Stones above Rank 6, so to convert these Rank 6 Green Grape Immortal Essence to Rank 9 Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence would incur an exchange rate of 100^3 or 1 Million Immortal Essence Stones for just 1 drop of Rank 9 Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence. 

It was next to impossible…for anyone else, but in the case of Daoist Countless Treasure,

"There's no going back from this, I am expanding the wealth I've collected from the entire Gu World over the past 300,000 years!" 

Since, he had locked all the wealth that was being held inside Treasure Yellow Heaven, Doaist Countless Treasure had pockets deep enough to rival Fang Yuan! 

In fact, a few of Fang Yuan's deal and wealth was still tied up in Treasure Yellow Heaven! 

"Hehe, thanks to Fang Yuan conducting so much business there, I've managed to accumulate more in this 1 year than 100,000 years combined! So many, Resource Points just sitting there waiting for him, but of course he'll never see those hehe." 

In terms of just raw Immortal Essence Stones, Daoist Countless Treasure, had at least a Billion, which translated to 1000 Rank 9 Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence! 

A vast sum, unimaginable to all but the select few present in this fight. 

"The culmination of my life's work, a 1000 Rank 9 Yellow Apricot Immortal Essence, and yet that's only a couple decades to these Venerables." Daoist Countless Treasure sighed, "Oh well, it'll all be worth it once we capture Pride Gu, then one of us can ascend to Rank 9 as well!"