Chapter 2544

A loud piercing clang could be heard, along with the sound of sand being kicked away, as Heaven was sent flying a second time! 

He immediately crashed into the ground, displacing even more sand, and creating an even bigger crater! 

"When I first acquired, I began to hear it." Qing Chou floated a few meters above ground level, hovering over the crater, "I heard the endless cacophony of Hatred." 

His eyes began to flare red as he spoke, if one listened carefully they could hear the voices of the damned, their anger burning upon the utterance of the word Hatred. 

Heaven stood up and dusted the sand off his body, preparing himself for a third fight, but Qing Chou paid him no mind and continued, "My whole life I've felt a strong burning Hatred towards Spectral Soul, and so I thought I knew Hatred but once I heard it, the never-ending choir of agony and hate…" 

Qing Choud shuddered as he reminisced.

During the short respite, Heaven had readied himself and jumped into action.

He swung Retribution, putting his entire back and waist into motion to give his greatest swing.

Immortal Killer Move ---------- Heaven's Fury! 

The Heaven Path Dao Marks within began to burst into flames, imitating the effects of Fire Path, but the flames they created were made of Heaven Path Dao Marks and thus, had no natural enemy! 

*Clang! *Sizzle* *Sssssh*

Heaven was expecting to see Qing Chou get cleaved in two, his blade to glide through him like a hot knife through butter. 

His Heaven Path Flames had no counter, nothing could extinguish them.

So what he saw scared him. 

"Where did you get that power!" for the first time in a loooooong time, Heaven felt it, an emotion he thought long suppressed and far beneath him.

Staring back at him, Eyes reddened, as if a fire was coursing through their veins, the irises of his eyes had gone pitch black like the hand clutching onto his blade, obstructing it from going any cutting any further, a hand blacker than the darkness that burned with a fire that emitted no light, on the contrary, this fire seemed to absorb light, but the heat it emitted made the surrounding sand turn to glass! 

He felt fear.

"Thanks to you, the voices have gone to sleep, I can think again," Qing Chou had no care nor worry about, despite standing across one of the most powerful beings in the Gu World, "I can channel their anger, do you know how many tortured screams shout your name?" 

Heaven's pupils dilated as he realized what he had done, 

"I put Wrath to sleep, and Qing Chou awakened." 

A devilish smile spread across Qing Chou's lips,


With his free arm he sent Heaven flying once again, but this time, a savage grin plastered his face as he licked his lips, chasing after Heaven.

"This is for the parents of Zhe Yi, who died when he was 3 from a natural disaster." Qing Chou launched an uppercut right at Heaven's abdomen, launching him up.

As Heaven was ascending upward,

"This is for Jia Wen, who was abused by her parents," Qing Chou appeared above him and stomped hard! 

The stomp created a sonic boom and a loud cracking noise, that sounded like a spine breaking. 

Qing Chou continued his flurry of attacks, each preceded by a tragedy. 

Heaven was bouncing all over the place, as Qing Chou appeared wherever Heaven was about to crash into, redirecting him and continuing the assault.

"And this one is for all the people who suffered at the hands of Spectral Soul, who you allowed to be born!"QIng Chou had a personal stake in this one, he brought his fist back, charging up the black flames, and he let the strongest punch he had ever gathered out in 1 swing.

*Boom* *Crack* 

The sound of bones shattering rang throughout the battlefield, QIng Chou had a smug look on his face, the initial feeling of having Hatred be fulfilled through revenge was exhilarating and almost intoxicating.


The thrill dissipated as soon as he pulled his arm back and realized the cracking sound was his own fist that was obliterated! 

Qing Chou looked up, the smoke from the explosion of his attack just cleared and in front of him was a human-shaped figure, but it had 0 Characteristics, no facial features, blemishes or any marks, it just glowed pure White. 

"I am so sick of people blaming me for everything!" the light spoke.

It was none other than Heaven! 

"I wanted to save this for Fang Yuan but I guess I have no choice," if the White form had a mouth it would certainly be gritting its teeth. 

"Alright, you embody the Hatred of the World? Good. I'm going to vent 3 Billion Years' worth of frustration, then you'll know what Hatred really feels like." 

Heaven made a fist-pounding gesture, "And after I'm done, you're going to tell me where you got that power."

Qing CHou was slightly taken aback, but not phased, "What power?" 

Acting coy he waved his black arm, "You mean this?" 

His hand morphed into a sword made of pure darkness, not the element, but the manifestation of a primordial energy, a sinister force, a collection of negativity. 

"Yes. The Demonic Path energy radiates from you. Where. Did. You. Get. It!"