Candidate number 888
Name: Fang Yuan
Rank: 3
Profession: Gu Refiner
Gu: Currently Unknown, suspected to possess more than 1 Rank 3 Gu.
The spectator raised an eyebrow, "That's it? There's nothing about his family or teacher/master? How can this be?"
"I'm sorry Examiner Gui Ren, that's all the information we were able to find, the prevailing theory is that he's from a nomadic refiner family that has at least a Rank 6 Immortal in their midst, but that's just a guess."
Examiner Gui Ren stared hard at the ongoing challenge, "It would make some sense for them to be nomads… especially with how adept he is at fighting Beasts of the same level."
"Is he surviving that well?" the caller on the other end asked.
Gui Ren shook his head, "No…he's almost wiped them all out…"
"Impossible!" the caller on the other end could be heard slamming their desk before realizing her sudden outburst caused a scene as she faked coughing to cover her embarrassment, "You reported he's taking on the highest difficulty challenge, designated suicide mode, it consists of fighting 15 Rank 3 Beasts at once!"
Gui Ren nodded, "See for yourself."
He pulled a Rank 3 Mortal Information Path Gu, twin-eye Gu, it resembled a human eye, and after he crushed it, conjured a holographic eye, whilst the female caller's side also got crushed and the image of the twin-eye Gu was being replayed for her.
"A-amazing!" was all she could say.
Fang Yuan had skillfully used the Thunder Birds to crash into the Fire Hounds, wiping out both parties, while riding the last Thunder Bird into the Iron Turtles, clearing the way for him to dash toward the 2 Rank 3 Purple Seahorses.
The Purple Seahorse was an amphibious seahorse that could conjure water beneath it to search for food on land, it was able to produce high-powered jets of water and was the key ingredient in water jet Gu.
"The purple Seahorse'sweak spott is here!" Fang Yuan wove through the firing squad of water projectiles and made a leap grabbing at the horn protruding off the top of the Seahorse's head, snapping it off, causing great pain and shock.
Gui Ren spoke, "Is there any mention of how he's a strength path cultivator?"
"It's not in the files but I'll add it in. But how unusual for there to be a Strength Path cultivator that practises Gu refinement."
The final Rank 3 Beast stood up, it had remained still the whole time, not because the examiners wanted to make the test easier, but because this Beast in real life would never cooperate with anyone except his kind.
"Heh, I haven't fought one of these in ages," a giant ape beat its chest and roared a savage cry.
"Come, White Ape!" Fang Yuan made a taunting gesture, infuriating the ape!
The White Apes were a proud race, they only acknowledged the strong, and they too, only cultivated a strongpath!
Fang Yuan charged at the ape with his fists, and the ape responded in kind.
"This going to be ugly," the examiner bit down on his lips, "Get a healer on standby, we can't afford to lose such a talent, even if he is overconfident-"
"Gui Ren look!" before his sentence was complete the two fists clashed but the result was unexpected.
"I thought the mass difference would cause him to be shattered but this…who is this kid?"
A giant fist-shaped hole appeared behind the ape's body and was firmly imprinted onto the stadium's wall, bypassing even the Rank 3 barrier that wasn't up to protect spectators.
The few spectators were all stunned and silent, Fang Yuanwalked nonchalantly toward the testing device.
"Congratulations, student 888, Fang Yuan, you have completed the test of strength with the highest score ever recorded, and thus, been automatically enrolled into the school, as a regular student."
"Oh?" Fang Yuan smirked, "Getting the highest score ever only entails me to this level of treatment?"
"Student Fang Yuan!" from outside the arena a distinct voice could be heard, it was examiner Gui Ren.
"I am willing to allow you to obtain special permission to skip ppastthe remaining test based on your prowess today if you would support Elder-"
"Pas!" Fang Yuan casually waved his hand after hearing him promote some elder, "I don't need some 3rd-rate elder's support! I, Fang Yuan, will achieve all things by my own two hands!"
"You…" Gui Ren was stunned and chless, but there was nothing he could say, "This kid will definably soar further than I ever will, but that personality of his might bring more trouble than it's worth, forget it, even elder might not be good enough for this kid, he needs at least an Immortal to be his teacher."
Gui Ren waved his sleeves, "Forget I said anything then, it was slightly presumptuous of me." He pulled a token from his sleeve, "Here."
Fang Yuan caught the token and examined it, "I don't need handouts I said I would-"
"It's not a handout," Gui Ren said, "It's your right as the high score holder, you are allowed to freely skip the queue and jump into the other 2 test venues instantly."
"Hoh? Then what if someone beats my score?" Fang Yuan smirked smugly.
Gui Ren raised his hands in defeat, "Then I'll retire and move to a different school because there are so many monsters among the younger generation."
"Haha! Good answer."
Wisdom Gu whispered into Fang Yuan's ear, "Having fun?"
"We're just getting started, onward to the next test, intelligence!"