chapter 12

Last time on Paranormal Dilemma, Aria and Dan were forced under the strict rules of Lord Achilles stuck in his cellar that rests heavily protected by guards under his home trapping the two forever until the next day arrives forcing them to do whatever he wishes in the arena or Aria's life would be on the life if Dan were to fail to meet his standards while in combat even though they have more important things to attend to like save Aria's life from her damaging core that is forcefully being kept stable by a spell for only 5 weeks as they have less than 4 remaining to save her before it's too late.

"Wake up!" A guard yelled banging against the bars of the cells waking both Aria and Dan from their slumber as they yet again took the female upstairs first preparing her for something Dan was unaware of what was awaiting for him in the arena later on that afternoon.

"Where are they taking her?" Dan asked looking up at the guard still remaining sat not threatened by their presence as the guard leaped over to look inside his cell seeing him sat there looking up at him with a look of anger and curiosity.

"You'll have to wait and see if you plan to go all out in the arena" he replied not giving the Lord's plan away that easily even though Aria was completely defenceless against these huge beasts that are probably planning to either eat her or worse use her as a breeding product due to this sickening mating season. "But don't worry she isn't hurt or anything just adjusted to meet the lord's standards if you were to fail in the arena" he added making him growl in response hating this place and asking for a short cut to find the kingdom before tine runs out for not only Aria but for him too. The guard turned away not seeing any need to stand guard and walked off leaving Dan unguarded to his own devises.

"Arena? Don't tell they're going to make me fight are they..if so then i will tear them apart until their so called 'lord' is satisfied" he recalled to himself as footsteps were heard silently making their way towards the cell where he was kept captive making him look to see Richard there deactivating the magic shield that coated the metal bars allowing Dan to force them open and step outside the cellar. "What are you doing Richard? I thought you were taken away by the guards"' he said looking after confused yet intrigued by how this one polar bear would go against his own king's wishes just to save a traveller and his companion who cam from a different realm.

"We haven't got much time let until the event begins but you need to participate in order to rescue Aria, she is kept held in a small cage that currently hung dangling beside Lord Achilles on his platform where he would be watching over you in the arena, it's our only option as sneaking around is impossible so you have you fight in order for her to live" Richard quickly said guiding him through the cellar and upstairs where some familiar faces were waiting for them in guards armour hiding the evidence from the naked eye. "We'll be cheering for you my friend" he said before putting the guards armour on in order to fit in while escorting him to the arena and prepare him for battle giving the man is support in the matter.

"Thanks man" Dan said offering a fist bump and the bear delivered making some sort of brotherly bond between them being the first. Aria sat slowly freezing in her small human cage unable to break free as the lord sat there beside the dangling cage with a professional look like a lord should watching from a safe distance at the arena's floor waiting for his star to come in and fight for his 'counterpart'.

"It won't be long until you become mine, you're too gorgeous to be living with such a foul beast like him you need a real man, a warrior who will treat you proper until your final days in this ream" Achilles whispered complementing her looks and everything which was beginning to making Aria feel rather sickly and uncomfortable that he would say something like that to her as if he planned to keep her as some sort of prize hating his lord more than his people.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked back getting him to look at her and the body she had showing that was slowly freezing due to exposure to the freezing temperatures quivering like a little puppy. There was a slight moment of silence before he replied back with the information she needed to hear.

"Your counterpart will die in this arena and when he does i will then claim you as my own a queen for my clan and produce offspring whenever i redeem necessary, your beauty shall not be wasted just like my daughter's when she married that grizzly prince from the out lands of the fire clan when she had so much more going for her wasting our genes" he quietly replied scaring Aria of the things this lord could do to her if his plan does turn out to be as successful as he thinks they would turn out to be. When Dan was brought out into the arena he was equipped with some silver armour making him look like a knight to her making Aria the prince that needs saving from the dangerous deadly dragon that's got her stuck in a prison until her knight comes and slays the beast on his trusty steed.

"So you're racist..great" Aria mumbled admiring how shiny Dan was in his armour looking up at her in the cage that she was watching him fight in this sickly game that pays with her life if he were to win or die, a little sparkle came from his eye as the two made eye contact showing how determined he was to save her bringing some sort of hope in Aria and be saved by this knight from this monster that has her caged up like this for its own sexual desire. "He looks so..handsome in that armour..shit not again" she thought to herself feeling those feelings come over her again unaware of the scent that was beginning to plead spreading her hormones like the inhuman person she was. The lord knew what was happening and began the arena immediately planing to get this game over and done with before the breakdown is completed and attaches to the one she wishes to be her mate, but that doesn't actually work for Aria she needs to be bitten and marked than let a scent mark the mate she wishes to breed with for all eternity.

"Let the gams begin!" Achilles yelled starting off with some easy fighters and volunteers who wished to fight and try and impress the lord in becoming his loyal guards someday if they are worthy enough and win this damsel in distress who watched them by his side even though she was more interested in the ghost knight that fought for life of his 'counterpart' not for life but in the purpose of love and safety refusing to let her come into a situation like this ever again.

"Have i broken down again? I hope I haven't or this is going to take a drastic turn and it isn't going to look pretty" Aria thought to herself knowing what her heat in capable of towards any Spiritual being she comes across and when too exposed to her pheromones can cause any beast to go crazy and fight other challenging males in order to gain permission to breed proving that he is worthy to make stronger offspring, luckily it doesn't work on family and humans leaving them unaffected when she releases in order to attract an appropriate mate to breed with until she is satisfied. Even after breeding the heat cycle continues on until after 24 hours of breeding as every hour that passes reducing the mount of pheromones that are produced losing her scent to any males that were close to finding her in the nearby area leaving them confused and aware that he was now taken by another male who got there before them within the last 24 hours of releasing pheromones ending her breeding cycle the next day.

Dan was able to proceed into the next pass coming rounds unaware of the thirsty polar bears that are driven to kill him due to the exposure to her pheromones within the past hour fighting the sweet scent not believing that it was hers before remembering the time they first slept in the cave which caught his attention immediately knowing why most of these bears have gone insane and are attempting to fight him. "Shit..why didn't you tell me damn it!?" He growled to himself but he knew that it pointless to be mad at her over this as she can't help it making it obvious that she wasn't the human that Achilles thought she was. Dan forcefully took down every opponent that came his way looking straight up at the lord as he ragged Aria from her cage with brutal force not acting like the lord he turned out to be.

"Let me go you aggressive puff ball!" Aria yelled as he glanced at Dan placing the poor woman on her stomach in front of himself making the knight growl pissed that a man like himself would go so far to try and forcefully imprint himself on her like this.

"YOU!?" Dan roared having enough of this Lord who was close to ripping her soothes off Richard came out of nowhere throwing the lord overboard covering Aria in her blanket and Dan's cloak warming the poor woman up from the cold before nodding at Dan having no interest in the 'human' whatsoever.

"I've got you flesh-ball you're safe with us" he said comforting Aria in the realisation as she watched Dan prepare to fight this so called lord of this clan planing to end him here and now no matter how strong he was no one does that to a woman. "This clan needs a proper ruler, one that will reach everyone's needs other than push them away and a lord that wouldn't think about taking advantage of a innocent human like our friend here. Achilles shall be punished and sentenced to death for his actions" Richard growled as the crowd agreed on his words surprising the ex-lord of how quick his own people would turn on him before glaring at Dan with nothing but rage in his eyes for what he and his human had done to his perfect life.

"You ruined everything stupid ghost! You're nothing against me and my power of ice I'll freeze you in seconds" Achilles said with a smirk as Dan huffed ready to see what this old bear has up his sleeves unaware that Dan too posses the power of fire and ice making him overpowering and at the upper hand in this match. Achilles sent ice flying to Dan as he used fire melting them before they could touch him surprising everyone with this power and confidence until being knocked back by a powerful to the face wiping the little bit of blood that came from his mouth.

"Not bad, but Aria can hit harder than you old man. Is that really all you've got?" Dan said in a teasing manner angering the ex-lord who wildly went in a final blow before being impaled through the chest by Dan's clawed hand retracting it as Achilles fell to the floor missing his heart bleeding out instant within seconds laying there on the arena's floor deceased never to be king again as the crowd cheered for the downfall of their lord.

"Sorry about the mess but i can tell that you two are close.." Richard said making Aria embarrassed as Dan floated up to the new Lord, Richard doing a bro hug in celebration knowing that he would do a smashing job of making this clan a far better place for not his kind but everyone else too. "If it won't be a bother much but you two can stay here for one more night before heading back on your adventure, i do wish you too good luck on our travels" he proposed and of course they accepted ending up sharing a guest room in with a huge ass polar bear sized bed within the palace and how comfy it was providing them with luxury ends of comfort throughout the night as Aria slowly struggled through her heat that grew increasingly worser getting his attention when she accidentally knocked him in her sleep.

"Hey could you maybe not do that" he said hearing her groan uncomfortably making him look over to his left as the two were faced back to back the entire night seeing her uncomfortable and unable to sleep. "Is it really that uncomfortable?" He asked sitting up placing a hand on her forehead feeling the warmth touch his skin before sighing scooting behind her spooning her from behind embracing her warmth into his arms. "Sorry about this.." he apologised confusing Aria sliding her collar to the side revealing the perfect part between both next and shoulder as he rested his lips against it feeling how truly warm and soft her skin was slowly driving him insane.

"What are you-ack!" She was cut of when he bit into her with his fangs marking her which hurt a lot for Aria but why was he doing this now? When he released leaving a mark revealing that she was his before liking her wound he made that stung making Aria slightly hiss in pain from being bitten so hard from this guy before he pulled her back closer into him until her back was touching his chest feeling his breath brush against the back of her neck. "Do you know what you've done?" She asked looking back at him seeing how much he was holding himself back clenching onto her waist not hard but his big hands made it impossible for her to escape. "D-Dan?" She grew slightly nervous before the two locked eye contact as he saw her innocent expression that seemed to snap something within him as he groaned flopping himself backwards trying to contain himself against the urges of what his instincts are trying to make him do.

"Why are you doing this to me?" He complained aiming it at Aria making her the problem this time as she laid onto her back looking confused at him as he turned back into his human form trying to control himself.

"What are you on about?" She asked not getting the grips that her pheromones were actually affecting him and I his urges to pounce on her if he so wanted but marking her made things far more worser for him than he expected.

"I thought marking you would solve the problem but it made things far more worser, I'm going to lose my mind" he replied as she could see his pain but grew even more hormonal which made the pheromones even stronger making Dan sit back up seeing how embarrassed she was by the fact that it was her seeing the mark he left on her gulping as Aria refused to look at him. "Look at me" he said wanting to see her face again but it made her hide away under the blanket hiding herself from him.

"No..i refuse to expose myself in front of you" Aria replied which made him think that she embarrassed that he wasn't the one she wants to elope with during her heat cycle kinda angering him ripping the blanket off her as he pinned her to the bed looking down at her and how flustered she was, her legs were pressed together underneath him as he was positioned on top of her with her right arm pinned down as his other was beside her head while he stared down at her. "I didn't mean it like that.." she knew that he was offended by miss getting the message refusing to confess in the state that she was in fully exposed even though his eyes remained pilled on her face reading her every expression.

"Am i not good enough for you is that it?" He asked as she looked him straight in the eyes showing him exactly how she was feeling silencing him almost immediately confusing him. "When what? Why are you pushing me away?" He asked again wanting to know more answers as a side to this big mean man came through seemed concerned and upset about something as if she had hurt his feelings but that is far from the reality of things.

"Im scared..scared of not being good enough, scared that i would be replaced with someone far more better than I would ever be. I don't want to be used like some toy again..i just want to be with someone that loves me for who i am not for my appearance" Aria replied revealing why she was so afraid to open up or accept anything to anyone other than Jazz and Brea as they will never spill anything about her feeling to anyone unless they truly have to. Dan could feel her insecurities and how similar they are other than the gender and many other things of course, Aria put a hand near her face trying to hide her sudden change in emotions as tears began to appear forming in her eyes catching him off guard gently wiping them away with his free hand feeling bad for the shit she had to endure all alone with Brea.

"Who ever made you feel should die, you deserve so much more than that stupid bastard and Keith" he said becoming some sort of comforting making Aria feel less attacked even though he planned to get consent to relieve this burden and this horrible heat that's driving them crazy. "But..i want to know. What do you think of me?" He asked pulling himself off Aria allowing her to sit up seeing the big goof sat there waiting for her response knowing that the truth must come out now or she'll never get a chance like this again. Aria gulped before hugging him unexpectedly with everything she had not wanting to let go if she had a choice.

"You may not take yourself seriously sometimes but there are things about you that brings me closer, I love you.." she whispered hoping that he didn't hear her but failed as his eyes widened in surprise hearing those three words hoping that they weren't the heat speaking. "I mean it too as i can feel and hear your heart racing" she mentioned exposing him right then and there even though no one was around to annoy them or nosy in on the situation. As Aria pulled away looking up at him Dan did a complete u-turn and kissed her in the most careful way possible than just pushing himself on her like some wild animal catching her off guard as she kissed back feeling him pull her onto his lap loosing all sense of herself the longer they continued to kiss like this. When parting a string of saliva was left before breaking until Aria was pinned against the bed again but more gentle not wanting to her to panic.

"You taste so sweet.." he mumbled kissing along her neck nibbling leaving more marks behind showing that she had been claimed hearing her gasps and moans showing that she was receiving satisfaction in the attention she was being given.

Dan's PoV:

She's tastes just as i imaged her to be allowing my hands to go underneath her shirt feeling that gorgeous smooth skin once more before taking the damn shirt off as it was in my way, the room was cold forcing me to continue underneath the sheets so she could warm up even though my body emitted enough heat for her to hold onto but i guess when in the mood we kinda forget some times. "Don't say's embarrassing" she replied slowly before removing her bottoms revealing her half naked body leaving me to undress myself as i too off my black shirt throwing it out of our way before beginning to kiss her body leaving marks behind while making my way down near her thighs feeling her body tremble just as it should knowing what my intention were. "W-what are you doing?" She looked down at me as i peeked up at her seeing how red and confused she was making me huff before picking the clit from the outside of her pants hearing groan and moan as hands clenched onto my hair feeling her thighs twitch and shake feeling the pants begin to get moist as i moved them to the side planing to have a proper taste of her almost devouring her whole accidentally tearing her pants off in the process giving me a full view of the place that only i can go and pump my dick inside no one else. "D-Dan~" she called out my name clutching hard on my hair as i removed my mouth licking my lips tasting her love juices knowing that she was growing close but we were far from finished as i placed two finger in her mouth.

"stuck on them" I said as we had no access to any lubricant and instantly she began to stuck on them knowing what i was going to do.

"Good girl~" I relied before taking them out and placed them against her Vulva starting off slow and easy as i looked over her loving the look of lust in her eyes glancing up at me as she held onto my arm that was placed beside her. Clenching against my finger i added another inside making it now three slowly stretching her out finally being able to be inside the one i love spending actual time with in a realm where she most likely came from and I'll do anything to keep her alive by my side until the very end. Aria was able to unclip her bra for me making her full fledged naked in front of my very eyes blessing them either to tease me for my mistake to remove it or that she wanted me to play with them. "This isn't good.." i thought slowly beginning to lose it until she finally climaxed on my hand hearing her panting as i pulling up my hand seeing the mess she made on them making me gulp not being nervous even though this was possible or maybe my first time with her and yet i know so much about her body already. "You ready for me to put it in yet?" I asked as she took a second to think before nodding probably thinking of her life choices before I positioned myself between her legs finally whipping out my erected wiener out wondering if she could actually take the full thing as it is bigger than anyone she had probably been with.

"You could've warned me that you had a big cock! Imma be split into two" She yelled making me jump not expecting her to mad over something like this but you can't blame me i went through a tough puberty. "Sorry" she apologised allowing me to start with the tip as it went in with ease positioning myself on top of her allowing her arms to go around and hold into my back in preparation of what's to come. It wasn't as hard as I thought while putting it in even though Aria had to adjust to the new size and took it all without any problems as her pussy ate it up pulsating inside grilling me whole as she slightly scratched my back in response stopping me for a few seconds waiting for her to give me the go to start moving. I waited a good coupe of seconds like a good boy until its good to move. "O-okay you can move now" she said as i began to take it slow shaping the insides of her to fit only me, when used to it i was able to speed up bring out those beautiful noises from her mouth again finally getting what we both wanted..satisfaction.

"I love you baby" i said kissing her on the lips again showing my passion filling her needs itching those aching spots that were begging to be touched while I began to tease and play with her beautiful nipples making me grow more turned on by the noises she was making yelling my name every single second as my cock filled her desperate pussy with its meat until she was completely satisfied.

"I love you too" she said back clenching tighter onto me showing how close she was getting and to be honest i was feeling my peak but i have a feeling this wouldn't our only round we'll have tonight. In order to fully have as mine i would have to breed her and that is what i am planing to do closing up to the end of the first round.

"Mm..I'm getting close" I thought as i could feel her tightening up around me revealing that she was close too aching me forward until we finally climaxed coating her walls with my semen but her grip on my back didn't loosen up as i gave her a quick peck on the lips before she suddenly pulled me in for a proper kiss.

"You didn't expect me to be satisfied with just one round do you?" She said in a way that some how turned me on again but this time she took control showing me a side to her that i will never get tired of completely dominating me down to the bed taking control leaving marks on me just like i did to her giving me equal treatment high to me was kinda hot. I was unsure of how long we kept it up for but it knackered us the full out sleeping butt naked under the sheets with her cuddling up next to me sharing the warmth of my body until we continue to embark on our journey in the morning to find the Spiritual Kingdom an save her life.

When the next day came for us to leave we said our goodbyes to Richard and the others in the clan as he secretly congratulated us on 'catching' up last night even though we were nowhere near his room but it could be because of the loss of pheromones and successful claiming of Aria saving everyone in the can from coming me trying to kill me in order to breed with her but it's too late she is now mine..all mine.