Sleepless Night

Mike and Ash ran inside to tell mom about our day, I walked back trying to think of an explanation about what happened, but i couldn't think straight my mind was racing. I continued to walk until i was at the door step, I walked inside as mom greeted me.

"How was everything ".

"It was ok",I said while smiling nervously.

"More than ok i would say, they came back telling me about caves, floating light and all sorts of stuff. Sounds like everything was great", she sad while chuckling.

"Yeah, it was some fun that only happens once in a lifetime", I said while smiling.

Mom was one of the person i knew she was caring, loving, kind, hardworking and beautiful. Her real name was Maria Gordon, but when she got married to Wayne William our dad, her name was now Maria Gordon William. As mom passed me smiling she asked if I could water few of the plants. She passed with a basket as she was heading out to collect the cloths from laundry.

I went upstairs to get cleaned up and then i proceed to water the plants. I took up the watering can and then watering the plants. The sun was going down and it made a beautiful sunset as beautiful colours coloured the sky, after admiring the sunset i went inside.

"It's time for dinner" said mom.

And we all gathered around the table as we all held hands and said a short prayer. We finished dinner and then said good night and went to our rooms. I went upstairs and went in my room and picked up a book and start studying. Few minutes later I heard steps outside the room and went to look, but it was only mom checking on us.

"Oh Liam, i didn't see you there "

"I guess you're studying then"

"Yeah I'll go to sleep soon"

"Ok, but don't stay up too late Good night"

"Good night"

With that I went in my room and sat around my study table and start studying. It was now past 10,

"is it that late, better get some sleep"

I closed my books , went to bed and close my. I don't know how much time has passed but I felt this light shining in my face and I tossed in bed, and i felt the light shining in my face again so I covered my head with the sheets. I was too tire to get up and I just want to sleep and then I heard something calling my name, but i thought I was only dreaming until my name kept repeating over and over.

"Liam, Liam, Liam"

I couldn't take it anymore so I got out of bed as I rubbed my eyes and then I yawned as i look around me, and that's when I saw the floating light in front of me I was so surprised as I backed away from it. "Why is this thing here?" I wondered.

"Was it you that was calling my name?"

But the light was still there in front of me and didn't move.

"If it was you move to the right"

And then the light moved to the right

"What do you want ?"

And then the light flew to my door and stayed there, it seemed like it wants me to follow it and so I did. I walked silently as I could so I wouldn't wake anyone and the light flew down the hallway until I was in front of Mike's room door. "Why are we here" and then the light flew through the door "OK, so i guess this means I should go in then" and then I opened the door,



I could hear Mike as he turned in bed, "Why did you brought me here?" I asked quickly as I could as walked in. The light flew over to Mike's hand that was hanging from the bed with the bracelet thing that I gave him earlier and then I stepped a little closer and the light was still near Mike's hand. I walked over to Mike as I held his hand so I could put his hand back in bed and when my hands was close to his, Mike's Ring was now glowing and so was mines . I felt quite drawn to it," Should I take it?" and the light moved to the right and then I gently took it off his hand.

The light flew back the way it came and flew through the door again and I followed quickly as possible, sometimes there were few noise coming from the floor as I walked, I could only pray that no one heard, now I was at Ash's room and I could tell that I should collect the Ring from her. The light flew through the door and I followed except I had to open the door , I walked in as I took few steps I stepped on one of her toys.


"Damn it, why? ", as I cursed under my breath.

Ash started shifting in bed and the light was still with me so she woke up rubbing her eyes "I couldn't let her see this light " I thought as i quickly placed my hand above the light, " Please follow my hand". Ash was woken up by the noise from her toy and now the light .

"Liam" she said while yawning .

"Yes," I answered while walking over to her and lowering my hand so the light wouldn't shine bright.

"What are you doing here" she said with her half closed eyes.

"Have to think of a lie, have to think of a lie" I thought and that's when it came to me.

"Mom said I should check on you"


"Now go back to sleep you look tired"


And I tucked her in bed while humming, "Phew, that was close" and then I collected the Ring from Ash and leave her room . I was about to put the other Ring on my hand and when it was close to my wrist it flew from my hand and went on my wrist and the i felt that electric feeling again. With that done the light started floating again and I followed. It floated all the way to the door that led outside, I opened the door and step outside as the chilling breeze blew while greeting me . "It so chilly out here", I was in a long pants and a shirt I wasn't really feeling the breeze on my waist going down, but from waist going up I was feeling it. I continued to follow the light a little more but outside was too chilly and I don't think following this light is a good idea. I stopped and then light stopped after a while.

"I'm going back now" I said while turning around and rubbing my hands together for warmth.

I only took a few steps when I felt something pulling me back and I looked around but nothing was there, the light was still where i lost saw it. "Floating light, secret cave , Magic walls, Glowing Rings and now invisible force; I should get home " as I talked to myself. I took another step as something pulled my hand and the light started moving again.

"Let go of me" I said as I tried to pulled my hand away, but it was no use.