Author's Note: Small warning in case you mind it.
I'm stealing planets. Especially because Marvel only names planets that either will kill you, are homeworlds, or are about to be destroyed. Or a combination of those options.
So gonna steal from wherever I feel like, mainly star wars and video games I like. But if you have a planet you like and want me to research and explore for the story, let me know.
Back to the story.
In a moment and flash of light, two people were no longer on earth but had instead found themselves aboard a space station.
"And this," she said gesturing all around her, "is where I call home. I usually keep this parked in this star system since there is nothing worth attention in the area but it is also far away enough that I can teleport where I need to. Very rarely does this ship leave the star system."
Lila then began giving Virgil a short tour of the ship/station. Even if he would not be visiting it often, it was still good to let her old friend get used to it.
After the tour was finished, the pair sat on a couch in the den. Each of them cracked open an alien drink that Virgil had never seen before.
"This is...?" the African-American mutant asked tentatively before he took a drink of it.
"Haha, if you're gonna be in space, you gotta learn what to drink and not to drink on your own. If you always ask what something is, you're going to end up offending a bunch of species out there and may even get yourself a bounty," Lila laughed at her friend's apprehensive expression.
She knew that by Earth standards, the thing she passed him was questionable. But if he went to the planet of Liora, they would be giving this drink to kids. Even if it had 30% alcohol content.
Virgil knew she was right so he looked at the blue drink that had a purple tentacle in it before taking a sip. Once he felt the familiar burn going down his throat, he started to drink it even faster. Once he finished the first, he grabbed another from the table before downing it and getting himself a third.
Lila didn't say a word about it. She knew that as much as he looked fine on the outside, Virgil had been distraught. The pair had been friends ever since he helped her out with an assassin at one of her concerts. That was 4 years ago.
Ever since then, Lila would return to earth when she wanted a break from her interstellar rock career. Whenever the stress got too much, she could always crash on Virgil's couch. Now it was her turn to help him.
With the death of his fiancee, there was nothing else truly tieing Virgil down to Earth any longer. Nothing that truly mattered to him as much as she did. He needed a change of environment and pace.
With that thought in mind and knowing Lila was about to head on tour, Virgil asked to get a ride. He wanted to be anywhere except for the planet where he failed her. Not thinking it was an issue, Lila accepted after a couple of seconds.
After his 3rd drink, Virgil finally slowed it down. Seeing that he was no longer going to drown himself in alcohol, Lila decided this was a good chance to explain basic 'alien' courtesy.
"A few things to keep in mind. Don't want you to end up dead or tricked if I take my eyes off you for a few moments.
Slavery is illegal, for the most part. Interstellar slavery is illegal so you aren't supposed to go to other planets and enslave their populace. But if you happen to land on a planet and they turn you into a slave or you lose a war against a certain system, then that sucks for you.
Universal Standard Time for one. Once it is converted to Earth Time, UST is twice as fast as ET. Most species actually consider humans short-lived since we only live 40-50 years. Another reason they look down on us so much.
Space tech is also amazing. Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and Hank Pym are only above average compared to geniuses of other species. The thing that would make them the most dangerous or seem more intelligent than others is their recklessness. The whole' humans are space orks', concept."
Lila went on to explain a few other pieces of knowledge that she felt were necessary to give Virgil if he was to participate in interstellar life. It was very different than life on Earth.
Virgil drank slowly as he listen to her. Each time she added more information, he would make sure he stored it properly in the right compartment in his database.
Seeing he was 'downloading' her words, Lila threw her empty bottle at Virgil's head who caught it with ease. He shook his head at her antics. Only Lila and Cleo could tell when he was putting info in the database somehow. He never knew how they did it.
"Ugh. I hate when you do that. Makes me feel like I'm talking to a better-looking version of Ultron. I don't understand how..." Lila covered her mouth before she finished her sentence but both knew what she was about to say.
"How Cleo tolerated it? Haha, don't worry. I know you are used to talking about her like normal. Hell, it hasn't even sunk in for me yet.
But as for your confusion, she didn't. She said that if I ever did that with what she was saying, she would kick my ass," Virgil continued for her with a sad smile on his face.
This look almost broke Lila's heart so she quickly switched back to talking about the various she felt were necessary such as the 4 empires that ruled 5 percent of the universe if their territory was combined.
Soon, she ran out of things she felt were necessary for him to know. Anything else, he would learn as he went.
'That's half the fun of space travel.'
Without anything else that she needed to say, she went to get 20 more bottles of the Lioran wine. The pair then drank until neither of them could stand up.
By the time they woke up, 4 UST hours had passed. Virgil was the first to wake up.
'Shit. I am too depressed to be this hungover.'
Virgil ordered turned his nanites back on and had them clear up all the remaining alcohol out of his system as well as heal or replace any cell that was dehydrated. Within seconds, Virgil was perfectly fine once again.
With his mind now clear, Virgil went over to Lila's door and knocked on it. When he did not get an answer after 3 tried, he pressed the button on the side of the door to open it. When he walked in, he was greeted with the sight of Lila and a naked man that was very familiar to him. But that was not what he cared about.
'This is why teleporters should not be able to teleport when they are drunk. She is gonna beat herself up when she sobers up.'
Virgil closed the door and left the trio alone while he went to whip himself up some breakfast. While Virgil was making breakfast, he could hear the screams of 2 individuals.
'Good timing. 10 more minutes and I'll be done.'
Just as Virgil set the pancakes down on the table, the others made their way to the table. Both Lila and Sam looked at the food on the table and gulped. Once they smelled it, their stomachs grumbled. Each of them took one of the empty seats and began digging in.
Virgil gave them both a minute to let down their guards before he opened his mouth.
"So Sam, how is Tabbyy doing?"
Both were caught unaware and started choking on their food. Seeing them act like this, he got his answer and pleasure.
Lila recovered first and shot Virgil a glare who ignored it. After Sam recovered, he no longer had an appetite.
"Um, we aren't doing too well. I will tell you about it next time but today is the first day of the semester and I need to be there. Lila?" Sam tried to hurry past the question and thought of a quick excuse to leave.
Lila nodded and grabbed Sam's hand before they teleported away with a blink. A few minutes later, Lila returned alone.
"That was not funny."
"It was kinda funny. I still don't get why they both stay together if they keep cheating on each other," Virgil countered.
"Whatever. Ready to go?"
Virgil nodded and grabbed her hand from across the table.
"First stop, Coruscant. This is a trade world that will give you a good chance to learn, earn money, and find your way in the universe."
With a flash, the pair were gone.