just the three of us: pt1- first is the best.

Hateful friend threesome.

George x Clay x Mia.

*Mia's pov*

It was just a normal day with the two guys. We decided to go get some ice cream after we all had a big day of streaming. I could tell the two guys were a little on edge with eachother the whole time though. More than usual. Way more. But what was new there?

It started when George had made a harmless joke concerning Clay, and ever since Clay has been giving him the stink eye. And now me, for trying to justify Georges joke to cool off the two. Big mistake, I guess.

We all still wanted to go get the ice cream even with the two being giant sticks in the mud, but now I was regretting it, as Clay and George were acting like children. Once again, way more than usual.

"George. Something's on your ice cream." I'm deep in thought, questioning everything that led to this moment when Clay harmlessly informs George of his food suddenly. I immediately glance over at George to study his perfectly intact cone. I saw nothing but the ice cream and knew immediately what was going down as George edged his face closer to study the cold beverage.

I see Clay smirk as George gets closer to it until he does as I suspected and ends up smashing George's face into the ice cream before I could get any warning out. George quickly gets up and stands over Clay, looking unbelievably pissed.

"Clay! The the actual hell?" George stands there with ice cream covering his entire face, and I can't help but laugh along with Clay. It was a funny sight even if what Clay did was a dick move. George looks over at me and frowns. I didn't blame him when he snapped back at me:

"Oh. Now you're on his side, huh?" George was always kind of shy. It was just the way he was built. Sure, he had his bold moments, but rarely. Clay was the one who coerced him to try streaming again, otherwise he would have stopped long ago.

George had his insecurities while Clay was almost too confident and didn't care what most people thought. I had known George since we were kids. We were so close that we both moved halfway across the world to live with Clay, who was friends with mainly George at the time. Now, all of us got along pretty well, up until recently. We have all been at eachothers throats for just the dumbest, tiniest reasons.

"George, I'm not on anyone's side. Just- c'mon it was a little funny." George goes from what little shred of confidence he had to none in a second. He sits back down and crosses his arms. Clay butts in again:

"Might wanna clean all of that off before you start to pout." George indeed looked like he might cry any second now. He moves to grab the tissues in the center piece of the table and wipes his face clean. I make a point to shoot a nasty look at Clay making him simply smirk at me triumphantly.

I wasn't the most shy person on the planet either. I mean you definitely couldn't say that with George being around. He could beat that without even trying. I was raised with three older brothers, so I had to be a little tough. You could even call me the mom of the group if you wanted to. I know I do.

Clay turns away from me, then back to George after a second of me glaring him down. At first it was a harmless glance to George, until I see Clay take out a straw then start spitting small spit covered tissues at him. I have no time to react, George is covering himself trying to block the horrid spit balls launching toward him. I look around us and see the workers at the café we were sitting at were now staring at us, clearly ready to ask us to leave.

I wave over to them with a small 'sorry' then whip my head at the boys, irritated as hell. George is now yelling way too loud and Clay is getting prepared for round two of the bombardment. In an instant, I was shooting up from my chair, less than amused.

"We're leaving! Get up- let's go." My voice must have caught them both off guard because they were jumping out of their seats the second I started speaking. They were both standing so still, saying nothing like I was a military instructor ready to yell again at any simple wrong move.

The minute I start walking out, they don't hesitate to follow me, without another word. I can feel the guys behind me pushing and shoving at eachother now that we were out of the café. I want to turn around and smack the both of them, but keep my cool as we walk back to our house. I'd leave that until we were home at least.

We arrive and the guys run in before I do. I hear a shout from inside but choose to ignore it. I walk in and head straight for the kitchen, ready to stress eat. Already in there was Clay. He was raiding the fridge, grabbing out a number of random foods. One of them being my last peice of cheesecake. He walks past me in a hurry, but I quickly stop him with a tug.

"What's this?" I gesture to my food like I didn't already know what it was and Clay just shrugs.

"Food. Never heard of it before?" He smirks then starts to walk again. I snatch it from him and he immediately turns back around with an annoyed look.

"Mia- give it back!" Clay is much taller than me, as was George, so it wasn't easy trying to keep the food away from him as he reached to try and take it away. He presses himself up against me lightly as I stood on my tippy toes to keep it away. Clay's still reaching when I feel his hand move to my hip for help, making me push him away instantly to avoid anymore closeness.

"Clay! You can't just keep taking my food! Plus- we literally just had ice cream!" I stand pushed up against the wall, staring at him with vexed eyes as he watched me back totally unamused with me. He must realize how close he is because he leans back a few paces.

"Yeah- I know. But I wanted your cheesecake." From the door behind Clay, I can see George walk in to snoop on us not so seriously. Clay reaches for the cheesecake again, stepping closer. He misses yet again and I finally hear what he'd just said.

"Do you even hear yourself? My cheesecake- not yours Clay!" I hear a giggle behind Clay and we both turn to look at George.

"I'm sorry but this is funny." I knew this was George getting me back for earlier also thinking the ice cream incident was funny, but naturally I ignored him. Clay moves to grab a grape from a bag he had in his arms and throws it at George, landing smack in the middle of his forehead. Finally George focused his attitude on Clay again after that.

"C'mon dude! You have so much food already. Just leave." First Clay looks to me, then he turns and pushes his way past George. He doesn't bother turning around when he announced angrily back at us:

"Screw you both." And he was gone. I hear a door slam and then silence.

"Thanks George." As he turns to leave he says a half-annoyed:



Hours pass from the day and things have gotten a little better. After Clay left, I started to feel guilty. He was totally in the wrong, but I still cared for him and didn't want us to fight. I had called everyone to the living room for a movie night later and surpringly everyone agreed. Of course, we agreed on watching a movie, only problem was deciding which one to actually watch, which felt like it took forever to do. After way too long of arguing, and almost starting another big argument, we chose Ace Ventura; Pet detective.

Halfway through I was starting to get the munchies so I stood to go to the kitchen, leaving the guys alone to watch Ace be Ace on the tv without me. After a minute I choose to be basic and get popcorn. I put it in the microwave and began waiting. It was then that I could hear the guys talking from the living room. It didn't sound like arguing, thankfully, so I decided to stay out of it. Finally, the microwave went off and I put it in a bowl then made my way back to my spot on the couch in-between the two guys.

I sat down, not noticing at first that the two guys were glancing back and forward between me, looking annoyed with eachother. I sigh and prepare myself to ask what I honestly didn't want to know:

"What- did you two do now?" Clay chuckles then nudges past me to George.

"Yeah George, why don't you tell her what you did." George only moved away from me, turning toward the wall. I hear him mutter a barely audible 'stop Clay.' I look away from him and turn to Clay, totally lost. Instantly I was grabbing the remote and pausing the movie then turning back to the two.

"Look- whatever he did, I'm sure it's fine." I wasn't in any mood to start another fight right now, all I wanted was to spend movie night with my best friends then go to my room upstairs to sleep it away. Suddenly Clay chimes in again, giving me a devious smirk.

"So- it would be fine if-." Just then George pops up from the couch and launches himself straight over me to Clay. Clay was laughing cockily, trying to pull George off of him. It was me who ultimately pinned George down. Literally pinned. I had George down against the couch, both hands pushed against the cushions under mine to stop him from throwing punches.

I was looking down at George then, who now looked unbelievable ashamed of himself. I told myself it was simply just because he was just so easily pinned by a girl, until Clay spoke up.

"Careful Mia. That might turn him on too." I gave Clay a confused look then realize how I was situated on George. I was sitting directly on top of his crotch area, putting pressure on him as I did. I look at Georges face a second later. I could tell he was breathing hard, but I wasn't sure if that was because I had just wrestled him down, or because I was on top of him. I feel myself get hot from embarrassment then remember what Clay had said.

"Too?" I pull my hands off of George's, letting him come loose from my grasp.

"What do you mean too?" I finally get up off of George and notice he had gotten up and turned himself away again. I move away from the couch, looking at the two of them with big eyes, just wanting an answer. The thing was, I already knew what the answer was, and didn't know if I actually wanted to hear it.

"George just tell her. Or I will." George moves his head up, looking at Clay like he was completely stupid.

"I can't." Unbelievably, Clay doesn't say anything. It was like he understood just how uncomfortable George was, for once. Clay just sat there silently until finally he sighs and suggests:

"Fine. Let's just finish the movie then." I rub my forehead and nod at them, just wanting to hide in my room at this point.

"Sounds good to me." Hitting unpause on the remote, I move over and situate myself in between the couch. This time sitting next to the two of them, all I felt was tension. I hadn't known exactly what they wanted to tell me, but it wasn't hard to guess. But maybe I was wrong. I just kept telling myself it was a misunderstanding as we watched the movie.


Even more time passed, the movie had just about ended. I was feeling less awkward now after letting out some laughs from the movie. Of course that calmness didn't last long with these two around. Out of nowhere, Clay pipes up aggressively saying:

"What do you keep looking at?" Just as aggressive as Clay had said it, George replies back:

"I'm not looking at anything but the movie." Clay scoffs at George, looking back at the movie that was only end credits now.

"That's bullshit." George shoots up in his seat to look at Clay immediately.

"Do you have something to say? If you do, just say it!"

"No, I don't actually. But if I did- I would say it, instead of being a pussy- like you!" Before I could say anything, George was up and jumping back on Clay, tackling him onto the floor. I launched up from my spot and grabbed at him. I was unsuccessful, but after finally managing a tug that took all of my strength out, I pulled them both up. Standing between them, I exclaim:

"What the hell is happening between us three? All we do is fight!" George looks to the side, avoiding eye contact as he says:

"Nothing is happening." I take a deep breath, calming my voice, then add:

"Clearly something's going on. I mean- you guys started fighting over just looking at eachother." I now turn to look at Clay next, who now looked weirdly upset.

"And earlier with that damn cheesecake? That was so stupid Clay." He smiles unamusingly and nods like he already knew that to be true. I take another breath in to prepare myself, then ask:

"Does it have anything to do with what happened earlier? With George?" Still standing between them, I glance at George then back at Clay. All Clay does is shrug at me, no verbal response added to it.

"Are you guys not telling me something? I need to know so I can maybe help." Behind me George giggles, but it was full of embarrassment and maybe guilt, not humor.

"You can't- wouldn't- help, with what I want." I tilt my head at him, trying to understand.

"Help me understand. Then maybe I can help you George. I promise. I just want us all to stop fighting." He doesn't say anything, he just stands there watching me, looking like he could fall over any second. Beginning to feel annoyed, I take a step, ready to go upstairs into my room to avoid whatever mess was surely about to happen. I barely move at what I hear next from behind me, it simply makes me freeze in place.

"I want- you. Okay Mia? I want you." I turn my head ever so slightly to study him. George simply stood there, face flushed and eyes darting everywhere but on me. My mouth dropped open, unable to make a single word to respond. Finally after what felt like too long, I say:

"Okay, wow. So what about you Clay?" It was an awkward response. I mean, of course it felt weird, I hadn't had any idea that my childhood best friend wanted me like that. But I would be lying if I said the thought never once came to mind. Standing here now, watching the two of them, I didn't know what to think. I just simply waited on Clay to respond to my question.

"Damn. I didn't think he would say it." Is all Clay could manage. Then with a sly smile, looking into my eyes he adds:

"He beat me to it, I guess." Oh. Not only did George just confess his feelings, but so did Clay. That was definitely unexpected. I couldn't believe he also had feelings. I see George giving him a look just as confused looking as mine was. I felt so much like I was in a corny movie that I immediately started laughing aloud.

Both of the guys look at me then at eachother questioningly.

"You both-" I laugh lightly again before I can finish my sentence. Finally I add:

"- you both want me?" I see them both just nod. I was starting to feel incredibly overwhelmed. Not able to say another word, I turn to leave. I was immediately stopped in my tracks by the both of them grabbing one of my hands at once.

"Hey-!" I quickly look over my shoulder to see them both watching me nervously. Finally George speaks up first, sounding less than confident:

"You said you'd try to understand Mia. To help me." I shake my head at him, unsure of what to say. Finally I squeeze my hand away from his hesitantly. I'm about to pull away from Clay's too when he begins to pull me closer to him.

"Clay- st-stop it-." I'm pulled up just against Clays chest, our noses almost touching until I lower my face away from his. His hand gently makes it's way up my waste and stays there while his other crept up to my chin gently. I stare into his green eyes, completely frozen. Then he stares back into my eyes, and states:

"You made a promise Mia. Just help us." I couldn't move an inch, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. Maybe this whole time I would start fights for the dumbest reason was because I was lying to myself about how I really felt. I mean, I lived with two insanely hot guys, how was I lying to myself for this long in the first place?

I don't know what came over me, I mean he was basically begging me to do it. But the next thing I knew my lips were on Clays. I wasn't sure who initiated the action first, but now that it was happening I couldn't stop. I knew we shouldn't be doing it, we shouldn't jeopardize our friendship like this, but I couldn't help it. It felt even more dangerous that George was beside us, still just watching.

Clay and I stand there, feet away from George, kissing with hot breath and countless days of lust between us. Our hands were feeling up and down eachother instantly, like we would never get the chance again. Clay felt like he definitely knew exactly what he was doing when he touched my body. His warm touch was intoxicating in the way he reached his hand around me to cup my ass in his hands and squeeze like it was made just for him. And it only made it better with the way I didn't even try to stop him when he did.

The second his hand reached my ass, I feel George move, then start walking away swiftly. My actions take over me completely and I'm instantly breaking away from the kiss to look straight at him. George didn't take a second glance, he was making his way to his room as quick as he could. Before George could get too far, I feel Clay break away and reach for him, also pulling him close to us, inches away, reading my mind easily.

"Clay- what the hell?" Clay was holding Georges hands looking into his eyes with a smirk that could have killed me if it was directed at me. It was so devious and daring, anyone witnessing it would have dropped to their knees in a heartbeat. Even George himself.

"There's a reason I was also so hard on you George. Not just Mia." George's face goes small as soon as those words leave Clay's mouth. I'm still in Clay's arms as he pulls George into them with me, pressing us against eachother, obviously not wanting to leave anyone out of his embrace. But now that Clay had us both for himself, I simply sat back, watching as Clay slowly got closer to a blushing George. With a whisper, he takes over and asks:

"Is that okay?" George seemed to be shocked by himself when he nodded an okay to Clay. Then Clay shocked us both by kissing George just as hard as he had kissed me. I only stood there wrapped up in the both of them as they kissed, loving every movement they made to press into the other so longingly. All I could think about is how badly I wanted them both.

I must've let out a whine because they both pulled away from the kiss in an instant, looking at me with flutterful eyes. George still seemed nervous being here, so it was Clay who spoke. He must have seen me eyeing George because he added:

"George. Look how bad Mia wants you. She wants you just as bad as you wnat her." Instantly, George was looking at me with eyes full of need, but still unsure if Clay meant his words about me truly. Wondering if I did really want him just as much. My best friend, that I've known since we were both kids, now here making out with the same guy I had just kissed. And fuck did I want him bad.

"George. I need you so bad. Please." It was like I flipped a switch in him. He reached up for my chin so fast, tilted me up so I could look into his eyes, and kissed me hard with a soft whine hidden between his lips escaping on contact. George's kiss wasn't as rough as Clay's was, it was more kind and savoring. Definitely after many years of friendship built into it. Despite his long wait for me, George took his time as he found his way with his hand up to my waist.

What was I doing with these two? I thought about what I got myself into, and all it did was turn me on even more. I had never done anything with two guys at the same time before, it felt like a dream being here right now. And all I wanted to do was get on with it.

George worked his way up my body from my waist, just under my boobs. It was painfully obvious he was too nervous to actually touch them. I break away from the kiss after long last and stare at him in desperate need for more. He looks at me confused why I'd stopped so I look at Clay, who has been watching and clearly knew what was up. Clay looks at George like he was disappointed then says:

"She wants you to touch her." George's breath shudders at the words but he does nothing at Clay's offer of my body. Clay groans a sexy noise then adds:

"Just like this-." Clay takes his own hand onto my side then trails up my shirt slowly, just beside George's, already causing me to lose myself when finally he finds my boobs. With a hard squeeze to them, I throw my head back followed by a light revealing moan.

Clay's hands felt so large grabbing my boobs, only making it feel infinitely better. Clay was a tall guy, but so was George, just not as tall as him, and if that meant I'd have two pairs of hands feeling this good aginst my body, I wasn't sure how I'd cope. After finally settling down from Clay, I look back up into George's eyes that were now looking at me like I was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen in his life.

George and I hadn't really been the type to talk much about our sex lives as friends. Being this way, he still knew I had had sex before. I wasn't shy, and he knew that. But it was obvious he had never done anything before, especially now with his behavior towards me and Clay.

Clay had pulled away then, making me feel absent from his touch now. The way George was looking at me was driving me crazy but i didnt act on it either. I could tell he wanted me just as bad, he just needed something to sway him into doing something about it.

"I think he needs a little influence." I said this to Clay, but I stayed looking straight into George's eyes for a reaction. And all I see from him is a beg of mercy in his eyes. I hear Clay chuckle then as he catches it too, knowing full well what I meant. I don't waste another second to finally put action into my words. Still looking into George's mesmerized eyes, I reach lower and press over his hardness forming below. Just from that small touch, he eyes flutter backward and shut tight. His mouth flies open then he takes a hand up to his mouth and bites his knuckle, stifling a moan.

"I can do more than this if you want George." He doesn't have the strength to open his eyes again, but he does nod and stifle a soft 'yes', finally letting a quick moan escape. I look to Clay for an okay from him too. He quickly kisses me once more then leans back and demands:

"You heard him. Get to work." Hearing those words must have given George enough strength to open his eyes again because in a second they fly open to find me. All I do is smirk at him then push him toward the couch we were all on earlier. I finally leave Clay's arms as I push George down onto the couch with ease.

I was quickly reminded how I had pinned him down earlier, and how much he probably enjoyed it then too. I watch him lie there looking absolutely defeated. Clay stood beside me studying the scene, looking just as amused as I surely did.

"This looks so familiar." I cock my head as I whisper seductively to George down below, still pitifully laying down looking ready to cry like he had this morning.

"It would look much better with your clothes off." Clay surprises me by saying this in a low serious tone. I look to him, already walking toward me, reaching for my shirt. He removes it slowly, revealing my boobs before I can say otherwise. As if I would have.

"Fuck." Clay pauses as he watched me stand before him freshly exposed only briefly, then he was biting his lip to force himself to continue further with me:

"You know how much of a tease it was watching you walk around braless all the time under all of those annoying thin shirts?"

Clays words send me back to just a few hours ago. Just this morning when I'd just woken up in fact. It had definitely been cold inside the house, and my nipples were probably as hard as they are right now. I also think back to all the times I would wear shirts that were a little too revealing around the guys. Especially when it was a little too cold to be wearing them, so they could definitely see my hard nipples every time, whether I meant for it or not. I just assumed they were brain dead guys who wouldn't be bothered by me doing so. I guess I was way wrong.

I find myself smiling at the thought of making the two guys hard without even trying when Clay was yanking me out of my thought as he moved his hands around my boobs again. Only this time Clay takes his index and middle finger and twists my nipple between them, making me squirm instantly.

I remember George over on the couch and pull away from Clay. As much as I wanted Clay to keep playing with my nipples, George looking so helpless made me want him so much more. I lean away from Clay and slowly bend over to take off my shorts I had been wearing that I realize now were maybe also a little unintentionally teasing.

I look straight up into Clays face as I arch downward with George just watching it all from behind. Clay looks at me like he was a lion ready to pounce on me, but I ignore him and continue taking off my shorts. Finally they come off, leaving me in just my thong only. I then became incredibly nervous, knowing George, my best friend, was watching me be almost fully naked for not just him, but Clay too.

I turn just perfectly so from where George is laying that he can see everything recently uncovered straight on from behind, trying to not think too much into it. I have to close my eyes to be able to finally take off my thong and reveal everything to George first. Still bent down, I turn when I hear a soft gasp exit George's throat. I can't help but smirk at his reaction until my gaze catches on something better.

Just below his pink tinted face and past his hands fumbling anxiously along his white t-shirt, I easily spot a noticeably large imprint in Georges sweatpants now. Feeling loads better, I finally stand back up and giggle to myself as I climb on top of George, unable to wait any longer for him. Just before I sit down on his lap, George takes in my new appearance like it was a drug to him.

"Was this here last time too when I had you pinned?" I lower my ass down onto his crotch with a moan from us both from his hardness. I slide myself down a moment so I can remove his sweatpants finally, but he stops me before I pull down his boxers, holding them on.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit-." George finally speaks but it's short of breath sounding as he does, obviously too shy. As I look at George again from this angle, I feel myself get butterflies from how innocent and nervous he looked. My conspiracy about George being a virgin must have been spot on by that reaction.

I slowly get back up on top of him, unable to wait another second, leaning down to lift off his shirt to reveal his naked chest. George still looks nervous as he watches me begin kissing down from his chest, down to his stomach, just below his wasteband. As I do this, I feel Clay approach me slowly from behind.

"You are so hot Mia." I look over my shoulder at him, and see he was now also naked, beside his boxers still annoyingly on to cover every good part. He had a hand cupping around his boxers imprint as he watched us together. Knowing he wanted more, I take Clay's hand and bring him close enough to press his hardness up against my ass.

"Clay- please." I barely get the chance to finish my sentence, he was already fumbling to remove his boxers. I watch him, wanting to see his dick so bad. When he takes them off and his dick out in the open, I feel my body go limp looking at the size. Fuck.

My face falls back down onto George's stomach, wondering how I'd be able to take Clay's dick. I look up at George and see he's also watching Clay with big envious eyes.

I reach up and smooth under his rough chin, making him look back down at me.

"George. Can I please?" I feel him shakily move his hand up to also caress my face gently then finally he nods an okay. I lift myself up with an arched back in an instant. I pull down George's boxers finally then feel like I had just been punched in the gut.

I was okay with Clay's dick being big, but how was I going to deal with both of them being this big? George sits there looking proud of himself with his sexy smirk along his face, only making me more nervous. I look back at Clay and see he's holding onto his dick, watching us both intently. All at once I can't wait for him for even another second.

"Give it to me, please Clay." Clay smirks omce again at me then says coolly:

"I think I'll warm you up first." Clay then takes a finger and places it just outside me, rubbing against my clit. I throw myself down once again on George's stomach, but this time my boobs press against his untouched dick. George puffs out a heavy breath of pleasure at the touch.

Forgetting what was happening behind me, I feel Clay rotate his finger then, not wasting another minute, he slid it inside me. I let out a small moan then another finger is inserted. I have to bite my lip from moaning a pathetic noise. It doesn't matter though, because the instant they are inside me, he starts moving them and I was breathing harder by each thrust inside of me.

He must realize how good it was feeling for me, because he begins to speed up, making my body slide back and forth above George's dick, still in between my boobs as I shake back and forth on him. I take advantage of the situation and quickly push them closer together and watch as his dick slides in and out.

By this point, George is moaning louder than I am. I look up at him, eyes shut, and mouth dragged open again with his arms newly wrapped behind his head. I regain my composure and try my best to take George's dick in my hand. As I do this he opens his eyes and looks at me eagerly. I stare back down at his dick, mouth watering at this point, and lick off the pool of precum that had begun to form, still being rammed by Clays fingers from behind.

Surprisingly, George was keeping his cool alot better than I expected, until I finally took down the whole thing in my mouth. He threw his head back hard enough to knock a picture off the wall behind him, then he began breathing long breathes as I sucked rhythmically up and down his dick.

Each time his dick slid up and down my throat, I felt a wave up pleasure from it. I couldn't help but enjoy the taste of his precum sliding down my throat. George tasted so good I started moaning vibrations on his dick as I sucked him faster, wanting to taste more of him.

By this point, Clay had stopped slamming his fingers into me and had pulled them out. I found myself wiggling for more when I felt his hand against the side of my ass then him saying:

"Can I fuck you now?" I could feel the tip of his dick pressing against my hole, just edging its way scarcely inside, waiting for my permission. I slid my mouth off of George's dick with a loud pop, earning an irritated groan from him at my absence.

I ignore George then without thinking, I was pressing myself onto Clay's dick, sending it inside my pussy with a slap from Clay's legs against my ass.

Finally this was my time to moan all I had in me out loud. I threw my head back waiting for Clay to start thrusting into me some more, but nothing yet. I glanced over at him over my shoulder only to see him also phased, head back, mouth open, just as George had been.

"Clay, she wants you to fuck her." George speaks and Clay whips his head back up to look at us both. I was just as surprised as Clay was that George was even talking, but I wanted him to fuck me so bad it didn't matter right now. I was giving Clay my best version of fuck me eyes I could pull, making it clear I needed him to pound into me. All Clay does is look at me then express breathlessly:

"Shit- you're so tight." I definitely enjoyed the compliment, but I wanted him to fuck me so much more that I barely heard it at all, until finally he added:

"Okay, I'll fuck you now." He wasn't lying, before I could even react, he was slamming into me hard, making me claw into the sides of George's stomach, who seemed to be enjoying it. I can only stay there lying against George's stomach, next to his cock, watching as it shook from Clay fucking me harder now.

While still fucking me, Clay glides his hand up my back silkily until he reached my neck suddenly then was harshly pulling me up so I was staring straight on to George's dick again. His next words leave him aggressively and bold when Clay demands:

"Suck him." Holding me in place to watch Georges cock, which was leaking even more now, I see George take hold of himself, just readying for my mouth around him again. I don't do anything at first, so while his hand was still around my neck, Clay pushes my mouth down on George's dick harshly for me, causing me to gag slightly.

Before I knew it, I was sucking George's dick again while Clay took me from behind. I was beginning to feel way too much pleasure that I knew my mind could go blank any minute. This was so, so amazingly bad.

Just when I thought it couldn't get better, George lifts himself and begins fucking into my throat with a hand in my hair. I couldn't help but gag, and he didn't let up when he heard them, he just sped up more, as if enjoying the sounds. Drool leaked from the sides of my mouth onto his stomach with each thrust. There were so many fluids dripping from me on both ends I felt totally drenched.

Just when I was about to tap out on George's mouth fucking, he let's up with a heavy breath, pulling out of my mouth. He then stops and looks from me to Clay. I could tell from his look to Clay, what he wanted instantly, and I wanted it too, if anything, just as bad.

"I want to-." George stops himself mid-sentence, making Clay also stop from behind. I look over my shoulder at Clay watching George's face carefully, until he finally understood. In a quick motion he slid himself out of me.

The emptiness settled over me immediately, making me grunt unhappily. Then I quickly regained myself and sat up on my knees, looking up at George waiting for his turn with me.

"Come here." George says this a little more confident sounding that before and I'm overcome with chills right away. I do as he says, I lean down and he kisses me passionately. Finally I pull away and I find myself hovering straight over his dick. Now he was beginning to look nervous again, which only excited me more. Clay then suddenly speaks up from behind me saying:

"Don't worry, I warmed her up for you." George let's a small 'mm' sound escape, clearly still anxious, so I say:

"It's okay. I can take over." I slowly grab his dick as I lower myself more until I can finally feel it just pressing against my hole. I brush his tip against me to tease one last time before I ultimately slide down onto it, completely surrounding George's dick with my pussy. George instantly pulls his arms up to rest upon my hips, holding me tightly. I hear Clay moan beside me, enjoying the scene.

I wasn't sure if it was just the angle we were at, but George felt bigger inside me than Clay had. It was enough to make me feel pleasure just from it being inside me, without even moving at all.

"Can I move?" The rules felt reversed. George was supposed to be asking me if it was okay for him to move, but low and behold, it was me asking this time. If I thought about it too much, I'm sure I would have laughed, so I ditched the thought.

"Fuck- yes." Doing as he says, I begin to move my body up and down along his dick. As soon as I begin doing so, he pulls me down so our chests are pressing against eachother, and he begins kissing me while I fuck him.

The angle I have to force myself to ride him is a bit awkward until he places a hand on my hips then begins drilling into me himself.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck-." I can't hold it back, George hits directly into my good spot making me go absolutely crazy. I can no longer move, it's just me holding up against his chest while his dick slides in and out of me with a sweet slapping sound each time he fucks back into me.

I find myself pathetically moaning over and over again, already wanting to burst from George's dick. George's dick felt so good, I don't even realize I said it when I yelled Clay's name, wanting him too.

As if he was waiting for it, Clay was behind me, putting a thumb up against my other hole and rubbing slowly. I didn't know if this was what I meant by calling his name, but it felt so right now that it was happening.

George is still hitting every good spot until I spoke again.

"Clay please, fuck me too." As soon as I spoke George stopped and pulled my face to look at me like I was insane. When all I do is stare knowingly back at him, he breathes a 'fuck' under his breath and continues, only slower this time as he watched what was happening behind me.

I hear Clay spit now, then he lubes up his own fingers and inserts a few into my ass, instantly making me squirm. George must feel me tense up because he stops and checks up on me. It was my first time doing anything involving anal, so I was understandibly nervous, and George was smart to check up on me. It was even sweet. I smile at him again then pull him down for another kiss.

By this point, Clay had started to stretch his fingers inside me, so my moan went into me and George's kiss. Clay sees this and leans down so his face is right beside me and George's. Then Clay was pulling me away from George and over to him instead, kissing me as he fingered my ass. I moan once more then he pulls away and looks to George who looks close to fainting at the sight of us kissing so close to him.

Clay looks at him and smirks a sexy grin, then pulls him in for a kiss too. As soon as Clay kisses George, I feel his dick inside me twitch like he was aching for Clay's kiss again. The sensation makes me moan more until finally Clay pulls away from George and returns back to my ass. I turn back to George and start kissing him some more until Clay takes out his fingers then firmly presses his tip against my hole instead. He doesn't do anything besides rub against it then he states:

"You two look amazing back here." Clay moves his hand down lower, but I feel nothing. All I feel is George twitch inside me again. It takes me a moment but I quickly realize Clay had also been fingering George below.

I glance back up at George and see he's breathing harder now with his mouth wide open. I wanted George to tell me how good he was feeling. How good Clay's fingers felt inside him too. My breath catches in my throat thinking about it, then Clay finally speaks again:

"I'm going to fuck you now." I was nervous for Clay's cock to be inside my ass, but I wanted it so much more than I was even nervous, so it didn't matter. George hears Clay then snaps his eyes open too look at me with big brown eyes. As if waiting for it with me, he sits there and watches with me for Clay to start.

"I'm ready." I say this, still looking into George's eyes. As soon as I speak, Clay begins to move. I hear him spit once more then I feel him rub up and down his cock, then he slowly begins pushing into me. I immediately shove my face into George's chest, hiding my screams. I find myself needing to bite into George's shoulder to help with the pressure going into my ass.

Surprising me, George begins breathing harder again. He stops and looks at me and states:

"Sh-shit. I can feel him moving into you." As soon as those words leave his mouth, George begins thrusting into me once again. As if signaling to Clay, he also begins thrusting along with George. The two of them are slamming into me relentlessly making my mind go blank finally.

There was no more pain from the penetration so soon, now it was just pleasure. My whole body was shaking from the two cocks pounding my holes so much I almost couldn't think anymore. I look down at George who was now watching my facial expressions like it was a show. He then looks down at my boobs shaking in front of him and takes turns putting each in his mouth with no sign of shy George anywhere anymore.

"I'm going to-." All it took was one more thrust from them both at the same time and I was cumming on their dicks. George watches my face once more like he could cry from the faces I was making being too good to look at. I had already came but neither of them were letting up. I hear a laugh behind me as soon as my body stopped shaking from my orgasm.

"Oh c'mon. Did you cum already?" Clays voice was so shakey from his breathing, I could feel some more pleasure rise in my stomach as he spoke, making my head feel fizzy, almost like I was drunk.

"I love your cocks so much." My mind was spinning so much I wasn't aware I even wanted to say it until it left my lips. I finally get the strength to look up again and see George layed back, eyes shut tighter than ever, clearly ready to cum too. More words leave my mouth before I can think:

"Cum for me George." He opens his eyes like he wasn't expecting me to speak then finally says:

"No- I want to- watch you cum on our dicks- again." His breathing was telling me he was on the brink of cumming hard. He blows out a breath, then takes his hand and finds his way underneath me where I was being stuffed full of dicks.

I wasn't quite sure what he was looking for until he found it. He knew he found it as soon as he saw my eyes roll back until they were squeezing shut. I open them again to find him smirking at me as he played with my clit. That was the moment my thinking completely shut down.

I suddenly felt a hand reach from behind me pulling me back more by the neck, choking me lightly. Then with a groan, Clay demanded:

"Don't cum unless I say you can." He keeps me up, breath shuddering in my ear. He begins kissing around my neck, giving me chills throughout my whole body.

"Clay- I need to cum. I'm about to-." He only laughs at my words and simply says:

"Not yet." Below, I see George reach up with one hand and play with my already hard nipples, still fingering me down below with the other. There were so many different sensations happening to my body right now and all I wanted to do was cum from them, but was told not to. It was torture.

"You can cum after I do." Just as he speaks, Clay's grip tightens around my neck and his pace speeds up below. George does the same. I knew I could cum now, if he told me to, but my orders were not to, and it was absolutely killing me inside.

"Clay. Please cum inside me." Like my command had set off a switch in him immediately, he was doing exactly that into my ass. So much of Clay's semen spilled inside my ass as he thrusted what was left of his strength into me. After he thrusted one last time, Clay leaned into my ear and breathed out:

"Now cum." I watched George's face go slack-jawed as Clay says it, waiting for me to cum as he continued ramming into my pussy. I felt Clay pull out of me then his cum spilling out as he spread my ass open. Just like when Clay was cumming on command for me, I was doing the same for him in a second.

As I came, I couldn't help but scream George's name. I came so hard on George's cock, I was left trembling after. It was only seconds after, that I noticed George's eyes flutter shut, then he was pulling out of me and cumming hard.

I fell on top of George with a thud. We only lied there breathing and holding eachother for a few seconds until I heard footsteps walking toward me. I lazily tilt my head up to see Clay walking back into the room with a few Popsicles and a large towel.

With a huge smile on his face he announces:

"Good job you guys. I still hate you both though." Then he tossed over the towel. As soon as all the pleasure rolls away, and my mind can think clearly, I'm jumping off of George faster than I've ever moved before. George looks at me all offended, so I look to Clay who looks equally as confused why I was covering my body as if it really mattered at this point. Finally, not knowing what to do I say:

"Well. I am going to go upstairs and clean up now-." I don't take one more glance at them as I run upstairs, laughing at myself on the way to the shower, thinking about how I just had a threesome with my two best friends.