just the three of us: pt3-not yet.

Clay catches Mia giving George head in the shower and gets jealous. Vibrator/edging play as punishment.

Clay x Mia.

*Clay's pov*

After Mia had went upstairs to shower, it left just me and George alone together, still naked. It was pretty clear how awkward Mia and George felt about everything, but I didn't. There was no point in feeling weird about it. We had sex together, but we were still just friends.

George had already put back on his boxers before I could realize it, so I went and did the same. Now George was simply sitting on the couch, fumbling with his fingers, unsure of what to do now. I decided to seize the moment and question him.

"So- you had a crush on Mia too, huh?" He shrugs and then smirks slightly. Finally he adds:

"Well yeah. Who wouldn't- it's Mia." It was then that I found myself smiling along with him. He had a point, I just hadn't really noticed it was a crush until George admitted it to her today. We were all so wound up with eachother because of all the sexual tension we were all feeling toward eachother for so long. I think about how George had probably been feeling it for so much longer than me, since they were childhood friends. I definitely had to applaud him for that.

"Were you being serious about wanting me too?" As George speaks, his face blushes a pretty red. I was pretty caught off guard by his random outburst. Of course I had wanted George too. It was just like with Mia, I just didn't know it until that very moment.

"Yeah. Why would I kiss you otherwise?" George begins smiling to himself again, then he bashfully adds:

"And other things-." I roll my eyes at George and confirm with a hidden smile:

"Mhm. And other things." I of course knew he meant when I was fingering his rim while we absolutely destroyed Mia. I had to try not to think about it too much, otherwise I would risk getting turned on again by it, so I quickly threw away the thought.

I simply watched George as he lay on the couch, still looking worn out, but also pleased with himself. I laugh to myself at how layed back and happy he looked, then remember why Mia had left, and realize how good a shower sounded at the moment.

"I think I'm going to copy Mia and shower. She'll probably be awhile as usual, so I'll let you know when I'm done so you can go after me." George doesn't really move from the couch besides shifting upwards more. Knowing we only had two bathrooms in the house, he sheepishly replies:

"Okay- I'll be here then." George then leans back and flips on the TV and begins watching it, still just in his boxers. I laugh at how ridiculous he looked then turn to leave the room to go shower.


After what felt like a super short time showering, I was finally done. I got dressed in some casual sweatpants and t-shirt and called it good. Now all I had to do was go tell George he could use it next.

I walked out into the living room where I had left George in last watching TV, only to see he was now gone. I sigh, slightly annoyed, as I was feeling ready for a nap after everything and didn't want to go on a goose chase after George. The only other place I could think to find him was his room upstairs, so that was where I found myself walking.

I walk upstairs and hear music blaring from inside Mia's bathroom along with water running. Of course she was still showering, was all I could think. Then I made a direct v-line to George's room, ready to tell him he could shower now. I knock on the door and get no response.

I find myself pounding on the door until I eventually gave in and opened his door. What was the worse that would happen? It's not like I haven't already seen him naked. I laugh at the thought then open the door, only for it to be free of George.

I roll my eyes at his absence and close his door. My next solution was to check Mia's room, maybe it was George showering, and not Mia after all. I walk myself over to Mia's room and see her door was wide open, and no one was inside.

Feeling like I was going crazy by this point, I walk over to the bathroom, unbelievably confused on where either of them were, but ultimately knew one of them would be in there. As I approached the door, the only things I could hear were music and the shower running.

I then knock at the door, getting no answer of course, it would be too loud to hear it. Not really caring anymore about the privacy of whoever was inside, I begin to open the door. Immediately, a blast of heat and sweet smells are whipped at my face from inside.

Smells of flowery smells instantly fill my nose, and I know it must be Mia inside. I smile at how good she smelled and slowly peak in through the door. I was planning on announcing myself, but what I see going on inside stops me before I can say anything.

Only peaking my head inside, I watch Mia and George standing in the shower together. They were both completely naked as they stood there, totally drenched by the water. At first they simply stayed there watching eachother, talking, only I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying.

I start to lean forward more into the room, when suddenly George pushes Mia down to her knees. Just as fast as he had pulled her down, Mia had begun licking the tip of George's dick up and down.

Completely surprising me, I almost fall over onto the tiled floor, making a banging sound on the door as I kept myself held upright. Luckily, neither of them seemed to hear this, so I was still in the clear.

I wasn't sure why I was still here watching them, but I couldn't look away. I was eyeing the two when I see George saying something, this time I'm able to make out him asking:

"Can I fuck your mouth?" My breath escapes my mouth, loving this side of George, then Mia was nodding excitedly at him. Just as she nods, he takes another fistful from her hair alongside one he already had gripping her, and pulls her forward.

I then hear him again as he states:

"Tell me if it's too much."

It was said so fast that I hardly noticed it, then just as fast as it was said, he had shoved his dick down her throat and was thrusting relentlessly into it. All Mia can manage is a handful of breathless gags. This doesn't make George slow down whatsoever though, if anything it made him speed up more.

As I Iistened to the sounds of Mia gagging, I felt my dick begin to harden in my sweatpants rapidly. Then, it was like Mia became used to the pain of George thrusting into her, because she was done choking several seconds after.

It was becoming more apparent that George liked her sounds just as much as I did, because he sped up once more, and the gagging returned. Mia's eyes roll into her head then I could see tears begin rolling down her face to combine with the endless amounts of spit spilling from her chin already. It was a sight I wanted to engrave into my mind forever.

I watch them as they continue, still feeling hard from the two, but also feeling another emotion. I shouldn't have been, but I was. Jealousy began filling me the more I sat there and watched them go at it. I wanted to also be in there with them, I wanted them to see me and invite me inside. I felt left out of their fun they were having.

I stop my pity thoughts when I hear Mia moan from his dick in her mouth, then George takes it out of her. Even more spit begins spilling from her mouth instantly. George then takes his thumb and wipes it away along with her tears caused by his roughness. They look into eachothers eyes just a moment when Mia states:

"I want more." Those words leave her mouth and the jealousy inside me grows more. I wasn't sure how much longer I'd be able to last watching them without growing too incredibly jealous, but I stayed anyway. George then starts fucking her throat again, but this time, Mia reaches below herself and begins fingering herself desperately.

I wanted to scream something at the two of them. I knew I could have either of them to myself any other time now, but this scene was too good, it made me want in too. Making me feel even worse, Mia begins moaning dangerously loud that even if I wasn't already inside the room, I might have been able to hear her.

It was then that I finally decided to move away, ready to leave the room now. Just as I turn, I see George pull her up off of her own fingers then say:

"I want to make you cum myself, not you doing it from your own fingers." Then George was pinning her up against the wall and playing with her pussy instead. After awhile, she was moaning to the movement of his fingers rubbing onto her clit, then he stops so suddenly.

She looks at George with sad eyes until he inserts a few fingers inside her and begins thrusting up and down, causing her to make beautiful sounds down below. The two of them then start to moan together in unison. It was better than the actual music playing.

"Fuck." It was barely a whisper, not loud enough for either of them to hear. I knew I should leave now, unless I wanted to get worse, but I didn't want to just yet. I told myself, just a few more moments, and kept watching.

George continues fucking her with his fingers then out of nowhere begins going as fast as I think he could possibly go. More wet sounds begin happening to her pussy, when suddenly Mia speaks breathlessly and begs loudly for me to hear:

"Don't- don't stop!" Proving me wrong, George heard this and went faster. Seconds after he started going faster, Mia was moaning and from below, I could see her pussy begin squirting all over George's fingers. My mind stops working almost instantly.

The jealousy I felt from George making her squirt and not me was enough to finally make me turn around to leave again. I turn to close the door, and hear George speak, saying:

"Shit- did you just-." Then seconds after, him adding:

"That's so fucking sexy-." The instant I hear those words from him, I was finally turning all the way around and leaving the room. I closed the door behind me quietly and headed downstairs with a heated face, wishing I'd just minded my own business.

I didn't want to be there when whatever was about to happen next happened because I knew exactly where it was leading. I was downstairs and slamming my door shut in record timing. I jump into bed, ignoring my still hard spot, as I lay down and try my best to just fall asleep with all of my jealousy.

*Mia's pov*


The day that George and I had our shower together, time went by remarkably fast after we got out. It was pretty late in the day and George decided to just go straight to bed when we got out. I went downstairs to ask Clay to stream but found him already asleep in his room, so I copied them and did the same.

This morning I woke up still wanting to stream with him. I wanted to test out how awkward it would be trying to stream normally with the two separately now after everything that went down.

Weirdly, it felt fine being around George again after what we went through. Neither of us were awkward as we passed eachother upstairs in the morning, which made me feel way better. But now all I had to deal with was Clay. And I had a feeling he wouldn't be so easy.

I made my way downstairs, trying to find Clay. I knocked on his door with no luck. I then decided to take my phone out and just text him.

Me: Hey. Where you at? I'm at your bedroom door- wanted to talk.

Surpringly, I got a response almost instantly.

Clay: I'll be there soon. Just wait in my room for me.

So he wasn't even home? Great. I don't bother replying to him, I just simply open up his door and go inside like he had asked. I step inside and realize I haven't really been in his room much, which was weird considering we have been living together for so long. It was definitely boring and basic, but it was still nice.

I sit myself down on his bed, which was impressively soft. I push down onto the mattress and watch as my imprint slowly rises up. I then look around his room at the little amount of things he had inside it. Beside his bed was his pair of old sneakers. I laugh, thinking about how he has a big fancy bed but won't buy a new pair of shoes. Especially with all of his money. It was humble of him, that's for sure.

Knowing it would probably be awhile until Clay actually arrived back home, I let myself lay down on his bed, getting comfortable. I sink into the mattress and feel myself get sleepy right on the spot. It was a damn good bed. I close my eyes then begin to relax my body.

I let out a sigh, feeling insanely calm at the moment. I'm letting out a big exhale when suddenly I was interrupted by the door opening then closing shut. I was so sleepy and not expecting anyone yet for awhile that I almost didn't realize what the noises really meant, until I finally snapped up from Clay's bed to look around.

I look up and see Clay standing near the door with only a towel covering himself up. He sees me panicking then smirks and walks over to his dresser. He begins grabbing what I can only assume is a bottle of cologne and sprays it on his chest, then plainly adds:

"You look surprised to see me. I told you I'd be right over." His cocky tone sinks into my ears and sends shivers down my body as he speaks.

"Yeah well- I thought you were gone, gone. Not just down the hall." He chuckles then turns towards me, facing me now. His green eyes penetrate mine, making me feel faint. This wasn't good. I just needed to remember I was only here to stream. That's all.

"Nope. Just in the shower." I look over and see his chest is covered in dew drops from just showering. His hair is damp but not completely soaked, just enough to let a few drops fall from the ends of it.

I watch as the beads of water fall down to his chest. One slides and lands just on his nipple. I shudder looking at his tan body, unable to look away. He watches me, with a smile widening now as he spoke:

"So what did you want to talk about Mia?" I exhale deeply, then regain myself and say:

"I was just uh- wondering if you wanted to stream with me today?" He looks up at the ceiling like he was ready to contemplate what I had just asked. Finally after a big stretch, making his v-line show ever so slightly more, he answers:

"Mm. No." I feel like I hear him wrong so I ask:

"Um- what now?" His face goes serious as I speak now, then he repeats:

"I said 'no'. You can't stream with me." His tone goes cold and serious and I'm unsure how to react to him.

"But- why?" He rolls his eyes at me then turns around and walks over to his body mirror. Without answering me yet, he stops in front of it then swiftly drops his towel. I don't look away at first. The first thing I notice is his ass on full display, then I look through the mirror at his dick. I hadn't really paid too much attention to the rest of his body when we had fucked just yesterday, but now that I was looking and paying full attention, I seriously couldn't stop.

The only reason I'm forced to stop looking is because I see his eyes dart to mine from the mirrors view. I hastily look away at my hands for something else to do even though it surely looked stupid to him. I didn't know what I had done wrong to make Clay behave this way, and I had no idea how to even react anymore.

"It doesn't matter. The answer is no." I was beginning to feel stressed, still unaware of what I did to upset him so badly. I sit up from his bed and state:

"Can you please just at least tell me what I did wrong?" I'm looking at him again now, trying my hardest to not look any further down. He finally turns and looks me in the eyes and states firmly:

"Okay. I'll give you a hint. George." As soon as he finishes his sentence I know exactly what he means. I wasn't honestly too surprised he heard it happen, but I was confused why he even cared so much. I let out a laugh, realizing exactly why, then stated:

"Wow- is this because you're jealous of us?" He simply continues staring me down but says nothing so I add:

"Because he fucked me- and you didn't?" I could tell I was getting to him because he quickly whispers:

"Shut up." I smirk at him then continue some more:

"Is that why Clay? You're just jealous-." I knew I might have been pushing it and I probably should have just stopped, but Clay had no right to be upset about anything. I don't get the chance to say anymore, because as soon as I speak one last time, Clay was pacing towards me, shouting this time:

"Shut up-!" He gets only inches away, feeling his breath on me as he simply watches me. He didn't look pissed at all, just defeated, like he knew I was right. He glances away from me quickly then I surprise myself by looking down at where Clay's towel used to be. I'm surprised even more when I see Clay was hard now.

I look back up at Clay then from watching him, and I knew he saw me watching instantly, knowing I saw he was hard now. I speak softly, unsure what else he say as I plead:

"Just tell me you're jealous Clay." He takes a deep breath but says nothing. He then shakes his head no and says:

"Tell me you wanted me there too." I couldn't even lie to him, because I knew I wanted them both when I was with George. It was selfish, but true. I liked Clay just as much as George. They both made me feel something. Alot of things. I swallow hard and ultimately answer:

"I- wanted you there Clay. So bad." I wasn't catching a break with these two guys. I didn't know what I started with them, but I wasn't going to complain. Clay looks almost satisfied with my answer as he moves closer to me still standing motionless by his bed. He slowly takes my waist in his arms and pulls me up to his chest and I freeze even more. He smirks as he speaks this time, in my ear, saying:

"I wanted to be the one to make you squirt like that- not him." My eyes close in pleasure just from his words alone and I know I want him more than anything again. So much so that I'd let him have his way with me in any way he wished. A small moan escapes as he speaks into my ear and he speaks again:

"I think you should be punished. For leaving me out of it." My hand finally leaves my side and finds its way to Clay's chest to feel his warmth I'd unknowingly missed so much after just less than a day apart. He looks down at my hand on him and grins. It's more of a devious smile than a happy one, and it excited me more than anything.

"I'm going to do whatever I want with you. Okay?" My heart quickly begins to speed up as he talks, deep and full of seriousness. I don't find the courage to say another word, I can just stare at him. I didn't care what Clay did, I just wanted him to do it now, I couldn't wait any moment longer.

"Answer me." My heart leaps out of my throat as I answer him with a soft 'yes'. As soon as the word leaves my mouth, Clay pushes me down onto his bed and pins me down so my arms were just above my head, leaving me utterly helpless. He watches me under his command a second longer then starts removing my pants. Clay takes them off smoothly then gets to work on my shirt.

He swiftly tosses it aside then looks at me again before saying:

"You're not going to cum until I say so." He finally gets up off of me, then he walks over to his dresser again. After a minute of searching around, I see him pull out a medium sized green object. Clay gets closer and I can finally tell what it is. And all I can think is, of course it's green.

"You know what this is, of course." He walks over to me with a huge grin, taunting me as he shows me the green vibrator. I let out a bashful 'mhm.' as he wiggled the toy in my face. I looked at it, unsure if he had this because he used it on other girls, or if it was his to use. The thought of Clay using it sent butterflies shooting through me. And even more after the thought of him using it inside me.

I found myself staring at it intensely, until he turned it on, and buzzing filled the room. Clay then got back on the bed next to me laying down with my arms still over my head and pressed the vibrator along my boobs. He hesitates, then heads for my nipples.

The vibrations send themselves through my nipples intensely, making me squirm beneath Clay. He then takes his free hand and cups my chin as he teases my nipples. He stares me in the eyes for a short while until he demands:

"Open your mouth." I do as he says and he quickly inserts his thumb deep into my mouth. He moves it along my tongue and then says:

"Now suck." I once again am commanded by Clay and do what he asks instantly like I was under a spell. I close my mouth on his thumb and begin sucking on it as he edges his way lower with the vibrator. He gets just below my stomach and stops.

"Remember what I said about cumming." I only nod at him, his thumb still wiggling down my throat as I sucked it. He brings his attention back down to the location of the vibrator then slowly lowers it down to my clit.

As soon as it touches onto my clit and the vibrations send through my pussy, I find myself squirming under Clay's touch. As he watches me, Clay's mouth stretches open along with mine, enjoying what he was doing to me.

Clay then removes it, only for a second, then he pushes it inside my hole, which was already soaking wet. He swirls it around inside me then takes it out again, fully lubing it up, then he begins sliding it back and forth on my clit.

"Clay- if you keep doing that-." He interrupts me before I even get a chance to finish my sentence saying:

"Don't do that. It'll get bad quick if you cum now." I didn't know what could he worse than not cumming right now, but I listened anyway and held back my urge to cum. I held it in with everything I had, wanting to slap Clay for doing this to me.

I look up at Clay with hateful eyes, and all he does is smirk enjoying it instead, then he turns off the vibrator with a small click. My body instantly goes limp and I gasp out a breath, not realizing I hadn't been breathing enough. Clay then chuckles next to me and says:

"That's no fun. You were supposed to cum so I could punish you for it." I glare into his eyes then state a mesh between turned on and angrily:

"Fuck you." He tosses the toy onto the bed beside me and adds:

"Guess I'll have to punish you anyway." All I wanted was to cum, and Clay was keeping that from me on purpose. Feeling more hate for him now, I begin unamusingly laughing to myself out loud. He watches me with a slight head tilt then teasingly states:

"Was that not enough for you? I'll go harder this time then." Clay doesn't wait, he swiftly flips me over so I'm now kneeling on his bed with my ass up. I feel him reach for the vibrator again then he was turning it on again. I'm about to turn to see what he was doing until I feel Clay press the vibrator into my pussy again.

I immediately shove my face down into the mattress at the vibrations rhythmically moving inside me. I feel myself tighten around the toy sitting inside me, feeling amazing from it. I then try to pull myself back up from the bed to look at Clay.

He looked at me still with a giant smirk, thinking he already won. I wasn't about to let him, so I try my best not to moan as I state:

"Is that all?" His face goes from amused to annoyed in half a second. He scoffs then pulls himself off the bed until he was directly behind me. The size of the toy and vibrations inside me threaten to make me cum again, but I hold on longer. I continue looking at Clay who was now grabbing his cock in his hands.

Clay quickly sets his dick atop my ass, then he takes a hand and presses on it, tightening the grip against it. Clay then slowly thrusts from just on top of my ass. Just the feeling of Clay's dick inches above my other hole was tempting me to cum again.

Finally Clay stops and pulls away from me. All he does is slap against my ass once more with his dick then he states:

"You shouldn't have said that." Then with just that, he had rammed his cock inside my ass down to the end, making a loud slapping sound. The pain that shot through me would almost be unbarable, if I wasn't already a little lubed up from my pussy leaking onto it a small amount, but I was still filled with a red hot searing sensation.

The noise that leaves me doesn't give me justice as to how I really felt. A small squeal leaves my throat and I was unable to speak again as he continued thrusting into me, not holding back. I can feel his cock getting even harder as it reached the very back of my ass as it pounded into me. Clay clearly enjoyed the fact that I was hurting.

I can feel the toy inside me start moving with each thrust Clay makes into my ass now, and it's enough to give me my voice back. The moans leaving me are small breathy noises, almost like I was having trouble breathing, but it was really just me fighting the urge to scream for Clay to let up. Then all at once, the pain goes away and I can feel the need to cum again.

"Clay- shit!" As soon as I speak, I feel the vibrator slide out of my pussy back onto the bed simply from how wet I was. I begin whining at the emptiness from my pussy now. Clay notices this and leans down to grab the toy for me. He doesn't slow his pace from behind me while he asks:

"Is this what you want?" He wiggled the toy right in front of my face, teasing me with it, knowing damn well I couldn't grab it. I find myself not able to say anything. He then slowly begins hovering it just above my clit, until finally I reply:

"Please give it to me- please-." Clay moans at my submissiveness then gives me what I want. He presses it against my clit and the instant it touches me, I know I'm going to cum. I shove my head back into the mattress, letting Clay know I was close again.

"Hold it a little longer- I'm close too." I was feeling desperate at this point and wanted him to cum just so I could too. I would do anything for him to cum right now, so I said:

"I want you to slap my ass Clay- please." He groans then adds a soft 'fuck.' under his breath. Before he can give me a chance to change my mind, he was doing exactly that. He raises his hand and slaps my ass hard, causing my ass to wriggle from the impact then sting immediately after. He stops and rests it on my ass then grabs a handful, then Clay squeezes hard enough that I knew it would leave a mark later.

"I'm going to cum inside." As the words leave his mouth, my eyes roll back, ready to cum with him. Clay then speeds up, still holding the vibrator against my clit, and adds:

"You can cum too-." Like he flipped a switch inside me, I was cumming, then he pulled out and shoved his dick inside my pussy and was saying:

"Here's your last punishment-." Clay was barely giving me any chance to say otherwise when he  gently thrusted a few more times before finally cumming inside me, groaning everything he was holding in against my lower back. He finally dropped the toy and pulled me up on him, letting me surround his entire dick to take his cum inside my pussy as he slowly and lovingly grinded down into me. As I took his cock in, I found myself cumming all over him again.

Clay thrusted once more inside me until every last drop was gone, then he takes a hand and grips my ass hard. With one last slap off my ass, he was pulling out of me. I feel him from behind me begin taking a finger then start to spread my pussy slowly, making the cum spill out onto his bed.

After letting him get his way of watching it spill out, I finally pull away from him and land on Clays bed, fully satisfied now. He looks down at me with a childish grin, lookikg like he definitely expected me to be ten times more pissed at him for cumming inside me.

"I really just came inside you. Shit." I roll my eyes and state, semi-annoyed, knowing there was no way I could get pregnant:

"Yeah- and you're lucky I'm safe, you idiot." His eyes grow wide like he never thought of that before he did it then he grins shyly and adds:

"That- is a good point. Oops. It just felt too good." He laughs at his stupidity then climbs into bed with me. I roll over on Clays chest, cuddling with him then ask sheepishly as I play with his spiraled hair:

"So are you jealous anymore? Now that you got your chance with me?" He groans at me and begins playing with my hair too as he answers:

"I was never 'jealous'." I chortle at his obvious lie then add quickly:

"Well good- cause not only did George make me squirt, but he came inside me first, too." I finish the sentence and I feel Clay tense up immediately. I hold in my laugh as he simply says as if unbothered:

"That- is totally fine- whatever." I let out a small giggle then peck his cheek and finally add:

"It's a good thing you're not jealous then." He groans in annoyance at my comments then simply continues combing through my hair until we both fall asleep in eachothers arms.