just the three of us: pt7- playtime.

Secret blind folded play from Sapnap to Mia.

Sapnap x Mia.

*Mia's pov*

Today was a streaming day for me and the three guys, and a few other people I hadn't talked to much yet. I was excited but also nervous because I would be hosting the whole thing. I was used to streaming all the time, but having to meet knew people all at once was stressful.

It was about 5 minutes until I would be starting, so I was trying my best to chill out any way possible. I'm inhaling deep breathes when I get a text from my group chat with Clay, George and Sapnap.

Clay: 'don't mess up.'

It was meant to be playful, but I couldn't help but want to punch Clay for the comment. I reply quickly;

Me: 'gee thanks.'

Just as fast, George sent back;

George: 'you'll do perfect.'

I smile down at my phone then prepare myself in my viewfinder, making my hair look more presentable, as I had been unconsciously smoothing my hand through it uncontrollably the last 10 minutes as I freaked out.

Sapnap: 'they'll love you Mia.'

I smile as I blow out a long breath at his message, making me feel already ten times better. I hesitantly type back;

Me: 'okay I'm gonna start.'

Clay: 'ill tell the others then.'

I don't bother texting anything back, I simply turn on my camera and start the stream. I turn on a screen stating; 'starting soon.' on it and sit back and watch. I wait a few seconds and see immediately I had almost a thousand viewers. Guessing that they would soon start rolling in faster, I make myself visible to everyone and announce;

"Hey guys." I wave around like an idiot and start reading the chat. Most people were simply replying to my greeting with hellos in return. I then begin getting subscriptions and donos and begin reading them off, but eventually get overwhelmed with the amount coming in.

Then I hear a ding, signaling that someone had joined the call. Then another, and then many more.

"Miaaa!" I'm startled by a not so familiar voice screaming loudly throughout the call, but I quickly realize who it was.

"Kaaaarl!" Soon after, there were more introductions.

"Let's gooo!" This time it was Quackity announcing himself. I had never talked to him as much as the others, so I wasn't quite sure how to respond to his outburst.

"Mia, let's start." Then a more familiar voice piped up. Sapnap was yelling over the others, trying to be heard, but it was barely audible.

"What he said." This time it was Georges turn to speak. I run a hand through my hair, overwhelmed with how many people were talking at once. I open the game we had chosen to play, and announce;

"Okay. Well I'm already on it, so you better hurry." I pause and wait for some answer from anyone. When I hear none, I spit out quickly;

"As in everyone, now." That was when I got a few answers.

"Ooh bossy!" Quackity was chuckling at his sarcastic comment now, making me happy to know it was a joke. I laugh back with him and display the games code to my friends for them to join. Within a few seconds, I get a name popping up.

"Alright- who's 'Definitely Mia'?" I hear a few giggles then Karl answers obliviously;

"What ever do you mean? That's you silly." I roll my eyes at the stream and deduct, that it was in fact Karl using my name for the game.

"Got it." Just then another name shows up. It was simply 'Hardened Clay'. I look up straight into the camera with disapproving eyes, knowing this was probably Clay, and knowing he was in fact watching me glare at him along with the other guys.

"Ha ha. Funny." I smile and see a few other names come in. The first was just 'Quack' and I knew it was Quackity right away. The next was 'jorge'. I quickly knew that to be George. I'm waiting on one more when it comes in.

"Big daddy? Really Sapnap?" I hear a giggle from Clay immediately, then Sapnap was reiterating;

"Not me. But I'll take it." These names were all too confusing; Karl was 'Definitely Mia' and 'Hardened Clay' was Sapnap, totally not confusing at all. At least my nerves were mostly gone at that point.

I read a few more donos and then we all started the game at last.


Only an hour in, I get a private message on my phone from Clay;

Clay: 'that was a low blow.'

Knowing he meant the joke I had made in game about him having jealousy issues, I giggle to myself as I read it. Just then another message comes in, this time from Sapnap;

Sapnap: 'you're doing so good.'

I knew he meant on the stream, and it was enough to give me a giant boost of confidence. I go to respond when Clay types again;

Clay: 'Maybe I should come in there afterwards and teach you a lesson for that little comment.'

I keep myself from blushing on stream at the message which I knew was what Clay wanted as I quickly reply;

Me: 'yeah? What would you do?'

I wait a few minutes but finally get a reply;

Clay: 'could come blind fold you. Then I'd do whatever the hell i wanted.'

A chill runs down my spine imagining me all tied up helplessly, waiting for Clay to do something to me, anything. It sounded far too good to pass down.

I snap out of it and look up at my computer, seeing they had already started another game and I was behind now. Hastily, I click to reply to Clay.

Me: 'come here after the stream. I'll already be tied up for you. Do whatever you want to me.'

I quickly set down my phone, already wanting to stop the stream, but know I shouldn't. I look back up and try my best to get resituated to the game as I begin now. I hear my phone go off but simply set it on silent, not bothering to look at it as I continue playing.


Throughout the past couple of hours, I was finding myself trying to make excuses on how to stop streaming. I noticed Sapnap was suddenly doing the same, and I simply assumed he was tired as usual. I was surprised how quiet Clay had gone halfway through after our daring texts. After awhile I simply ignored it and just kept playing.

The moment Karl said he was gonna call it quits for the day, everyone else basically agreed with him and left. It was now only me, Sapnap and Clay alone together. It was then that Sapnap finally decided to speak up;

"Well, I'm gonna leave too. If you were planning on it too Mia?" The tone in his voice deepened as he spoke to me this time, sounding almost breathless. Then Clay spoke up saying;

"Yeah. I'm out of here too." I knew then that this was my cue to end the stream. I smiled and added sadly;

"Yeah. Sorry chat, I'm gonna go now." I say a few more goodbyes and I love yous to chat and end the stream a little too quickly. I get up from my chair and immediately walk over and stare down at my bed, not knowing what to do now that I was actually doing it.

I exhaled then before I could chicken out, I began stripping off my clothes until I was completely naked now. I look in the mirror and decide that it wasn't good enough. I run into my closet and take out a pair of lingerie I had gotten ages ago, but never worn before.

I put the two pieced outfit on and looked in the mirror. The bottoms were black and very, very see-through, as was the top, but that was the point, I suppose. I turn around and look at myself a few seconds longer before I finally snapped out of it. I looked good.

I knew I had to find something to blindfold myself with, but I normally didn't do things like this, so I had nothing. I throw things around until I finally find a long red handkerchief.

I pulled my hair up then jumped onto my bed, heart pounding nervously. I lay back then finally tied the bandana around my head, covering my eyes. I opened my eyes and all I could see was a deep luxurious red filling my vision. I smile as I lay myself down onto my bed, then I hear a small knock at the door not even a second later.

"Come in." Instantly I hear the doorknob turning, then it was open. I hear the door shut with a click, and then a set of footsteps coming my way. They stop for a split second as they get up to the bed. I knew Clay was probably taken away by the lingerie, not expecting it so I say softly;

"Don't just stare. Use me." I feel as he finally starts moving onto the bed at my feet. I'm still laying down when I feel his hands make their way up from my ankles to my thighs. They stop temporarily when they reach my thong.

He takes a singular finger then begins looping underneath my waistline, but only for a second then it was taken out. I feel as his body sits over my legs now, taking in my appearance slowly. He then leans down and I can just barely see his sillouhette through my blindfold.

All he was doing was looking at my body, but it was already making me wiggle in pleasure. I took enjoyment in not knowing what he was going to do to me with every move he did. Suddenly I feel his hands take my waist as he edges up closer to my face.

Finally, when he hovers over my lower half more, he leans down and I feel him begin kissing just above my waist. They were soft kisses, unlike what Clay would normally do to me. Enjoying them, he then starts edging upwards toward my boobs now.

Wanting to see so bad, I move to take off the blindfold, but I'm stopped harshly by him pinning my arms back down onto the bed. He only stops kissing me for a second, then he started up again eagerly.

As he slowly made his way up to my chest, I felt as my nipples hardened simply from his kisses. He hesitates only a moment, then I feel his tongue make its way onto my nipple, still wearing the lingerie.

The texture of his tongue licking my nipple through the lingerie was a sensation I never knew I would love so much. Clay then takes one hand pinning me down and moves it up to hold my boob he was now sucking on.

I knew then I wouldn't want to take the blindfold off, even though I wanted to see him so bad. The anticipation of waiting for him to touch me was worth it.

I started squirming in pleasure from his touch, when he suddenly stops and pulls away from me. I watch as his shadow moves over my body once again. This time as I watch his shadow, he starts to look different, but I ignored it, knowing I couldn't see things clearly through the bandana. I was beginning to feel empty from Clay's touch when I feel his hands grab at my thong down below.

His fingers go back underneath the wastband slowly, when finally he begins pulling my thong off of me. I lift up my legs, helping him as he removes it from my body, then it was pulled over my feet and thrown away.

He pauses as he watches me down below, then he takes his hands and slowly widens my legs. Feeling as my pussy now sits out in the open for him to stare at, I begin to feel extremely exposed now. I then watch his shadow as he then lowers himself onto the bed, leveling exactly where my pussy was.

He's still gripping my inner thighs as he watches down below at my exposed parts. Not wasting anymore time, I feel him move forward with an exhale, the tone sounding different that Clay normally did.

Then I'm broken from thought when I feel him flick out his tongue onto my clit. The instant it touches me, my mouth flies open and I'm moaning as he licked up and down my pussy.

He holds my thighs tight as he begins sucking on my clit, then I feel a finger being inserted as he does so. Not bothering keeping my voice down, I begin whimpering at the pleasure filling my body. He then starts groaning with me, when suddenly he pauses to say;

"I finally have you all to myself. I'll make sure you cum alot." The instant he stops talking, I know then why he looked and sounded so different while I was blindfolded. It was really Sapnap, not Clay. What the hell?

I sit there, still feeling pleasure from him licking my pussy, not saying a word.

I wasn't sure what to say to him. I was expecting Clay, not Sapnap. Why was Sapnap even up here coming into my room, and not Clay? I think back to when I was texting them both during the stream. It was entirely possible I just texted Sapnap by accident, but I wasn't about to tell him that.

In a way, knowing it was a mix up, it made the whole situation even more interesting. I decide then to just let it happen, not caring whether it was Clay or not. Just then, I feel Sapnap take out his finger and immediately lick up the mess he was making of my pussy.

"Tell me how good I taste, Sapnap. Please." I hear him make a small slurping sound down below then he was quickly licking up my clit once more. Finally he answers;

"I could taste you all day." He then, ever so slowly, takes his finger and inserts it into my pussy, then it's removed again. I wait but nothing happens, then I hear;

"Open." I widen my mouth then instantly, Sapnap was sticking the finger that was just inside my pussy down my throat. I taste myself as my tongue makes its way around his finger. He takes his other hand and cups my cheeks, then he removes his finger and starts kissing me deeply. He pulls away suddenly then states lovingly;

"I still taste you on your lips." I throw my head back, wanting him even more now as I say;

"I want you so bad Sapnap." He chuckles then repositions himself back down at my pussy then slowly begins again. I could feel every movement from his facial hair rubbing against my skin, causing me to feel even better. By this point, I no longer wanted to be blindfold, all I wanted to do was watch him eat me out. Afterall, I hadn't had Sapnap just to myself yet and I never knew how badly I needed it until this very moment.

"Let me take it off. Please I need to see you." I say this and he instantly stops and pulls himself up closer to me. I see his hands shadow move up to grab the blindfold and obey me, then he freezes just before he takes it off.

"Beg me." He says those two words and I instantly feel myself squirm in pleasure. I find myself pouting, just wanting him to take it off now so I can see him, but he still sits there and waits.

"I need to hear it Mia." Just then, I was being pulled up onto my knees, sitting up now. He takes my face in his hand and says, feeling his breath just centimeters away;

"Now." Still on my knees, he takes his hand and inserts a long finger and begins thrusting into me.

"Or you can stay just wondering and not seeing me like you so clearly want. Your choice." My head falls back as his fingers reach deeper inside me and words begin spilling out of my mouth.

"Please take it off Sapnap! Please!" He keeps thrusting so I keep talking;

"I want to watch you eat my pussy. I'm begging you, please!" Those must have been the right words Sapnap wanted, because he had instantly stopped and pulled out of me. I hear him suck his fingers clean again then he takes them up to my blindfold.

"Why didn't you just say so?" As soon as he takes it off, I'm staring right into his eyes. Not realizing how amazing his sharply greened eyes were until then, I feel my heart flutter as we stared at eachother.

The moment doesn't last long though, because he then roughly picks me up and lays me back down onto my back. This time I open my legs for him on my own, as he removes his shirt and pants restlessly.

I watch impatiently as he finally takes them off, then he stares me down, eyes full of lust as he does. He doesn't immediately go for my pussy, he simply climbs back into me and trails kisses down again. I watch as he does it this time, still loving how his kisses felt on my stomach, only this time seeing his serious toned face paired with it made it immensely better.

Finally he gets to my pussy and just stares at it like he was in love. His eyes roll back for a second as he watches it, then he takes a few fingers and slowly inserts them.

As he lowers his head down, he makes eye contact with me, then I watch as he sticks out his tongue and finally starts licking my clit softly. I lay there watching him, and it all looked as good as I imagined it looking.

I was wrong about the blindfold, I loved seeing him doing everything much more than imagining what was happening, because within seconds, I was ready to cum. I begin wiggling under his touch with my eyes rolled back into my head now, until he states;

"You can cum now, but we're nowhere near done yet."

It was exactly what I wanted to hear and I let myself get succumbed in pleasure at his promising words. He quickly starts sucking on my clit once again and I finally give in. My breathing comes out in small hitches then I was cumming all over his fingers. I found myself sitting there gripping the sheets after, almost in tears from how good it felt.

Sapnap looks up at me and smirks, like I was pathetic for crying. I glare at him then sit up in front of his amused frame. Just as fast as he had pulled me down, I was pulling him down onto the bed and beginning kissing him. As I do this, I fumble to take off his boxers that were annoyingly still on him.

I eventually take them off and I lean back to look at his cock. I wanted it so badly right now, but decided I could wait. I watch as Sapnap takes his hand up to my waist slowly, but I stop him by throwing him down onto the bed where I had been laying.

He simply lays there looking up at me, entertained with my assertiveness. I smirk at him then say boldly;

"Like you said, we're not done yet." I don't give him a chance to respond, I quickly stand up, right over him, letting him see my pussy clearly above his face. I watch as he looks up at it lovingly, then he takes his arms and flexes them over his head and gasps a lengthy 'fuck', absolutely defeated.

I take my finger and slowly lower it to my pussy and begin fingering myself as Sapnap lays below me watching. It didn't take much for him to comepletely give in and except defeat by me. I giggle at him then state;

"Aw. I thought you were the one in control?" As soon as I say that, Sapnaps face falls and he makes eye contact, now narrowing his eyes at me. I'm standing above him, but I instantly feel smaller from his glare.

He doesn't say anything or give a warning when he pulls me down further onto him. I'm hovering just above his face when he looks up into my eyes with a smirk now amused with my frailness, then he pulls me all the way down so my pussy was now sitting on his mouth.

He opens his mouth and inserts his tongue into me, then it begins moving around. He then starts rhythmically moving my hips along his face with his hands that were now gripping my hips tightly.

I feel his facial hair again as it rubs against my clit, and I can barely stand it. I quickly pull off of his mouth and lean back ever so slightly, then I look at him and say;

"Wait-." He gives me a cocky look then exclaims;

"Gonna cum already, huh?" I roll my eyes at him then I add;

"Stick out your tongue." He does as I ask and sticks it all the way out. As soon as he does, I lean back over his mouth, then I'm lowering myself again. My clit finds his tongue and I don't hesitate to start grinding onto it.

I started off slowly, then my hips began moving faster as I rode his face. Sapnap then began flicking his tongue as I slid against it, making me close again.

"Shit- you're tongue feels amazing-." I feel him giggle underneath me, then he takes my hips and stops me and says;

"Just cum for me then." He then decides to take over again and begins licking up and down my pussy, sipping up the juices flowing out. Annoyed at how good he felt, I give in and let myself cum again. He sucks on my clit for a few more seconds before he pops off of it, then he looks up into my eyes.

I knew his cock was sitting out, wanting attention too by the look he was giving me, so I quickly spin around on his face, facing his pulsating dick now. I lean down just next to it and just watch it for a few seconds, mesmerized with his size but also wanting to tease him a little longer.

I knew it was killing him to have me so close but do nothing yet. I heard him groan from behind me then state;

"Stop teasing me. Suck it." He no longer sounded sweet as he spoke, now it was full of need and lust. His dick was pulsating on its own from the wait and all I wanted to do was watch as he suffered.

I'm still just watching his cock when Sapnap pulls me from behind up to his face and inserts his tongue into my pussy again. He starts licking fast and hard, making my pussy start throbbing from pleasure, when he suddenly stops. A whine leaves my throat, making him say in a low serious voice;

"Suck my cock or I won't keep going." I had never seen this side of Sapnap before, but it made me lust over him even more. I wiggle my ass in front of Sapnaps face, tempting him, then lean forward and lick his tip.

I taste his precum and immediately need more. I take his dick in my hand then lower it into my mouth slowly. As I take it down, I feel Sapnap exhale hot air onto my pussy, then he starts working his tongue again.

Sapnap then begins thrusting into my throat making me moan down onto his cock even more. He speeds up, not letting up as I start gagging on him now. Just as he hears them, he stops briefly and nibbles down on my inner thigh, loving the sounds leaving my throat.

I pull off of his cock trying to catch my breath then state;

"I'm going to cum again Sapnap-." As soon as I finish talking, he takes his mouth from my pussy and stops. I turn to give him a 'wtf' look only to have him flip me off of him over onto my hands and knees. I turn my head and see him standing behind me holding his dick.

"Why'd you stop?" His facial expression hadn't changed at all from when he had been glaring at me earlier. He looks back at me and answers coldly;

"This is for making me wait. Now I wanna hear you beg for my cock." As he waits for me to answer, he takes the last of my lingerie I was still wearing and undoes it, letting it fall off onto the bed. He then takes a finger and licks it, making it significantly wetter now, until finally he takes it and begins fingering my nipple.

The wetness of his finger against my nipple instantly made me start whining in pleasure.

"I said beg."

"Fuck Sap-." Is all I can manage to let escape my mouth. He shakes his head and stops playing with my nipples. My face falls to the bed and I feel absolutely defeated by this point.

Suddenly, I feel him move his dick up to my pussy, rubbing against my hole softly. He then takes just his tip and inserts it, then he pulls back out quickly before pressing up against my hole again. I groan hard into the bed and give in finally by pleading;

"Please give it to me. I'm so sorry for making you wait. Please just fuck me!" He quickly presses his tip in and out a few more times until he finally laughs behind me, saying in a cocky voice;

"Tell me you like mine better than theirs." I knew he was referring to the other two guys instantly. I loved Sapnaps cock, but I also loved something different about George's and Clay's equally too. I didn't want to lie, but I knew if I told him he was my favorite, I would get fucked, so that was what I was going to do.

"It's my favorite, Sapnap. I only want yours-." I barely finished my sentence before Sapnap rammed his cock all the way inside. He began slamming inside me hard without a sliver of him holding back. Every thrust into me was met with a slapping sound of his legs against my ass.

It only took a few seconds for him to instead begin pulling my body onto him, instead of slamming into me himself, making me start shaking back and forth uncontrollably. His hands were gripping my waste hard enough I thought I would break with every move he made.

Still fucking me senseless, Sapnap leans down and begins kissing softly up my spine. When he finally reaches my face, he pulls me up against his chest then he rests his arms around my boobs, holding them securely. Making it harder to move around now, I try my best to turn my head to look at him, only for him to start kissing me on the lips.

With our lips just barely still connecting, he stops quickly then says breathlessly;

"I'm coming inside." It wasn't a question, but more a demand, and it was enough to make me need to cum with him. We're exhaling hard into eachothers faces when he gives in and cums deep inside me. The feeling of Sapnaps cum filling me up sets me off and I was cumming too.

Still holding me, Sapnap pulls out of me, and out spills his cum. He doesn't pull away as he continues holding me from behind, all he does is hug me and we simply catch our breaths together.

Finally, I turn my head to look at him. His eyes are closed and he looks ready to sleep now. I smile and peck his cheek softly. He opens his eyes and stares back at me with loving eyes. He then notices he's still hugging me and slowly pulls away as of umvaring my space even after what we just did.

He giggles and lays back on my bed saying;

"Maybe I should compliment you more." Totally unsure what he meant by that, I simply smile. Then I find myself walking over to my phone to look at how this situation actually happened. I open Clay's texts first and see I never even sent the invite to him. Then I'm looking at Sapnaps, and of course I sent it to him by accident.

Then I notice he had texted me afterwards saying;

Sapnap: 'shit. I don't know where that came from, but you got it."

I giggle at his message then read what he had said just above my thirst text;

Sapnap: 'you're doing so good.'

I think back to what Sapnap had just told me seconds ago; "Maybe I should compliment you more."

Now it made sense. I find myself giggling as I lay back down in my bed in Sapnaps arms, him totally unaware I had really been waiting for Clay.