aftermath- a manhunt finale

George is impressed with Dream after his final manhunt ever, maybe a little too impressed? (Sexting, FaceTime & pillow play)

George x Dream

*Dreams pov*

"Holy crap guys. I really thought you'd beat me this time. Guess I'm just way too good for that." I let out a cocky huff as my friends dodge and jump around in game, taking in what exactly just happened. It was clear, I had just beaten the manhunt, again, and Sapnap, George, Sam, Bad and Ant were all butthurt about it.

"How is that even possible? You were so dead! How did you even manage to make it back up from the void? I just-." Sapnap was easily the most annoyed by my winning as he sprinted at my idle character still standing alone next to the dragon egg, taking in the trophy as they built it for me like they did everytime I won.

"I'm just a God, Sap. That's all I can tell you." He scoffs and continued to hit my character in game, attempting to kill me now. I don't even flinch. I had already beat them all and was satisfied with myself. It was a crazy game, and even I had to admit some of my moves were attractive as hell to pull off. They were nearly impossible, but I still managed it either way. I knew edits would be made of me later. I grin at the thought.

"You were almost dead at least, right?" More minecraft characters ran at me, hitting and building as my friends fired away questions about my success. Everyone was asking many questions. Whether I was close to death or if I even felt fear at all with how effortless I was and all I could do was laugh at them. Everyone was now slowly calming down, accepting what I had just done, only there was one person not speaking a single word since the video had ended. George.

"George? You've been silent. Did my win affect you that hard?" It was said to tease and joke, but all I received in return was a scoff, an obvious annoyed reaction, something I wasn't used to hearing from George.

"He's probably just peeved off that he lost again." Sapnap hits away again, leaving me wondering even more now what was up with George. I ignore it finally and add to Sapnap;

"Sapnap. You lost too, y'know that right?" Everyone laughs, everyone but George again. What the hell was wrong with him? I wanted this final manhunt to be special, and it had been, until now. George was ruining it with his attitude, or whatever it was. I didn't care, I just needed to find out now.

"Okay guys. I'm pooped from hours of filming. Gonna call it here. You all did good, don't beat yourself up about it. I'm talking to you Sapnap." There is another round of laughter and soon after everyone was ending the call, finally leaving me alone with my thoughts. And all of them were simply about George and why he was acting up. I swiftly whip out my phone and text him.

Me: 'is something the matter? You seem off. Pissed, actually' I go minutes without an answer, then as I'm about to shut off my phone I finally get one.

George: 'no, I'm not pissed.' I reread his message probably a hundred times, not believing a single word.

Me: 'bullshit. What's up George? You can tell me.'

George: 'honestly. I'm not mad Clay. I was just...very impressed with how the game turned out is all.' I'm stuck reading it over and over again, just as confused as before, if anything, even more. He was just impressed with me? But why did that mean he'd have to behave this way?

Me: 'so what's with the attitude?' George was still halfway across the world from me, and after years of putting it off, there had definitely been some unknown tension between us. But now with Sapnap visiting him soon to sooth him, I wasn't sure what else could be the matter.

George: 'I have no idea what you mean Clay.' I roll my eyes down at my phone, knowing George would never spill his guts to me over text. I hesitate only slightly as I navigate through my screen until I was typing out his number. Instantly there was a dial tone and quickly after I could hear Georges hushed voice.

"Dream. Why did you call me? I'm- busy right now." Georges voice was almost like he was out of breath, like he'd just gotten done working out. I don't pay much mind to it and go on to question him.

"Busy? With what, we just got done filming. What could you possibly be doing this fast?" There was a sound like George was exhaling then a shuffling motion.

"Are you walking around or something George? You sound out of breath and I keep hearing- I don't even know what I'm hearing actually. What is that?" Just then the sound faded and George was clearing his throat loudly.

"It's nothing. And no, I'm not walking. I'm in bed." He was acting off again, and it only made my curiosity skyrocket more.

"Well what could be so important in bed that you were so busy to not be able to just talk to me then?" I hear a chuckle on George's end then silence. I didn't know whether to feel annoyed or amused by his mysterious demeanor at this point, so I just chose to add;

"Just answer me George." I was met with more silence, but just as I was about to say more to him, he was finally exhaling;

"Wanna know that badly Dream, really? You want to know what I'm doing that is so important?" I was now strolling over to my own bed this time, feeling the effects of just filming for hours, and now George was draining even more stamina from me having to question him so far. I don't hesitate with my answer when I say;

"Yes. Tell me." George sighs softly then I hear the strange shuffling return like before.

"You asked for it, remember that." I don't say a word, now I was totally trained in on what George was about to tell me, feeling slightly amused now, no longer annoyed with him. I knew what was about to come, George would make some stupid joke about my mother sneaking over in his bed or something like that. But when he speaks I don't get anything of the sort;

"Like I said, I was very impressed with how you performed in the manhunt-." Georges voice sounded mostly the same, only now he was whispering significantly quieter, as if he might make a crack in his voice if he were to talk any louder. He was slow to add after I didn't say any word back;

"I might have been a little too impressed with it Dream." This time as he talked for the second time, his voice pitched up as my name left his mouth, and out came a breathy sigh, sounding much too different that I was used to hearing from him over calls. I tilt my head at the noise leaving his throat, unsure what was happening anymore, even more interested in what he was getting at.

"I don't know what you mean by that George." I was now at the point of feeling too many emotions at once. Confusion, awkwardness, and even some tension. I didn't know what to do when George replies next saying in a whining tone;

"I- I couldn't even wait until we were off the call either this time. I just had to. And I could hear your voice this time when I did too. Until you ended the call with me, but now-" I was waiting for the big punchline from him, that he was totally joking and fucking with me, but all I heard in his voice was a sincere shakey George. I don't interrupt him, I simply stay there lying in my bed awaiting for more.

"-Now I have your voice again and- I know it's wrong but you've made me feel this way Dream. For awhile." Georges voice was picking up much louder now, sounding like he was ready to maybe start crying, and it was then that I finally decided to speak.

"What's wrong George? What- are you doing?" The moment I utter his name a groan was leaving him, sounding ever so slightly irritated with me.

"Stop saying my name like that-."

"George, please, just tell me what you're doing so I can help." An almost squeaky type noise leaves his throat and he was shuffling nearby again.

"I can't, because you wouldn't help." Georges voice was leaving him so sweetly now, sounding like he was right in front of me instead of over the phone. It was enough to send a wave of shivers down my body, ending in a place I was all too used to feeling. Only this time I was feeling it for George and his tantilizingly cruel words. I just wanted him to get to the point.

"I'll help you if you just tell me. Say it for me." What was I doing? I knew Sapnap was in a couple rooms over and could easily walk in or hear us. How could I explain to him what I was doing on the phone with George, as I slipped my hand down the waste line of my pants, listening to Georges perfectly whiny voice.

"Dream- say my name once more. It makes me so-" I couldn't hold back now as I slid down my boxers then and sent a few fingers down to carress myself eagerly. Surely George must be doing the same exact thing but was too nervous or scared to admit it to me. That he must be touching himself to my voice, and I was doing the same damn thing back.

The minute I touched my dick and felt just how painfully hard I was, I didn't stop going any further. The feeling of my dick in-between my fingers while hearing Georges hitched breathing over the phone was a sensation I never knew I needed. Something I never knew I'd get from him. It felt wrong to be doing this with my best friend, but that also made it feel better.

"George. C'mon- you need to tell me- tell me-" Our voices sounded the same now, out of breath and breaking anytime we spoke. It was pathetic.

"-tell me what's happening." I could hear another different sounding movement, and from Georges next words I knew he had nodded a no at me;

"Don't hate me-" I can hear him swallow a watery gulp and I was fast to explain;

"I could never George. Just say it. I want to- make sure I'm right. So I can help with it." It must have been what George had been wanting to hear from me. A confirmation of the fact that I was feeling the same way as George was right now. That I was maybe even harder than he was as I stroked my dick to his breathes, because instantly he was letting out a high weep as he said;

"Oh God."

"Please." A mumble is heard sounding something like a 'mhm' from George, then after what felt like too long, his next words finally breathe out of him and I can let out the same moans as Georges;

"I'm touching myself Dream. A- Are you touching yourself too?" My hand that had previously halted from stroking myself instantly started up again, knowing the truth now. It felt too good knowing that this whole time he was hard for me. For so, so long he had felt that way. It only made me harder for him.

"Fuck yes I'm touching myself." It's not completely what I want to say, but it's all I can manage at the moment. I'm too shell-shocked to really tell George that I wished I could see him, and not only him, I want to watch him down below as he massages his cock in his pants too.

"Holy shit. Really?" I almost laugh at his question, but only let out a scoff.

"Of course I am. I could show you- if that's what you want?" Another lengthy fuck leaves George and I know he's barely able to handle another second of this.

"Dream, I can't believe- fuck-."

"So is that a yes or no? You need to use your words Georgie."

"I just want to- talk. I want to imagine a little longer." It was obvious from the shake that now occupied his voice that he was nervous, and it only excited me more.

"Okay then, let's talk." George whispers a small yeah then adds;

"How uh- how long ago did you start to-." Goosebumps enter my body again and I am unsure just how much longer I can wait on George, to finally see him. All of him. I puff out some air and answer confidently;

"Not long ago. My turn then. Are your pants off?" George starts speaking again but he sounds ten times more relaxed this time when he says;

"They were. When we were in the first call. After we got done filming. But after you called me alone I put them back on. I felt guilty. I can- take them off for you again-."

"No, no. Keep them on, just for now." Interrupting me, George let's out an almost scarce yelp as I talk, not expecting it. Then when I finally get my point across, he simply sighs;

"Okay-." He only pauses momentarily when he exhales as if debating whether he should say what he wanted or not then ultimately adds;

"I think I'm- ready to show you now-." George is suddenly shifting in his spot reminding me that all those times I heard his movements were him feeling himself for me, because of me. I let out a soft moan as I reply;

"Stay on the call. We can just send pictures." George exhales like he was happy I suggested it then there was more sounds until there was just silence.

"George?" I sit up in bed taking my hand gripping myself from my pants finally, wondering what he was up to, letting out an amused smile he wouldn't even see. There's still no response until there was suddenly a notification at the top of my screen. Snapchat from Georgie 💙

"I wanted to go first. Open it." George's voice was strong and seductive now, and only even more breathless as he spoke. I hear countless moans from him and know he was back to feeling himself as he waited for me to open his picture. And I didn't want to waste even another second. I swipe open the app and on top was George's red square, tempting me to click it. When I do, my hand shakily falls back down to my dick.

It wasn't Georges face paired with it all like I wanted, instead it was a very teasing pose. George was fully clothed sitting up on his bed, leaned back on his knees, one hand pulling down on his gray sweatpants, just enough down to only show his v-line under his boxers. He was teasing me.

"You did such a good job today- you deserve this." I let out a groan, hating how good his voice sounded teasing me purposely.

"Are you gonna make me beg for it or something?" A malicious laugh echoes across the phone and I decide then not to go easy on him. If he was going to play with me, I'd do it right back. I exit out of his photo and head to my own camera this time. As soon as I'm there, I'm pulling Georges exact pose, only I pull up my shirt so my chest was also in view with my v-line like his was. I would one-up him each time if that's how he wanted to play. I quickly send it without a second thought.

Seconds pass and there is nothing but silence from George and I notice he hasn't even opened the photo yet.

"Oh c'mon. Don't make me wait." George exhales softly then I see the notification that it was finally opened on my screen. I'm toying with myself more than ever now as I imagine how he was looking at it. The same harmless picture he had sent, only slightly different. Was he taking so long because he was jerking himself to me? My stomach flutters thinking it and I can't hold back from saying;

"Your turn George."

"Fine." By the sound of his voice, he most definitely was touching himself again and was ready to get back at me for it. Seconds pass again and another picture is sent.

"Fuck Dream, just open it already." He was back to whining again, and it only told me just how revealing his next picture would be. I open it and was so right. On screen is George, still no face but this time much more was visible. It was still definitely a tease, but I had asked for it. Georges stomach was exposed as he layed down, firmly gripping his obvious bulge in his sweats, pulling down slightly more than last time to show only a part of his cock. I let out a groan, wanting more instantly.

"I need more."

"Me too- fuck, let me see your face." He spoke as if I would get angry with him for even suggesting it at all, like it was crossing boundaries, as if we hadn't already passed a million tonight with this phone call alone. Afterall, George had already seen my face, and I was wanting the same from him. I knew giving George what he wanted meant I'd get it in return, so swiftly I was pointing my camera angled at my face as I snapped a picture finally.

Instantly George opens it. I knew he would be seeing not only my face, but now my entire dick pulled out from my pants, out in plain sight for him. George hums a sweet high pitch as his breathing starts rhythmically and I know he's stroking himself faster than ever now.

"Tell me how much you like it George. My cock, nice and hard for you. Would you suck it if you were here with me? When you live here?" A fatal moan exits his mouth and panting can be heard soon after.

"Yes, yes, holy shit yes. You're so-." I'm copying his noises in an instant only I'm removing my pants completely at last to give me more freedom of jerking my dick to the whimpers he created. It takes me until then to notice that George had screenshotted the photo, but I don't mind even a little.

"Give me what I deserve for real this time George." He sounded so much like he couldn't last much longer but was holding out just for me. He was oh so pathetically moaning out my name as he whined a soft;

"Anything for you." It didn't take long for shuffling sounds, breathless exhales and moans to be happening from George. Snapchat from Georgie 💙 I groan and prepare to open what I had been hoping for all night.

"Dream- I can't last much longer. Tell me how much you like it, please-." I'm simply stuck looking at the photo of George laying down completely shirtless, face a pink mess in view and down below was his hand gripping his hardened cock out for me to see at last. It was painfully hard, that much was obvious, but his size is what made me unable to look away. I copy George and take a screenshot.

Then the second I know I'll have it for my own later, I was dragging my head back and roughly stroking myself, letting out just as whining sounding as George. Our moans harmonized together, every once in awhile breathing out lengthy exhales from deep down in our throats, needy and cruel for one another.

"Dream tell me what to do- I'll do anything. I'm so close-." I was just as close as George was, if anything annoyingly even closer to cumming than he was. I held back and answered just as truthfully as I wanted;

"I want a video."

"Okay-." I quickly stop him, knowing he would just take a video for me, but that wasn't what I meant, so I add breathlessly;

"On FaceTime." He's blowing out and inhaling a needed breath when he gives in easily, groaning;

"Fuck-." The next thing I knew the call was being switched over from a normal call to FaceTime and there on the screen was Georges speckled face, biting his lip and looking for me frantically. Neither one of us say anything, all we do is watch eachothers faces perfectly blushed. It was George who moved first, his camera angling slowly downwards so I could watch as he reached for his sweats. He lowers them ever so slowly, clearly in a teasing manner until his cock slaps up against his stomach. My mouth drags open at the sight then words were flying out before I could even notice them;

"Take off your sweats for me completely. And do it slowly." The words leave my throat before I even know I want to say them, but with it out in the open, I know it's exactly what I wanted. I'm still watching Georges face in frame as he starts doing as I ask. I'm lowering my camera at the same angle now too, only gaining a crying moan from George. I'm watching, unable to pay attention to anything else as George slowly slides down the rest of his clothes until he was totally naked.

George only sits there when I don't say anything, then I'm brought back out of my trance by George bucking forward his hips, as if he was wanting or wishing I was there in front of him to take it for him. He doesn't touch himself, I could tell if he did then he would be cumming fast. And that was exactly what I wanted. I needed to see Georges face as he came for me.

Instantly I was copying George. I don't touch myself just like he was and resort to thrusting into the air, just letting it bob up and down for George to enjoy.

"You're so hot Dream- tell me when you want me to cum. I'm almost there-." Georges face scrunches up and his eyes roll back until all I see are the whites of them. He's bucking for dear life but not daring to cum until I say so, just as he said he would. I couldn't last any longer if I tried, I knew that, but it in know way stopped me from demanding;

"Set up your phone somewhere. You're not cumming yet." Georges eyes whip open and he was finding me again. He understands what I say obviously as he sets his phone on a ledge of some sort, but he gives me a confused look along the way, unsure why I wanted it just yet. I do the same and put my phone so I now had use of both of my hands, then I step back so I was totally in view, just like George.

"Please Dream, I need to cum." He was now basically kneeling down on his bed now, still humping the air as if it would even give any friction. I kneel down with him and move my hand back to cup my dick again. George sees me and begins moving his down too. It was like every move I did, George needed to copy me. That was until I narrowed my eyes at him, making him stop entirely.

"Fuck Dream, this is torture." I let a giggle slip through then shrug at him, knowing just how tantalizing I was being. I knew I could give him his way now and watch George splatter all over his bed sheets, but I wanted George longer than that. I let my gaze follow around his bed until I see a body pillow along the end of it, granting me with an idea.

"Want to cum? Use that pillow." Georges eyes snap over at his pillow and all he can do is just stare.

"Pretend it's me. Use it George. Cum." That was when my idea didn't seem as much of a crazy thing to him anymore, instead his eyes blazed red with desire and want to do exactly as I demanded. George is slow grabbing it, still obviously shy and put on the spot, knowing I was watching his every move. I found myself surprised with myself for just how much harder I never knew I could get as I watched him kneeling even farther downward.

"Clay-." George whimpered my name as he bent over, dick lowering towards his pillow, then he was folding it over so it was a good height and laying his dick slowly on top of it. I watched closely while George began thrusting on it, his back arching and bending with every stroke onto it. I knew it was giving him just enough friction to finally be close again. My hand was returning to stroke myself in an instant, wanting to give up and cum before George even got the chance to.

He's speeding up, and I just barely hear my name again being groaned out as he shoved his face into his bed, fucking his pillow as if it really was me now. Then I'm frozen in my place when George's head is lifted and he was finding my lidded gaze. His face reflected mine, only his mouth dragged open and his eyebrows were arched with pleasure as he continued fucking his pillow for me.

"Shit- keep going George- you look so good-." I hadn't even realized it when I copied his stance and began thrusting just like he was into my hand, wet sounds from my precum filling the room so loud I was afraid Sapnap would definitely hear for sure now. Georges mouth lags open even more now as he watched me fold pathetically until finally I was cumming into my palm.

"Fuck- fuck-." I manage to keep my eyes open long enough, as hard as it was with how truly amazing it felt, to perfectly watch George twitch out all of his cum onto his pillow, knowing we both wished it was me instead. I sit there as I watch George collapse onto his wannabe 'Dream', knowing I was still absolutely rock hard and needed more, but I don't move. I just stare at George breathing heavily atop his bed, and it became more apparent he was simply hiding his bashfully pink face.

I lean back so I was now sitting comfortably when I ask;

"All of this because I was good at a block game. Really George?" A giggle penetrates from below him then he was coming up from his bed to study me. Georges hands were cowardly covering most of if face, clearly as shy as ever when he said;

"It was really impressive though-." I tilt my head at him and see his eyes lower on my body suddenly, then he was making a gasping type noise. I look down at exactly what he was watching for him to finally groan out;

"I think it's your turn to use your pillow now, right Dream?" I laugh at him, knowing he was joking but I was already across the room finding a pillow I had launched off my bed at some point from when we first started this whole mess. As I grabbed my pillow, knowing George and I weren't about to get much sleep tonight, I decided this definitely wouldn't be the last manhunt afterall.

Especially if that meant having George after them from now on.