Blacksteam Factory

Amaria" Seems like exit is close."

Ace " Let me help."

Before Amaria ask, we were on rooftop.

Amaria " What?"

Ace " You like my tricks ~"

Dukhan ' Teleport.'

Ace " Now, I will help Cain."

And he vanished.

Amaria" let's go."

I followed her on and entered the gate.

Meteor grunts" H-how you get in here?!"

Amaria" Team meteor, I am not surprised. Now move."

Meteor grunts" Try your best!"

And they got smack down by Amaria's Level 85 POKEMON!!!

Meteor grunts" S-SHE's TOO STRONG!"

And they ran away. We moved forward and came across a pincer attack by team meteor. Amaria called out Deliverance.

Amaria" Icicles."

Grunts moved aside.

Amaria" Dukhan, you go ahead. I can handle them."

I went ahead and came across Ace.

Ace" Do you think I am working as double agent for you among them?"

Dukhan " No."

He sighed.

Ace " Since when?"

Dukhan " From the moment, we met in HQ."

Ace" Man~ You are perceptive and dangerous. So, you should be taken care of."

Floor under me opened and I lost consciousness with fall. When I woke up, I was locked in with some Pokemons and a grunt who was sleeping at watch with my Pokeballs and Struggling Pachi with a electric proof trap thingy?

Dukhan' Such a cliche situation.'

I walked around and came across a loudred, a sleeping Abra, quilava, rogenrola, vanilux, makuhita, ditto and Jigglypuff. When I went to loudred, his yell almost deaf me.

Grunt" Huh? What's you doing? Whatever, for you to come out. You have to first burn the bars then freeze them and if you smashed some rocks. Then, you are free which in your case. IMPOSSIBLE!!!"

I went to Abra and got some type of link with him. I then went to makuhita, which got teleported! Then I went to Jigglypuff which sang me to sleep. -_- Turned out Both Abra and grunt were sleeping.

I got an idea and went to loudred which made me deafy. Then I went to Abra and teleported quilava Infront of bars. But I lost the link. I went to Abra and linked up. Then to quilava and asked him to burn the bars.

Meanwhile, Our guard was sleeping 🙂. Quilava burnt the bars, I repeated the process again and I replaced vanilux with quilava. IT froze the bars two times, then I replaced vanilux with rogenrola which finally broke the bars and I freed Pachi.

Pachi" Paaa!"

Dukhan" Miss me."

She snuggled with me, I took my Pokeballs and punched the guy.

Grunt" H-how you get out?!"

Dukhan" With pokemons."

I motioned to Pokemons.

Grunt" Damn! These daycare babies..."

I knocked him out by punch. I go further and came in big room filled with grime and ZEL with Boss😟.

???" You are annoying! But for your work, I will show you the Truth!"

zEl" Sir?"

???" It's okay, come Boy!"

I followed him to pulse Muk?

???" It's one of our first pulse Pokemons but it was incomplete that's why it's becoming a puddle of grime."

He looked towards me.

???" Still Azurine lake is destroyed. My name is Solaris and now you die!"

Dukhan' Give your best shot!'

Solaris" Those eyes....they are determined and fearless....that makes you dangerous...."

He sent out Garchomp.

Solaris" Dragon rush and kill him."


Amaria P.O.V.

After battling grunts, I came into a lab like place. I decided to gather Intel. After some time, Dukhan came. Team meteor boss revealed as Solaris actually revealed everything to him.

Amaria ' Even... Infront of death... he's fearless...'

Amaria " Reborn needs someone like him."


Dukhan P.O.V.

Amaria" Atlantica! Ice Beam!"

And Garchomp Froze up.