Pyrous Mountain's Lava System?

I went to Victoria in ground.

Victoria " So, you choose me. Even though you need the TM to save others. But as a student of Apophyl Academy, I will not hold back."

She sent out Pangoro and I sent out Serrr.

Victoria" Use bullet punch."

Dukhan " Use leaf blade on ground."

Pangoro missed the punch due to ash.

Victoria " Use payback."

Dukhan " Dodge and use leaf blade."

Serrr dodged the attack and slashed Pangoro.

Victoria " Use strength."

Dukhan " Use giga drain."

Serrr drained Pangoro after being smacked.

Victoria " Use vital throw."

Dukhan " Use giga drain."

Serrr drained Pangoro when it grappled Serrr.

Victoria sent Mienfoo and I sent out Airia.

Victoria " Use Fake out."

Dukhan " Protect yourself with extrasensory."

Airia was protected in a sphere from astral hands.

Victoria " Use rock tomb."

Dukhan " use Zen headbutt."

Airia barely dodged and smacked it.

Victoria " Use drain punch."

Dukhan " Use extrasensory."

Mienfoo was smacked down.

Victoria called out Alolan raichu and I called out Fang.

Victoria " use psychic."

Dukhan " use crunch."

Lifted up Fang bit raichu with astral jaws and came down.

Victoria " use thunder bolt."

Dukhan " use flare blitz."

Fang which was engulfed in blue flames tore through the bolt and smacked down raichu.

Victoria sent out gallade.

Victoria " use psycho cut."

Dukhan " use flare blitz again."

Psychic cut was destroyed and gallade was sent flying.

Victoria " use night slash."

Dukhan " use flare blitz again."

Both of them clashed resulting in an explosion. But Fang was only standing after smoke dissipated.

Victoria sent out incineroar and I sent out Gulp.

Victoria " use iron head."

Dukhan " dodge using bodyslam and use acid spray."

Gulp barely dodged the attack and sprayed acid on incineroar.

Victoria " use iron head again."

Dukhan " use sludge bomb."

Gulp blasted away incineroar after being blasted away. It got poisoned.

Victoria " use iron head again."

Dukhan " use sludge bomb again.

Gulp attacked first and blasted incineroar away.

Victoria " Congratulations! You win. I will go and inform Kiki."

I healed my team and left the academy and went to Pyrous mountain. This place was really hooot! But to cross this mountain I have to drain it's floors filled with lava. In this, a student helped me by breaking few rocks in pillars. I went ahead and did the same thing few times. I also battled few magcargos posing as rocks too. Still, IT was my first time using a lava drainage system. Sighed.

Finally, I made it to top and there was a guy meditating here?

Dukhan' There he is.'

I went to him.

Dukhan" Hey Cal?"

He stood up and turned.

Cal" Dukhan? Are you here to reprimand me? Don't worry, this academy had helped me a lot. I don't even have any grudges for my brother, to beat his ice Pokemons I became a fire trainer. I just want to apologise to Shelly."

Dukhan" Actually..."

Cal" Shelly.... and kids are kidnapped.... meteor...huh... THOSE BASTARDS!!!....NO!!!....calm yourself....inhale... exhale.... now... I am... better. Alright, let's battle."

He sent out Barbaracle and I called out Serrr.

Cal" Scald."

Dukhan" Side steps and use Leaf tornado."

Serrr" SERRR!"

Serrr dodged and trapped Barbaracle in a tornado with a swipe of his tail. His control on grass element was increased.

Cal" Slash."

Dukhan" Leaf tornado."

Barbaracle was trapped again and fainted. Cal calledout Charizard and I sent Pachi.

Cal" Fire punch."

Dukhan" Discharge."

Pachi" PAA!"

Charizard was zapped by few lightnings.

Cal" Dragon claw!"

Charizard" ROAR!"

Dukhan" Discharge again."

Pachi" CHI!"

Charizard fainted and Pachi's Cheeks sparked.

He sent out Typhlosion and I called out Cara.

Cal" Sunny day."

Dukhan" Use aqua jet to get close and crunch."

Cara" RAA!"

Cara flew in a weak aqua jet and bit Typhlosion. IT flinched.

Cal" Damn."

Dukhan" Use crunch."

Typhlosion was bit again.

Cal" Solar beam!"

Typhlosion" TYYY!"

Dukhan" Dodge with aqua jet and use crunch."

Cara" CAA!"

Cara barely dodged it and bit Typhlosion. It fainted. He sent out Magmortar and I called out Gulp.

Cal" Focus blast!"

Magmortar" MAG!"

Dukhan" Counter with Sludge bomb."

Gulp" SWAA!"

Both collided with a blast.

Cal" Thunderbolt!"

Magmortar" MOR!"

Dukhan" Use body slam to side step and acid spray."

Gulp Side stepped the lightning and sprayed acid on Magmortar.

Magmortar" MAAG!"

It's poisoned!

Cal" Lava plume!"

Magmortar" TAR!"

Dukhan" Tank IT and Sludge bomb!"

Gulp" LOT!"

Gulp tanked the attack and used sludge bomb.

Cal" Lava plume!"

Dukhan" Sludge bomb!"

Dukhan' Hope it gets slow.'

Gulp" SWA!"

Magmortar was slowed and got blasted.

Magmortar" MOR!"

Magmortar fainted. Cal calledout out Hakamo-o and I called out Airia.

Cal" Rock tomb!"

Hakamo-o" HAA!"

Dukhan" Fly up and use air slash.!

Airia" HOO!"

Airia barely dodged slamming rocks and slashed Hakamo-o.

Cal" Dragon claw!"

Hakamo-o" KAA!"

Dukhan" Extrasensory!"

Airia" HOO!"

Hakamo-o got jolted and fainted. He sent out Turtonator and I called out Gulp.

Cal" Revenge!"

Turtonator" TUR!"

Dukhan" Toxic!"

Gulp" SWA!"

Gulp barely survived and poisoned IT.

Cal" Head smash!"

Turtonator" TOO!"

Dukhan" Acid spray!"

Gulp" S-Swa."

Gulp fainted but he still attacked Turtonator. I called out Airia.

Cal" Head smash!"

Turtonator" tur.."

Dukhan" Extrasensory!"

Airia" HOO!"

Turtonator got jolted and missed his attack.

Cal" Dragon pulse!"

Turtonator" NAA!"

Dukhan" Fly aside and extrasensory!"

Airia" HOO!"

Turtonator jolted and fainted.

Cal" Sighs, to think I am still that weak. You should go now. I have things to do, I-I mean my meditation."

Dukhan' He's hiding something.'