Mirror Gym

Bennett" Pardon me but I always fight trainers who wants to battle with my mother. I hope you don't mind, I dream of becoming a gym leader."

I smiled.

Dukhan" Sure."

Bennett sent out larvesta and I called out Airia.

Bennett" Use flame charge."

Dukhan" Fly aside and use air slash."

Airia flew aside and slashed larvesta.

Airia" Hoo."

Bennett" Use zen headbutt."

Dukhan" Repel it with echoed voice."

Airia" Hoo."

Echoed voice sent it down.

Bennett" Use morning sun."

Dukhan" Use air slash."

Airia" Hoo."

Larvesta which healed up a little got slashed. Bennett called out venomoth.

Bennett" Use sleep powder."

Dukhan" Protect yourself with extrasensory and use air slash."

Airia protected herself from powder and air slashed it.

Airia" Hoo!"

Bennett" What?!"

El who was standing beside.

El' He could be a problem.'

Bennett" Use baton pass!"

Venomoth returned and vivillon came out.

Dukhan" Use air slash."

Airia" Hoo!"

Vivillon which just came out got slashed.

Bennett" Use signal beam!"

Dukhan" Fly aside and use air slash. Be aware of your surroundings."

Airia flew aside and slashed IT.

Airia" Hoo!"

Airia also dodged the beam coming from behind.

Bennett" Amazing!"

Bennett called out masquerain and I sent out Fang.

Bennett" Use hydropump!"

Dukhan" Dodge with flare blitz and Smack it."

Fang dodged the incoming water 💦 and burns IT.

Fang" Woof!"

Bennett" Use signal beam!"

Dukhan" Side steps and use flamethrower, beware of your surroundings."

Fang side stepped and burnt masquerain.

Fang" Woof!"

He also dodged the beam due to his hearing.

Bennett" That too!"

El' Argh!'

Bennett sent out Dustox.

Bennett" Use quiver dance!"

Dukhan" Use flamethrower."

Fang became confused and hurt himself.

Bennett" Use Signal beam!"

Dukhan" Side steps and use flamethrower."

Fang Side stepped and burnt IT.

Fang" Woof!"

But he still got hit due to confusion.

Bennett" Use moonlight!"

Dukhan" Use flamethrower!"

Fang was not confused anymore and burnt IT.

Fang" woof."

Bennett called out Butterfree and I called out Cara.

Bennett" Use signal beam."

Dukhan" Dodge with liquidation and use ice fang."

Cara barely dodged the beam and gave a chilly bite to Butterfree which freezed.

Cara" RAWR!"

But she got hit by beam.

Bennett" Use signal beam again!"

Dukhan" Use ice fang!"

Cara" RAWR!"

Cara was faster and bit IT.

Bennett called out venomoth and I sent Pachi.

Bennett" Use sleep powder!"

Dukhan" Dodge with quick attack and use Thunder ⚡!"

Pachi vanished before powder reach and appeared besides venomoth. Before anything, a thunderous sound heard from a cloud ☁️ above from which a Thunderbolt felled on IT.

Bennett" You win! you are awesome!"

Dukhan" You are not bad either."

El" Excuse me but aren't you dreaming a little. With your talent, you could be an elite four."

Bennett" R...really?!"

Dukhan' I have a BAD feeling.'

El" Yes, I have some friends. They might give you a chance."

Bennett" That would be great! Please come sir!"

He took him away. I went to Pokemon centre and healed my team. I went to gym battle arena now. It was like other rooms, filled with mirrors. Bennett and El were sitting in a room left side.

Serra" Dukhan, life is like a mirror. IT seems beautiful but with time it's either faded or shatter into pieces."

Dukhan' What's with mental disorders here!'

Serra called out Glaceon and I called out Fang.

Serra" Use Signal beam."

Dukhan" Side steps and use flamethrower, beware of your surroundings."

Fang side stepped and burnt IT.

Fang" Woof!"

He also dodged the incoming beam.

Serra" Interesting, use ice Beam."

Dukhan" Side steps and use flamethrower."

Fang Side stepped and burnt IT.

Fang" Woof!"

He also dodged the beam.

Serra' It can dodge by previous order or learning.'

Serra called out Alolan Ninetails and I called out Gulp.

Serra" Use nasty plot"

Ninetails" RAWR!"

Dukhan" Use gunk shot."

Gulp blasted away Ninetails and poisoned IT.

Serra" Use Aurora beam!"

Ninetails" RAWR!"

Dukhan" Dodge using strength and use gunk shot."

Gulp jumped aside and blasted away IT.

Serra' IT can jump!'

Serra called out jynx and I called out Cara.

Serra" Use focus blast!"

Dukhan" Dodge it with liquidation and use crunch."

Cara dodged the ball and bit IT, it flinched.

Cara" RAWR!"

Serra" Use signal beam!"

Dukhan" Use crunch!"

Cara" RAWR!"

Cara was faster and bit IT.

Serra' He used an attack for dodge.'

Serra called out Alolan sandslash and I called out Fang.

Serra" Use sworddance!"

Dukhan" Use flamethrower!"

Fang" Woof!"

Fang burnt IT.

Serra" Use brick break!"

Dukhan" Side steps and use flamethrower!"

Fang Side stepped and blasted away IT.

Fang" Woof!"

Serra" Such bonding."

Serra sent out Aurorus and I call out Cara.

Serra" Use thunder wave!"

Dukhan" Fly high with liquidation and Smack down it.!

Cara barely dodged the wave and smacked Aurorus.

Cara" RAWR!"

Serra' Remarkable!'

Serra" Use stealth Rock!"

Dukhan" Use liquidation!"

Cara" RAWR!"

Cara Smacked down IT.

Serra called out Froslass and I called out Fang.

Serra" Use shadow Ball!"

Dukhan" Dodge with flare blitz and Smack it."

Fang dodged and burnt IT.

Serra" Beautiful!"

Fang" Woof!"

Serra" Use pain Split!"

Dukhan" Use flamethrower!"

Fang was drained but he blasted away Froslass. With that, we won the battle.

Fang" Woof!"

Dukhan" We did it, partner!"